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Konrad Pedziwiatr

Professor at Cracow University of Economics. Pedziwiatr's expertise lies in Sociology of migration and religion, social movements, Islam and Muslim communities in Europe, Islamism in MENA countries, immigrants in Poland and Polish migration policy. Recently he has been involved in...

Krystyna Bochenek Katowice Centre of Culture (Centrum Kultury Katowice im. Krystyny Bochenek)

National Network

pl. Sejmu Slaskiego 2

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Statutory representatives: Director – Tomasz Janikowski; Chef Countable - Barbara Gabriel; The persons municipal institution of culture, 42 employees. 2. 450 000 pln (about 100 000 EURO) 3. Subsidized by city hall; grants from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, ?l?skie Voivodeship and sponsors. 4. Activity of institution includes projects: - exhibitions (contemporary art and photography) - music (chamber classical music, jazz and modern music) - theater (including summer international festival) - education (education on a range of art., music and culture, seminars, workshops, lectures) 5. City hall, NGO`s from the region, “Korez” Theater, other cultural institutions, artistic colleges.
Mission and Objectives

1. Recognition, stimulation and fulfillment of cultural needs and interests of local community.
2. Creation of conditions for active participation of youth people in cultural life of town and region.
3. Running comprehensive activity in range of culture’s popularization.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Presentation of valuable phenomena and different forms of art – 6 art galleries
2. Organization of festivals, reviews, exhibitions, autorship’s/autors’ and poetical evenings, concerts, spectacles, auctions, etc. ( the biggest and the most important every-year-projects “International Summer Garden of Theater”, cycle of concerts “Jazz and Surroundings”).
3. Promotion of creators, patrons and of culture (include young culture’s creators).
4. Publishing (catalogues of exhibitions, post-conference stuff).
5. Educational and workshop’s actions (“The artistic workshops for children”).
6. Informative, educational and popularization’s activity (“Codes of Culture” “Collection of Culture”).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorota Pociask-Frącek (Deputy Director)
Head of the organisation
Isabela Kosowska Osman (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Matuszczyk

Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (Fundacja “Krzyżowa” dla Porozumienia Europejskiego)

National Network

Krzyżowa 7
58-112 Grodziszcze

+48 74 85 00 300
Telephone (other)
+48 74 00 200
+48 74 85 00 305
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 519 333 534
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 799 018 620
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Number of permanent posts: about 35. Central organs: Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Foundation’s international Board. Our work is supported by volunteers. 2. German-Polish Youth Office, Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, Robert Bosch Foundation, Foundation EVZ, Stefan Batory Foundation, European Commission, Municipality of Wroclaw, Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau , own business activies (rent of hotel and conference facilities) 3. International Youth Meeting Centre (main activity organized in the form of school exchanges, artistic workshops, courses), European Academy (conferences, study visits, workshops, exhibitions, concerts), The Memorial Place, Conference Centre, Programme Wroclaw – Lviv
Mission and Objectives

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe initiates and promotes activities that develop peaceful relationships between nations, social groups, and individuals. The Foundation applies social concepts developed by the World War II German resistance group, the Kreisau Circle, by advancing European mutual understanding. We intend to encourage reflection on historical matters and to contribute to the creation of a common European historical identity. Our aim is to build communities that integrate people of different world views, beliefs and political affiliations.

Main Projects / Activities

International Youth Meeting Centre leads educational events aimed at bringing together youth who speak different languages and hold different world views. The European Academy, directed at adults, offers training sessions and workshops for various professional and social groups. It organizes international conferences on political and cultural issues of modern Europe, serving to deepen Polish-German understanding and dialogue between East and West. Our third project, the Memorial Place, strives to present opposition movements in the 20th century and commemorate the moral heritage of the Kreisau Circle. We also coordinate a partnership programme between twin-cities Wroclaw and Lviv and participate in EVS projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafał Borkowski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rafał Borkowski, Monika Kretschmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Kretschmann
Job Title (2)

Lech Walesa Institute Foundation (Fundacja Insytutu Lecha Wałęsy)

National Network

Al. Jerozolimskie 11/19

+48 22 622 22 20
Telephone (other)
+48 22 621 14 92
+48 22 625 14 14
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation employs 7 persons on regular post; it is financed through donations; major fields of action are education, science, sustainable development, human rights. The statutory Projects: Records on Lech Walesa’s life and public activity; Poland in the World; The condition of the Republic of Poland; the Program of Sustainable Development and Education of Young People’ Lech Walesa’s Grant Fund. The Foundation works with different institutions and firms depending on particular program.
Mission and Objectives

To protect the national heritage, the tradition of independence and Solidarity; to record the life and activity of Lech Walesa; to carry out research and studies in the most recent history of Poland; to promote a positive image of Poland and the Poles abroad; to advocate clear and transparent rules in politics and public activity; to promote dialogue between different cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation initiates and participates in programs that promote the values enshrined in its statute. This continuing work is divided among the active programs that, though different in scope, character, methods, place of implementing, recipient and durance, they are launched for the common good of the public. Among them, Lech Walesa Library; Goetz-Okocimski Academy in Brzesko; Lech Walesa Grant Found; Poland in the World; the Sustainable Development and Education of Young People.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnieszka Gr?tkiewicz
Head of the organisation
Piotr Gulczy?ski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna S?d?akowska

Living Bridge Foundation / Fundacja Żywy Most

National Network

Puławska 114/12 Street
02-620 Warsaw


+48 535 927 599
Telephone (other)
+48 698 015 709
Mobile Phone
+48 535 927 599
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 698 015 709
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The organization was established in August 2012 by a notarial deed and officially registered by Polish court in 2013. 4 members of a Management Board are: Boaz Yardeni (chairman of the foundation), Yosef Erez, Dominika Zakrzewska (project manager of the foundation), Vera Korsonsky. We also have an agreement with certified accountant specialising in regulations according non-governmental organizations to keep an order in accounting books of the Foundation. During the exact projects Foundation employ other staff members according to needs. We apply for a grants from municipality, governmental founds, foundations, European Union projects and European Commission programs as well as looking for private sponsors. Depending on a program we apply alone or with our partner organizations from Poland and abroad. Last year even we just started we were engaged as a partner organization in Polish-Israeli cultural exchange for students and leading two weekly seminars for Israeli teachers and educators in Poland. We also organised family intercultural workshops "Family happiness of winter eves" which goal was to teach about catholic and jewish eves taking place in winter and as well inter-generation integration thanks to participation of people between 3 to 76 years old under facilitation of highly-qualified educators and psychologists. Right now we are on a process of preparing Israeli Folk Dance and Culture Workshops in Poland which is planned to take place in May 2014 and several intercultural and leadership programs for students and educators from Poland, Israel and other countries from Europe, Africa and Middle East. Until now main partners of the Foundation were Association Friends in Culture from Gdańsk in Poland, Sparkpro Organization from Israel, Socio-Cultural Association of Jews in Poland, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. We also have a patronage of Prime minister Chancellery in Poland, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Banks Association, Polish Embassy in Tel-Aviv - Israel. Even the Foundation is very Young, people who work in it have a several years experience in education and facilitating intercultural projects and programme management.
Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is to create a platform of developing friendship and understanding between people coming from various cultural, religious and social background. We want to promote a dialog,cooperation and democracy as a way to achieve better standars of life. We find it very important to work with people who have the biggest influence on youths like teachers and educators because we believe that the attitudes they present play a crucial role in raising children. We also find it important to strengthen leadership skills of young people, give them opportunity to develope competences in social communication, conflict management, expressing emotions in socially approved ways etc. One of our roles is as well fighting stereotypes and preudices by giving people a chance to learn and experience contact with representatives of other cultures under a suprvision and support of qualified facilitators.

Main Projects / Activities

Our two main projects carried out every year are:
- Cultural exchange for students from Poland and Israel (including also representatives of Polish and israeli minorities like: druze, arabs, beduins, gypsies). Participating in a project taking place for a week in Poland and a week in Israel gives them possibility not only to experience and discover the richness of other country culture but also to establish friendship relations with people from their country representing other cultural or religious background, learn from each other, exchange opinions and points of view.
- Seminars for Israeli teachers and educators in Poland- This project is extremely important because of a long and rich history of coexistance of Polish and Jewish nation and its tragic end during Second World War. Its aim is to deeper knowledge of Israeli teachers and educators in the field of 1000 years of Polish-Jewish common history, Polish-Israeli relations and contemporary Poland. ne of the most important things is to give them possibility to meet Polish students, teachers, volunteers, employees of non-governmental organizations. To establish person to person relations and discover real people after the wall of stereotypes and prejudices and see the reality that is often not exactly what participants imagine before. The project helps to establish also cooperation between educational, cultural and research centres and institutions from both countries.
Other projects:
Intercultural projects - we are planning to establish a series of workshops dedicated to families aiming to show culture of minorities in Poland and give possibility to meet its representatives.
In our closest plans is also preparing intercultural communication seminars for people from Israel (Jesh and Arabs), African, Middle-eastern and European countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to share the experience of our educators and facilitators and cooperate as a partners or supporting organizations with other organizations from ALF Network.
It is important for us to extend our knowledge and competences to support the society and other organizatins.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Anna Lindh Foundation share the interest in values that we were created to promote, like education with special interest in young people, culture, intercultural dialog which importance is growing with bigger and bigger tendention of migration around the world and what it leads to- the need of coexistance of people from different cultural and religious backgrounds, active citizenship and networking.
Because of that we find it very important to become a part of AF network to look for a new partners from various countries, share experience with other organizations, look for an inspiration in creating new and more effective programs that would be beneficial for the society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominika Zakrzewska
Head of the organisation
Boaz Yardeni


National Network

Gromadzka 26
61-655 Poznan

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

At the moment, LOGOS is actively operating in 3 European countries. We have created a powerful network, an international family, that shares the same values and strives to make a positive change. Each member brings a valuable impact of uniqueness and experience that we always are eager to share and spread.

Mission and Objectives

We Provide
Opportunities for learning, active participation and self development

We Make
Positive impact to the society we live in

We Act
Consciously and meaningfully

We love to learn and educate to travel and gain new experience.


Main Projects / Activities

Within the movement we organize such online and offline activities as youth exchanges and training courses, local workshops and run a Facebook page. At this page you can find many different, interesting and fun information and data about Critical Thinking.

This past year we have grown a lot. From a small yet ambitious movement that boosted February 2018 to a thousand supporters all over the world. Within the movement there were organized 10 Erasmus+ projects and planned more, a lot of workshops and local events regarding the topic for more than 250 people. At every project Logos organizes there is a session about Critical Thinking. Also we have a coordinator, working for the movement.

And countless amount of people we influenced so far and will in the future. Switch on your brain!

“Dinner 4 Foreigner” (Kolacja Ponad Granicami) is a project started by volunteers of Logos in Poznan (Poland) with the main moto “Stop Fear- Start curiosity”. We aim to break prejudices and to strength European values by involving people from different backgrounds (migrants/emigrants) into Polish society. We want to raise awareness and curiosity among Polish community towards other cultures which would, in return, help to provide integration of foreigners, to avoid misunderstandings or fear based on stereotypes and to increase the general level of multicultural knowledge by using a fantastic tool – food.

Since 2017 Logos has been developing and actively sharing the idea of using escape rooms for educational purposes. Escape rooms are usually used for fun and entertainment, but we decided that they can be an interesting tool when speaking about important and serious topics such as human rights. We implemented several training courses since then and taught around 200 youth workers on how to build their own escape rooms for education.

What is the escape room?
Escape rooms are live-action, team-based games where players discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to accomplish a specific goal (usually escaping from the room) in a limited amount of time. Escape rooms develop creativity, communication, logic, problem-solving skills, analytical skills and are great for team-building.

Escape rooms for education
It is possible to include important educational messages into the room’s story, environment, puzzles, everything! When creating escape rooms for education we speak about human rights education and other important issues. We have a goal of educating youth workers around the Europe on how to build escape rooms and use them for educational purposes.

In each of the project description, one can find toolboxes, that were made at various projects. Each toolbox contains scenario of escape room, plan of the room, description of puzzles as well as pictures of the room. If needed anyone can use these toolboxes to build similar rooms anywhere. And if you need help, we are ready to support you. Just write us at logos@logos.ngo.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Intellectual support
- Partnering in projects
- Promotion
- With our experience of participation and implementation of various international projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same values with ALF. Already to contribute within our Local and international activities, so far we already joined Erasmus virtually debates nd prepare 7 group leaders and more than 20 participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of Organization
Head of the organisation
Marko Boyko

Magic Dreams

National Network

ul. Moniuszki 139 95-200 Pabianice

Mobile Phone
+48 728 586 025
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
organizowanie wernisaży, promowanie artystów amatorów, itp.
Mission and Objectives

wykreowanie młodych, zdolnych talentów

Main Projects / Activities

Wernisaż " Fotografia z podtekstem:: MOK Pabianice
Wernisaż w Kawiarni "Siódme Niebo"

Contact (1) Full Name
Julita Dziuba
Head of the organisation
Pracownia Artystyczna

Magic Dreams (Magiczne Sny)

National Network

Moniuszki 139

(042)214 98 75
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
728 586 025
Mobile Phone (other)
663 933 206
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization- no profit including number of staff employed and/or partners-7 persons Budgetary resources available in a year- 10 000 zł Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities- Jakub Głuszek ( PUKS) Modalities of action- scholarships
Mission and Objectives

our aim- creative, cultural motivation, promotion younge people, ect.

Main Projects / Activities

private view,opening of an exhibition, cultural exchange, intergration meetings for younge person,ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julita Dziuba
Head of the organisation
Julita Dziuba
Contact (2) Full Name
Renata Kalinowska

Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive School (Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Am. Curie-Skłodowskiej w Czechowicach Dziedzicach)

National Network

9 Konopnickiej Street, Czechowice-Dziedzice - Poland

+48 -32-215-35-77
Telephone (other)
+48 -32-215-35-77
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48- 607-582-546
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools is a public, non-profit institution that employs 53 teachers. More than 590 pupils study in our school, aged 17-19 years old. The school is subsided by the Regional Government and is situated in a town Czechowice-Dziedzice, near the picturesque Beskidy Mountains. The school’s major activities focus on education. The Maria Sk?odowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools organizes many additional activities every year, including students’ exchange with the Netherlands, Germany and Slovenia, annual seminars and debates, poetry evenings and other celebrations as well as does a lot of charity work for our local community.
Mission and Objectives

The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools’ motto is “I am creative and prepared to life in today’s developing and changing society. I feel, think and I can choose…” The schools is well organized, has an equal marking system and offers a variety of additional non-obligatory classes for students. Not only are the students, who graduated from our school disciplined, tolerant and creative, but they are also very well prepared for their future studies. The aim of our school is to bring up and educate and make students aware of their potential and make them sensitive for other peoples’ needs.

Main Projects / Activities

During the last few years we have worked on numerous projects and activities.
We have worked on two Socrates Comenius Projects: one of them “Communication and European Civilization” focused on national celebrations and festivals; the other one was devoted to an international newspaper in the internet. Our school has also started a cooperation with a high school in Tilburg, the Netherlands, four years ago and we have organized three students’ exchanges so far. We also cooperate with schools in: Germany, Slovenia and Sweden. Each year we organize the annual seminars, where students have a possibility to attend various lectures in our school, given by university professors, PhDs, politicians and other famous people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Dominika Owsiany
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jan Bieroński
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Ewa Froń

Midtown Cultural Centre (Śródmiejski Ośrodek Kultury)

National Network

Mikołajska 2
31-027 Kraków

(004812) 422-19-55
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Cultural Centre is a government-erected institution, currently employing as much as 34 people. The main building is located in an antique building in the city centre, and it administers 5 more centres across town. Casual work of the whole organization is founded by the city, but the realization of any additional projects require extra founding – obtained from National Ministry founds, EU founding projects and money from foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The Cultural Centre was crated as part of a government network meant to deliver cultural education to the general public. With time The Midtown Cultural Centre developed individual aims. Our program is based on promoting artistic activity, as well as cultural education. For many years now we have specialized in intercultural projects, collaborating with non-government organizations dealing and erected by ethnic minorities – local, as well as foreign, who have migrated to Poland.

Main Projects / Activities

As a cultural institution, we constantly organize, or participate in organizing cultural, artistic and educational projects. Among our recently developed work is The African Festival (www.e-afryka.ovh.org), A Native-American Culture Conference, The Romanian Culture Festival. We also organize educational meetings concerning the heritage of various ethnic groups on a monthly basis, and weekly meetings with travellers telling about the countries they have visited. We also author the Trans-Poetica project, inviting poets from around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Ko?ciuszko
Head of the organisation
Janusz Paluch