
Villa Decius Association (Stowarzyszenie Willa Decjusza)

National Network

ul. 28 lipca 1943 r. 17A

+48/12/425 36 38
Telephone (other)
+48/12/425 36 44
+48/12/425 36 63
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48/509 647 307
Mobile Phone (other)
+48/509 647 304
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Villa Decius Association is a non-profit organization, which is supported by public and private grants and donations spent for the purposes set out in the statute. Major modalities of action: - direct organization of conferences, seminars, summer schools, scholarship programs - cooperation with external partners The European partner of the Villa Decius Association: The European Cultural Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

At the heart of Villa Decius's programs lies the idea of people representing various fields, nationalities and interests meeting together to exchange and explore ways of stimulating creative work in a communal setting. The Villa devotes particular attention to cultural encounter and exchange between east and west, intercultural management in a modern society, international cultural co-operation, the role of writers and translators in social dialogue and European integration.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association conducts international workshops, conferences and meetings about intercultural education, multiculturalism and the building of civil society.
The Association supports initiatives in the following program areas:
- arts and culture
- integration and education
- civil society and human rights

Contact (1) Full Name
Danuta Glondys
Head of the organisation
Danuta Glondys, Director of the Villa Decius Association
Contact (2) Full Name
Jadwiga Figiel

Vlepvnet Funation

National Network

ul. Hoża 9

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Vlepvnet Foundation was established 30.04.2009 as a phenomenon primarily dedicated to public space. Ten years ago, street art scenebegan to develop in Poland, we have taken on the task of animating it in a way: from fun from vlepki and templates on the walls come to taking the city seriously. The foundation consists of 8 people (40% women, 60% men) and 10 volunteers collaborating on a permanent basis with the foundation. In most cases, the ratio of employment in the foundation is based on a voluntary or other civil contracts - prawnych. The way of management the foundation is not the patriarchal, from the beginning the Foundation is directed in a collective way. Documentation of adopted accounting principles by foundation Vlepvnet has been developed on the basis of Article 10 paragraph 1 of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994. Vlepvnet Foundation carries business where the total income is earmarked for the implementation of statutory objectives. Vlepvnet Foundation also benefits from a wide range of competitions, from local government financing to the funds from European funds. Currently, the Vlepvnet foundation has workshop- gallery space: 250m2. The financial turnover of the foundation in 2011 is 800,000 PLN.
Mission and Objectives

The Vlepvnet Foundation was established 30.04.2009 as a phenomenon primarily dedicated to public space. Ten years ago, street art scenebegan to develop in Poland, we have taken on the task of animating it in a way: from fun from vlepki and templates on the walls come to taking the city seriously.
We believe that a society built from the bottom up, although it will never be perfect, it can give people a sense of ownership and aesthetic satisfaction from living in it. We can meet the needs of: animating the creation of new creative spaces, educate youth in contemporary art, but it also let us observe the culture and ask questions about our own place in it.
Our cultural offer stems from the belief that everyone should have the right and the tools to create art. That's why we teach how to use the modern media art, give access to art materials, technology, strategy. We show the development of the art market in other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Completed projects:
2010 - 2011 Super City Bros - project implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the total amount of 211 thousand.
2010 - 2013 Updates - project implemented in cooperation with the city of Warsaw for the amount of overall funding 700.000 zł
2011 Elevatory - project co-funded by the Ministry of Culture for the amount of 160 thousand.
The financial turnover of the Foundation in 2011 to 800 000 zł

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open for cooperation in our gallery space and would like to share our knowledge and experience. We are also interested in active contribution to workshops, projects and meetings organise by national network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to meet similar organisations from other countries' which are active in the field of visual, public space and comics art, We are interested in cultural diversity, dialogue and exchange as well as sharing of experience, knowledge and the vision of art in the public space with other organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Justyna Górska
Contact (2) Full Name

Widzew Community Centres (Widzewskie Domy Kultury)

National Network

al. Pilsudskiego 133
92-318 Lodz, Poland


0048 42 673 32 90
Telephone (other)
0048 42 673 35 99
0048 42 673 35 99
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
'Widzew Community Centres' is a municipal institution of culture and cultural education. It unites three centres ('Widok' 'Ariadna' and '502') located in the same city's district. 'Widzew Communnity Centres' employs 50 people. The City Hall's yearly subsidies for the entire institution amount to about 370 000 euros. Other sources of funding (usually obtained for specific activities and projects) are mainly grants awarded by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various foundations and grant schemes. 'Widzew Community Centres' offers artistic and educational activities for children, youth and adults. It also runs a few specific educational and cultural projects every year. The main partners of the institution are local and regional authorities, NGO's, local schools, other educational and cultural organisations, public and private non-profit foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of 'Widzew Community Centres' is to promote artistic activity and offer cultural education to the general public. It works towards achieving this by providing high standard services which give a wide range of educational, recreational, and social opportunities. Educational projects are an important part of 'Widzew Community Centres' work. It is especially visible in the case of the Community Centre '502'. These projects cover various areas such as: arts, cultural heritage, cross-cultural relations, gender and cultural identity. 'Widzew Community Centres' aims to work in consultation with the local community and other statutory and voluntary agencies in developing its programme and responding to new initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

The institution organises exhibitions, workshops, concerts, music and dance competitions, theatre performances. It runs several art clubs and courses.
Among the latest educational projects organised and co-organised by 'Widzew Community Centres' are:
2006: 'Moja saska - moja polska siostra' [My Saxon - My Polish Sister]: the project devoted to Polish-Saxon relations in the history of Lodz;
2007-2008: 'Kamienica' [The Tenement House]: the project related to the history of the Lodz Ghetto;
2008: '60 lat animowane po polsku' [60 Years Animated in Polish]: the project was a celebration of the Year of Polish Animated Films;
2008: 'Machiny do poznawania świata' [World-teaching Machines]: the project based on the idea of the kinetics sculptures;
2009: 'Glos wlokniarski pokolenia wnukow' [Textile Workers' Voice of the Grandchildren Generation]: the project explores the history of Lodz through the history of its textile industry;
2009: 'Widzew na starych i nowych widokówkach' [Widzew in Old and New Postcards].

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Dorota Kaniewska
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jerzy Dyszkiewicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Jadwiga Mostowska


National Network

u. Probostwo 26
20-089 LUBLIN


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Public activity Foundation began under end 1999 year. The promotion of workings on thing of culture of, art, museum management is the main mission of Foundation and social education. We carry the help the talented youth, come from from the poorest region of European Union, that is Lubelskiej The ground also. The foundation continues the works acting the Foundation of Promotion of Slavic Matters previously.
Mission and Objectives

The aims:
1. popularise native civilization achievements, cultural heritage and natural,
2. using with experiences of states of European Union in range of regional policy, development of local communities and ethnic,
3. creating conditions to additional schooling constant talented artistically and clever scientifically youth from being in difficult life situation families,
4. leadership of scientific investigations in range of cultural property of the Polish the colony environments,
5. initiating on thing of social mediations the action, say the consumers and the voluntary service,
6. creating to development of museum management the conditions and the protection of book collections as well as the gatherings of graphic prints,
7. formation in range of ecological education the social attitudes,
8. propagating traditional articles and regional products,
9. protecting musical heritage, literary and theatrical,
10. promoting among Slavic nations cultural co-operation,
11. publication books and periodicals about scientific character and cultural,
12. organization courses and cultural events.

Main Projects / Activities

The Polish artists', exhibitions organization of concerts of lassic music
Paderewski in Memoriam, F.Chopin in memoriam etc.
More info: www.willapolonia.pl

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name
Lidia Zebrowska

Willa Polonia Fundation (Fundacja Willa Polonia)

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Public activity foundation began under end 1999 year. The promotion of workings on thing of culture of art, museum management is the mission and social education. We carry the help the talented youth. Funding takes place with gain over from government centres and institutions as well as by sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

It is the aim of Foundation:
1. popularise native civilization achievements, cultural heritage and natural,
2. using with experiences of states of European Union in range of regional policy, development of local communities and ethnic,
3. creating conditions to additional schooling constant talented artistically and clever scientifically youth from being in difficult life situation families,
4. leadership of scientific investigations in range of cultural property of the Polish the colony environments,
5. initiating on thing of social mediation the action, say the consumers and the voluntary service,
6. creating to development of museum management the conditions and the protection of book collections as well as the gatherings of graphic prints,
7. formation in range of ecological education the social attitudes,
8. propagating traditional articles and regional products,
9. protecting musical heritage, literary and theatrical,
10. promoting among Slavic nations cultural co-operation,
11. publication books and periodicals about scientific character and cultural,
12. organization courses and cultural events.

Main Projects / Activities

Concerts F.Chopin,I.J.Paderewski.
Seminars media and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lidia Zebrowska
Head of the organisation
Jan Sek


National Network


Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

أيام آنا ليند لتعليم المواطنة بين الثقافات

نظّمت الشبكة الفنلندية في مؤسسة آنا ليند، إلى جانب شركائها من رؤساء شبكات الدنمارك وإستونيا وألمانيا والمغرب وبولندا والسويد وتونس وتركيا في مؤسسة آنا ليند، منتدى بين الثقافات وتدريباً بعنوان "أيام آنا ليند للتعليم على المواطنة بين الثقافات" في الفترة...


يتم تنفيذ التنسيق المشترك للشبكة البولندية بواسطة المركز الثقافي الدولي ومؤسسة المركز الثقافي الدولي، والتي تم تعيينها من قبل وزارة الشؤون الخارجية ووزارة الثقافة البولندية والتراث الوطني، وأقرها الأعضاء بانتظام.

شاركت شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند في بولندا في قيادة والشراكة في مختلف برامج الحوار بين الثقافات. ويتم تنسيق الشبكة بالاشتراك مع المركز الثقافي الدولي ومؤسسة المركز الثقافي الدولي في كراكوف.

لعبت الشبكة البولندية دورا قياديا في عام 2008 في حملة "1001 عمل لأجل الحوار" لمؤسسة أنا ليند، وإطلاق سلسلة من الأعمال الجديدة بما في ذلك "بولندا للحوار" والذي أدى إلى النقاش العام في كراكوف حول تأثير الثقافات الأجنبية والأقليات العرقية خلال السنوات الماضية، ومبادرة بين الأجيال في منطقة أورلا حيث شارك أعضاء من كبار السن في المجتمع من خلال المقابلات حول ذكرياتهم عن حقيقة ما قبل الحرب العالمية والتي تتميز بالتعايش بين مختلف الطوائف، كما أطلقت الشبكة منشور خاص عن الحملة في بولندا، يشمل الأعمال والمناقشات ومقابلات الخبراء عن العلاقات عبر الثقافات.

في السنة التالية، عام 2009، "في البحث عن الكومنولث المفقود: بولندا ذات الثقافة الواحدة أم متعددة الثقافات" أطلقتها الشبكة بدعم من مؤسسة آنا ليند، والتي تركزت على سلسلة من الحلقات الدراسية ومنشور جديد يقدم بولندا في العصر الحديث من وجهة نظر "الآخر". خلال 2010 و 2011، تابعت الشبكة "التعليم لأجل الحوار"، والتي شاركت بها أعضاء في تطوير مواد تربوية متعدد الوسائط جديدة تتناول التنوع العرقي والديني والاجتماعي والثقافي في بولندا. في عام 2010، نظم رئيس الشبكة البولندي أيضا عرضا مع الفائزين السابقين بجائزة الحوار الأورومتوسطي " أصدقاء السلام البيئي في الشرق الأوسط " و"مقاتلون من اجل السلام" الحركة الاجتماعية الإسرائيلية الفلسطينية، وفي عام 2011، شارك رئيس الشبكة للمرة الأولى في تنظيم الاجتماع السنوي لرؤساء الشبكات الوطنية الـ 43 في بولندا.

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جوانا سانيترا - زيليغا

مديرة ثقافية ومحاضرة جامعية. منسقة برنامج الثقافة لعام 2000 في بولندا (2003 - 2005)، ومنسقة في وحدة الشؤون الأوروبية في وزارة الثقافة منذ عام 2005. هي حالياً كبيرة الأخصائيين في المركز الثقافي الدولي في كراكوف ومنسقة في مؤسسة آنا ليند...