
International ERASMUS+ project MAGIC OF FRAME (cooperation of Hungarian and Lithuanian networks of ALF together with partners from Netherlands and Bulgaria)

'' . . . The documentary of the Circle created beautiful conversations and moments of recognition and experiences among the students. Brotherhood, relationships, poverty, racism, and role models were all discussed. It was a beautiful thing for me to see how students with completely, different backgrounds started talking to each other about the lack of good role models or the importance of recognition of a father figure in the family. Unfortunately, when I was growing up, these conversations were still taboo

Participation in the project MAGIC OF THE FRAME with partners from Hungary (Palentir organization - also a member of ALF network in Hungary), Netherlands and Bulgaria for Youth centre Babilonas (Lithuania) creates many magic moments discussing, sharing, creating, laughing and learning).

'' . . . The documentary of the Circle created beautiful conversations and moments of recognition and experiences among the students. Brotherhood, relationships, poverty, racism, and role models were all discussed. It was a beautiful thing for me to see how students with completely, different backgrounds started talking to each other about the lack of good role models or the importance of recognition of a father figure in the family. Unfortunately, when I was growing up, these conversations were still taboo. I am happy that this is a project that creates a safe space for the younger generation to discuss their issues.''

International Summer Camp for Children byTEATRIUKAS

All days of the camp was full of emotions and hugs

We all are dancers and musicians by nature, thank you for the inspiring creative laboratory Petras Lisauskas 😘
In the afternoons - the workshops with Icelander Agnar Jón Egilsson, whose sessions, in the words of the children, "you can just be yourself". 😘
The finale day was crowned by a theater procession, ice cream (how can we do without it when 3 Nordic countries are participating!) and @TEATER TAPIR's Finnish theater with the play SPLUTTNI TONK! Thanks to writer, illustrator @LindaBondestam and Co! 😘😘😘😘
We would like to thank all the 40 children from small vilages such as Videniškiai, Giedraičiai, Dubingiai who participated, for being safe and receptive, and their parents for being benevolent and forgiving of problems😘
Our partners - Videniškiai Community Center, Dubingių Eldership, Giedraičių Antanas Jaroševičius Gymnasium😘
We laughed out of kindness, out of fatigue, out of overheating, and out of happiness, realizing the privilege of living safely and fully, in the wonderful nature of Dubingiai land, having so many friends and support to raise the creators of the future. 😇
Thanks to the office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Lithuania for these opportunities and Brigita Urmanaitė for the visit😘

Išminties erdvė, VšI

National Network

Rugių g.18-27
11203 Vilnius

+370 648 98034
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370 648 98034
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 820 85162
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Non - formal education in children's centre

Mission and Objectives

The children's centre develops, manages and pioneers a variety of community initiatives and services aimed at enabling children, young people, and  families to realise their full potential.      

Main Projects / Activities

Children's centre ,, Išmintingieji,, and children's centre ,, Ateities vaikai,,

Contact (1) Full Name
Jolanta Spudienė
Job Title
projects manager
Head of the organisation
Tadas Spudas
Contact (2) Full Name
Regina Česnulevičienė
Job Title (2)
social worker

Juozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centras

National Network

Nepriklausomybės aikštė 16

8 458 51502
8 458 52656
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
8 687 16104
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Asociacijos statusą turinti nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurioje yra 10 visuomeniniais pagrindais dirbančių narių. Aukščiausias organas- visuotinis narių susirinkimas, tarp jų- taryba.Organizacijai vadovauja pirmininkas. Struktūroje yra pirmininko pavaduotojas, finansininkas ir sekretorius. Partneriai- kultūros sektoriaus NVO, valstybinės įstaigos, savanoriai, savivaldybė. Metų biudžetas- 13680 € . Finansavimo šaltiniai- savivaldybės, valstybės, fondų, privačios ir kt. lėšos.Kultūrinės veiklos projektai teikiami į Lietuvos Kultūros ministerijos programas, leidybos projektai teikiami Spaudos, radijo ir TV rėmimo fonui, kiti- savivaldybei. Organizacija kasmet teikia Juozo Keliuočio literatūrinę premiją.
Mission and Objectives

1. Rengti ir realizuoti kultūrinius, švietėjiškus, kultūros paveldo projektus;
2. Aktyvinti pilietinės visuomenės , vietos bendruomenės kultūrinių iniciatyvų plėtrą.
3. Plėtoti kraštotyros veiklą, saugoti , identifikuoti, tyrinėti J. ir A. Keliuočių kūrybinį, memorialinį palikimą.
4. Vykdyti leidybinę veiklą. Leisti Rokiškio krašto kultūros žurnalą.
5. Bendradarbiauti su kraštiečiais, tyrinėti išeivijos lietuvių kūrybinį palikimą.
6. Skatinti kultūrinės veiklos savanorystę.
7. Organizuoti kultūrinio pobūdžio renginius,

Main Projects / Activities

Tęstinis leidybos projektas" Romuvos keliais" . Jo veiklose realizuojami krašto paveldo tyrinėjimai, užsienio lietuvių veiklos apžvalgos,rašytojo, Lietuvos žurnalistikos pradininko, kraštiečio Juozo Keliuočio gyvenimo , mokslo, kūrybos laukas Prancūzijoje. Projektas aktyvina tyrinėjimus ir informacijos paieškas apie pirmosios Lietuvos moters - rašytojos , rašiusios prancūzų kalba Sofijos Tyzenhauzaitės gyvenimo Nicoje faktus, ieškoti Prancūzijos bibliotekose kraštiečių Juozo Keliuočio ir Sofijos Tyzenhauzaitės kūrybos ir gyvenimo ženklų.
Projektas " Sėlių kultūra virtualioje erdvėje" Tęstinis, įgyvendinamas organizacijos internetiniame puslapyje www. keliuociucentras.rvb.lt . Tai JUozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centro veiklos sklaidos projektas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Juozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centras galėtų tapti projektų partneriais, informuoti apie fondo bei tinklo veiklas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Norime tapti tinklo nariu, kad turėtume galimybę dalyvauti tarptautiniuose projektuose. Ypač domina ryšiai su Prancūzijos panašiomis organizacijomis, bibliotekomis, kuriose galėtume rasti Rokiškio krašto įžymių žmonių gyvenimo ir kūrybos pėdsakų. Sudomino tinklo veiklos kultūros sektoriuje, jau esančių tinklo narių projektinė patirtis. Siekiame ir lobistinių tikslų, ieškome finansavimo šaltinių projektų įgyvendinimui.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alicija Matiukienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alicija Matiukienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Viskaitienė
Job Title (2)
Pirmininko pavaduotoja

Kaunas Artists' House

National Network

V. Putvinskio st. 56 - 1
44211 Kaunas Lithuania

+370 37 22 31 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 37 22 31 44
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Kaunas Artists' House (KMN) is a contemporary art and culture institution presenting emerging artists, new ideas and cultural experiments. The institution's directions include socially engaged contemporary cultural activities, coordination of inclusive cultural and community events and dissemination of cultural information. The institution currently employs 17 staff. The main sources of funding: Kaunas City Municipality, Lithuanian Council for Culture Foundation, EU Japan Foundation, Norway Grants and etc. Average annual budget: municipal funds: €220,000, project funds: around €85,000. The main modalities of action are: events of all types and scales (from chamber events for specific social groups to city events); film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, camps and educations for young people, residencies of Lithuanian and foreign artists. Main partners include NGO Artscape, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Centre for Culture of Different Nations, NGO Rupertas, NGO Community Laboratories, Lithuanian Film Foundation and other Kaunas budgetary institutions (galleries, museums).

Mission and Objectives

Kaunas Artists' House aims to contribute to the strengthening of democracy and the inclusion of socially vulnerable communities in the field of culture and beyond; to bring together a community of artists, cultural professionals and local activists; to encourage the involvement and support of young and community artists, to create active links with local and international communities; to raise the awareness and dissemination of contemporary arts and co-creative practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of Kaunas Artist's House (KMN) - KMN offers a varied repertoire through long-term curated programmes and projects with partners in Lithuania and abroad. - KMN runs thematic residency and event programmes for artists, curators and cultural researchers who critically examine regional identity, gender and sexuality, and other contemporary themes. - KMN's educational programmes offer activities based on contemporary cultural practices, with an emphasis on the inclusion of vulnerable youth groups, participant voice and democratic communication. - KMN organises city-wide cultural and community festivals (e.g. CourtYard festival, Fluxus festival and etc.), the Carillon Music Festival, the Kaunas Culture Fair, and the Putvinskis Street Day. - The KMN Infocentre coordinates the cultural field in Kaunas: it connects artists, institutions and cultural consumers, as well as collects and disseminates cultural information. - KMN also runs film and video art programmes, experimental and industrial music projects and co-creates projects with cultural and social partners and the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kaunas Artists' House is an organisation that is more than 50 years old and has recently been actively renewing itself and looking for new ways of cooperation. Using our experience and contacts, we can share information, open calls, etc. - the KMN Infocentre is directly dedicated to this. We are also looking for new ways to involve different social groups, to raise topical issues for discussion, to do more networking (we cooperate intensively at local level, but we want to grow international links). We aim to do this through cultural actions, so we can simply organise concerts, trainings, workshops, and we can use our resources to communicate this (including the Kaunas municipality level).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF's mission and activities are in line with what Kaunas Artists' House does and aims to achieve. This foundation seems to be an opportunity to expand our activities, contacts and to find new opportunities for cooperation in the field of youth inclusion, equality and diversity. These are topics that still receive insufficient attention in Kaunas, but our goal is to put them in the center of attention with the help of cultural activities. I have no doubt that cooperation with ALF can be extremely beneficial in achieving the set goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aiste Paukste
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Simona Savickaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Povilas Mintautas
Job Title (2)
Information specialist

Kaunas district Tourism and Business Information Centre

National Network

Pilies takas 1, Raudonvaris, Kaunas district
54127 Kaunas district

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Emilė Kaminskaitė - director, Ieva Poderytė - business manager, Ieva Jasaitytė - tourism manager, Lina Čekanauskienė - tourism manager. Budgetary resources available in a year - 81 000 EUR. Sources of funding - Kaunas District Municipality. Organization's main goal - to popularize Kaunas region in Lithuania and abroad, to create an attractive and welcoming it's image, to meet the public interest, to carry out public benefit training and consulting services, project of the European Union structural funds and training in the domains of other laws and other legal acts not prohibited by the public benefit, the provision of public services to business and to encourage, the creation of new businesses and help existing ones by small and medium businesses develop activities, to adapt to changing market conditions, increase their competitiveness and operational efficiency. Main partners involved in the organization's project/activieites are municipality, eldership, schools, musiems, socially responsible joint stock company.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Kaunas district Tourism and Business Information Centre is to popularize Kaunas district in Lithuania and abroad and create its attractive and hospitable image. Consultations for new members in small and medium business in Kaunas district.

Main Projects / Activities

Kaunas district Tourism and Business INformation centre provides public services to business and tourism.
Public services to business:
• Business information;
• Consultations;
• Preparation of documents on business validation, venture establishment, restructuring and other documents;
• Seminars, training courses.
Public services to tourism:
• Tourist information about Kaisiadorys district;
• Routes;
• Maps;
• Information about attractions, catering and acommodation;
• Guide services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilė Kaminskaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emilė Kaminskaitė

Kėdainiai Area Akademija's Gymnasium

National Network

Jaunimo street 2, Akademija, Kėdainiai area
Kėdainiai area

8 347 37265
8 347 37265
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
There are 114 staff employed in Akademija's Gymnasium. Budget - 3954,0 thousands in a year. Sources of our gymnasium funding are: Lithuania's state, Kėdainiai municipality, special finance: rent, vested services. Main partners involved in the organization's projects are: UAB "Dotnuva's Projects" and UAB  "Daumantai" . We get financial stay from them.
Mission and Objectives

Akademija's gymnasium objectives are:

To extend qualitative cultivation;

To multiply the relish of learning;

To form healthy, responsible and creative image of gymnasium;

To form warm relationships between parents and gymnasium.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are:

"The Time of Leaders 2". The main range - the development of leading.

"The Magic of Health and Sport". It is the camp in summer. It is designed to fill the students in summer and to delive knowledges aout healthy life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can reciprocate our availableknowledges, to tell about our main project "The Time of Leaders 2", to discuss about impotance of leading in schools and other arganizations. Also, one of our strongest parts is sporting. We cantell about different experience, races and winnings. We have got a lot of them. Thirdly, our mission is to form values for everyone of us. We would like to know thw most important values in other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to interact with other countries, to tell abou ourself, to contribute, we reach the openness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irina Jančiukienė
Job Title
The Organizer of Second Cultivation
Head of the organisation
Director of Gymnasium Liudas Tauginas
Contact (2) Full Name
Lina Činikienė
Job Title (2)
English Teacher

Kėdainiai Regional Museum

National Network

Didzioji street 19, LT - 57255

+370 347 51330
+370 347 51330
Mobile Phone
+370 685 54418
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
1.Kedainiai Regional Museum has 7 departments: The Museum, The Multicultural Centre, The Mausoleum of the Dukes Radziwills in the Reformed Church, The House of Juozas Pauk?telis, The Museum of Wooden Sculptures by Vytautas Ulevi?ius, The Arnet's House and The Museum of uprising of 1863. Total number of staff - 28 persons. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year - 672.000 litas or 194.624 euros. 3. Main source of funding - Kedainiai District Municipality. 4. The educational project of the Museum ‘Known, but not identified’; The project ‘The Holocaust in K?dainiai region’; An educational project ‘Discovering the town of the past’; An educational project ‘The Holocaust in K?dainiai region’;The project‘The lessons of the past for the future’;An international project of the EU programme ‘Culture 2000’ ‘Cultural heritage interactively’ (Chi:Kho) in association with partners from Great Britain, Italy and Bulgaria. 5. Main partners - schools and NGO's of Kedainiai Region.
Mission and Objectives

K?dainiai Regional Museum – a public, permanent cultural institution established for society needs and reflecting history of K?dainiai region. The main tasks of the Museum are to collect, keep, restore, and research, expose and popularise material and spiritual values.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of museum are: making of permanent and temporary expositions, exhibitions; work on educative programmes,organising of guided tours, scientific expeditions as well as cultural events related with the Museum’s activity;

Contact (1) Full Name
Rimantas Žirgulis

Kirtimai Culture Center

National Network

Dariaus ir Gireno g. 69

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kirtimai Culture Centre is a multifunctional culture institution, which is established by Vilnius City Municipality. At the moment around 20 people work in the centre but main staff consists of cultural activity coordinator, cultural project manager, art director and director. Kirtimai Culture Centre has 10 art colectives: 6 youth collectives and 4 senior collectives. Apart from coordination of Kirtimai Culture Center amateur art activities, the centre organizes a lot of concerts and exhebitions, manages local and international projects, celebrates national and other holidays. In 2014 Kirtimai Culture Centre organized over 190 various events – 130 in the center; 60 – all over Lithuania and abroad. Main sponsor - Vilnius City Municipality, which gives annual budget.  Other sponsors - The Ministry of Culture  and Lithuanian Council for Culture. These sponsors help to carry out project activities. 
Mission and Objectives

Kirtimai Culture Centre mission is to enable conditions for art collectives development, to search and adopt new cultural forms, to create and particiapte in variuos cultural activities, to envolve society and community into activieties and to develop free creativity. 

Main Projects / Activities

Kirtimai Culture centre organizes a lot of alternative music concerts with local and international music bands. Some of them are held inside, others, such as Musical Picin, outside.
Other activities are projects managing. There are some annual projects, for example Worlds’ Lithuanians Unity Day, which is celebrated  at International Vilnius Airport. Other projects depends on finantional support from  Lithuanian Council for Culture. Mostly projects are connected with variuos forms of art. The main goal usually is to enclude communities or people with fewer opportunities and to share our experience and ideas with them. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre would be glad to meet other organizations that have same goals and objectives. It would be a very valuable experience to establish contact with partners across the Mediterranean. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of ALF Network would be a great opportunity to present our Culture centre and its activities for a wide range of members of the Fund. It would also be a great chance to find reliable partners, with who we could manage some common projects. In addition to this, as a member our organization could participate in competitions and get extra support for projects. It would be also inetresting and useful to participate in the fund or its members trainings , seminars or conferences. 
The Centre aims to increase its capabilities, so becoming a member of the Fund would be an incredible start. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ina Puzakinaitė
Job Title
Art director
Head of the organisation
Vilma Ramanauskienė

Klaipeda Business College

National Network

Tilzes 46a

+370 46 310214
Telephone (other)
+370 46 310214
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 615 79695
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda Business College is a non-governmental non-university higher education institution of the Republic of Lithuania with the rights of a legal entity.The founder of the College and the coordinator of its activities is a Doctor of Social Sciences associate professor Irena Sabaliauskaitė. The College appears to be one of the first non-governmental higher education institutions in the region of Western Lithuania. It was established in 2001.Currently, the College is implementing eight higher non-university study programmes in the study fields of management and business administration, economics, law and philology. The study programmes, which are implemented in the College, are designed with regard to the specifics and demand of the region, after a thorough analysis of specialists’ demand in the labour market, by maintaining close cooperation with social partners and taking into account the employment opportunities for graduates. The College implements both full-time and part-time (extramural) studies. Currently, the College comprises 1500 students, and 80 teachers. During the last 5 years the College participated in 6 international projects, 3 of which were aimed at the College students and 3 at its teachers and other staff. In 2005 four English language teachers of the College participated in the project “Usage of Innovative Methods in the Process of Professional English Language Teaching”, which was coordinated by the College. In 2005 two College teachers participated in the project “Introduction of Project Management Module in Lithuanian Colleges”, which was coordinated by Panevezys College. In 2006 three College teachers participated in the project “The Opportunities of Integration of Scientific Applied Research into the Study Process at Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions”. The international relations of the College are developed in accordance with the mission and aims of the College, with regard to the Strategical Regulations on the Development of Education in Lithuania during 2003 – 2012 as well as Education Fields of the European Union during 2007 – 2013. During the last years the College has expanded its partnerships, their geography and forms of cooperation. In 2008 the College has 18 partners under Lifelong Learning ERASMUS programme. Through participation in various European Union programmes and on the basis of bilateral agreements the College students are provided an opportunity to study in foreign educational institutions, accomplish practical training in various foreign enterprises and thus improve their professional, language and personal skills. The teachers are offered an opportunity to improve their lifelong learning competences by developing their professional and personal skills in European education space. Their skills are then applied while renewing the content and methods of studies.
Mission and Objectives

KLAIPEDA BUSINESS COLLEGE is committed to be part of a European higher education and research space. One of the mission statements underlines its devotion to the pursuit and application of knowledge for the social, cultural, economic, scientific development of humanity and society through achievements in teaching/learining through mobility, research and community service that are of highest international standards.

Main Projects / Activities

During the last 5 years the College participated in 6 international projects, 3 of which were aimed at the College students and 3 at its teachers and other staff. In 2005 four English language teachers of the College participated in the project “Usage of Innovative Methods in the Process of Professional English Language Teaching”, which was coordinated by the College. In 2005 two College teachers participated in the project “Introduction of Project Management Module in Lithuanian Colleges”, which was coordinated by Panevezys College. In 2006 three College teachers participated in the project “The Opportunities of Integration of Scientific Applied Research into the Study Process at Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions”. The international relations of the College are developed in accordance with the mission and aims of the College, with regard to the Strategical Regulations on the Development of Education in Lithuania during 2003 – 2012 as well as Education Fields of the European Union during 2007 – 2013. During the last years the College has expanded its partnerships, their geography and forms of cooperation. In 2008 the College has 18 partners under Lifelong Learning ERASMUS programme. Through participation in various European Union programmes and on the basis of bilateral agreements the College students are provided an opportunity to study in foreign educational institutions, accomplish practical training in various foreign enterprises and thus improve their professional, language and personal skills. The teachers are offered an opportunity to improve their lifelong learning competences by developing their professional and personal skills in European education space. Their skills are then applied while renewing the content and methods of studies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of International Relations and Project Management Department - Lina Galisanskiene
Head of the organisation
Assoc. prof. dr. Irena Sabaliauskaite