
Sting for Consultancy and Design

National Network

Building # 10
Road 107

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Sting for Consultancy and Design is a private development entrepreneurial venture that uses innovative approaches to mobilize technical and financial support for development endeavors in Egypt and the Middle East. We are a group of young development professionals that have a passion for promoting participatory development action and empowering youth. We are a group of development practitioners with a passion for participatory development action guided by a set of values that entail responsibility towards what we do, responsiveness to local contexts, flexibility, diversity and inclusivity, and working towards a meaningful cause. Sting for Consultancy manages its own projects in addition to offering high-quality project management, capacity building, training, and technical assistance services to public and private agencies engaged in community and organizational development.  Stakeholders include local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors, financial institutions, project teams, and government ministries.  Services are available in any combination of English and Arabic upon client’s requests.  Services include: • Non-formal Education and Capacity Development Programs • Professional Development Courses • Participatory Development Research and Needs Analysis  • Technical Assistance and Institutional Assessment of Civil Society Organizations • Development Project Management • Design Development Systems • Gender Mainstreaming and Sensitization • Human Capital Development • Monitoring and Evaluation Services
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to enable individuals and organizations to realize and utilize their full potential and cultivate sustainable change on the personal, professional, and societal realm. 
One of the core areas of focus at Sting is youth empowerment and human capital development.  Civic engagement is at the core of all programs implemented.
The philosophy of Sting for Consultancy revolves around participation, toward linking participatory processes and fostering partnerships with all possible stakeholders, tools and techniques to the practice of development in its entirety.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Partners include: 
Projects Implemented: 
This project aimed to establish a dialogue between young people, the civil society and government representatives using youth centers as platforms.
Sting was commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) to implement the project in 6 out of 16 targeted youth centers in the Greater Cairo Region.  The project entails the following set of interventions:
1- Identifying active civil society organizations, youth groups, initiatives, coalitions and other non-formal organizations
2- Outreaching for 150 active youth in the area to participate in the project
3- Conduct capacity development to civil society representatives and active youth in the newly created spaces in the areas: Participation, civil engagement, and peaceful resolution of conflicts, and effective dialogue.
4- Pave the way for constructive dialogue between civil society representatives, youths and decision makers through introducing dialogue forums at targeted youth centers.
This project aims to promote the culture of acceptance and combat stereotypes and prejudice surrounding political ideologies.
In collaboration with the Active Citizens Programme at the British Council, Sting will implement the project in 10 youth centers in five governorates; namely: Cairo, Alexandria, Sharkia, Minya, and Qenna.  The project entails the following set of interventions:
1- Creating links with youth initiatives that work on promoting effective dialogue, peacebuilding, and reconciliation.
2- Training a core group of lead trainers and co-trainers from among active youth initiatives as well as calibers from the Ministry of Youth
3- Conduct the active citizens programme in 10 youth centers, with the aim of motivating youth to generate ideas for initiatives that fulfill the project’s objectives.
4- Support youth technically and financially in implementing their initiatives at youth centers.
The objectives of Save the Children’s EVE program is to encourage and support progress in moving beyond traditional roles of women and men, and empowering both to become effective actors.  In order to contribute towards achieving those objectives, Sting was contracted to design and develop a user-friendly and printable Leadership for Change Manual .  The Manual focuses on the following:
• Building women’s and girls’ leadership skills including communication, negotiation, planning, influencing and conflict resolution skills,
• Enhancing women and girls financial skills through financial literacy and management
• Providing women and girls with new abilities to initiate positive change within their households and communities, and advocate for their rights.
Sting was also responsible for training of trainers in two targeted urban communities in Cairo and Alexandria, in order to enable social workers, gate keeper, and community leaders to master the Leadership for Change methodology and techniques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partner in projects, provide capacity development and insitutional assistance for other organizations, and assist in youth outreach.  We could also provide other organizations with links to active youth initiatives and youth networks in Egypt as well as share information on projects, activities, and opportunities for youth on webpages that we manage.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share and exchange experiences and resources

Contact (1) Full Name
Manal Saleh
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Manal Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Amir Abdel Galil
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Sting for Consultancy and Design

National Network

10 road 107, maadi
po box 11431

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Sting for Consultancy and Design is a social enterprise, located in Maadi, Cairo. Sting employs 10 full time staff members and 2 part time consultants. Beside the staff, Sting also coordinates more than 30 volunteers. Sting has cooperated with different organizations and agencies, mainly British Council, Care International, Save the Children, Catholic Relief Service (CRS) and UNHCR. Sting provides services for fees for national and international organizations in addition to receiving funding for project management. The services carried out by Sting include but are not limited of; consultancy services, project design, implementation and management as well as training, TOT and development of training manuals. The annual turnover in 2015 slightly exceeded 1.0 million which is equivalent to 125.000 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Sting´s mission is to help people realize and utilize their full potential and cultivate sustainable change on a personal, professional and social level and thereby improve standards of living. With a state of the art approach and non-formal education at the heart, our team at Sting has a passion for promoting participatory development and urge to adopt new, different and creative development approaches that are responsive to the changeably nature of civil society.  We seek to make a difference in the lives of the participants as well as in the societies that we work within.
Our philosophy being; participation towards fostering partnership with all possible stakeholders and linking them to participatory processes, tools and techniques that re-innovate the practice of development in its entirety.

Main Projects / Activities

Sting for Consultancy and Design are specializing in the areas of Empowering Women; such as women leadership building, Empowering youth; through training in active citizenship and dialogue, and Integration of Refugees; such as projects evolving around intercultural exchange, dialogue and peaceful co-existing. Furthermore Sting has experience in training, TOT and training manual development.
Examples of our main projects at the moment are:
Different and Equal: As part of the British Council’s Active Citizens Programme, The Different and Equal Project aims to promote the culture of dialogue, diversity, tolerance, coexistence, and peace among youth in the Egyptian society. As part of the project's implementation strategy, a model of multiplesectoral partnerships was created between Sting, the British Council, the Ministry of Youth, and youth initiatives that work on promoting effective dialogue, peace building, and reconciliation. In order to achieve the project’s objectives, Sting for Consultancy design a training module on promoting dialogue and intercultural diversity that is being delivered in two forms: firstly, residential 5-day youth camp, and secondly, 3-day cascade workshop. The camps and the cascade workshops are followed by youth social actions to promote the project’s cause. Social Actions are fully implemented by youth participating in the project and mentored by the Project’s team members.
Client: British Council
NilFurat: Project aiming at the economic empowerment of 70 refugee and host community women through a business model of a labeled product which is controlled in quality. The project engaged Egyptian master craftsmen in quilting to create a modernized product through a refined blend of refugees’ stories, drawings and traditional materials. It is intended that the product will bring together skills, symbols, traditional craftsmanship, stories and tools of expression of Egyptians and refugees in Egypt. The process of interaction, expression through art and production stimulated inter-cultural dialogue. It further gave necessary recognition of individuality and heterogeneity which are capable of cross-cultural communication.
Client: UNHCR
Besides the projects Sting participates in Erasmus+ youth mobility projects implemented by partners in the EU.  Sting also got accredited in March 2015 to host and send volunteers as part of the European Volunteer Services Program under the Erasmus+ program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

STING shares ALF and the National Network´s vision on building dialogue, understanding and exchange as tools in our work towards development and peaceful coexistence. We believe that through interaction and dialogue between different societies, cultures and classes, we can create stronger and lasting relations, which can contribute to improvement on all levels of society, national as well as international. We value our partners and respect the partnerships we create together as we are seeking to establish long lasting relations to partners, where we together can create projects, which reach their full potential.  We believe that partnership is powership and one of the main objectives in joining the network is to cultivate lasting relations with likeminded organizations that work in similar fields.
Involvement is essential to meet one another, engage in dialogue and reach full understanding between the different parties, therefore participation is a strong keyword in the projects we adopt and we engage fully within the communities of the projects as well as in our partnerships. Because of this we have establish a strong network, which includes the communities within we have implemented project, partners, trainers etc. Sting´s network is definitely a strong asset that we cherish and care for.
Furthermore Sting has experience in project enhancing cultural exchange, integration, development and peaceful coexisting and pool of devoted volunteers, who help in different activities of Sting. The volunteers all have in common that they share Sting´s passion for social development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that partnership is powership and one of the main objectives in joining the network is to cultivate lasting relations with likeminded organizations that work in similar fields.
We wish to be part of an international network, which we in partnership can create intercultural communication, partnerships and coexistence, as well as exchange experiences and build new relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stine Nørtoft
Job Title
Program Specialist
Head of the organisation
Manal Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Manal Saleh
Job Title (2)
Program Director


National Network

6 ش دار السلام - متفرع من عمر بن عبد العزيز _ طنطا

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
         تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT  وتأثيره فى زيادة نسبة التركيز بنقابة المعلمين بجمه     بجمهورية مصر العربية.          تدريب دبلومة إدارة الاعمال بمعسكر لأكثر من 14 دولة عربية بالمدينة الساحرة          شرم الشيخ بجمهورية مصر العربية. 2       تدريب مصابين 25 يناير على البرنامج الشهير LEADERSHIP بمعسكر اعداد                                           القادة بحلوان..بجمهورية مصر العربية.          تدريب بمعسكر بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة الفيوم بمعهد إعداد القادة والبرنامج               الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بمعسكر بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة القاهرةبنادى شباب الجزيرة                     والبرنامج الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة العريش فى المدينة السياحية البرنامج           الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة سوهاج فى المدينة الشبابية البرنامج             الشهير LEADESHIP.         .      .          تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT بقاعة المؤترات بمدينة نصر.          تدريب مجموعة  شركات أمل مصر المهندسين – القاهرة بجمهورية مصر العربية          تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  بفرع الجامعة الهولندية بجمهورية مصر العربية           VAN HOLAND.          تدريب البرنامج العالمى  TOT بمدينة بورسعيد جمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمدينة بورسعيد بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمحافظة القاهرة بجمهورية مصر العربية           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمحافظة الفيوم بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT بمحافظة الاسكندرية لمجموعة مدارس علماء                           المستقبل بالاسكندرية جمهورية مصر العربية. تدريب   تدريب مبادرة بناء وطن بجامعة دمنهور بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  بمحافظة الاسكندرية بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  لافراد الشرطة السلطانية بسلطنة عمان.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOTلافراد الشرطة بمعهد السلامة المرورية بسلطنةعمان
Mission and Objectives

رؤية الاكاديمية Stratos
"تدريب تقنـي متميز، وفقاً لمعايير الجودة الشاملة في بيئة تربوية تتسم بالإنسانية والإبداع ".
رسالة الاكاديمية Stratos
"تقديم برامج تدريبية متميزة في بيئة تربوية تتسم بالإنسانية والإبداع والقدرة المؤسسية والفعالية التعليمية، قادرة على: الإسهام الفعال في إعداد شخصية مختلفة ناجحة ذاتيا وفى سوق العمل ، وتنمية جوانب الشخصية المتكاملة لدى المتدربين، والمشاركة  الفعالة بين الاكاديمية  و المجتمع وسوق العمل".
أهداف الاكاديمية Stratos
يمكن تصنيف أهداف الاكاديمية على النحو التالي :_
أولا ً : أهداف تتعلق بالمتدربين :
•  تمكين المتدربين من المهارات المعرفية والعملية في سوق العمل وفى حياتهم الاجتماعية والشخصية.
•  تمكين المتدربين من ممارسة مهارات سوق العمل والتدريب عليها .
•  اكتشاف وتنمية جوانب الإبداع لدي المتدربين وتبني الأفكار الجيدة لديهم.
•  دعم المتدربين المتعثرين من خلال برامج تدريبية معتمده  .
•  الإسهام في تنمية جوانب الشخصية المتكاملة والمتوازنة روحياً وعقلياً ووجدانياً وانفعالياً وعاطفياً   والاجتماعية وجسمياً للمتدربين من خلال تخطيط وتنفيذ أنشطة تدريبية متنوعة.
•  القياس المستمر لأداء المتدربين أثناء التدريب وقبل تخرجهم وعلاج ما يظهر من جوانب قصور لديهم.
•  متابعة خريجي الاكاديمية Stratos للتحقق من انخراطهم في سوق العمل، وتوفير أقتراحات   بيانات الخريجين لأصحاب العمل، وتعريف الخريجين بأماكن العمل.
•  تنمية الإيمان بالله وطاعة ولاة الأمر وحب الوطن لدي المتدربين.
•  تفعيل مشاركة المدتدربين في المناسبات الوطنية والعالمية.
•  توعية المتدربين والمدربين بالتحديات المختلفة المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية.
ثانيا ً : أهداف تتعلق بالمدربين :
•  إتاحة الفرصة للمدربين لتنمية معارفهم ومهاراتهم التخصصية والتدريبية والإدارية ومواصلة دراستهم.
•  ضمان النمو التدريبي والتخصصي لمجموعة المدربين المعتمدين من أقوى الاماكن الدولية والحكومية  من خلال  الاستمرار في إعداد وتصميم وتنفيذ وتقويم برامج تلبي احتياجاتهم .
•  تنمية العلاقات الإنسانية والتواصل بين المدربين والمتدربين لتبادل العلاقات والخبرات.
ثالثاًً : أهداف تتعلق بعملية التدريب :
•  عمل دراسات للبرامج التى ستقدم فى الاكاديميةStratos  وتقديم التوصيات والحلول والمقترحات.
•  اقتراح التخصصات اللازمة لسوق العمل وتوفير كوادر مدربين على أقوى المهارات العملية والفنية.
•  التحقق من مواكبة محتوى مقررات التدريب التقني مع المعايير المهنية للتخصصات التقنية اللازمة لسوق العمل.
•  تبني استراتيجيات التدريب الإلكتروني، وإعداد وسائط تدريبية وتوفير مصادر تعلم  وتدريب للمدربين والمتدربين.
•  تبني برامج تدريبية مصممة ومعتمدة من جهات وشركات عالمية متخصصة في مجالات ( الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية وبرامج اخرى تخدم الشباب).
•  الاستخدام الفعال لنظم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتوفرة داخل الاكاديمية.
•  توفير  مقومات التدريب  في البيئة التدريبية بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  الالتزام بمعايير المصداقية والأخلاقيات المهنية في ممارسة الأنشطة التدريبية والإدارية والتدريبية بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تطوير إجراءات قبول الطلاب بصفة مستمرة بالاكاديمية Stratos .
رابعاً: أهداف تتعلق بالأنشطة التدريبية والمواد العلمية :
•  إقامة المعارض والندوات والمؤتمرات التي تسهم في تنمية ثقافة منسوبي الاكاديمية Stratos و أبناء محافظة الغربية  في مجالات ( الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية ... كل مايخدم أبناء وطننا الحبيب).
•  تخطيط وتفعيل الأنشطة التدريبية داخل الاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تخطيط وتفعيل الأنشطة الثقافية والاجتماعية .
•  توفير المجلات والنشرات والجرائد والكتب التى تعمل على زيادة مهارات الشباب والخريجين فى مجال الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية...وكل المجالات التى تخص الشباب .
خامسا ً: أهداف تتعلق بتوكيد الجودة في الكلية :
•  وضع خطة إستراتيجية لاكاديمية Stratos والعمل على تطويرها بصفة مستمرة.
•  تقديم البرامج التدريبية بالجودة والكفاءة العالية التي تؤهل شباب الخريجين  من المنافسة في سوق العمل.
•  اعتماد مبدأ الجودة الشاملة في تقديم التدريب والعمل الإداري بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تطوير الهيكل التنظيمي والإداري للاكاديمية Stratos ليواكب النظم الإدارية الحديثة.
•  عمل دراسة ذاتية للاكاديمية Stratos في نهاية كل عام تدريبي ووضع الحلول لعلاج جوانب القصور وتقوية جوانب القوة.
•  تبني سياسة العمل الجماعي التعاوني مع تحديد المسئوليات والمهام، و مراعاة الاختصاصات  والتخصصات.
•  تقديم  توصيف حديث للوظائف التدريبية والإدارية باللاكاديمية Stratos يشمل: المهام والمسؤوليات والحقوق والسلطات.
•  إعداد خطط تنفيذية لمواجهة الكوارث والأزمات التي يمكن أن تواجهها الاكاديمية Stratos .
•  إعداد فريق لتقييم الاكاديمية Stratos  أول بأول.
•  تطوير أنظمة تقويم أداء المدربين والإداريين بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تبني مفاهيم ومبادئ وأساليب الإدارة الحديثة في ممارسة الأنشطة التدريبية والإدارية باللاكاديمية Stratos .
•  تهيئة البرامج التدريبية باللاكاديمية Stratos للحصول على الاعتماد من جهات دولية وحكومية .
سادسا ً: أهداف تتعلق بخدمة المجتمع المحلي وتنمية البيئة المحيطة:
•  إشراك القطاع الخاص في توفير التجهيزات الأساسية للاكاديمية Stratos وتحديثها.
•  عمل دراسات استشرافية لتوجهات سوق العمل والتطور التقني ، لتحديد التخصصات التقنية اللازمة لسوق العمل المصرى وتحديد المهارات المعرفية والعملية اللازمة لكل تخصص، ورفع نسخة منها للاكاديمية Stratos.
•  فتح قنوات اتصال بين منسوبي الاكاديمية Stratos والمؤسسات الحكومية والأهلية ذات الصلة لتبادل الخبرات والمعلومات الحديثة .
•  تخطيط وتنفيذ بعض المقررات التدريبية بالتعاون مع أصحاب الشركات والمؤسسات.
•  قياس رضا اصحاب الشركات عن أداء خريجي الاكاديمية Stratos بصفة مستمرة، والإفادة من ذلك في تطوير برامج التدريب بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  التوسع في تدريب موظفين  الجهات الحكومية والقطاع الخاص .
•  الإسهام في تحسين النظرة الاجتماعية والثقافية لدى الخريجين  في سوق العمل.
•  الإسهام الفعال في تطوير ,طلاب الجامعات وطلاب الثانوية والباحثين عن عمل من خلال تخطيط وتنفيذ برامج تدريبية تهدف الى توعيتهم بمجال العمل وإشباع رغبات سوق العمل من خلال الاكاديمية  Stratos .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق المكان به قاعات مجهزة ومدربين متخصصين فى علوم التنمية البشرية بالاضافة لاننا جاهزين لاى اقتراح منكم بما يفيد شباب الغربية خاصة وشباب مصر عامه

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لاقتناعنا وان مؤمنين بما تقدموه من توعية وخدمات للشباب فنريد ان نكون جزءا فى خدمتهم من خلالكم

Contact (1) Full Name
sameh helal
Job Title
The development of a human expert
Head of the organisation
sameh helal
Contact (2) Full Name
sameh helal
Job Title (2)
The development of a human expert

Studio Emad El Din

National Network

18 Emmad Eddin, Downtown, Cairo - Egypt

+20 2 25763850
Telephone (other)
+20 2 25776948
+20 2 25776950
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ahmad El Attar (Executive Director)

Sun Of Egypt

National Network

101 Ter3t Elzomor St., Nasreddin next to Nasreddin Mosque, Haram, Giza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
 Young people studying in university.  Unemployed Youth searching for a job.  Youngsters that are welling to be a leader and working as volunteers.  Members up to 16 years old.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: Creative youth.. Capable of development in all aspects of life Sun of Egypt is a youth NGO based on voluntary work of young people aiming to develop themselves and their society. Our Mission: Encourage working on the development & youth creativity whilst preserving our Egyptian identity in the age of globalization by implementing charity work and indulging young aiming ideas through our youth who believe in their role in developing their society.

Main Projects / Activities

 Free Library for the youth’s use.  Internet cafe for the members.  We do 2 Exhibits for used cloths per year.  Visit & support the orphans in our city.  Trips & sports activities for youth in the summer.  Training courses in Soft skills, English fluency & Computer skills.  Awareness sessions for young women’s rights.  Ambassador of Egypt training course that qualifies participants to representative his country.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through my particiants and workshops promote for the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to have more activites on the international level and get more experinse

Contact (1) Full Name
May hosny
Head of the organisation
Mo'amen Maged

Supportive Homeland Association

National Network

84 D Gesr El-Suez St, Cairo, Egypt

+2 (02) 22597446
+2 (02) 22597446
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
General Information
In 2015, in accordance to state instructions, IDSC registered before the Ministry of Solidarity as “Supportive Homeland Association number 982). This restructuring as both a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization allow both sister entities to comply with the Egyptian legal corpus while continuing to serve social development through their initiatives
Mission and Objectives

Social Development: Contributing to the reduction of poverty by improving provided services, raising awareness and building capacities. More specifically, Supportive Homeland Association works within this area on three components:
1) Education and Literacy; 2) Health; 3) Support for civil society organizations and capacity building. This area of work is mandated to ensure the availability of educated, skilled, healthy and productive human resources that contribute efficiently to the local and regional development.
Peace building and citizenship: Working towards peaceful coexistence, creating community-based peace- builders with the capacities to address and transform conflict in a non-violent way. This is done by building the capacities of youth, social, and political activists on peace, conflict transformation, diversity, human rights, intercultural dialogue, gender and democratic development
Economic Development: Promoting demand for labor and labor absorption in the local and national economy through employment, social protection, developing professional attitudes, technical vocational skills of community structures and individuals, and improving the economic security of vulnerable households with special focus on women
All the three areas of intervention are interrelated and directly linked to each other as well as to other areas such as culture, heritage and media. With this understanding, Supportive Homeland Association always adapts a holistic approach during the designing and the implementation of its activities and services on the ground, not only to achieve the expected result, but also to contribute in promoting a comprehensive understanding of sustainable development on local and regional levels

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Empowerment Project: With the support of Relief International, IDSC worked together with local partners to provide 6000 youth in 6 governorates in Egypt with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and contribute to their communities, as well as the ability to assume leadership at a local level. In addition, the YEP program provided youth with problem solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills necessary to take the lead in addressing challenges hindering the democratic process in their specific localities. Finally, the project also established six youth centers in six different governorates to serve as political awareness academies and created an on-line portal in which interactive training curricula pertaining to issues tackled during the project are shared
Loamet Aish - Source of Living: After the success of the first phase, this project continued in 2015 with additional approaches. Its aim was to promoting peaceful coexistence among Syrian refugees and hosting communities in Damietta, through involving community structure and stakeholders in strengthen the economic security of vulnerable households (Egyptians and Syrians) with focus on women. The project relied on the resources of the Local Community Development Organization in Damietta, the support of Terres des Hommes, UNCHR and IDSC's six years of experience in providing career guidance, job counselling and capacity building of organizations and individuals. A quality restaurant was established to provide catering services in response to the neighboring factories' demands as well as to serve a wide range of customers
United we stand, divided we fall is a long term project that aims at promoting peaceful coexistence by bringing together three community structures (civil society organizations, church and mosque). This expanded their capacity to build a culture of tolerance to address their communities’ challenges together. Funded by MEPI and implemented in three governorates namely: Cairo, Behira and Sohag.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Supportive Homeland Association will act as an open source of information for the network members especially in the areas of Supportive Homeland Association experience (including. labor market, employment, civic education, youth political participation). 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through joining ALF network, Supportive Homeland Associationis seeking to increase its access to national and international NGOs with similar mission and objectives , in order to exchange experience and to cultivate multicultural partnerships. Also IDSC would like to share best practices in Egypt and specifically with Supportive Homeland Association implemented projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
maged hosny
Job Title
head of board of trustee
Head of the organisation
Maged hosny
Contact (2) Full Name
shady Amin

talat harb school

National Network

156 port said street Ibrahima Alex

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Student at middle 2
Mission and Objectives

Looking for relating with other nations and culturals

Main Projects / Activities

Team viewer.v10

Contact (1) Full Name
Weam Mohammed Fouad Hammad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
head of school

Tamasi Performing Arts Collective

National Network

36 Sherif Street, Downtown

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
TAMASI is a collective of 11 performing arts organizations from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine working locally, regionally and internationally. The organizations have been identified for their experience, diversity & artistic excellence, in addition to their firm commitment and strong vision for arts and culture as a pivotal contributor to the achievement of social and political justice. We have come together to strengthen, individually and collectively, our capacity to increase access to resources, withstand marginalization of the arts, break the isolation of Arab artists in general and Palestinian artists in particular, and contribute to the development of a more sustainable, viable and vibrant performing arts life in the societies where we operate and the region as a whole.
Mission and Objectives

Tamasi envisions a world of equality and diversity where free expression is the main pillar of social and economic justice, where societies share basic human values of respect for nature and life, and where co-motion is the constant that helps societies cope with and instigate change.
At the heart of this vision lies artistic expression as a vehicle and platform for social dialogue, instigator and trigger of social change, a means for resistance, and a most potent tool for forging a new social and political reality in MENA.
Tamasi perceives its role as:
A platform to voice opinions and ‘self reflect’.
An active agent in creating transformation, change and co-motion.
A main contributor to the world of social and economic development, human rights and freedom of expression whilst essentially continuing to be an artistic collective.

Main Projects / Activities

The availability of space for performing arts has been a long standing challenge in the MENA especially for independent groups.Tamasi therefore provides opportunities and ‘spaces’ as platforms for changing, challenging and dialoguing at the level of social discourse.
In doing this, we aim to increase and diversify access to performing arts with a particular focus on youth and the young generations and achieving gender balance through:
Reaching out to and engaging with underserved and marginalised communities.
Increasing the number and diversity of performances and productions in targeted countries.
Developing performances tackling current and taboo socio-economic and political issues.
Increasing access to performing arts spaces including non-traditional and public spaces.
Developing and holding training workshops for children and youth, especially in marginalised areas.
Engaging with policy makers to influence school curricula.
Holding and organising street festivals aimed at children and youth.The availability of space for performing arts has been a long standing challenge in the MENA especially for independent groups.Tamasi therefore provides opportunities and ‘spaces’ as platforms for changing, challenging and dialoguing at the level of social discourse.
In doing this, we aim to increase and diversify access to performing arts with a particular focus on youth and the young generations and achieving gender balance through:
Reaching out to and engaging with underserved and marginalised communities.
Increasing the number and diversity of performances and productions in targeted countries.
Developing performances tackling current and taboo socio-economic and political issues.
Increasing access to performing arts spaces including non-traditional and public spaces.
Developing and holding training workshops for children and youth, especially in marginalised areas.
Engaging with policy makers to influence school curricula.
Holding and organising street festivals aimed at children and youth.
Providing trainings, workshops, residencies and fellowships.
Providing targeted mentoring to burgeoning artists.
Organising, attending and hosting regional events and festivals providing opportunities for new artists to meet audience and develop their artistic skills.
Supporting joint artistic projects at the regional level.
Providing financial support to regional independent artistic organisations.
Providing artistic and managerial support to increase the capacity of independent artistic organizations at the regional level.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tamasi program aims at creating a strong, viable regional body at the regional and international level. We also work to reach out, support and collaborate with other artists and groups at the local and regional level to share experiences, learning opportunities and knowledge. We believe that with our experience in the fields of arts and culture, fundraising and cultural entrepreneurship, Tamasi will contribute to the network by offering assistance, knowledge exchange, mentorship and guidance to youth and aspiring artists and entrpreneurs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that networking is an essential aspect of our vision and mission to reach out for people. For this reason, Tamasi requests joining ALF Network to strengthen its sustainability and increase interaction between its members and other networks. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Amany Abouzeid
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Amany Abouzeid

Tamkeen Institution for Development (TID)

National Network

20A Adly street in front of the Jewish temple
Apartment 13, 5th floor, Al-Gamal passage, Downtown

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Development practitioners seek the enhancement of strategies aiming at the empowerment of the community to demand its rights. Hence, empowerment becomes a strategy and an aim for individual-based civil society initiatives. Even though a well-known term, “empowerment” has various definitions. “Community empowerment” can be defined as: people’s ability to confidently make choices and take actions on their own behalf from a position of economic, political and social strength. That is why empowerment is viewed as the final objective for interventions. Accordingly the main idea behind T amkeen Institution for Development ( TID)(Participation, Access, Ownership) emerged from theoretical and field practices proving that actual development is only possible through working on a dialectical synthesis of development, rights-based approaches, and political and economic approaches. Development runs into the vital and effective arena of politics, and hence comes the achievement of social justice as the main and essential condition for development, which in turn takes place through “empowerment”.    
Mission and Objectives


We dream of a society in which every individual enjoys his/her full rights: political, civil, economic, social and cultural without any form of discrimination based on age, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, class, origin or culture.


Empowerment and protection of children through ensuring their participation in the public sphere, access to resources and rights, and ownership of their destiny.

Protecting children by enabling them to access their economic, social and cultural rights.

Providing support to individuals and institutions active in the field of rights and child protection.

Empowering civil society organizations through contributing to the enhancement of their performance, and building their capacities to deepen the impact of their interventions with children in their local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

A. EmpowermentandprotectionofChildren: - Psychosocial support programs for children. - Empowerment of children by raising their awareness of their educational and
cultural rights using art, media and recreation. - Advocacy pertaining to children’s rights. - Planning activities and programs for children in relation to enhancing their
subjective and creative abilities.
  B. Institutional Capacity Building related Activities: - Planning and management of Campaigns. - Strategic and Operational planning. - Development of protection systems for children. - Institutional assessment.
- Psychosocial support programs for the children and their caretakers. - Monitoring and Evaluation. - Project Management. - Partnership.
- Proposal and report writing.

C. ResearchandStudies: - Researches in the field of child education and culture. - Researches related to the conditions of children in education, work, shelters,
juvenile punishment institutions...etc. - Researches in the field of advocacy and policymaking.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tamkeen will effectively contribute to the network through sharing its knwoledge, lessons learnt and diffrent field experiences that are related to its areas of expertise. Tamkeen also, will invite network members to its knolwedge seminars and other knowledge sharing activities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tamkeen looks forward to be active in both national and international networks . Tamkeen values partnership and networking and belives that a signicant community development is doable only when diffrent stakeholders are conducting a joint action .
Being member of a network will offer Tamkeen an opportunity to get exposed to diffrent experience not only on the national level but also on the international level. Tamkeen is interested to build national and international synergies with relevant actors. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Emad S. Emam
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Emad Shaaban Emam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ragai Moussa
Job Title (2)
Program Director

Tamkeen organisation for sustainable development

National Network

Alexandria Ibrahimia Beside Ethihd Restaurant
Alexandria Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information

Tamkeen is specialized and experienced in developing, improving and disseminating development methodologies in the field of youth and community development with an ultimate objective to qualify youth by providing them with the skills, know-how and aptitudes, as well as contribute in building the capacity of governmental and non-governmental youth-serving organizations.
Tamkeen primary concern is to create and tailor up-to-date and high-quality development methodologies, research tools, applicable practices of youth development and training delivery models. Our role is to provide youth with direct access to unconditional participation by providing them with practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives.
Realizing this dream requires creating and tailoring special educational curriculum, pre-service trainings and seminars, on the job trainings, local and national accredited systems and programs as well as mentoring programs to offer to all people of interest. This in turn leads to the development of the different sectors and spheres be them social, economic, cultural, or health related, etc in Egypt and the entire Arab world in a manner that complies with our cultures and traditions.

Mission and Objectives

working to promote and facilitate an equitable society in which all members (individuals, families and communities) have an equal opportunity to participate in building the social, political and economic infrastructure of Egypt .Our projects are geared towards creating an environment in which all members have the opportunity for advancement and to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and the subsequent society.
Our objective lies in building the capacity of the governmental and nongovernmental youth-serving organizations so that we could provide a professional and safe context for the youth development in Egypt. The importance of providing other NGOs with different kind of assistance including the technical one, lies in the impact that it could
Bring in enhancing the relation of those organizations with the youth, and how they could transform the youth from being beneficiaries into being effective factors in their self-development with the development of their community, and consequently this organization would work more professionally in serving the youth. Most youth workers in Egypt enter the profession without formal education and training, and their knowledge, experience and skills are acquired on the job which can often negatively affect the implementation of projects and services. Recognizing this reality, aims to serve as an educational institute that develops and enhances this professional cadre in Egypt and the Arab world. Achieving this dream requires developing special educational curriculum, a wide variety of training workshops and skills enhancement of youth coordinators, seminars and conferences, onsite trainings of participants and/or beneficiaries of the services, and guiding programs to provide them to all organizations, whether they work with the youth currently or will be one of the young employees in the future. What does it takes for a society to enhance the positive opportunities to all the youth considers the positive means for youth development our role is entitled in providing complete youth participation through providing them with the tools and practical models to improve the local community initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Spreading the culture of voluntarily work and Human Rights protection among the individuals of society, through:
Cultural and social awareness for the different sectors of the society, especially the youth.
Discussing the youth's problems and trying to find logical and practical solutions for them.
Studying and establishing the projects which aim at servicing Human Rights programs in general.
B. Developing the skills of youth, especially, through:
Encouraging the cooperation between the associations and foundations of civil society and the youth.
Arranging training courses and youth exchanges which aim at creating young, qualified and distinguishing cadres in all fields, in cooperation with the specialized centres and authorities.
Promote a culture of social peace & dialogue and renunciation of violence and armed conflicts between different social groups.
Studying and establishing the projects that aim at servicing and developing society and achieving the sustainable development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting active participation among youth.
- Enhancing sense of solidarity among youth.
- Encourage mutual understanding between youth.
- Discovering social realities and cultural backgrounds.
- Learning from each other's countries and cultures.
- Creating new friendships and relations between youth for further cooperation.
- Participants of the project are youth leaders who are going to spread the knowledge and skills among their colleagues, contacts and friends.
- Intercultural dialogue that promote a culture of peace, solidarity and coexistence among people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Support and encourage personal expression
• Provide local and international activities for social and personal competences development
• Promote civic education, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and intercultural awareness
• Promote and support the active involvement of youth in mobility projects
• Promote the values of volunteerism and solidarity
• Enhance quality and recognition of youth work and non-formal education

Contact (1) Full Name
Moustafa kamel Abdelwahab Badr
Job Title
Co founder
Head of the organisation
Ahmed helal
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed helal
Job Title (2)