
Tanweer Center for Development and Human Rights

National Network

38 El-Nasr st., Floor 1, Flat 2, El-Tahrir city, Imbaba

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Chairwoman Fardos Ahmed Ali Executive manager; Hany Lotfy Aboel-komsan International relationships(Mayar Mahmuod and Yassmen Mahmoud Financial Administration Ahmed Fathy Legal support unit Heba Croum Voluntary work unit (Hassan Abdel-naeem and Ahmed Abdel-azez). Budget for year 2009 was 38000 L.E. funded internally through the board of directors.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support development, spread the culture of human rights, support and build the youth and develop new cadres to be able to contribute in the process of supporting the civil society which grows rapidly in Egypt and the Arab region through magnifying the youth abilities and developing the organizational abilities for the existing and the newly established organization.
Goals of the center
1) To increase the awareness level, spread the culture of human rights in the community and encourage the application of international standards.
2) To work on the strength and continuity of the civil community and to raise its abilities to contribute positively in building the future.
3) To concentrate on new generations from both genders to make them able to participate in the development plans and developing the civil community.
4) To work for supporting and strengthening the youth abilities and enabling them to make positive contribution in the society.
5) Enabling the young cadres to work with developed intellect with the civil community organizations.
6) To support the organizational abilities for the civil community organizations and to coordinate their efforts.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities done by the center:
A seminar for evaluating social work graduate's needs to face the labor market changes*
The first meeting for women leaders For more effective role in society*
The first workshop for youth on"The right to political participation."*
Tanweer center and Egyptian Center for women's rights united in solidarity to support the Sudanese journalist.
A meeting at Tanweer Centre for development and human rights.
training for faculty of law graduates "Cairo and Helwan Universities" on how to recieve prisoners complients and how to support them. and a second workshop for the national democratic partys' youth around the right to political participation

Contact (1) Full Name
Hany lotfy Aboel komsan


National Network

17 Sobki st Dokki

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
010 130 3333
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
NGO working in the field of cultural development with no employee just volunteers. Budget coming from the members and no funding yet. Has different projects like offer a new book for a child which is based on colleting books from people to offer them to children in need. Organising workshops and seminars in different cultural field including education of children general information about constitution and writes. Organising exchange cultural program between countries to present the different cultures to each others.
Mission and Objectives

General Culture activities

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Hozayen, Vice President of the board
Head of the organisation
Dina El Ghamry, President of the board
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Abdalla, Treasurer

Target Foundation

National Network

Port Said Governorate
Unite 407- Memphis ST. El El Shapory Building

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Target foundation . nonprofit organization. . Social Solidarity applicable laws .. established in the city of Port Said .. and the geographic scope of its work, "the Arab Republic of Egypt," Structure of the organization: The Board of Trustees consists of five members and they (the Chairman of the Board of Trustees - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees - General Secretary - Treasurer - Member of the Board of Trustees), and the number of staff by 15 employees. Budgetary resources available in a year: Available resources totaling US $ 12,000 per year. Sources of funding:(contributions of Member - donations from sponsors - administrative expenses for training). Modalities of action (seminars and workshops - held protocols with organizations, institutions and government - work programs in development, culture and knowledge - accountable community - training and upgrading skills. Main partners : (Hassan and Hussein Industrial Park - Directorate of Education - Directorate of Health )  
Mission and Objectives

Fields of work of the Foundation:
-cultural and scientific services
-care of special categories and Alamaaqaan
-awareness of constitutional and legal rights
-Economic Development
-Human Rights
-family and child care
Our Vision:
Tap potentials and develop them into better participation and team work and looking forward to the work programs and projects
Developmental developer and transform negative energies into positive.
Our  letter :
The Foundation's message in the basic values ​​and rights outstanding, sustainable development, which is to:
*Community Development:
The right of every member of society to acquire a lot of knowledge, which enhances the skills and abilities, and also have the right to
Possible qualify as abilities and skills gained in empowerment within the community
*Special Care Categories:
Each institution is concerned with providing support to the special groups and the poor and marginalized and connect them in a way natural resources
Fair and impartial, without any obstacles and be reintegrated with society fully without discrimination.
*Partnership and mechanisms of development:
Of the basic growth and development components is to unite all efforts and possibilities select targets and mechanisms of constructive work
Effective and well thought out strategic plans and this requires a system of specialists and qualified in all individuals
Therefore areas institution adopts teamwork and partnership and cooperation protocols with the institutions and bodies
And academies in all disciplines to achieve goals and reach tangible results in addition to community dialogue And accountability.

Main Projects / Activities

- Seminar entitled with ( Disability In light of the constitutional and legal rights )
Integration in education between the challenges and expectations, Date on March
- Free professional diploma for the rehabilitation of special education specialist / The Qualifying Program for people with Disability, Date on April .
- Support and development of technical education and public / activation of technical workshops to increase the local production, Date on April .
- Project "participated" societal accountability in the fight against corruption in cooperation with "International Development Support & Consulting" , Date on September.
- Free Diploma  for the training of trainers and communication & learning skills , Date on September.
- Radio-mail and media specialist program to display the questions and suggestions of community groups through talk shows and online forums and display features and problems faced by both: (workers - employees - decision makers and service providers - recipient of the service and the public)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Our Foundation has a network of local relationships and good contacts with various institutions and decision makers through several cooperation protocols, which was held with the authorities, which provide logistical support and resources needed.
-And allow us to hold seminars, conferences and workshops targeting different community groups, especially marginalized and remote areas.
-We can help in the work of the necessary training and serving specific programs and projects.
-We have a network of electronic media platforms, which helps to publication and documentation media and ٍsocial media communication.
-The scope of work of the Foundation in all Governorates in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Analinda Foundation has a wide network with institutions and organizations in various fields, as you are social and cultural programs characterized by extreme professionalism and team work to a high standard, and we need to support the work of the founders of our organization and the team has.
-Analinda Foundation is also famous for the work of the continental youth conferences, which brings together cultures and exchange of diverse experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shrif Haleem
Job Title
Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Amr Shaikhon
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Mohany
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Tawasol Foundation To empower women

National Network

113 Al-Tura Al-Boulaqeya Street
Cairo Governorate

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

مؤسسة مركزية تعمل من اجل تمكين المواطنين من حقوقهم الاساسية عدد الموظفين 5 المؤسسة تعمل ضمن تحالف يضم 25 منظمة التمويل الشركاء ميبى المجلس القومى للطفولة والامومة نفذت المؤسسة عددة مشروعات لحماية النساء والاطفال وايضا فى متابعة الانتخابات المحلية الفئات المستهدفة هم الشباب والمراة الريفية والاطفال A central institution that works to empower citizens of their basic rights Number of employees 5 An organization working within a coalition of 25 organizations Funding partners Meiby The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood The organization implemented the purpose of the children And also in following up the local elections The target groups are youth and women from families and children

Mission and Objectives

حقوق الانسان تفعيل دور المراة فى المجتمع التمكين الاقتصادى للمراة المهمشة human rights Activating the role of women in society Economic empowerment of marginalized women

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تمكين النساء مشروع تدعيم المشاركة الشعبية Women Empowerment Project Project to strengthen popular participation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ثقافة الحوار تكاد ان تكون منعدمة فى بلدى ولذلك سوف نعمل على تدعيم فكرة الحوار والمشاركة The culture of dialogue is almost non-existent in my country. We will work to strengthen the idea of ​​dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

شركاء جدد رفع قدرات موظفين المؤسسة تنفيذ برامج المؤسسة New partners Staff Capacity Building Corporation Implementation of enterprise programs

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
diana nazer
Job Title
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Diana nazer malak

Teens Club

National Network

Office 321A, The Greek Campus, Downtown

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Teens Club is the first entity focuses on teenagers in Egypt and provide them with essential life and labor skills that are required to participate in the labor market.  Teens Club is selected as a social enterprise which's selected as one of the top 12 promising social enterprises in Africa by MasterCard Foundation and Anzisha Prize. We have the largest network of students who've great startups and ideas. with more than 7000 participants in our entrepreneurship programs, Our network expand to include 35000 students who want to make change and set startups helping others having a better life and also generate a profit. Currently, we've 50 volunteers and 22 partners including British Council, UN Women, African Leadership Academy, Harassmap...etc We're running 4 projects till now and about 7 workshops per month for our benefeciaries.
Mission and Objectives

 Enhancing the youth particpation in the ecosystem=  
 Preparing the next generation of young leaders and entrepreneurs=  
Providing international opportunities for teenagers and young people in Egypt and Middle East=  

Main Projects / Activities

= Workshops about (Entrepreneurship - ICT - Arts - Debating)
= Young Arab Voices program with British Council and Anna Lindh Foundation
= Youth Shutter Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Currently, Teens Club expands and scales up over the entrepreneurship and NGOs communities as we  made a lot of achivements and goals within short duration and limited resources. 
Teens Club has a network of 35000 students and young entrepreneursin Egypt, over 4 years of working with teenagers we now have 7000 direct customers and beneficaries, made a lot of 150 workshops, 9 events, and 22 partners. If Teens Club becomes one of Anna Lindh network member, we'll help other members by getting them accessed to our network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Firstly, we'd like to join a new network of entrepreneurs and young leaders from different regions of the world to learn more from their different types of experiences and knowledge, also to help them with our knowledge and share our experience.
Secondly, we'd like to share the knowledge we'll gain from the foundation and its network to our local community and network of entrepreneurs from Egypt and Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Abdelazem Abdelqawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aly Abdelazem

Teens Club

National Network

The GrEEK Campus - Downtown
Office 321A - Third floor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Teens Club is an alternative community for teenagers in Egypt especialized in informal education and arts , headquartered in The GrEEK Campus, Downtown .  Teens Club started its activities at 2013 with dialouge programs. Since 2013, Teens club database has increased to 30,000 participants in our workshops and events.  
Mission and Objectives

, For 3 years, we have alot of objectivies and missions some of them have already achieved : 
1- More than 100 Workshop have been take place in Teens Club
2- About 5000 particpants have ateended our workshops
We have some objectivies to achieve in next 3 years :
1- Participation in the civil society in Egypt as the voice of teens in Egypt
2- Establishing other branches in the upper Egypt
3- Reach more than 50,000 Particpants in our workshops and events

Main Projects / Activities

1- Participated in Young Arab Voices project since 2013 and have alot of rragional and local awards
2- "Youth Shutter" Program with UN Women 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By reaching the teens in Egypt through our database and activities .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make the bridge between the teenagers and global opporunities and the civil society programmes which are unreachable .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Abd el-Azem Abd El-Azem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aly Abd El-Azem
Contact (2) Full Name
Saif Tarek
Job Title (2)


National Network


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Centre

National Network

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, PO Box 138, Chatby (21526)

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) documents and researches the tangible and intangible heritage of Alexandria and the Mediterranean, whilst aiming to promote dialogue and exchange in the region. It seeks both to preserve the past and to promote the future development of the city of Alexandria. • Sources of Funding : Bibliotheca Alexandrina • Concrete projects, exchanges, publications, seminars. Main partners : • Euro Med Heritage, • London Metropolitan University, • MMSH (Maison Mediteraneenne des Sciences de l'Homme), • The Anna Lindh Euro Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue Between Cultures • European Commission • BJCEM
Mission and Objectives

To research , document and manage the tangible and intangible heritage of Alexandria, and relate it to the sustainable development of the city and to the rest of the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

Alex Med has been involved in over 20 projects within the Mediterranean , to promote heritage, culture and Alexandrianism. Among the most important ones are:
1 .Monographs ( Prince Omar Tousson, The Zoghebs, Desmond O'Grady, Esther Zimmerli )
2. Med Voices (oral history and cultural practices in the Mediterranean- a major research project and partner initiative between London Metropolitan University and 13 institutions in the Mediterranean basin- Commenced June 2002)
3. Med Cities : Dialogue among Cultures (covers the business
4. Ramses II (network of Excellence of research centers in Human sciences on the Mediterranean area. The Ramses II network unites a group of outstanding skills and socialists within the different fields of the social sciences and the humanities. Through a series of interlinked – interdisciplinary seminars, the network should enable the emergence of new areas of research "Mediterranean Studies" in the years to come ).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sahar Hamouda, Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohamed Awad, Director

The Alexandria Art Association

National Network

Appt. 8 , 8 Keneset Debana Street , Ramleh Station

03/4868330; 03/4865843
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Since its registration in 2002, the Alexandria Art Association is working hard to achieve the following objectives :
1- To hold cultural, art, and scientific festivals, conferences, seminars
2- To provide services to new talents in all fields of arts.
3- To honour Alexandrians who have achieved credits in cultural, art and scientific fields.
4- To provide practical assistance to training our members, as well as raising cultural awareness between them.

Main Projects / Activities

1- First round : Proceeds from the Festival were donated to handicapped children in Alexandria
2- Second round : Proceeds from the Festival were donated to children with limited handicaps
3- Round three : Proceeds from the Festival were donated to hearing and speech impaired children in Alexandria
4- Round four : Proceeds from the Festival were donated to children of Southern Lebanon, victims of the Israeli aggression
5- Round Five: Proceeds will be donated to the Home for the Care of Children Being Treated for Cancer, in cooperation with the Egyptian Red Crescent.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir Sabry (actor & producer)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ouf Hammam (civil engineer)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Hassan Abbas; Ms. Magui Selim

the arab association for safety experts and professionals

National Network

5 ibrahim elhalaby st. , gleem

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
our aim is to fulfill all the needs in safety field.
Mission and Objectives

spreading awarness and culture of safety.

Main Projects / Activities

activities concerning safety and occupational health and environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
susie hedar faryd
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mohamed elboghdadly
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed el boghdadly
Job Title (2)