


Anna Lindh Network Netherlands


Mission and vision

The mission of the Anna Lindh Network in the Netherlands is to support and connect civil society organisations and representatives in the Netherlands involved in intercultural dialogue and promoting mutual understanding between communities in the Euro-Mediterranean region. We believe that working together in this network and sharing experiences and resources will contribute to our common goal of building an inclusive and resilient EuroMediterranean civil society.


Network members and coordinator

The Anna Lindh Foundation Network in the Netherlands consists of over 60 civil society organizations. Their main fields of interest and activities are International cultural relations, Youth, Arts, Democracy and Human Rights. In the last week of June, 2024, network members elected the Stichting Arab-West Foundation as the Head of Network, https://www.arabwestfoundation.com/home



In 2024-2025, the main task is to revitalize the network, build on the thematic priorities the previous Head of Network identified, focus on increasing youth involvement, identify peace builders that can contribute to an end of the current Israeli-Palestinian war and how network members can contribute to peace building. To this end, various activities will be organized, such as providing information via a newsletter and LinkedIn group, regular physical network meetings, social events and possibly setting up projects or capacity building activities.

Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO

National Network

Kortenaerkade 11
P.O. Box 29777
2502 LT The Hague

The Hague

0031 (0)704260301
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The National Commission has a maximum of eleven members, all of whom are experts in one or more of UNESCO's fields of interest. The Commission is supported by a small secretariat. The Commission is part of a large worldwide network of nearly 200 National Commissions, all fulfilling similar roles. UNESCO is the only United Nations organisation with a network of this kind. Every two years Commission provides a working programme based on the programmes and policy cycle of UNESCO and the added value that UNESCO can provide to the Netherlands in certain areas and vice versa, and the relevance of themes to policy, society and professional organisations in the Netherlands. The Commission also seeks to collaborate with relevant partners at both national and international level.
Mission and Objectives

The Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO was established in 1947, and performs three main tasks:
•Provision of advice to the Dutch government regarding topics related to UNESCO (education, culture, science and communication).
•Promoting the objectives, the action programme and activities of UNESCO.
•Linking the UNESCO world community and those involved with UNESCO in the Netherlands, such as the national government and organisations and experts in the fields of education, culture, communication and the sciences. This contact goes both ways.

Main Projects / Activities

The working programme 2012-2013 consists of the following projects:
- Research project on capacitybuilding for curriculumdevelopment
- Coordination of the network of ASP-schools, with a special focus on quality improvement by the use of Open Educational Resources
- Advising the government on Rio+20
- Water (Man and Biosphere programme, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Organising two more meetings on water in addition to the meetings organised in 2010-2011, Groundwater governance)
- UNESCO-chairs
- UNESCO-L'Oréal for Women in Science Programme
- Ethics
- Cultural conventions
- UNESCO in post-conflict and post-disaster situations
•Communciation and Information
- International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)
- Open and Permanent Access
- Memory of the World

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO is partner in ALF Common Action 2013.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The The Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO wants to collaborate with relevant partners at both national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Imhof

Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC)

National Network

1 dr. Mahmoud Azmi street, POBox 50, 11211 Zamalek

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
NVIC is one of ten Dutch academic institutes abroad, financed by a consortium of Dutch and Flemish (Belgian) universities. The NVIC is a non-profit establishment according to Egyptian law. There are 13 permanent staff working at NVIC. Other funds are occasionally acquired through grants for projects carried out under the direction of the NVIC. The main partners for NVIC are the Dutch and Flemish universities and other institutions related to higher education and research, as well as the Egyptian universities, institutes, authorities as well as private partners related to research and higher education, especially in the field of Archaeology, Arabic Studies, Egypt and related topics. The NVIC is the only Flemish institute abroad and the only multi-national European academic institute abroad.
Mission and Objectives

NVIC’s main task is to support the teaching and research programmes of the Dutch and Flemish universities, and to support and further the contacts and exchange between universities, students and scholars from Egypt, the Netherlands and Flanders.

Main Projects / Activities

? Teaching Arabic and Archaeology for bachelor and master students from Dutch and Flemish universities and occasionally for others
? Carrying out research (NVIC has several academic staff members)
? Supporting and facilitating research projects of others, in the field of Arabic studies, History, Archaeology and Egyptology, Islam, Coptic studies, etc.
? Facilitating projects in the field of cultural heritage conservation and restoration.
? Organising workshops, conferences, seminars and other occasions for scholarly or cultural exchange
? Maintaining a scholarly and general network between Egypt and the Netherlands/Flanders.
? Weekly lecture series
? Teaching Dutch

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Dr. Kim Duistermaat, director
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Dr. Kim Duistermaat, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. M.M. Mulder, administrator

New Women Connectors

National Network

Akkerdreef 60
2723xj zoetermeer

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
General Information

New Women Connectorsaims to raise awareness through organized platforms and feature the voices of refugee and migrant role models who are succeeding in life despite different challenges that come with integrating in a European city. New Women Connectors aims to create policy and perspective shifts surrounding the stereotypes that refugee and migrants, especially women, face in Europe today. The primary objective of the organization is to facilitate an open platform for sharing refugee and migrant voices, to come together and engage in individual and group everyday challenges refugees and migrants face, such as integration, participation in labor market, representation in media and education. NWC focuses on ensuring that the voices of migrant and refugees are heard and taken into account. We plan to translate those voices into policy recommendations to ensure meaningful participation of newcomers into European society. The lived experiences and skills of newcomers can lead to proposing collaborative and feasible solutions for policy platforms. It will demonstrate how the inclusion of refugee and migrant voices and listening can lead to positive societal cohesion and better integration. 

Mission and Objectives

A movement striving for mainstreaming the unheard voices of migrant and refugee women living across Europe. New Women Connectors is a perspective-shift to the refugee agenda and advocates inclusion rather than integration as a policy choice. The movement also helps newcomer refugee women to lift their spirits to access to opportunities.  Our Mission: New Women Connectors (NWC) is an open platform that strives to connect newcomers and migrants, with a strong focus on women, and seeks to amplify the voices of those who often feel voiceless. Envisioned, created, and led by migrant refugee women, NWC amplifies these Voices, focuses on ensuring all voices are heard and responded to, so that migrants/refugees can have access to meaningful participation; and believes the exchange of dialogue and listening to one another can be facilitated. As a result, these efforts will lead to collaborative solutions. NWC aims to create policy and perspective shifts surrounding the stereotypes that refugees and migrants, especially women, face in Europe. NWC recognizes the need for social justice in Europe and sets out a vision for improving inclusion and social justice for all, in Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: (i) A comprehensive mapping of diverse Women refugee/migrant-led organizations acrossEurope (ii) Women Migrant led platform to beestablished and serves as a segment for refugee/migrant-led organizations in Europe to exchange experiences and enhance collaboration. (iii) A road map of future activitiesfor a two years’ period (iv) An outcomes paper with policy proposals to improve and provide women focus migration policy in Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We propose a unique model of get-togethers focusing on female voices in cities: working title i.e.  Amsterdam for Her -Barcelona for Her, Bamberg for Her. As NWC is a platform to connect newcomers and migrants with host communities, with a strong focus on women, it seeks to amplify the voices of those who often feel voiceless. As a result, these efforts will lead to collaborative solutions to urgent matters faced by migrant women in European cities. We will hold at least FIVE big get-together events in different decisive European cities like Amsterdam forHer,Nijmegen ForHer(Netherlands), Bamberg ForHer(Germany), Barcelona ForHer (Spain), Bergamo ForHer (Italy), Lisbon forHer (Portugal), so on. This will create a two-fold impact; the platform that we will provide will not only create an open and democratic image of the city, it will also connect the city with its disconnected communities.  We follow the signature NWC "voice" model where at each get-together, we select three "voices" who share their journey of integration in Europe and inspire others to take the next step in their lives. These cities are overlooked in providing open spaces for progressive debates around the inclusion of migrants and refugees, females in particular. Through our network of networks, we aim to organize get-togethers, an evening or afternoon to highlight voices of migrants and refugees and link them to the city natives and other communities. We want to connect these "voices" and their stories will provide a reality check and demonstrate how undemocratic values can overlook potential and talent and hinder meaningful integration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A major challenge in refugee and migrant self-representation at the European level is the lack of opportunity for refugee-led and migrant-led organizations, networks and advocates to come together and collaborate on areas of shared concern. Advocating effectively in national and regional dialogue requires the resources to travel and time to develop collective policy positions as well as access to advocacy opportunities. Effective refugee-led and migrant-led advocacy can occur only when attention is paid to the barriers of these self-led organizations, networks and advocates confront in coming together, including limited mobility and motility due to legal status, lack of access to resources and practical pressures, for example, most refugee/migrant-led networks are leading these networks on a voluntary basis and face a lot of challenges to get support and resources for their work. This Network will help to share these challenges and showcases the benefit of meaningful inclusion of refugees and migrants while also increasing the visibility of refugee/migrant-led organisations at the EU level which will allow these groups to build sustainable partnerships with national and European stakeholders.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Anila Noor
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anila Noor

Nieuw Maan Adviseurs Maatschappelijke Vernieuwing

National Network

Danzigerkade 9b
1013 AP Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 6707800
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
General Information
Nieuwe Maan creates coalitions of governmental, non profit, commercial and social organisations around social issues. The social issues Nieuwe Maan works on are for instance sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, integration, diversity, intercultural cooperation, livelyhood. For every initiative a budget is generated by the involved parties. Nieuwe Maan is often initiative taker and proces manager. Nieuwe Maan has 6 partners, 3 employees and a network of freelancers. The total revenue of the organisation was 800.000 in 2008. Nieuwe Maan books the hourrates x the hours of its people that work on the intiatives on the projectbudget. There is no other profit goal.
Mission and Objectives

Nieuwe Maan creates coalitions of governmental, non profit, commercial and social organisations around social issues in order to raise awareness, create publicity, find solutions, create change.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of projects are Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Dialogue, the communication around the Pavem (Participation of Women of minority groups, Maxima) Commission, training on intercultural cooperation, projects with young muslims in Amsterdam, Purmerend and Maastricht, advise on sustainable development to the ministerie of Agriculture, CSR projects with Fortis Foundation, a programma the social housing organisation, citizens and the local government on livelyhood issues in Amsterdam, etc. For more information see www.nieuwemaan.nl.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Plokhooij


National Network

Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 32
1054 SP


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Noticias is a non-profit media organization based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We work primarily with volunteers. Organizational costs are covered by donations and advertisements on our website. Staff members are employed on project basis, for funding we rely on media funds or development organisations, like Oxfam Novib and Cordaid. In addition to this we have been working with European Volunteers through the Youth in Action Programme for several years now.
Mission and Objectives

Noticias, a Dutch non-profit media organisation. Noticias provides news and background information about Latin America in the Netherlands. Moreover we publish about the lives of
Latin American migrants in the Netherlands and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Amongst other since 2010 we have been monitoring and reporting on the GFMD (Global Forum for Migration and Development) and organized media workshops for migrants. In 2013 we started with a project called 'Picturing Migration'. This project is an initiative that links migrants' engagement in the development of their societies of origin and their daily lives in the Netherlands. In addition, it encourages migrants to produce their own media. We produce video's, blogs and do research on the social media use of migrant organizations. All our productions are published on our project website www.laruta.nu/migratie

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network with our productions and with our knowledge and experience with media, making videos, writing articles and doing research on migration related issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As member of the ALF network we would like to contribute with our productions to the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe, to learn from the other members and possibly form new partnerships within Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mette Groen
Head of the organisation
Pablo Eppelin
Contact (2) Full Name
Pablo Eppelin

Oyoun Masr Association (OMA)

National Network

bundlaan 52
1032 kA Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Vision: EuroMed  Citizenship… Sense of Belonging of each and everyone. Mission: Build a network bringing together activists and young workers in the Euro-Mediterranean space in order to overcome the obstacles that prevent building of a successful and interconnected Euro-Mediterranean society. Aims: - Providing a helping hand to youth and women in areas of disputes around the Euro-Mediterranean.  - Empowerment and capacity building of youth and women in the Euro-Mediterranean.  - Study and set up projects aimed at achieving the goals of the Millennium and respect of Human Rights. - Organizing and managing conferences, exhibitions, festivals, competitions and markets serve humanitarian issues.
Mission and Objectives

- Our board members are 5 and we have staff of 3 employees
_ We are the head of the national network of EuroMed Youth Federation 
- The main financial resources are from EU donors, sponsors and membership fees
- Our partners now are from Egypt, Tunis, Morrocco, Italy, France, Bulgum, Germany and Spain  

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project in 2015 is made in EuroMed project (www.madeineuromed.eu) and we are active in Erasmus plus program  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will provide contacts, knowledge and experience in general in the Euro-Mediterranean area to the network members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build a strong national network and to exchange experience and knowledge with the dutch network members and other members around the Euro-Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Salwa El-Shaer
Job Title
Head of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Salwa El-Shaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Adham Said
Job Title (2)
Board Member


National Network

PAX, PO box 19318
3501 DH Utrecht

+31 (0)30 – 233 33 46
+31 (0)30 - 2368199
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 (0)6 489 81 483
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Professional civil society organisation based in Utrecht with 105 paid staff members and approximately 200 volunteers for Dutch activities 2. Around 15 million EUR/year 3. Funding for our peace work comes from our Dutch individual supporters, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign governments, foundations, European Union, National Postcode Lottery 4. dialogue; organising capacity training for young people, women and NGO's; supporting local civil peace initiatives in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America; lobbying international organisations. 5. PAX emerged from a partnership between the two largest peace movements in the Netherlands: IKV Foundation (founded in 1966) and Pax Christi (founded in 1948)

Mission and Objectives

IKV Pax Christi is an international movement for peace and reconciliation, non-violence and human rights which has its roots in the catholic church. Pax Christi Netherlands was established in 1948 and counts nearly 10.000 members who give voice to grassroots aspirations for peace and justice. IKV Pax Christi has a special commitment to the victims of violence, peace groups, parties in conflict looking for peace and reconciliation and socially committed religious leaders. Since its foundation, IKV Pax Christi has been helping to find ways out of cycles of violence by bringing together opposing parties. It does so by expressing solidarity through concrete action. IKV Pax Christi has special consultative status at the United Nations in New York and Vienna, the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and UNESCO in Paris. PAX works together with committed citizens and organisations to protect civilians against acts of war, curb armed violence and foster just and peaceful societies across the globe.

Main Projects / Activities

PAX works in countries such as Bosnia Herzegovina, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Israel, Kosovo, Lebanon, Palestine, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraine. Our core strength is in linking our work in these countries to our thematic work at local, national and international levels. Our extensive knowledge of local needs and the results of our in-depth research combine as input for our lobby activities. In the Netherlands, and at European and international level, PAX mobilises moral, political and financial support for peace efforts in conflict areas. Our presence in The Hague, Brussels and New York facilitates our lobby activities. At the same time we reach out to an increasing number of Dutch people. A growing number of local support groups (more than 70) successfully organise various events to encourage all ages to  become more engaged in peace activities in the Netherlands. In this way, PAX triggers the public to discuss the use of drones in conflict areas, sign a petition for nuclear disarmament or visit a peace concert for example.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simone Remijnse
Head of the organisation
Jan Gruiters (General director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmin Hegazy