
Klaipeda state music theatre

National Network

Danes st 19

+370 46 39 74 01
+370 46 41 05 51
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda State Music Theatre is a budget institution which purpose is to organize professional scene art (stage plays, concerts and (or) other art programs) creation and public performance. Klaipeda State Music Theatre (Klaipeda, Lithuania) is the biggest professional art organization not only in Klaipeda, but in the entire region of West Lithuania. It employs 230 people: soloists, choir singers, ballet dancers, orchestra musicians, administration and the service personnel. The Theatre’s repertoire (www.klaipedosmuzikinis.lt) comprises operas, operettas, musicals, dance performances, plays for children and concerts; The institution organizes an international artistic and educational projects. Some of the most prominent include: international festival "Muzikinis rugpjūtis pajūryje" (The Musical August on the Seaside), “Jaunųjų talentų festivalis“ (Festival of Young Talents), international project “Jūros mūzos” (Muses of the Sea). Theatre is a member of European Network for Opera and Dance Education (RESEO). Theatre took part in Europian projects: ”South Baltic academy of independent theatre – a tool of social change”, under the South Baltic Programme 2007-2013, “Multicultural dialog – Multicultural theatres – strengthening social and cultural integration of border areas” under the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013, and “International Theatre - joint cultural-workshops in the South Baltic region” under South Baltic Programme 2007-2013. Budgetary resources of the Theatre available in a year (2014) - 2184975 Eur. Sources of funding: State budget, income payments, support, lithuanian project funds and European Union funds. Theatre collaborates with variuos cultural, art and non formal education institutions in Klaipeda and West region of Lithuania. Partners of the Theatre in EU project's: Aleksander Sewruk’s Theatre in Elbląg (Poland), Dramatic Theatre in Kaliningrad (Russia), The Foundation Fotevikens Maritime Center (Sweden), Baltic artistic agency BART (Poland), Riksteatern Blekinge (Sweden).
Mission and Objectives

Main sphere of the Klaipeda state music theatre’s activities – professional scene art.
Goals of the Theatre’s activities:
1. By its own and in the Theatre working creative employees’ creative activity, to present the achievements of national musical culture on the highest level, to foster, to create and to develop the professional musical scene art culture and traditions, to perform classical and modern music and scene art pieces of Lithuanian composers and composers of foreign countries, to creatively feature world music culture values;
2. To create conditions for young and known music and scene art performers from Lithuania and all over the world, and their collectives to present their creations in art programs of the Theatre;
3. To participate in forming the music and scene art culture image of the country, to present music and scene art of Lithuania and other nations in Lithuania and abroad;
4. To rear, to form and to satisfy the social need in the culture of professional music and scene art, professional music theatre art.

Main Projects / Activities

When implementing its goals, the Theatre performs the following functions;
1. Organizes professional scene art creation and public performance, various art and culture events;
2. Carries out educational programs;
3. Performs on tour in the country and abroad, presenting professional scene art to the community;
4. Participates in the republican and international events, programs;
5. Creates and publically performs musical stage plays, other artistic programs;
6. Performs other functions stipulated in the legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Mažulytė
Job Title
Cultural projects manager
Head of the organisation
Ramūnas Kaubrys
Contact (2) Full Name
Edita Lubickaitė
Job Title (2)
Deputy director for art

Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences

National Network

Jaunystes str. 1
Jaunystes str. 2

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK) consisted of three faculties: technologies, social sciences and health sciences. KVK has more than 4000 students, 300 academic staff and about 50 administrative staff. KVK Students Board members are very active and they organize different events and projects for youth. KVK organizing studies for International students from Asia, Arabic countries. Budgetary resources about 8 mln EUR per year. Activities of KVk are funded from three main sources: appropriations from the state budget, income generated by the KVK in provision of services and projects. KVK performs research works, initiated by social partners: Yazaki Wiring Technologies Lietuva, Klaipeda Passanger Transport, Klaipeda Bus Fleet, Klaipeda City Municipality and others.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To educate highly qualified professionals having universal values, understanding their role in the society and capable of personal improvement. Objectives: 
1. Implementation of studies, quality shaping of an attractive image of the KVK, 
2. Cooperation with social partners in the activities of studies and applied research, expansion of international cooperation and implementation of continuing education.
3. Development of responsible members of society and the nurturing of the country's culture. 
4. To anticipate the changes enabling the KVK to reform by adjusting to the new market conditions.

Main Projects / Activities

KVK has great experience in Life Long Learning Programme, Erasmus +, Nord Plus and other programmes projects like partner and coordinator.
Since 2009 KVK has had several national and international projects. It has lead many teaching projects for developing of study programmes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

KVK teachers and students will organize seminars, open lectures and workshops about tollerance, cultures differences, migration problemmes. Study modulle  "Intercultural Communication" is prepared and everyone student can study this subject. KVK researches will do research about emigrants from Syria problemmes and opportunities to live in Lithuania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to contribute to develop an Intercultural Strategy for the Euro-Mediterranean Region, help migrants from Syria and other Mediterranean countries, found commonthoughts, partners, friends, share our experience. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Silva Blazulioniene
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Director Grazina Markvaldiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Jurate Danieliene
Job Title (2)
Head of International Relations Department

Kulturos artele/ Culture Art Fact

National Network

Silo Str. 1-5

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Activities of KULTUROS ARTELE are partially financed by its Dutch partners, private and benevolent people, the fold, and obtaining financial resources available in the Republic of Lithuania under various programs. Creative team consists of highly motivated artists, creators, performers, pedagogues, Lithuanian performers currently residing abroad, and project implementation team – of reliable employees that are professionals in their respective fields.
Mission and Objectives

Turn to creative person and overcome disrespect to a personality, a human being, which has rooted and spread during the Soviet times, take care of growing performers of a new generation, talented artists and seniors, preserve LT identity and proclaim the name of Lithuania all over the world. We find spreading of professional art in the community particularly important, meanwhile forming and developing artistic taste and attitudes of the growing audience.

Main Projects / Activities

• Management of artists and performers
• Cultural tourism
• International cultural exchange
• Premiere works and staging for children
• Organization of classical, chamber music concerts
• Charitable, educational, and social events
• Music-related, art actions in Lithuanian cities, towns and peripheries
• Patronage of Lithuanian classical music talents, laureates of international contests
• Tailor-made and thematic art programs

Contact (1) Full Name
Odete Abromaviciute
Head of the organisation
Odete Abromaviciute

Kulturos centras "In Actio"

National Network

Laisvės pr. 60-1107

+370 6 101 38 44
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Kultūros centras "IN ACTIO" is organization based in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania. Being active for more than 10 years it developed a wide network of local/international partners and supporters. Main partner is Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt). Activities and actions of “IN ACTIO” are organized based on voluntary background or by supporting of various national or international foundations, local governmental institutions. From 2011 to 2014 organization was elected as Head of Lithuanian network of Anna Lindh foundation. During this period main activities of Lithuanian network were developed as example could be taken “Arab Cultural Days” which became permanent event of Lithuanian network of ALF. In 2013 “IN ACTIO“ together with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and ALF has organized the annual meeting of the Heads of Network of the ALF. Event was included into official program of Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In 2010 organization created and continuously developing official website of Lithuanian network of ALF - ALFondas.lt
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of “IN ACTIO” is to promote Social Inclusion and Intercultural Dialogue. In order to reach the mission, organization initiates and implements local and international programs and projects.  Mainly they are with a focus on Social, Cultural, Educational themes.
Through our actions we promote Human Rights education, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development, Cross-Sectoral cooperation, Development Cooperation with African and Asian countries.

Main Projects / Activities

“IN ACTIO” unites professionals whose’ knowledge is based from working in different spheres and structures – Ministries, Business, Governmental and Non-governmental institutions. Such membership directly reflects to our activities, as it provides opportunity to overview any issue from different point of view and find best solution for it.
Seminars and training's on Intercultural Dialogue, Human Rights education, Cross Sectoral cooperation; Development Programs on National, International and Transcontinental level; promotion of Volunteerism; Integration of Refugees – this is just a small example of topics and activities on which is focusing “IN ACTIO”.
By cooperating with the wide network of the partner institutions, “IN ACTIO” implements activities by itself and also helps to find reliable partners inside Lithuania or other countries. For a moment we are cooperating with more than 50 countries. Seeking its mission "IN ACTIO" helps for Non governmental institutions or international projects runners to develop visibility strategies and different MEDIA programs, especially on topics of Intercultural Dialogue and Social Inclusion.
If You are searching for trusted partner in BALTIC COUNTRIES, we will be happy to help You!

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovilė Rupšytė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dovilė Rupšytė

Kūrybinės ateities idėjos

National Network

Baltijos pr. 11-12
94134 Klaipėda

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
NGO "Creative Future Ideas" working with different youth groups and organizations in non-formal education field. Teachers have big experience in using non-formal training methods in education, organizing seminars, conferences, events. NGO is open to all youth who wish to participate actively in non-formal education activities, and provides a variety of opportunities to spend their leisure time, develop their creative abilities and knowledge of their profession in scientific, technological, artistic, sports, tourism sections. The rationale behind this aspirational - an intelligent, thinking, creative young person.
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of NGO: to unite and activate the creative youth, institutions and / or organizations to encourage their creativity, to spread a positive experience, to take part in various projects directly related to the activities of the association.
The aim of the association is actively involved in the work of building the culture of Europe, taking care of the development of national cultures, regional, rescue them from the unification of mass global culture. The organization creates a platform for the participation of Lithuanian natural and legal persons in the EU projects.
Association tasks:
1. Organizing of seminars, training, active recreation and other events, contests, an educational support projects, engage in sponsored search, develops creative publishing activities,educational topics;
2. Communicate and cooperate with enterprises, institutions, organizations, spreading positive experience, improving their employees' skills, solving performance problems, provide methodological support professional.
3. Implementation of joint projects;

Main Projects / Activities

Members of the NGO have a wealth of experience based on their work in various institutions. Their substantive knowledge and above all the range of skills related to the management and operation of human resources makes that they are willing to work with the implementation of the project, in the case of most of the members of the project focused on the work and the support of young people from different European countries. Members of the Association are individuals actively involved in the activities carried out at local, regional and international levels.  Members of the NGO promote and support the comprehensive of the socio economics development of regions. Their work contributes to creating conditions for reducing disparities in the development of civilization individual areas of Europe. These activities are primarily through participation in EU projects. NGO provides non formal education trainings focused on boosting transversal skills, above all entrepreneurial, digital, creativity and language learning in order to increase their employability as well as self-employment potential of its youth audience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO members will help to transform education and entire communities, while learning from each other and, in turn, increasing each other’s impact in the classroom and beyond. NGO will share the power of exchanging ideas across borders, aiming to support knowledge exchange, strengthen dialogue and intercultural cooperation that are crucial for the stable and sustainable development in the Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network will provide opportunity for our NGO share experience and ideas, transfer good practices to Region countries, Also our ativities contribute to improving Intercultural understanding, tolerance, equality between youth in Region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silva Blažulioniene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Silva Blažulionienė

Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Auginame ateitį"

National Network

Jogailos 12
01116 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Charity and support foundation "Auginame ateitį" was established in 1999 and known as a foundation of wife of ex-President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus. Last years Mrs. Alma Adamkienė resigned from the managment of foundation and left it to Tadas Bojarskas, who worked as project manager for 8 years. At this time there is only one permanent staff member in fund - managing director Paulius Juočeris, but founder of foundation is also heavily involved. Also we have rotating volunteers. We have a budget of €50-100k. a year, but are hoping to expand that due to big inheritance. We're funded by different companies and private donators. We also time from time apply for state support for specific project. Our main partners and targets of activity are 40 rural schools.
Mission and Objectives

- To make conditions for students in rural schools better. There are lots of talented students in rural schools which suffer from outdated infrastructure and equipment and lack of opportunirties to develop students' talents. Our goal is to help them to buld safer and modern environment and to give more opportunities for talented students to reach higher.
- Also in rural locations culture and worldview are quite limited and it causes all kinds lack of tolerance issues. One of our goals is to change that.
- We are looking forward to find more partners abroad, where education is highly rated and bring all good practice to our supported schools for more effective managment and educational methods.

Main Projects / Activities

"Step into new year with a new book" - donating new fiction books to school libraries. Most of rural schools cannot afford to buy new books, neither children parents. The books we donate are often the only ones kids can access. This project is going for 15 years and we have spent ~€1M
Leadership, business, art programmes - we choose talented students from rural school and bring them to the camp in capital or near sea, where they can work and study with best proffesionals in respective field. We see this opportunity not only as developing skills and get some actual practice for students, but also as a motivational time, where kids from distant locations can understant what they can achieve in the future.
Renovation of stadiums/sport halls - working hand to hand with "Coca-cola" we had significant part in reconstruction of infrastructure in 7 rural schools. Most of these stadium and sport halls are built and not renovated since 80's or even older times.
Wide scale educational games - our this year project to encourage students to read books. Big game on internet platform involving mistery story written by known fiction writter and students performing different task which could be acomplished only with consulting books.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope it will help us to find reliable partners in outside Lithuania. And also to aplly for funds which are always needed in our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tadas Bojarskas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paulius Juočeris

Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Žvaigždė Vakarė"

National Network

K. Donelaičio 79-1

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation "Žvaigždė Vakarė" was established by three broad-minded individuals. The management of the Foundation consists of the director (head) and his/her assistant, and it is foreseen to employ three more trustees. There are several companies as a partners of the Foundation - JSC "ETKC", JSC "ULA Technologies", JSC "BVC" and JSC "Latava". Budgetary resources available in a year is a approximately 200.000 Litas (approx. 57.000 Eur). The foreseen sources of funding is private donations, two per cent of personal income-tax, donations from our partners and contribution from other business entities. It is foreseen to organize at least one project in 2011 (including the exchanges program and grants for the youth from socially insecure (disadvantaged)families), and to extend the activity to the assistance and contribution for the refugee youth in 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Foundation is to make the contribution for the reduction of the social segregation of the youth from disadvantaged families and other vulnerable social groups.
There are two main goals in Foundation's activity. One of our primary objectives is to promote and encourage children and young people from disadvantages families and/or other vulnerable social groups for learning and studying.
Another goal is to make efforts for integrating the refugee youth to the local community by supporting their education and other activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation has a few areas of focus for its activity. In 2011 it is foreseen to run project designated to support and encourage the education of children and youth from disadvantages families. Grants will be available to help with education costs such as fees, books and equipment and travel. Grants will be normally made for one academic year at a time. If a grant is made for more than one year, payments in future years will be dependent on receipt of satisfactory progress reports from the individual’s school or university. Also the exchange program is a subject of negotiation with some partners, and exchange program guidelines are under development.
Project of 2012 is designated to promote the integration of refugee children and youth (especially those of Arabian nationality) into local community. Certain funds will be allocated for the educational and cultural programs that will include seminars and lectures on Lithuanian culture, traditions, history and basic laws, meetings and joint events with peers from local community and tailored trips/excursions to some Lithuanian historical places, museums and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asta Raškinienė
Head of the organisation
Asta Raškinienė

Laima Asakaite

National Network

Naugarduko 20
11203 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Vilnius Old Town Theatre was founded in 1989. Its founder is Vladas Limantas, the person who has founded Vilnius University Yard Theatre and who headed it for long years. The University Theatre has revitalised one of the oldest theatre traditions in Lithuania the Baroque School-University Theatre. The School-University Theatre flourished during the 16-17th centuries and has prepared the soil for the emergence of Vilnius Town Public Theatre. In year 1995 the core of the theatre came to be the graduates of Vilnius University actors – Lithuanian Language specialists (Vladas Limantas and Alge Savickaite course), later, in 1998 they were joined by a few students of Jonas Vaitkus actor – singer speciality course. During 1996 - 2005 m. Vilnius Old Town Theatre was headed by stage director Valdas Pranulis, since 2005 - by Laima Asakaite. Theatre specialises in arranging actions and performances in non-traditional spaces: streets, squares, churches, castles, parks, natural landscape and the locations where the spectators are most close. The Theatre participates annually at the traditional feasts of the town, arranges humoristic streets actions, dealing with the urgent social and moral problems. Vilnius Old Town Theatre is renowned for street actions, which as a rule target the persons, who due to certain reasons do not attend theatre at all or pay very seldom visits. The Theatre regularly takes part in street events festivals “Vilnius Days“, Klaipeda Sea Festival  http://www.juros.svente.lt/ Opening and Closing Resort Season in Palanga, Siauliai Festival „Zuvys“ (“The Fishes”), Vilnius Musical Action Festival, etc. The Theatre has organised international Street Theatre Festivals "The Roofless Theatre" 2004 -2005; and Vilnius international Street Theatre Festival "MOZAIKA" in years 2007-2014.

Mission and Objectives

Theatre specialises in arranging actions and performances in non-traditional spaces: streets, squares, churches, castles, parks, natural landscape and the locations where the spectators are most close. The Theatre participates annually at the traditional feasts of the town, arranges humoristic streets actions, dealing with the urgent social and moral problems. Vilnius Old Town Theatre is renowned for street actions, which as a rule target the persons, who due to certain reasons do not attend theatre at all or pay very seldom visits. These workshops aim - to reveal the human creative abilities and to give confidence.

Main Projects / Activities

The Theatre regularly takes part in street events festivals “Vilnius Days“, Klaipeda Sea Festival  http://www.juros.svente.lt/ Opening and Closing Resort Season in Palanga, Siauliai Festival „Zuvys“ (“The Fishes”), Vilnius Musical Action Festival, etc. The Theatre has organised international Street Theatre Festivals "The Roofless Theatre" 2004 -2005; and Vilnius international Street Theatre Festival "MOZAIKA" in years 2007-2014.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Public space - the opportunity to express, to hear, see, understand, reflect ... Cultural policy importance is clear for all, but especially public event forms self-awareness for city residents, the opinion of guests. Only because it is public, it is accessible to all, voluntary choice, participation in it. This year, following the tradition of European cities, we will give a possibility to present on the stage their works of all genres, professionals and amateurs, without restriction.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Practicing dialogue to address common regional challenges and search partners. Develop international intercultural cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laima Ašakaitė
Job Title
freelance actor
Head of the organisation
Laima Asakaite

LGBT Support Group Vaivorykste at Vytautas Magnus University

National Network

Donelaicio 52-309, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University
Kaunas, Lithuania LT44248


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The main aim of this organization is to support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender person at the University and to fight against discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation. The group unites students and teachers at the University and organizers cultural events and academic discussions, seminars with university community and local community in the city of Kaunas. We cooperate with other gay organizations in Lithuania.
Mission and Objectives

The objective of our organization is to promote values of tolerance, democracy, freedom of speech and expression and equality. These values are still not fully implemented in the framework of our academic community. We aim to initiate discussion and act to protect homosexual students and teachers to be open about their sexual orientation. The long term aim is social change of our homophobic attitudes and promotion of diversity, democracy and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

We have several projects which we initiated together with students. The first was called CIVICUS which aimed to promoted dialogue between community and university and promote the value of active citizenship. We have developed research and initiated discussion forums (video-conferences with international academic community) about the principles of active citizenship. We developed newsletter which was accused of gay propaganda and was banned by University authorities. Our group initiate seminars on tolerance and discussions with the public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arnoldas Zdanevicius
Head of the organisation
Arnoldas Zdanevicius
Contact (2) Full Name
Saulius Skucas

Lietuvos "Žinijos" draugija

National Network

Vilniaus g.22
01402 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370600 22 530
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The society operates independently, providing residents of paid and free services, the use of various forms and methods in the following areas: Children's education, which includes pre-school age children aesthetic education school "Pippi school" courses graduates and language courses for students; Adult education, which includes language training, IT courses for adults, informal training and in-service training; Lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic workers, evenings, holidays, etc.); Activity of clubs with the same interests; Exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, etc .; scientific and scientific-practical conferences, symposiums. At present, Lithuania "Žinija" Society employs 18 people. The annual budget - EUR 60 000
Mission and Objectives

To develop and maintain the Lithuanian population's need for self-education and lifelong learning.
Goals and Objectives
1. Provide assistance Lithuanian residents suffering from social exclusion.
1.1. Expand psychosocial support, social skills training and support, socio-cultural, social support and mediation services for the socially excluded.
2. Encourage informal and lifelong learning;
2.1. Organize events in various scientific, political, social and other topics, and participate in them;
2.2. Organize clubs with the same interests (economists, science fiction, women, public debates, artists, scientists, etc.) and to meet the needs of the association members and the interests of people living in the municipalities;
3. To promote the various fields of science achievements and successes, spread humanities and sciences, cultural and artistic achievements;
3.1. Organize lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic figures, evenings, holidays, etc.);
3.2. Organize a range of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge and promote the development and publishing of publications.
4. To co-ordinate the activities of members of the Society and to represent and defend the interests of the public members of the Society;
4.1. Establish and maintain contacts with Lithuanian state agencies and public organizations, associations and other organizations.
4.2. Cooperation in adult learning and development NGOs.
5. The new results-oriented training services models.
5.1. Increase the availability of training services, interactivity; personalize and tailor training to the specific individual needs;
5.2. Provide the necessary skills and knowledge to help bendruomeneii and citizens to address the challenges and take part in a social life;
5.3. Participate in addressing chronic unemployment, poverty, exclusion and other problems.

Main Projects / Activities

Children's education, which includes pre-school age children aesthetic education school "Pippi school" courses graduates and language courses for students;
Adult education, which includes language training, IT courses for adults, informal training and in-service training;
Lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic workers, evenings, holidays, etc.);
Activity of clubs with the same interests;
Exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, etc .; scientific and scientific-practical conferences, symposiums.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuania serious lack of services to help the socially excluded - in rebuilding their social skills, motivation, drive, and so on. t. Therefore, 2014 / year 2015. Lithuanian period "Žinija Society is planning a psychosocial support, social skills training and support, socio-cultural, social support and mediation services development, thus creating conditions for the social integration of vulnerable persons and the return of social life. It is planned to receive a service person will actively seek social integration / rehabilitation (eg., Gydysis from addictions, will address housing issues, learn and so on.), Will be ready to participate in public life activities, looking for work or self-employment opportunities to reduce this dependence on personal social benefits and compensation. Improving the quality of service and efficiency, great attention is to be given a greater personalization of services, so that they better meet the situation of people receiving services and opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for cooperation opportunities for new partnerships and providing new knowledge and skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Simaškienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tatjana Simaškienė