
Pedro Arrupe Formation Center for Educational Leaders (Centrum Kształcenia Liderów i Wychowawców im. Pedro Arrupe)

National Network

Tatrzanska street 35, kod 81-313

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
In-service training institution for teachers founded by the Society of Jesus. Responsible: director. Administration personel: 4. Trainers: 49. Year budget in 2008: 80.000 euro. Funding from grants, donations, workshop fees. Action: seminars, conferences, workshops for teachers, publications, educational projects in Poland, Egypt, Albania, Belarus, Ukraine. Main partners: schools and associations such as JBA for Development (Minia,Egypt), Rebirth of Crimea Foundation (Ukraine), Emmanuel Community (Tirana, Albania), Socires Foundation (Denmark), Polish-American Foundation of Freedom, Education for Democracy Foundation (Poland), Grupa Zagranica (Poland).
Mission and Objectives

We share new methods of teaching we have worked out with others, so that the young men and women educated in schools and through ngos' were more “a men and women for others”, leaders who are conscious about their role in society, competent and responsive to the needs of others. We go where others don't go to support freedom of education, openess and creativity, educational effords of parents and teachers.

Main Projects / Activities

Innovator Project (Ukraine, Belarus, Albania); Integral Pedagogical Paradigm courses (Poland, Egypt); International Jesuit Education Leadership Program for Eastern Europe.
Publications: books and materials for teachers and educational leaders, educational magazine "Be for Others".

Contact (1) Full Name
Wojciech Zmudzinski SJ
Head of the organisation
Wojciech Zmudzinski SJ

PianoClassic Artistic Association (Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne PianoClassic)

National Network

Kobierzynska 117a/7
30-382 KRAKOW

+48 795 56 57 58
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Artistic Association PianoClassic is as an organization that has been functioning efficiently for six years with the key idea of combining expertise, experience and passion in creating artistic events at the highest, professional level. The principal activity of the Association is to popularize classical music. PianoClassic does not have a fixed source of financing, nor does it receive any regular subsidies. The Association’s operation has been possible thanks to the funds it obtained for carrying out particular projects and support of volunteers. During the six year long history of The International Royal Cracow Piano Festival, its flagship project, PianoClassic has cooperated with themany public institutions form Poland and abrroad and companies. Since 2012, apart from its operations in Poland, PianoClassic has been particularly active promoting Polish culture abroad. The Association’s members and partners – Polish artists of world renown have established an extensive network of contacts who prove very useful in arranging artistic events worldwide. The organization has been working on strengthening and developing this network further. While carrying out its projects abroad, the Association received support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Department for Cooperation with Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad, Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy), authorities of the Małopolska Region, Polish diplomats abroad, Polish culture institutes, organizations representing Polish diaspora, universities and conservatories.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of PianoClassic Association is to popularize classical music, and hence:
- facilitating access to art people facing social exclusion 
- promoting artistic education
- supporting young talented artists
- organizing intercultural artistic exchanges

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
International Royal Cracow Piano Festival -www.cracowpianofestival.com
Polish Music Days - www.polishmusicdays.com (concerts, masterclasses, workshops, panel discussions)
Viola Organista - www.violaorganista.com (Leonardo da Vinci's bowed piano constructed after five hundred years by Polish artist, Sławomir Zubrzycki)
Summer Pieniny-Kultura-Sacrum Festival - www.pieniny-kultura-sacrum.pl.tl
Other activities:
- masterclasses  for young musicians, educational programs
- concerts for seniors

Contact (1) Full Name
Marian Sobula
Job Title
President of the Board
Head of the organisation
Marian Sobula

Po-Most Humane Integration Society (Stowarzyszenie Integracji Humanistycznej "Po-Most”’)

National Network

Ul. Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego 10
Tczew 83-110

+48 58 530 31 10
+48 58 530 31 10
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 505 712 818
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
POMOST Humane Integration Society is a non for profit, cultural organization based in a small town Tczew in the North of Poland. Management Board of the Association consists of Chairman /Halina Kasjaniuk/, Vice Chairman /Alicja Morawska/ and three board members /Agnieszka Koecher-Hensel, Aleksandra Musielak, Marta Dziedzic/. Activities of POMOST are funded by the grants from local and regional authoritites, Ministry of Culture, foundations, private sponsors, international organizations /e.g. International Visegrad Fund) and EU /e.g. INTERREG IIIA/. The Society is an organizer of exhibitions, scientific sessions, and meeting with artists, theatre and psychological workshops. It is also engaged in theatre and movie productions, leads editorial and agency activities and facilitates contacts between European artists. Partners involved in the project are Polish and European educational, cultural and NGO organizations, national and international media as well as individuals interested in particular projects.
Mission and Objectives

Development of culture-promoting and educational activities; promotion of various fields of art in Poland and abroad; bringing together people who are involved in art, scientific research, editing, didactics, critique and dissemination of knowledge about art; organization of festivals and other cultural events; organization of artistic workshops for young people from various cultures and environments.

Main Projects / Activities

Each year POMOST Humane Integration Society develops its cultural activeness, establishes numerous international relationships, takes up new activities and works on number of different projects. It is worth stressing the fact that for seven years "Po-Most" Society has benefited from EU funds.
Main projects:
International Festival of Theatre and Visual Arts ZDARZENIA - Tczew - Europe (editions: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008)
Culture Platform –Cross Border Cooperationa (2005-2007)
International Workshops /2006, 2007,2008/
Days of the German Culture (2005)
The Zbigniew Herbert Festival of Poetry (2005)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Dziedzic
Head of the organisation
Halina Kasjaniuk


The joint coordination of the Polish network is implemented through the International Cultural Centre and the International Cultural Center Foundation. This Foundation was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and regularly approved by members.

Anna Lindh Foundation's network in Poland participated in the leadership and partnership in various intercultural dialogue programmes. The network is coordinated in line with the International Cultural Centre and the Foundation of the International Cultural Centre in Krakow.

The Polish Network played a leading role in 2008 during the campaign "1001 Action for Dialogue" affiliated to the  Anna Lindh Foundation. The Network launched a series of new events including "Poland for Dialogue", which triggered public debate in Krakow on the influence of foreign cultures and ethnic minorities over the past years, in addition to an intergenerational initiative in the Orla region, where the senior citizens of society were interviewed on their memories of the pre-World War reality, characterized by coexistence between different communities. The Network also issued a special publication on the campaign in Poland, including the events, discussions and expert interviews on cross-cultural relations.

In the following year, 2009, the campaign named "In the search for the lost Commonwealth: mono-cultural or multicultural Poland?", was launched by the Network, supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, focusing on a series of seminars and a new publication presenting modern-day Poland from the perspective of "the other". During the years 2010 and 2011, the Network pursued "Education for Dialogue", through which members participated in the development of new multimedia educational materials on ethnic, religious, social and cultural diversity in Poland. In 2010, the President of the Polish Network also organized a presentation with previous winners of the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue Award, i.e.  "Friends for Environmental Peace in the Middle East" and "Fighters for Peace" of the Israeli-Palestinian Social Movement. In 2011, the President of the Network participated for the first time in organizing the annual meeting of the heads of the 43 national networks in Poland.

Polanda Assosiation od Polish-Lebanese Friendship and Cooperation

National Network

Pocieszka 4/2
31-408 Krakow

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are a small, young organization, consisting as far from social work of our working group (5). Board consists of 3 and the revision Committee also of 3 members.   We do not have income yet except membership fee (2,5€/month)   As we were established in April 2016 we are currently looking for sources of funding and bigger partnership. We apply for national and EU funds.    Our main objective is to provide exchange between our countries for individuals and students. That information campaigns and cultural events. As organization we believe in non formal education and learning by doing.  For now we established successful cooperation with our embassies.   
Mission and Objectives

Mutual promotion of our countries, mainly by enabling exchanges, and contacts. 
Strengthening friendship and cooperation by educational, cultural and economical activities. 
Fighting with stereotypes and clichés by education and promotion. 

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing slideshows and conferences about Lebanon and Poland. 
Exchange organization. 
Cultural events.
Supporting lebanese minority in Poland and polish in Lebanon. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our association goals are mutual with main ALF goals and our actions may help on the path in obtaining them, by realization of our programme events, focused on promoting Lebanon and western culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining ALF network might be a mutual benefit for both sides, with ALF experience and knowledge and our manpower and passion we will be able to fulfill mutual goals better. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik
Contact (2) Full Name
Rafał Stożek
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Polish National Commission for UNESCO (Polski Komitet do spraw UNESCO)

National Network

Pl. Defilad 1
00-901 Warszawa

(+48 22) 620 33 55
Telephone (other)
(+48 22) 620 33 62
(+48 22) 620 33 62
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1. The Polish National Commission for UNESCO consists of Members (including President, Vice-President and Secretary-General) representing ministries and governmental institutions cooperating with UNESCO, as well as scientific and cultural milieus, and Permanent Secretariat headed by the Secretary-General. 3. State budget. Extra budgetary resources also possible. 4. Poland’s participation in UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASP), Euro-Arab Dialogue Program, UNESCO/Poland Fellowships for young researchers from Africa, UNESCO Summer School in Zamosc (Poland) on cultural heritage protection. 5. State administration, Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish MAB Committee, Polish Memory of the World Committee, NGO’s, other UNESCO National Commissions
Mission and Objectives

(max. 100 words)
Advising Polish government and public institutions in the issues concerning UNESCO programs and activities, inspiring and assisting Poland’s participation in the international cooperation at inter-regional, regional, sub-regional, and bilateral levels in the areas related to UNESCO programs. Implementation of UNESCO programs in Poland. Participation in consultations on UNESCO documents and Poland’s participation in UNESCO Programs.

Main Projects / Activities

(max. 100 words)
Coordination of UNESCO ASP in Poland: participation in i.a. Baltic Sea Project, Great Volga River Route project, UNESCO/Daimler-Chrysler Mondialogo project;
Euro-Arab Dialogue Programme: participation in study on image of Arab world in European schoolbooks and vice versa;
Cooperation with Association Arabia.pl in preparation of intercultural Euro-Arab workshops for youth “Let’s talk about the future”;
UNESCO/Poland Fellowships for young researchers from Africa;
9th UNESCO Summer School in Zamosc (Poland) on cultural heritage protection;
Encouraging celebration of World Philosophy Day in Poland and other UNESCO/UN Days, Years and Decades.
Cooperation in awareness campaign in Poland on safer Internet.

Contact (1) Full Name
prof. Andrzej Rottermund
Head of the organisation
prof. Andrzej Rottermund, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Ilona Mor?o?

Polish Peacemakers (Polska Wspólnota Pokoju)

National Network

husarii 32
warszawa 02 951

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
3 staff people, currently no budget other than brought in by project partners. And the main project partners are: Zenpeacemakers - Montague, USA and Peacemaker Institute - Boulder, Colorado, USA /sponsoring the Auschwitz-Birkenau Bearing Witness Retreats / Centrum Metodyczne Pomocy Psychologiczno-Pedagogicznej - Warszawa, Polska / implementing the Non Violent Communication in the school system especially./ Okregowy Inspektorat Sluzby Wieziennej w Warszawie, Polska, different educational projescts in Warsaw prisons.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of Peacemaker Tools, Working for Reconciliation, based on the principles of Socially Engaged Spirituality.

Main Projects / Activities

Auschwitz-Birkenau Bearing Witness Retreats /yearly, since 1996/
Co-funding of Hospice in Oswiecim/Auschwitz
Prison Projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrzej b Krajewski
Head of the organisation
Andrzej b Krajewski
Contact (2) Full Name
Malgorzata Jakubczak

Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana)

National Network

al. Ujazdowskie 37/5

+48 22 621 21 61
Telephone (other)
+48 22 622 03 43
+48 22 629 72 14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (hereinafter called “Foundation”) is non-governmental, non-political organization. The main source of founding are the contest for implenmentation of the project called by EU commision, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other governmental and non govenmental institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to encourage Polish citizens to actively participate in the process of unifying Europe and spread the idea of multiculturalism.the Foundation develops programs teaching how to make use of the opportunities given by The EU membership. In addition, we cooperate with a variety of institutions within the EU and outside it in order to know better and acknowledge democratic values.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the Foundations include organizing of conferences, seminars, trainings, debates and discussions on different topics, publishing of monthly bulletin on European issues and other thematic publications, coordinating of European School club network (around 1200 school clubs) and organizing exchange projects by actively involving in European volunteer movement and arranging study tours of Ukrainian and Byelorussian youth workers to Poland. The biggest and the most popular annual event organized by the Foundation is “The Polish European meetings”, where thousands of activists from different pro-European organizations meet and exchange the ideas and information and walk down the streets of Warsaw in so called “Schuman Parade”.
Our Foundation is actively involved in European Voluntary Service programme since 2000 and we are one of the biggest sending, hosting and coordinating organization is Poland. On a daily basis we involve in our work also Polish volunteers and interns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Selan
Head of the organisation
Mrs Anna Radwan - Röhrenschef
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Selan

Polish Students' Association - Wroclaw (NZS Wrocław)

National Network

Pałacyk (lewe skrzydło, pok. nr 4)
ul. Kościuszki 34
50-012 Wrocław


+4871 799 45 61
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Polish Students’ Association is the largest and oldest students’ organisation in Poland. Nearly 10 000 members are associated in all academic centres, at more than one hundred universities. The actions undertaken by ZSP are targeted mainly on students, but also on graduates and secondary school pupils. Our members take part in interesting cultural, educational, tourist and marketing projects. We organise students festival, film reviews, charity actions and contests. We bring out our own brochures and newspapers. We run an internet portal and take part in creating many highly valued websites. Those are only examples of our activity. Every participant, who will ‘proof themselves’ while organising a ZSP project, can count on recommendations useful – we hope so – at the future employer’s. ZSP cooperates with the biggest enterprises in Poland, media corporations, governmental, regional and non-regional institutions. Personalities of the world of establishment, science, culture and art willingly take patronage of our ventures. We continuously cooperate with the press, television, radio broadcasting stations and other electronic media of country-wide, regional and local range. Summing up, we reach almost 5 million people year by year.
Mission and Objectives

We are neutral when it comes to the philosophy of life. The main goals of ZSP are: representing and protecting the interest of students, creating possibilities of development and professional experience acquisition, activation and integration of the academic environment, support and development of student cultural and scientific life.

Main Projects / Activities

ZSP acts in the fields of: international exchanges, concerts, festivals, contests, conferences, seminaries and trainings, student camps, cultural events, meetings with famous persons, debating societies, promotion and information campaigns for youth and students, preparatory courses for future students, language courses, workshops (dance, photography, theatre, etc.)
The most important ventures organised by ZSP are:
* Artistic Festival of Academic Youth FAMA,
* Contest for the Best Student of the Republic of Poland Primus Inter Pares,
* Amateur and Independent Cinema Festival KAN,
* Students’ newspaper: Academic Integration Magazine itd,

Contact (1) Full Name
Michal Urban
Head of the organisation
Wioletta Ottenberit

Polish Sufi Foundation

National Network

ul. Pogodna 3
05-502 Wólka Kozodawska

+48 512 460 440
Telephone (other)
+48 22 7363762
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Foundation with 5 board members. Sources of founding: grants and other sources as defined in the statute. Partner: Jan Karski Society of Poland, John Paul II Centre in Warsaw.
Mission and Objectives

The statutory goals of the Foundation are as follows:
1. Developing the knowledge of the Polish public about the spiritual, intellectual and cultural heritage of the World of Islam, especially Sufism.
2. Popularizing world masterpieces, especially the works of Jelaluddin Rumi.
3. Promoting the Sufi tradition and practices in the sphere of development of human spiritual potential, personality and character which serve a better functioning in the society and family.
4. Overcoming stereotypes through propagating a real image of Islam as a religion of peace, tolerance and social justice.
5. Working on behalf of migrants and Muslim converts in Polish society, and helping them to create their own cultural identity.
6. Charitable help to people in difficult life situation.
7. Carrying out the idea of culture beyond differences, which should enrich cultural, philosophical and artistic activities in other countries, and which is based on the Sufi tradition and thought, as well as on the historical themes of Polish encounters with the Orient.
8. Working on behalf a dialogue, communication, harmony and mutual learning about other cultures and religions, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
9. Developing and strengthening the understanding, respect and the attitude of equality in relation to cultural and religious differences, especially among children and teenagers.
10. Undertaking and initiating activities that aim at developing the health and environment awareness, and the attitudes of engagement in the subject of health care and protection of natural environment, and propagating the idea of deep ecology.
11. Supporting the women’s role in developing of the authentic partnership of woman and man and in building happy family and society.
12. Building and developing the multicultural, multi-religious and civil society in Poland.
13. Stimulating and developing public-spirited attitudes though culture, art and education.
14. Propagating the freedom of religion, social equality, social dialogue, and creating human bonds and reconciliation.
15. Overcoming all stereotypes, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, ethnocentrism, social exclusion, prejudices, nihilism and demoralization.
16. Promoting and protecting the principle of pluralism in the religious, cultural and ideological sphere.
17. Promoting and creating a positive image of Poland abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Poland for All; World Interfaith Harmony Week; Sufi Festival.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in building peace culture and interfaith dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many objectives of ALF Netword match the activities of the Polsi Sufi Foundaion, for instance Euro-Mediterranean Abrahamic Forum.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrzej Saramowicz
Head of the organisation
Andrzej Saramowicz