
Past and Present of the Earthen Architectures in China and Italy.png

Past and Present of the Earthen Architectures in China and Italy

The National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) during the past three years (2016-2018) carried out a Joint Research Project on “Assessment of innovative methods for the conservation of earthen surface”. The project...

Patrum non Profit

National Network
+39 0964933184
+39 0964933184
Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Santino Pascuzzi

PCAint - Pica Ciamarra Associati

National Network

Posillipo 176
80123 Napoli

+39 0815752223
+39 0815755952
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 335461177
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3356160866
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Pica Ciamarra Associati is a reticular partnership ( SRL) including 18  partners   3  employed staff and a variable number of collaborator staff 1.000.000 € is the budget resource in a year source of funding is design work in the fields of architecture and planning actions: projects, plans, competitions, cultural exchanges, seminars specialized teams in various fields, engineering, arts, special topics for special projects, like hospitals, research centres, museums and so on            
Mission and Objectives

architectural, planning and cultural production:
real work in the field of architecture, design and planning
dissemination, specially for young people working in the same fields as ours, of the results of our work as architects for concrete projects, national and international competitions, ideas' and papers' production for seminars, congres, meetings in Italy and abroad

Main Projects / Activities

Polifunzionale di Arcavacata, the first building of the University of Calabria
CNR Technological Centre, Napoli and the Piazza at Fuorigrotta, among the first soustainable buildings built in Italy
Sangiorgio Library, Pistoia, refurbishment of an indutrial building with an important natural ventilation system
The City of Science, Coroglio, Napoli
dissamination cultural activity, with seminars, congres, meetings, conferences and so on
a special activity is the organization and production of the revue "le Carré bleu, feuille internationale d'architecture" born in Helsinki in 1958 and moved to Paris some years later; it has been one of the most important communication means of ideas and projects of the Team X

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

about one year ago the International Scientific Board of the Foundation gave the respponsability of the Section "Architecture and Cities' Liveability" to Massimo Pica Ciamarra, but the Section hasn't been activated;
we could work to activate this important Section and to understant how is it possible to understand and propose instrumente, plans and projects to get a better life in the cities, the villages, the countryside of our country; to get a better urban and rural landscape, a better relation system between people of all ages and so on.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we have yet joined the ALF Network and we want to renew our position within the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana de Rosa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Massimo Pica Ciamarra, architect, legal representative


National Network


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Peace Games staff President: Daniele Borghi Representation, Coordiantion, International Relations, Communications and Fund Raising Board of Directors Livia Dusatti International Cooperation/Project managing Ivan Lisanti Education Development Fabrizio De Meo Rights and Immigration Gian Nicola Acinapura Administration Maria Grazia Pugliese Training Carlo Balestri Relations with Territory Guarantors Goffredo Iacchetti Fiorella Lucchi Enrica Montanini Responsible of Marche Operative Centre: Tatiana Olivieri Peace Games is member of: ICS COCIS ASSEMBLEA ONG LIBERA LUDOMIR Budgetary resources: 2007: € 127.706,16 Source of funding: - Region funds; - European Union; - MAE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - Donors - Foundation - Found Rising - UISP - Own resources Modalities of action. - game-educational activities, - training of local staff for extra-school activities, - Organization of a summer camps, - exchanges and meetings, - Realization of continuative sport activities.
Mission and Objectives

The Peace Games mission consists of using sport as a social-educational mean, as a tool of integration and as a vehicle for communication and socialization in conflicting contexts, by implementing sport activities in favour of weak people such as mental and physical disabled, elderly people, children and above all youth.
In collaboration with the local partners, Peace Games implements training courses addressed to sport and social operators, educators, teachers, provides for the equipment and rehabilitation of sport fields and education centres and, in emergency situations, the distribution of essential relief items too

Main Projects / Activities

Bosnia Herzegovina: “Games in the Net”
Development of social and educational activities in the not school field, focused on inter-culture, peace and
social inclusion, promotion and exchange among different areas about the social diseases.
Brasil: “Casa Lares”
Redemption of young people considered as "unrecoverable" from the drug addiction.
Mexico: Chiapas “Interventions on young and adult people's behalf”
- Training of people working with street children
- Development of women and girls handicraft
West bank and Gaza strip: “The right to play in peace”
To improve professional skills of sport workers and relationship capacity, wellness of preteens, trough a sport practice focused on the nonaggressiveness.
Lebanon: “Social Program for Beirut South”
To improve the skills of local social workers; To aware the community on social themes.
Saharawi: “Game Sport”
To give to sport workers the needed instruments to use sport as aggregative and wellness instrument.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Per Esempio...

National Network

Via Sciuti, 180

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
"Per Esempio..." is a voluntary organization composed by: n° 4 professional social workers n° 8 regular volunteers n° 1 sociologist n° 1 psycologyst n° 30 partner organizations The most of budgetary resources originate form private and public financial backers. The organization has chosen different modalities of action: training course, seminars, workshops for its volunteers, activities for children and immigrants, fund raising activities. Our main partners are local authorities, and other non profit organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The voluntary organization “Per Esempio…” was born in Palermo, in 2011 (European Year of Voluntary work). It represents an important starting point of a group of young professionists sharing the ideal of a No Profit World. Their first aim was to give life to a well organized meeting point respecting a straight focus on empowerment and development of individuals and cathegories at risk in marginal social trouble.
According to priorities and needs of our association, we programme our interventions three-yearly, making continuous analysis and tests step by step.
Mainly, we carry out all the activities of our association in Palermo and in Sicily, even if we always make a point of some places and issues of the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

“Per Esempio…” bases its own methods of intervention on centrality and personal growth. It focuses on the importance of cultural, political, ethnic, social and economic growth of individuals and collectivity.
By this principles, we aim to realise our own educational and training activities, using our Know How to diffuse a culture of peace, of equity, of social justice, of solidarity, of multi-ethnical and multi-religion living together, of citizenship and active participation.
Thanks to our volunteers and our supporting experts’ engagement, our association wishes to realise a continuous monitoring and research and fieldwork, to complete, to enhance and to make effective our activities carried out on the road, discovering and regarding social needs of our ground.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be glad to bring our local and national experience to spread out Euro Mediterranean values and to support multilateral partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"Per Esempio..." wants to join the ALF network bacause it would be really prestigious to be part of a so important network and to share its aims and values.
We'd like to give a real contribute to the Euro Mediterranean development process and we think that ALF Network has been filling an increasing importance in this purpose.

Contact (1) Full Name
Guido Clemente
Head of the organisation
Guido Clemente
Contact (2) Full Name
Claudio Arestivo


National Network

00141 ROME (RM)


+39 0695227752
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3490974705
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
PERIPLI se compose d'un conseil d'administration de 6 conseillers et d'un comité scientifique de 20 membres. De plus, il y 10 membres actifs et environ 100 membres adhérents. Le budget annuel est d'environ 2000€ et les sources de financement principales sont les frais d'adhésion des membres, les activités d'auto-financement et les fonds publiques de financement des activités de l'association. Peripli organise des séminaires et des conférences sur l'Euro-Méditerranée dans les écoles, les universités et partout on s'intéresse de ces questions même au niveau international. Elle organise aussi des événements culturels tels que les festivals du cinéma euro-mediterranéen, des concerts, des présentations de livres et des lectures de poésie. L'association accueille des jeunes stagiaires et cherche à créer des opportunités de formation et de travail. Peripli a de nombreux partenaire (voire le site) mais les principaux sont: l'Assemblé des Citoyens et des Citoyennes de la Méditerranée; la Fondation "Orestiadi" de Gibellina en Italie et la Dar Bach Hamba de Tunis; la COPEAM; l'Université Mohammed V Agdal de Rabat et le CNR (Centre National de Recherche) en Italie.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion et développement du dialogue les populations de la région euro-méditerranéen et propmotion du patrimoine culturel de leurs pays. Promotion et protection des droits des femmes et des migrants. Soutien au développment économque. Favoriser la rencontres des professionnels de la culture sur les rives de la Méditerranée

Main Projects / Activities

Le Festival du Cinéma Euro-Méditerranéen
Conférence Intérnationale et Interméditerranéenne "Le role de la Méditerranée après la crise du système bipolaire"
Cours de Langue arabe
Cours avancé pour la formation professionnelle dan l'Euro-Méditerranée en collaboration avec l'Université Mohammed V Agdal de Rabat

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons offrir nos competences et nos connaissences des questions socio-culturelles, historiques et poltico-économiques de la règion Euro-Méditerrannéenne. Nous pouvons mettre à la disposition du résaux des forces jeunes et des idées intéressentes et l'expérience d'intellectueles bien connus au niveau international.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Peripli est une association jeune mais riche en idées que ses membres veulent faire circuler. Donc, nous sommes en train de chercher de nouveau partenaire qui nous peuvent aider à rèaliser nos projets qui visent à créer les condition pour un développemet équitable et durable dans la région et à valoriser son précieux patrimoine historique et culturel. Nous voulons créer des opportunités d'échange et nous sommes en train de chercher les moyens, même économiques, pour faire continuer et pour intinsifier notre actvité. Nous croyons che le réseau FAL peut représenter une opportunité unique pour notre jeune association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Permanent Study Centre on Emigration - Emigrant’s Museum

National Network

Contrada Omerelli, 24
47890 San Marino

Republic of San Marino

+378 (0549) 88 51 69
Telephone (other)
+378 (0549) 88 51 57
+378 (0549) 88 51 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of the organization: the staff is composed of five persons: a director, a responsible for international relations, a responsible for the archives, a secretary and a staff member dealing with the exhibit spaces. Furthermore, competitions are regularly advertised to award research grants. Budgetary resources: they amount to about € 20.000,00 which correspond to the annual contribution made by the State for research and promotion activities.
Mission and Objectives

Sources of funding: besides the budget allocated by the State, there are other contributions for single projects from external sources of funding, such as banking foundations, public and private entities, local and international institutions. Staff expenses, expenses to purchase furniture and equipment, as well as those related to the premises being the seat of the Museum are not included in the annual budget, but they are borne by the State.
Modalities of action: courses, seminars, scholarships, educational laboratories, a literary competition, exhibitions, publications, videos, documentaries, etc.
Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/activities: the Secretariats of State for Foreign Affairs and for Culture, UNESCO, the Training Department of San Marino and Bologna University, the Consulta and the Communities of San Marino citizens abroad, local publishers, Associations of former emigrants; AEMI association, CSER, CEMLA, CISEI Study Centres, CRESCI Foundation, the Museums of Ellis Island and Gualdo Tadino, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities underway include:
- The Memory Archive
A networked system dedicated to the acquisition and management of data.
- Memory Diaries “Amarcord… Stories of Migration”
Through the cooperation with a local publisher, the Study Centre publishes stories of life and migration.
- History Book on San Marino Emigration San Marino migration periods are described in a handbook for children.
- Course on Family Genealogy
The intensive course offers the methodology to get familiar with genealogy.
- Literary Competition “The Migration Experience of San Marino Citizens”
The competition is divided into three sections: memory, fiction, search.
- Itinerary Exhibition “Un Piccolo Stato nella Grande Storia"
This exhibition has been created above all to serve as a positive model for those countries which have coped with this phenomenon up to now.
- Research on Emigration to Argentina
In cooperation with CEMLA, a research activity is being carried out on San Marino migration to Argentina between 1882 and 1956.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Noemi Ugolini
Head of the organisation
Mrs Director Noemi Ugolini
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Chiara Cardogna

Petra University

National Network


+962 65715545
Telephone (other)
+962 65715579
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Amin Mahmoud (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Firas Al-Khalidi

Pia Società di San Francesco di Sales (46 associations represented)

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
General Information
La congregazione venne fondata da Giovanni Bosco (1815-1888): secondo dei figli di Francesco e Margherita Occhiena, modesti agricoltori, perse giovanissimo il padre e, all'età di sedici anni, iniziò a studiare a Chieri per diventare sacerdote. Venne ordinato prete il 6 luglio 1841 dall'arcivescovo di Torino Luigi Fransoni e per i tre anni successivi soggiornò nel capoluogo piemontese dove perfezionò la sua formazione teologica presso il Collegio ecclesiastico. Grazie all'amicizia con don Giuseppe Cafasso, suo conterraneo, don Bosco conobbe la drammatica realtà delle carceri giovanili. In quegli anni Torino stava conoscendo un periodo di rapida industrializzazione e molti giovani si trasferivano dalle aree rurali in città per cercare lavoro: l'8 dicembre 1841 diede inizio alla sua opera educativa in favore dei giovani iniziando a insegnare il catechismo a un apprendista muratore presso la chiesa di San Francesco. I ragazzi da lui seguiti divennero presto quasi duecento. Inizialmente la marchesa di Barolo mise a disposizione di don Bosco e dei sacerdoti che collaboravano con lui dei locali presso il suo "Rifugio", una casa di accoglienza per ragazze "pericolanti" e "traviate": il 12 aprile 1846 l'opera trovò una sede stabile nella tettoia messa a disposizione da Francesco Pinardi a Valdocco. La tettoia divenne anche un centro per l'assistenza ai senzatetto e per i servizi domestici don Bosco fece giungere da Chieri sua madre, che collaborò all'opera del figlio fino alla sua morte, avvenuta nel 1857. Don Bosco dedicò il suo oratorio a san Francesco di Sales, in onore del quale il 20 giugno 1852 venne eretta la prima chiesa della compagnia: il vescovo di Ginevra venne scelto come patrono dell'opera sia perché era uno dei santi più venerati del Piemonte, sia perché incarnava i principi di amorevolezza, ottimismo e umanesimo cristiano che erano fondamento del sistema pedagogico di don Bosco. Per assicurare una buona formazione e la possibilità di trovare un lavoro ai suoi giovani, don Bosco eresse laboratori per apprendisti, una scuola serale, un ginnasio e una tipografia.
Mission and Objectives

Secondo la versione delle costituzioni del 1984 (art. 2), lo scopo dei salesiani è quello di "essere nella Chiesa segni e portatori dell'amore di Dio ai giovani, specie ai più poveri".
I salesiani svolgono tale missione attraverso oratori, scuole, collegi, centri per la formazione professionale e agraria; gestiscono inoltre centri di orientamento vocazionale e case di spiritualità. Benché le costituzioni della Società sin dal 1923 proibiscano ai salesiani di accettare, in via ordinaria, la cura delle parrocchie, sono numerose quelle curate e amministrate da religiosi della congregazione.
A Roma ha sede la Pontificia Università Salesiana, comprendente le facoltà di diritto canonico, filosofia e teologia. L'ateneo venne fondato a Torino nel 1940 e venne trasferito a Roma nel 1960: venne elevato a università da papa Paolo VI con il motu proprio "Magisterium Vitae" del 24 maggio 1973.
Anche le comunicazioni sociali sono un'area di peculiare intervento per i salesiani: gestiscono case editrici come la SEI di Torino, l'Elledici di Leumann, la LAS di Roma e altre in Spagna, Stati Uniti d'America, India, Europa orientale e Sud America.
Le missioni salesiane sono impiantate nell'America del Sud, in Medio Oriente, nell'estremo Oriente e in Africa, dove sono presenti in una trentina di stati.

Main Projects / Activities

Secondo la versione delle costituzioni del 1984 (art. 2), lo scopo dei salesiani è quello di "essere nella Chiesa segni e portatori dell'amore di Dio ai giovani, specie ai più poveri".
I salesiani svolgono tale missione attraverso oratori, scuole, collegi, centri per la formazione professionale e agraria; gestiscono inoltre centri di orientamento vocazionale e case di spiritualità. Benché le costituzioni della Società sin dal 1923 proibiscano ai salesiani di accettare, in via ordinaria, la cura delle parrocchie, sono numerose quelle curate e amministrate da religiosi della congregazione.
A Roma ha sede la Pontificia Università Salesiana, comprendente le facoltà di diritto canonico, filosofia e teologia. L'ateneo venne fondato a Torino nel 1940 e venne trasferito a Roma nel 1960: venne elevato a università da papa Paolo VI con il motu proprio "Magisterium Vitae" del 24 maggio 1973.
Anche le comunicazioni sociali sono un'area di peculiare intervento per i salesiani: gestiscono case editrici come la SEI di Torino, l'Elledici di Leumann, la LAS di Roma e altre in Spagna, Stati Uniti d'America, India, Europa orientale e Sud America.
Le missioni salesiane sono impiantate nell'America del Sud, in Medio Oriente, nell'estremo Oriente e in Africa, dove sono presenti in una trentina di stati.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Maritano
Head of the organisation
Mario Maritano

Pitigliano to host international peace-building conference for responsible management of religious sites

The picture shows a group of people posing for a photo

The Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello Diocese, in cooperation with the Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (RIDE  Head of the ALF Italian Network), is organizing the fifth international and inter-institutional conference: “The Gates to the Mediterranean. Religious Sites and Documents: Memory and Safeguarding”, centered on the protection and recognition of the artistic and architectural heritage of religious sites and further development of peace-oriented dialogue and marking an important series of meetings between religious communities and governmental institutions.

From the 10th to the 12th of October, 2023, in the Orsini Fortress in Pitigliano, the conference will present previously unseen material belonging to the Historical Archive of the Diocese of Pitigliano, putting the attention on untold stories and perspectives in order to ground the work which will follow in a concrete understanding of the different collective identities of the Mediterranean region.

The second part of the conference will focus on cultural dialogue, the significance of mutual processes, and the need for freedom of religion in view of the current and historical value of religious sites, as well as the of new training guidelines at all levels of academia and educational system, a necessary starting point in crafting concrete international dialogue geared towards peace.

More information will be posted here: https://www.diocesipitigliano.it/