

National Network

via sarno palma, 236
84087 sarno SA

+39 335 871 5289
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

NICOLA Italy is an association of social promotion, activities/projects aimed at young people. It was founded by a group of youth, who have spent part of their childhood and adolescence in the street, with the help of professionals in the arts and social sectors. NICOLA receives funding from the European Commission to deliver Youth-Exchanges, Training-Course and Capacity Building projects; has support from several Municipalities, private businesses, local organisations and schools; those are our partners. The organization is currently small, about 60 young members, but acts on a fairly large area. The youth meet regularly to deal with social issues and discuss possible strategies to improve their life reality. Through theatre, music, dance, they express positive messages, such as in a song, this gives them the possibility of aggregation, an alternative to the street, cooperating and jointly developing ideas and projects that can turn into a job.

Mission and Objectives

NICOLA (New International Company of Live Arts) is an organization that creates artistic and educational opportunities amongst young people. Our mission is to bring the world together through ARTS! NICOLA objectives are 1. To advance young people’s interest and participation in performance and visual arts 2. To favor the integration of immigrants present in the city. 3. To tackles youth unemployment by promoting opportunities working through: − Guidance of young people on how to get a job and / or start their own business, self-employment or subcontracting; − Develop together with young people marketing plans and materials such as biographies, CVs, interview techniques and logos to help them in theirs professional career; − Inform and direct young people to respect the associated safeguards their use, such as insurance, civil liability, etc.; − Offer internships, in a number of disciplines, across a range of opportunities that can provide young people with valuable experiences of work and references; − Building a network of young professionals who can get involved and take advantage of our projects as work experience; − Create a platform for networking and collaboration; − Helping young artists to launch a career and start earning through music distribution and events; − Offer young people opportunities for internships abroad in a variety of shows / events through our network of contacts that you allow them 4. To address issues such as social cohesion, youth crime, gang culture and social exclusion exaggerated by a lack of alternatives 5. To help young people make a difference in their communities and become ambassadors / role models for their peer groups 6. To promote social inclusion for the public benefit among young people by providing activities that help to prevent them from becoming socially excluded and encourage them to participate in the wider community 7. To help young people, especially but not exclusively through leisure and art activities, so as to develop their capabilities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and become role models and ambassadors for their peer groups. 8. To raise awareness about waste management and recycling by developing creative ideas to generate new products from waste. Generate a new model for youngsters and society in general where products and materials are not seen as finite, but as potential new objects to be used and not thrown away. Also, it is our intention to raise awareness and provide clear evidence on how waste materials are destroying the environment, whilst giving simple guidelines to prevent this harmful impact.

Main Projects / Activities

NICOLA ITALY uses arts to involve the youths and through the arts we look at social issues and how to tackle them; we help the young people to start their own Initiative and or Solo Trader through mentoring sessions. All our projects get planned, discussed and decided with our young members. We host youth exchanges, training courses and Capacity Building projects, we are connected with many organisations across Europe and other Continents, we send young people and youth workers in many projects abroad during the year. Locally we organise open mics, art exhibitions and recording music sessions. We also take part in a variety of local festivals where our young artists perform. All the projects we deliver aim to create an international dimension in order to increase the intercultural learning and understanding among both our youngsters, volunteers and our employees. Our young people and volunteers are very interested to participate in shaping the future of Europe and to create and strengthen a unique connection between European youth communities opening further jobs or experience/opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All our public and private partners, donors, members and followers will be informed about the networking. We are a collective of artists, mentors, entrepreneurs and therapists, which will be a nice addition to the networking.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To create further networking and connections. To learn, share and collaborate with like-minded organisations and people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Ferrara
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

via sarno palma, 236
84087 sarno SA

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

NICOLA is an association of social promotion, the activities and their projects are aimed at young people and their territory. It was founded by a group of young, who have spent part of their childhood and adolescence in the street, who have great enthusiasm for the arts. The organisation is currently small with a turnover of 30-60K per year, it has 20 freelance professionals, who are employed based on projects, those are also volunteers during the all year; it also has about 60 young members, but acts on a fairly large area, located between the provinces of Naples and Salerno. NICOLA promotes a constant and solid policy of protection and promotion of equal opportunities, it operates within the framework of social problems and the promotion of well-being, participation in children and adults who live with hope and shared dreams, making their passions a job. Moreover NICOLA is working with several municipalities in Campania, promoting projects and European programs.

Mission and Objectives

NICOLA undertakes to: - Elaborate frameworks of activities to define a clear path for learning and development - Create flexible environments that adapt to the needs of young people and not the other way around - Provide instructions from competent young professionals with experience to create a clear distinction from school or formal learning - Attract role models, professional artists and celebrities, interacting with young people, as well as inspiring and encouraging them Facilitate learning. - Encourage mixed groups with performances in various disciplines to meet and work on various projects - Provide informal sessions designed to inspire collaborative projects - Encourage different ethnic groups to work together to broaden horizons - Working on international projects that expose young people to new cultures and ideas - Provide a competitive element for execution while educating artists on the reality of the industry by providing a focus to improve quality and stimulate ambition - Create a relaxed and social environment to get the best creativity and ideas - We divide groups into a limited size to ensure an optimal creative environment - We do not give theory lessons. through professional and social experiences we encourage our youth Fighting youth unemployment. - By providing our members with a wide range of skills and experiences we prepare them for work and life - Attract industry experts and record companies - Guide youth,on where and how to apply for full-time positions with art organisations - Obtaining recognised qualifications in their specialisation Monitoring is a crucial part of what we are able to transmit to young people • Provide feedback and recommendations based on performance and evidence • check progress through the quarterly development plan • actively obtain feedback from parents and incorporate this into project changes, personal development plans, where necessary • Conduct project reports highlighting areas for improvement and success.

Main Projects / Activities

NICOLA offers to disadvantaged young people, workshops of: theater, music, dance and other forms of arts, through which they can express their positive messages such as in a song, this gives the possibility of aggregation, they have an alternative to the street life, they have a chance to realize their future, they cooperating and jointly developing ideas and projects that can turn into a job. We participated and organise Training Courses, Cultural Exchange and other EU opportunities, to contributed to the young people personal growth and training, increasing their desire to be more and more protagonists of the time in which they live. During the years thanks to the participation and promotion of different European projects, the young people have become aware that active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, the idea of a democratic Europe is open to all, these are the points on which to build the inherent action, the priority instrument for cohesion towards which European politics tends. NICOLA promotes a constant and solid policy of protection and promotion of equal opportunities, it operates within the framework of social problems and the promotion of wellbeing, participation in youth and adults who live with hope and shared dreams, helping them to make their passions into a job.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NICOLA Italy has an extensive network with Public Bodies and NGOs in the region of Campania and Sicily, we will bring our contacts to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join because we share the aims and the objectives of ALF, we are also very passionate about the development of the Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Caterina Gagliano
Job Title (2)
Vice President

NICOLA (the New International Company of Live Arts) Italy APS

National Network

84087 Sarno SA

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Ferrara
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

via Nosadella, 2- 40123 Bologna (I)

+39 3339975595
Telephone (other)
+39 3398751134
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Nosadella.due is a no-profit Cultural Association wich stucture have a president and four members and is supported by operators expert in different sectors. Nosadella.due aims to involve public bodies and private organisations. The contributions are accorded by different modalities, from economic support to the authorization of expositive spaces. Thanks to these supports, budgetary resources of Nosadella.due are around 15-20.000,00 euros per year. The residency project is addressed to international artists and critics. people at the same time to design projects suitable to the experience of stay. During the period of stay, Nosadella.due organizes open studio moments, round tables and meetings to promote and disseminate the work of the artists and to give them new opportunities of human and professional growth. Public Patronages • Emilia-Romagna Region • Bologna Province • MAMbo– Bologna Partners • Academy of Fine Arts- Bologna • ARTEFIERA- Bologna • DGArtes- Lisboa • FRAME- Helsinki • TICA- Tirana Main Sponsor • Emil Banca (Cooperative Bank) Technical Sponsor • Nettuno Neon • Tipografia Irnerio
Mission and Objectives

Nosadella.due. is a residency program for artists and critics, created as a laboratory for contemporary culture in Bologna.
Nosadella.due is set up as a long-term cultural project in which the residents find a space for current artistic expression and contemporary culture. An emerging generation of foreign contemporary artists and critics alternate between these spaces for a temporary period and are invited to realise ad hoc projects that have come about through their period of residence.
Nosadella’s main goals are: aid the international mobility of contemporary art and stimulate interaction between different cultures and expressions; generate an experimental artists workshop open to the public, which transforms art into a moment of collective identity for different people; create a ‘living workshop’ in which the most up-to-date research in visual arts will conflux and develop, involving the employees of the centre and the public in interacting with the residents.

Main Projects / Activities

Nosadella.due was created as a laboratory for contemporary culture, the only kind that exists in Bologna. The project proposes to develop the involvement and the dialogue with foreign institutions in order to offer to artists and international critics the comparison with different places from those that they know, and the opportunity to get to know other artists in order to support the personal research and the professional growth.
See the entire CV of activities in Additional Information enclosed file.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Del Prete
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Cigardi


National Network

via G.Marconi 85
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is composed by a permanent staff of 3 members plus a variable number of volunteers join for the specific events and activities, out budget is depending from the funding that we obtain after submitting our project to specific actions like Erasmus+. Our first project starting in april will be a cooperation under the Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service with various NGO in Europe that will let us to send our italian volunteers to work abroad in various cultural fields for a year, more projects like this are planned and submitted during the coming months. We are in partnership with local NGOs such as TdG - Torre dei Giovani of Torre del Greco (NA) and the Area Marina Protetta od Punta Campanella in order to promote in our area the youth involvement in the european projects. Our network of partners spreads allover europe and mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.
Mission and Objectives

Our NGO is active in the cultural field and in the promotion of european opportunities. We are the point of reference of a network of
public institutions, youth forums and NGOs with the aim of promoting the cultural initiatives in our area and trying to involve the
youngsters in the european dimension through projects, initiatives and mobility. Our staff and volunteers are involved in the
organization of events in order to communicate the opportunities offered by the European Community and promoting the
international collaboration in the field of culture and creativity, creating a network of artists, festivals and organizations and
promoting the organization of cultural exchanges and artistic events.

Main Projects / Activities

EVS program, we send our volunteers in Europe to work for volunteering projects under the Erasmus+ framework.
Erasmus+ Exchange and Training, we send and receive youth workers in the Erasmus+ framework to discuss topics such as cultural integration and expression, social and civic involvement and active citizenship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can bring our experience working with Meda partners and we can support the creation of a working network of NGOs in order to let young people from the involved countries to travel and work as volunteer in all the european and mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becuse we want to get involved in broader activities of cooperation and cultural integration with mediterranean countries, creating a bridge between our area of activity and the mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nona Simonyan
Job Title (2)


National Network

Via Agri, 17

0039 3492598103
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
President, Vice President, Secretary and members. No-Profit. Fundraising. Organizing Conference and sharing Projects. Partners: Cisci
Mission and Objectives

the No-Profit Association Noùs works for building peace and international dialogue, respecting and understanding the differences among people and cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association Noùs is glad to present the “IDPs Initiative” within the Project “Italian Bridge with the Caucasus and Central Asia”, which aims at creating reciprocal understanding between Italy and the countries in the Caucasus region and Central Asia

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

supporting it with our initiative and look for partners

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make connection because we believe in exchanging information.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Alessandrini

Nuova Atlantide Teatro

National Network

Via Serapide 11
Pozzuoli (NA)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1)Nuova Atlantide Teatro is founded in Pozzuoli (NA. Its mission is the theatral and musical event's production to develope the connession end inter-dialogue between different communities, territorial areas and historical memory. NAT is a young cultural association: its structure is formed by permanent staff of three persons: arthistic direction, administrative direction and organizaticve direction and some collaborations with other artists or professional figures in relation with the realization of single project. 2) Budgetary resources by foundation until today, are progressive incremented: these resources actually avalaible in a year are between 15.000 and 20.000 euro. 3) Sources of funding are principally by public organizzations and public therritorial governments and by cachet. 4) Actions are: concrete theatral projects, stage and seminars. 5) Main partners are other national association or theatral company which have similar scope, or association which have consolidated social work in the specifical therritorial area to which project is destinated.
Mission and Objectives

1) To give value to the different people history, family history or community history by artistic theatral practice, using theorical and practical struments of theatre community.
2) To develope feminine dramaturgy and feminine thatre particularly oriented to realize artistic project which put in attention to social and therritorial contest in relation with his abitants.
3)To promuove the inter-cultural sensibility between young people betwwen theatre and music practice.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of last two years:
1)2007 "Madri": Theatral spectacule about theme women and war, with 14 actresses by different war countries in collaboration with Almamater Asssociation in Turin.
2)2007 "Donne con la folla nel cuore": thetral laboratory with women who live in Forcella's quarter in Napoli, in collaboration with Trianon Theatre.
3) 2007 "Ampliamente Insieme": theatral laboratory with young strange people in the disagiate areas in the Napoli hinterlands, in collaboration with Auser Association.
3)2006 "Le pagelle": theatral laboratory and performance with ancien women, in collaboration with Local Government of Matera.
4)2006 "Il Pontile dei Sogni": theatral work on the history of dismission Italsider industrie, in the prestigiouse "May Monuments" in Napoli".
5) 2006 "Il rione delle Bambine": theatral laboratory and performance with ancient women and their nepotes about bradisism' hostory in Pozzuoli.
6) 2005 Donne di miniera": performance by the life's tales narrated by feminine work in the tufo's cave in Altavilla Irpina (Av)

Contact (1) Full Name
Caterina Pontrandolfo

Nuovi Profili

National Network

Via D'Andrade 34/302 zip code 16154

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Nuovi Profili is a non Profit Association established by 7 founding members and 20 associate members. Annual turnover and resources depend on the number of activities funded and implemented; as an average they shift between 2000 euros up to 15.000 euros. Most activities are often in network with other NGOs and public/private organizations. Main source of funding is public (most from local, regional or national public calls and bodies). Main areas of interest and activity include cultural and musical workshops, cross-cultural education, linguistic laboratories, linguistic and cultural mediation, media campaigns, presentation of books, conferences, seminars and exchange program (i.e. Etudiants et Developpement 2011 and Hijos y Hijas de la immigración 2009). Current main partners in the local area of Genoa are CESTO NGO, National Social Service, University of Genoa and Genoa’s Council Migration Laboratory.
Mission and Objectives

Main Association’s objectives and mission statements are: to promote diversity and its plurality in all forms, to defend universal values and human rights, to valorize cultural exchange in national and international contexts to allow mutual understanding and reciprocal respect, to support rise of cultural awareness of each other differences with particular attention to young generations, to fight any form of discrimination and social inequality in the public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities can be synthesize as follow:
• Cultural, social and sexual information and prevention campaigns : Giovani Eroi for MTV (2010), The Human right Ship (2010), the Mediterranean children week (2011) and the world cultures’ Carnival in Genoa ( 2010).
• Intercultural education support for social workers involved in different educative areas. ( Cross-cultural education training program for teachers of the pre-primary and primary school and for Regional Social services operators (2011-2013).
• Organization and participation to cultural events promoting diversity as a value that enriches all individuals and local community as a whole: Conference on the topic Nord Africa as the centre of the politic life? (2011) ; Seminar series entitled The new racism between politics and power (2011); Seminar series on Tolerance, pluralism and social cohesion (2011); Conference Who is the Italian today? (2011); public debate on “Maghreb’s insurrections : Signals of liberation from North Africa (2011) ; public event entitled “Brothers and half-brothers: When the unity gains color” (2011); Mediterranean Convention: Youths at the mirror: between Genova and Morocco (2011).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nuovi Profili, and its constituency can contribute to the network in many different ways. Mainly we can put in the fore our experience in the Genovese and Italian contexts with a particular attitude toward social and educational projects/activities. Secondly, given that most members were born in different foreign countries (mainly from the Mediterranean area), Nuovi Profili can boost off a “emic” approach to the central questions ALF aims to set out: in other words, Nuovi Profili can bring into the fore a vision from the inside and inner part of the main framework of reference (constituted by addressed beneficiaries) of ALF program. Finally, last but not least Nuovi Profili can bring into the ALF national network other local and national associations with whom selected activities and actions - addressed to most excluded and unpowered social strata - have been implemented.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nuovi Profili emerged from the will of a group of young people born or grown up in Italy, all carrying different cultures but sharing the same social spaces and public arenas . Joining the Alf network will mean for Nuovi Profili to strengthen the original idea of interaction between people coming from different cultures, countries and backgrounds that might lead to new cultural and social profiles whose identity is constituted by a mosaic of different cultural elements and traits. Enlarging our contact network will allow us to improve the quality of our activities and to respond to the new demanding circumstances of our multicultural society. If our ultimate goal has been always to pursue the realization of a better equal civil society, participation to ALF will imply a decise step onward in fostering active citizenship and participation in a wider Euro-Mediterranean perspective.

Contact (1) Full Name
alketa Llani
Head of the organisation
Marco Tosto
Contact (2) Full Name
Simohamed Kaabour

O Zoo NO

National Network

Piazza Della Repubblica 24

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
O Zoo No is a Theatre production company employing more than 20 people as actors, directors, organization staff, educators. Budgetary resources 100.000 euros from: Teatro Stabile Torino City of Turin Regione Piemonte Compagnia di San Paolo (private foundation) Cassa Di Risparmio di Torino (private Foundation) We devolop on theatre seasons in different venues hosting around 14 productions a year with around 600 spectators. We produce four/five shows a year, on contemporary issues and using a multi media approach. Our artistic partners are Italian Theatre companies and festivals as Festival Quartieri dell'Arte (Viterbo) Laboratorio Teatrale Re Nudo (San Benedetto del Tronto) Il Mutamento Zona Castalia (Turin) Teatro In Fuga (Turin)
Mission and Objectives

We concentrate our artistic and productive activity on the issues of contemporaneity and contamination in all their possible meanings.

Main Projects / Activities

We realize Theatre and Dance Productions starting from contemporary authors as Kafka, Pahlaniuk, Berkoff.
We hold a year long theatre season in three theatres hosting more than 15 performances of different companies from all over Italy.
We realize workshops in our theatre and in other spaces.
We do a constant educational job with schools and we had more than 15.000 students visiting our theatres and taking part in our activities.
Overall we work in this field in partnership with international Organization Mus-e Italia ONLUs, operating as Artists - educators for elementary schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Massimo Giovara
Head of the organisation
Massimo Giovara
Contact (2) Full Name
Paola Chiama

Obiettivo Solidarietà - Onlus

National Network

Via Lavinio, 25

327 1691374
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ASSOCIAZIONE  DI  VOLONTARIATO  -  ONLUS"  persegue  esclusivamente finalità  di  solidarietà  nel  campo dell'assistenza sociale e dello sviluppo culturale dei minori, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità che vivono in Italia e all’estero in condizioni di svantaggio sociale ed economico
Mission and Objectives

ASSOCIAZIONE  DI  VOLONTARIATO  -  ONLUS"  persegue  esclusivamente finalità  di  solidarietà  nel  campo dell'assistenza sociale e dello sviluppo culturale dei minori, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità che vivono in Italia e all’estero in condizioni di svantaggio sociale ed economico

Main Projects / Activities

    Sostegno a distanza

    Speranza dopo la tempesta

    Il fiore del deserto


    Il Chicco


    I bambini di Manazary


    Lebbrosario de Il Cairo

    Caritas diocesana di Frascati


    Albanian Children Foundation


    X Francesco

    Le farfalle di Gaza


Contact (1) Full Name
Modesto Sorrentino
Head of the organisation
Modesto Sorrentino