
MENA Initiatives at the University of Groningen

National Network

Department of International Relations and International Organisation
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9715 EK


+ 31 (0)50 363 5985
Telephone (other)
+ 31 (0)50 363 2641
+ 31 (0)50 363 7253
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 23056544
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Research in Ethics and Globalisation is headed by 3 Chairs - Dr Vivienne Matthies-Boon and Dr Chris Lamont. Two of the Chairs are the Directors of the MENA Initiatives Programme, which is grounded in the Department of International Relations and Department of Languages and Cultures of the Middle East (University of Groningen) as well as Globalisation Studies Groningen and the Faculty of Arts. Budgetary resources: purely project related – no set amount per year Sources of funding: Dutch Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Globalisation Studies Groningen, Faculty of Arts (University of Groningen), British Academy (Durham collaborations), and more Research in Ethics and Globalisation – MENA initiative Our main partners are: University of Sousse – Tunisia Dutch Flemish Institute in Cairo – Egypt The Centre for Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW) – UK Global Security Institute, Durham University – UK Egyptian Centre for Human Rights Education – Egypt Kawakibi - Tunisia
Mission and Objectives

Research in Ethics and Globalisation (REG) has a special academic interest in the political and legal developments of the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) region. Focusing on Egypt and Tunisia in particular (but not exclusively), the aim of REG is to combine empirical research with political and legal philosophical considerations – thereby facilitating a critical approach that not only problematizes hegemonic discourses on/in the region but also leads to a greater understanding of the region’s complexity.
The specific themes that REG focuses on are the relation between law and theology, transitional justice, human rights and democracy.
REG is furthermore interested in the relation of all of these themes to the socio-economic problems persisting in the region – including its high rates of poverty.
With these aims and themes in mind, REG is undertaking a cluster of activities in the region, in cooperation with our key regional and international partners.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is the Centre for Democracy and Human Rights that we are setting up at the University of Sousse in Tunisia.
This Centre should be a hub of activity for local, national and international scholars on the issues of democracy, transitional justice and human rights alike.
Our aim is to facilitate scholarly and student exchange as well as the interplay between scholars, students, activists and political actors.
We are running a Summer School on Democracy and Transitional Justice at the University of Sousse in Tunisia, 3 -13 August – for Tunisian, Dutch and International students.
We are hosting the Making Democracy International Network. We are organizing a conference on the “Arab Revolts: Continuity or Change” at Brighton University as well as Imagining Democracy: From MENA to Asia at Groningen University.
We are a partner in the Critical Middle Eastern Studies research programme ran by Durham University, Manchester University and Aberdeen University.
Please see: http://www.rug.nl/gsg/Sections/REG/mena-initiatives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a great academic capacity that not only straddles disciplines (such as law, politics, international relations, sociology and philosophy) but also national boundaries.
We have a strong local presence in Tunisia through our engagements with the University of Sousse, and our centre there.
We furthermore have strong local ties with activists in Cairo and wider Egypt as well as Libya. We believe that we can therefore contribute positively to other initiatives within the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that it would be great to join forces with other initiatives, expand our engagement with both local and international actors, as well as provide our Centre on Human Rights and Democracy in Sousse as an venue for the facilitation of exchange.
We particularly prefer to work with a bottom up approach, thus working closely with local actors in the region on the ground.
This has also been our strength - and we believe that the Anna Lindh foundation would allow us to build further on this strength.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Vivienne Matthies-Boon
Head of the organisation
Dr Vivienne Matthies-Boon
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Chris Lamont

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

National Network

Rijnstraat 50
P.O. Box 16375
250o BJ

Den Haag

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Government organisation, see website
Mission and Objectives

see website

Main Projects / Activities

Omong others: Bilateral and multilateral relations between NL and mediterranean countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Gerdien Verheuvel

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

National Network

Rijnstraat 8
PO Box 20061
2500 EB The Hague

+31 70 348 6164
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Every hour of every day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotes the interests of the Kingdom abroad. The Ministry coordinates and carries out Dutch foreign policy at its headquarters in The Hague and through its missions abroad. It is likewise the channel through which the Dutch Government communicates with foreign governments and international organisations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates and carries out the foreign policy of the Dutch government. Unique among Dutch ministries, Foreign Affairs has two parts: the Ministry headquarters in The Hague and the missions abroad.

Mission and Objectives

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the channel through which the Dutch Government communicates with foreign governments and international organisations. It coordinates and carries out Dutch foreign policy. The Ministry has two halves: its headquarters in The Hague and its missions abroad (embassies, consulates, and permanent representations).

Main Projects / Activities

- Henriette van Lynden lecture  - Member Board of Governors Anna Lindh Foundation

Contact (1) Full Name
Baukje Dijkstra
Head of the organisation
Bert Koenders

MoMo Culture Foundation

National Network

Herman Gorterstraat 20
Amsterdam 1077 WH


+31 (0)20 779 90 79
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
MoMo’s organization consists of a Board and an Advisory Committee. The members of the Board are Chairman: Jonathan J. Scholtz; management & organization consultant, Secretary and Treasurer: Claudia M. Landsberger; head international relations EYE Dutch film institute Amsterdam. The Advisory Committee consists of: Ido Abram; director ‘Stichting Leren’, Amsterdam; Dimitri Eipides; director Thessaloniki Documentary Festival; Itamar Gourvitch; director Cultural Institutions Forum, Tel Aviv; Stefan Majakowski; director Shadow Filmfestival Amsterdam.
Mission and Objectives

Culture is the basis of the character and quality of communal life, social relations and eventually the societal structure. Culture formation is an on-going process, with a multitude of participating elements and factors defining direction and result. Increasingly in this process, meaning and importance are recognized of art and artistic activities, being bearers and messengers of human values, visions, thoughts and ideas.

Main Projects / Activities

Characteristic of MoMo is having on hands more project ideas at the same time. Emerged from inside as well as brought in from outside. The activity of MoMo in these cases consists of development and preparatory research, to means and possibilities for realization, financially and organizationally. Guideline here is the aim of the Foundation and the context in which the project plays a role. Also an argument is creativity and originality
- Sound Connections; the musician’s network
- Culturen Klinken; a musical treasure in own town
- Halalcha; broadening scope and bridging barriers

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan J. Scholtz

Mouvement des MRE Democrates

National Network

Loenermark 850
1025 VN


+31 (0)659059550
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Le Mouvement des MRE Democrates est une organisation non gouvernementale dont l objectif principal est de promouvoir les intérêts de la communauté marocaine auprès des pays d accueil et au sein du Maroc. Le MMRED a une structure démocratique, inclusive et tolérante.
Mission and Objectives

Les buts concrets du MMRED:
1. Constituer une force de réflexion sur les potentialités et les contraintes qui sont communes et qui se présentent à toute la communauté marocaine à l’étranger.
2. Développer des stratégies et des programmes pour promouvoir une meilleure image du marocain à l’étranger
3. Mettre en oeuvre, en collaboration avec les autorités compétentes des programmes de formation et de sensibilisation sur les cultures des pays d’accueil, les modalités d’intégration et de maintien de l’identité marocaine
4. Constituer une force de réflexion et de proposition, au niveau du Maroc, sur les modalités de représentation de la communauté marocaine dans les instances institutionnelles du pays qui ont un domaine de compétence lié aux intérêts de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger.
5. Développer et mettre en oeuvre des programmes au niveau du Maroc pour
a) Identifier, faciliter et protéger les opportunités d’investissement
b) Organiser d’apprentissage de l’arabe et le tamazight, surtout aux jeunes de la diaspora, dans le cadre de colonies de vacances et autres activités
c) Faciliter les moyens de transport au Maroc en faveur de la communauté:(e.g.: tarifs raisonnables tout au long de l’année comme un moyen de promouvoir le tourisme marocain et comme un moyen de permettre aux jeunes générations de garder des contacts fréquents avec leur pays d’origine en vue de rendre service à une phase ultérieure)

Main Projects / Activities

Jamal Eddine Ryane a été élu Président de d’une nouveau mouvement qui s’occupe des questions d’immigration et des immigrés sous le nom de « Mouvement démocratique des MRE » à la suite de son constitutif, le dernier samedi 8 et dimanche 9 août 2009 à Rabat.
Caractérisé par la séance d’ouverture de la Conférence, à laquelle ont participé des cadres associatif, intellectuel et économique après le discours de Jamal Ryane, qui a confirmé la nature des objectifs de la fondation émanant du contenu du discours de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, pour l’émancipation de la communauté marocaine à participer au développement, par le biais de diverses infrastructures, et l’orateur a proposé un certain nombre de projets et de programmes, qui constituent un élément essentiel de la formation de ce mouvement, un cadre destiné principalement à contribuer à la formation d’un service supplémentaire dans le pays et de servir les membres de la communauté à l’étranger, sur la base de la présence d’institutions efficaces dans les domaines législatif, exécutif.
Les travaux de la Conférence, qui se caractérise par la poursuite de plus de deux jours, l’annonce par les premiers signes de la stratégie globale du mouvement, qui vise notre unité nationale, comme l’une des principales priorités, en plus de la politique, sociale, économique, religieuse et culturelle à l’extérieur, de la question des femmes et de l’éducation, et les domaines connexes la préservation de l’identité nationale à travers le principe de dévouement à enseigner l’arabe et l’amazigh Marocains à l’étranger pour les enfants. Dans ce contexte, les délégués ont exprimé leur volonté et leur désir de citoyens marocains ont le droit et la capacité à servir le pays, et de soutenir les différents programmes qui s’inscrivent dans les priorités et la vision pour atteindre les objectifs souhaités,
la Conférence s’est également félicitée de la circulation de toutes les propositions sérieuses pour chaque énergie et des acteurs individuels ou des associations, qui reflète la valeur ajoutée de la formation du service de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger. Pour sa part, et après la ratification du projet de Loi fondamentale, a été élu président du mouvement qui a donné naissance à un corps sain qui cherche à embrasser le présent pour servir l’avenir, grâce à des outils basés sur l’approche réellement démocratique et le principe de transparence et de coopération, et a souligné que le mouvement va continuer à ouvrir ses portes aux contributions et de tous les acteurs qui sont en mesure de fournir l’avenant nécessaire et positif. Ce qui correspond aux aspirations de rejoindre et de servir l’intérêt public des Marocains résidant à l’étranger, et dans l’intérêt du Royaume du Maroc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Eddine Ryane
Contact (2) Full Name
Zohra Maurel

Music in Me Foundation

National Network

Postbus 104
1860 AC Bergen NH

0031 72 581 46 27
0031 72 589 96 94
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our staff contains of a managing director, a program director, an advisor international affairs and a communication director. The budgetary resources for projects are about EUR 250.000,= in 2005. Our sources of funding are benefits from galas and concerts and subsidies from foundations and governments. Our projects in the Middle East are focusing on music education, music therapy, musical performances, music infrastructure and music documentation. Our main partners are the UNRWA, IMC of UNESCO, National Conservatory Amman, ArtEZ Hogeschool, La Vie sur Terre, Dar al Assad Damascus and Musicians without Borders.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Koen Braak
Head of the organisation
Frans Wolfkamp
Contact (2) Full Name
Miriam Wijker

Music Works

National Network

Jacob van Lennepkade 291-3
1054zv Amsterdam

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Stichting Music WorksProjects with refugees and music professionals Organisation structure: Board (3) Director  Coordinator Jordan Workshopleaders Jordan (5) Creative leader Trainer team (5) Volunteers (25) Yearbudget: 90.000€ Funding sources: - Cultural funds - Benefit concerts - Private donations Main Partners: WarChild UK Conservatorium Amsterdam UNRWA Music Works is the privitization of the project formerly known as Syrious Mission, nl.
Mission and Objectives

Music Works is the result of a request done by UNICEF for Jordans refugeecamp in 2013: "Please come and do something musical with all these kids." As professional musicians and entrepeneurs we decided to create a sustainable structure to add to the existing NGO activities.
We train young local musicians and conservatory students to do music workshops with children in refugeecamps in Jordan and the Netherlands.
We partner with NGO's that do psycho-social support programs, but lack funds for music activities. (f.e. WarChild uk).
This way we:
1. enable young local musicians to work in the NGO environment, broadening their career prospects.
2. enforce the psycho-social support programs of strong NGO's with music activities
3. support hundreds of refugee children weekly in the development of a strong and versatile personality
We strongly believe in the collaboration with existing NGO's, combining resources to reach as many children possible, while keeping all costs low. 
Exchange knowledge in the the proces, essential in the fast changing environment of a refugeecamp.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Music Workshops, Jordan, Zaatari Camp
Weekly workshops for the children in district 7 and 10 of Zaatari Camp Jordan.
The children in our programs learn to create/compose songs and play several instruments.
The results are presented during family day Concerts in the camp every 3 months.
2. Music Works Project Week
Every summer we organize the Music Works Project Week with Amsterdams Conservatory:
Our Jordanian workshopleaders meet our dutch team, take masterclasses in didactics and exchange experiences. Connecting and rooting our values.
The workshopleaders and tutors stay in touch during the year by monthly Skype sessions.

3. Jebel music
Our expert selection of musicians/trainers from the Netherlands organise workshop weeks for refugees, followed by grand concerts. Started as the Jebel Music Spring Concert in 2009 in partnership with UNRWA. Now focuses mainly on the refugees in the Netherlands. 
Projectplan upon request!

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share/ exchange experiences from the camp, grass-root level point of view combined with the diplomatic and policy challenges we face. Think-tanks, collaborations and most importantly a very up to date image of the cultural development within the NGO world of the middle-east and its possibilities in europe/netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization strifes to grow by learning from and exchanging with other professionals, from different and similar backgrounds. The ALF has a reputation of bringing people/leaders together in a very kind way. I have experienced this myself at the start of our organization. And participated in brainstormsessions. A very inspiring event.
Also ALF invited us when we were still in our start-up phase: Syrious Mission.
Now as a professional independant organisation it would be great to give back some knowledge. And possibly support young professionals and startups too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sjaiesta Badloe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sjaiesta Badloe


National Network

Mauritskade 53 huis, 1092 AC Amsterdam
Mauritsweg 35
3021 JT Rotterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our program builds bridges between the different generations en cultural backgrounds of our talented participants. They are aged between 14-25 yrs and then 50 tot 87yrs. In workshops and masterclasses they are educated by well known singers, rappers, hiphoppers en others to be the best they can and while doing it, interact with the other generations ie cultural background. Thus preparing them for cocreating with musical director Paul Mayer in staging concerts en theatreproductions. Talentdevelopment and -presentations are directed to a reciprocal interaction with society. All our programs have a theme that relates to the urgency of giving back in return for the support me recieve. Last year our theme was and still is TALENT FOR FREEDOM, celebrating 70 yrs of freedom from the German occupation while giving a lot of attention to other oppressive parts in history: slavehistory, colonialism and human rights. From 2011 till 2014 we were active in the Kurdish parts of Turkey, bringing dialogue through music.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to bring people together through the arts, intergenerational talentdevelopment while we feel that the intercultural part should speak for itself. After the development part we aim at working with local talents in combination with refugees in the Netherlands as wel a abroad. Human rights promotion through a lived and musical example of a singing society.

Main Projects / Activities

2001 Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe, start together with Porto 2001
2005 Fever, intergenerational program with rappers and singers of Rotterdam and seniors. Membership Age-Culture Net
2006 First Grundtvig EU exchange with 8 countries
2008 Government support for 4 years to be prolongued to this day
2009-2010 Cooperation in Ruhr area coaching NGO's on intercultural communication through Music with IBK in Remscheid
2010 Exchange with Ruhr and istanbul, cultural capitals (Grundtvig support)
2011- 2014 celebration of 400 yrs friendship with Turkey, Kurdish program and EU exchange
2014-15 TALENT FOR FREEDOM, working together with refugees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International exchange en a reciprocal approach to intergenerational, intercultural and international dialogue is in our DNA. Our friends of cultuurenco (www.cultuurenco.nl) a longtime member of your network, advised us to seek membership as well. Especially since my last visit to the Palestinian territories, Palestine, returning with ful vigor and wanting to make a contribution there to the seniors that have been in the refugees camps for so long, and the children who need a break from the daily trauma inflicting situation.
The Anna Lindh Palestinian network is looking for partners and this seems a good opportunity to continue our research for making a difference in this troubled area.
Kind regards,
Conny Groot

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Please as described above, we gladly contribute through the arts to international dialogue in troubled areas as we do in hotel while working with seniors, young people and bringing them together with refugees.

Contact (1) Full Name
Conny Groot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Conny Groot
Contact (2) Full Name
Kevin Hoogenboezem
Job Title (2)
office management

Musicians without Borders

National Network

Tolhuisweg 1
1031CL Amsterdam

+31 20 330 5012
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Musicians without Borders (MwB), established in 1999, is a global network organization using the power of music for healing and reconciliation in areas torn by war and conflict. Musicians without Borders develops projects in response to local needs and in cooperation with local musicians and civil society organizations. Successful projects are used to develop models, methodologies and trainings suitable for use in other regions. Musicians without Borders has developed and implemented projects, presented and participated in conferences and music festivals, published repertoire and methodologies, and built a network of musicians and music organizations, all focused on the untapped power of music for healing, reconciliation and building tolerance where war and conflict have left people isolated, divided and in despair.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Using the power of music for healing and reconcilliation.
1)Develop and implement innovative pilot projects for musicians worldwide that bridge differences of culture, ethnicity, ideology and politics;
2)Organize international events to promote our mission;
3)Produce repertoire and teaching methodologies to develop music and social skills in children, adults, teach teamwork and connect across cultural boundaries;
4)Collect used instruments and give them to refugee musicians, music projects and schools in conflict areas ;

Main Projects / Activities

Community Music & Health (Uganda) – Training youth leaders to use music to address the effects of HIV in young people.
Welcome Notes (The Netherlands) – Bringing comfort, solidarity and hope to war refugees through music.
Soy Música (El Salvador) – Together with Salvadoran music teachers and community leaders, we share tools to provide at-risk children with experiences of safety, inclusion, creativity and joy.
Mitrovica Rock School – In post-war Kosovo, aspiring young rock stars meet across divides at the Mitrovica Rock School, where it’s all about the music.
Palestine Community Music – Training youth and young professionals to bring music to marginalized children in West Bank refugee camps, villages, schools, hospitals and orphanages.
Rwanda Youth Music – Introducing music therapy, training and community music activities to empower youth and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Music Bridge – Bridging divides in Northern Ireland with community music training and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Hassler
Head of the organisation
Laura Hassler