

National Network

Viale Cristoforo Colombo n.6
09125 Cagliari

+39 0707335353
+39 0706402169
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
OpenMed Association is composed by 13 members. The bodies of the Association are: Assembly; Board of Directors; President; Vice President; Secretary Treasurer; Head of Communications. OpenMed cooperates with a number of public and private institution across the Mediterranean basin. Here you can find our partners: Centre for North South Economic Research, Italy CEEBA – Confederation of Egyptian and European Business Association, Egypt Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis, Tunisia GACIC – German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Egypt Olive Oil Town Association, Italy INRAT – National Institute of Agronomic Research, Tunisia European Short Sea Shipping School, Spain FDM – Mediterranean Diet Foundation, Spain Overall budget expected for 2015: 70.000€  The Association relies on project-based fund-raising from public and private (national and international) sources and sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

OpenMed assembles a group of professionals and people with years of experience in the field of cooperation with a strong belief in the potentialities and added values of cooperation and exchange processes among organizations, institutions and people of the Mediterranean boosting different cultures, habits and backgrounds.
The philosophy of OpenMed looks positively at new challenges like globalization and a growing “melting-pot” society where people are more and more encouraged to interact with new communities, environments, cultures, habits and identities.
In the “new world” we are leaving and which we are experiencing day by day it becomes clear that cooperation among countries and populations is crucial and has to be considered a real opportunity whose potentials need to be better and further exploited and developed.
In this sense OpenMed operates to strongly promote integration and exchange occasions through the implementation of a vast range of cooperation projects and initiatives in particular among Mediterranean countries. Our vision about the cooperation concept is described at three levels:

cross-border level, supporting the development of economic and social activities among geographic neighbours;

transnational level mainly supporting technological innovation, environment, risk prevention, mobility and sustainable urban development;

interregional level, working on innovation and knowledge-based economy on one side and environment and risk prevention on the other.

Main Projects / Activities

OpenMed is involved in several activities and initiatives playing an important role in defining new partnerships, identifying opportunities and finally implementing EuroMediterranean cooperation projects among European and Mediterranean regions.
The main activities of OpenMed are:

Promotion and active involvement in economic, cultural and social research studies;

Active participation to cooperation initiatives funded by the European Union or other donors;

Administrative, financial and technical project management;

Monitoring and evaluation of projects, through its web-based system OpenMedPro;

Evaluation of project ideas to be submitted to the EU;

Support the development of cross-border partnership in the Euro-Mediterranean area;

Support the preparation and the submission of proposals;

Manage the relationships with the programs Management Authorities during the submission and the implementation of projects;

Information and training seminars on topics of interest;

Organization and management of the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation Summer School.
some of the cooperation projects we are involved in:

GMI. The Green MED Initiative

S&T Med. Sustainability and Tourism in the Mediterranean

FOSTEr in MED. Fosterin solar energy in the mediterranean sea

MedDiet. Mediterranean Diet and Enhancement of Traditional Foodstuff

ShMILE 2. From experimentation to dissemination of the Ecolabel in the Mediterranean

OPTIMED. Rationalising Mediterranean Sea Ways: from Southern-Eastern to Northern-Western ports

Tour Med Eau. Gestion durable de l’eau dans les territoires touristique de la Méditerranée

SOUTH-EAST ARCHERITAGE. Roman Empire Common Heritage in Southern and Eastern ENPI Countries

MED PORTS. Development of clusters in port logistics services of the Mediterranean Basin

BESTMED.  Business Eco-Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean area

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the ALF Network by offering our skills and our experience in the field of international cooperation, in particular in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean. The location of the OpenMed Association encourages cooperation being the lucky island Sardinia in the middle of the Mediterranean, in a strategic position representing a bridge between the north and south shores of the Mediterranean and contributing to the opening of relations and the construction of collaboration networks among partners of different countries.
Starting from these assumptions, the aim of the Association is to create, in each of the thematic areas of intervention, communities of potential partners who can talk through various interactive tools (e.g. OpenMedPro) and share specific information functional to operational planning and subsequent implementation of joint project ideas funded in particular by European programmes like ENPI CBC MED, PO MED, Italy-France Maritime, and others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to enhance our experience and our skills through the mutual exchange with the ALF's members. Furthermore, we want to offer our knowledge, our experience and our partner's network to promote integration and exchange occasions through the implementation of cooperation projects and initiatives. We consider ALF Network an occasion to compare our approaches and our vision regarding the cooperation with the other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuele Cabras
Head of the organisation
Emanuele Cabras
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniele Cocco

Operatori di Pace - Campania ONLUS

National Network

Via Villanova 31, 31 Villanova Str.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace – Campania”) is the not-to profit organization of the professional civilian peace-keepers working in the field of peace work and human rights, with the specific aim at promoting nonviolence and positive transformation of local and international conflicts. It’s structured into a directors’ board of five members and a general assembly issuing the strategic association’s trends. The Association is open to partnership with local and international public authorities and with other peace-based and nonviolence-oriented NGOs, especially through actions like social promotion and education (in the areas of peace, nonviolence and human rights) into schools, universities and not-to-profit sector, social events in order to sensitize public opinion in acting for peace and nonviolent conflict resolution and projects in conflict areas based on the methodology of action-research and in the direction of Civilian Peace Corps and Peace Services/Interventions.
Mission and Objectives

Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace – Campania”) is devoted to the mission of promoting peace, human rights and nonviolence at any level of social life, either as a general environment for peace and justice and as a methodological acquaintance in order to work for positive peace, as in Johan Galtung’s theoretical and practical approach, and for nonviolent trend to solve conflict (conflict transformation as constructive transformation). Its general objective is to promote an environment, with special regard to young generations, of positive peace and human rights, and the specific objective is to run the idea and the practice of a real Civilian Peace Corp according with the European Union frame for ECPC (European Civilian Peace Corps) and to the original inspiration by European Parliamentarians Alexander Langer and Ernest Gulcher, in all their tasks (interposition, mediation, escorting, communication, education) either on local and international situations

Main Projects / Activities

01) Educational Programs in the field of “Open Schools” and inside regional and national programs with schools of any level based on the core-projects: “Violated Freedoms and Rights in Emergency and Conflict Situations”, “Peace Calendar”, “Atlas of Conflicts and Forgotten Wars”
02) International Solidarity and Social-Cultural Promotion Project “S.A.R.A” (“Social and Anthropological Roma-focused Action-research”) related to inter-cultural educational project for Socio-cultural and Anthropological Action, and Vocational Project for Not-to-Profit Operators “A.C.H.I.E.V.E” (“Alternative Conflict Handling to Inhibit Emergencies and Volunteering Empower”)
03) Action Researches for Peace Interventions in Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas like: “Peace Caravans in the Balkans” (Carovana di Pace nei Balcani) in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia (2009), “Roma Kings” (I Re dei Rom) through Belgrade, K. Mitrovica (Serbia), Bucarest, Sibiu (Romania), Chisinau, Talmaza, Soroca (Moldova) (2010) and “Bosnia-Hercegovina: Faces and Stories” (Bosnia-Erzegovina: i Volti, le Storie) in Sarajevo, Mostar, Prijedor (2011) plus “Civilian Peace Corps Project in Kosovo” (2011-2012)

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianmarco Pisa
Head of the organisation
Gianmarco Pisa

Opportunities Aid Foundation

National Network

via Palombaro 38, 06034 Foligno PG

+39 0742 352815
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 123 6076
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation was set up in 2008 following the merger of activities of that its team was already working on in Malta and in Italy. Its registered is in Malta however its main centre of activities is in Italy and in other countries on mainland Europe including Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Turkey. Its permanent staff complement is three and has four other contract collaborations. Its main source of funding is its training activities and participation in International Projects both funded by the EU or other entities as well as self sustaining activities in the fields of education, culture and audiovisual production. The activities and collaborations the Foundation are focused on its fields of activity and are open collaborations with Municipalities and other public entities, education institutions at secondary, pre-tertiary and teritary level and NGO's as well as private organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is that of creating spaces for personal and professional development through learning and exchange and we follow a philosophy that one learns also by watching others learn. In a world where individuals have less time at their disposal we work at the merger of education, socialising and self development mostly through innovation in our education product. We provide space for exchange but we also work following a work-in-public work ethic in so far as our projects pipeline and concepts are concerned. We publish our ideas and invite input from stakeholders in order that together we can get closer to realising ideas.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation has a full training programme in the fields of lifelonglearning and culture for 2009 - 2010 that is published on its website. We are also involved in the steering committee of the INTER network for intercultural education as well as in the DIVIS project on the use of audiovisuals in multi lingual classrooms. We are presently running a workshop / photography / audiovisual project in several European countries focused on the school's role in the integration of immigrant families in society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antoine Gambin
Head of the organisation
Dr Antoine Gambin
Contact (2) Full Name
Diego Antolini

Oratorio Evviva Maria

National Network

Via dei Casali di Porta Medaglia 1

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
siamo un Oratorio, semplice, allegro dedito a bene. Siamo nati ad albano nel 2000 e l’intenzione assoluta è quella di spingere noi ragazzi a camminare insieme verso una società più umana, che riscopra valori come la semplicità, la libertà e l’allegria e tramite questo creare un mondo migliore.
Mission and Objectives

Attività d’oratorio





Main Projects / Activities

Attività d’oratorio





Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Berruti
Head of the organisation
Roberto Berruti

Organizzazione di Volontariato "il Germoglio"

National Network

Via XXIV Giugno, 24/D 37139

+39 45 8900916
Telephone (other)
+39 45 8905342
+39 45 8905342
Mobile Phone
+39 3490907819
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“il germoglio” is a Volunteers Organization founded in Verona in 1989. Currently there are 20 operative volunteers in organization's activities. 6 professional educators employed in two Daily Centers (children and adolescents), 1 young in Civil Service and 2 trainees. Organization's yearly budget amounts in 260.000 € Principal sources of funding are from Verona's Municipality for activities with youths committed in Centers, and from calls for funding of local administrations; we have even private contributions. Our Daily Centers are opened every day of the year, with concrete activities. Our principal partners are: for activities with youths Verona's Municipality, Local Sanitary Services, Schools, University of Verona for Dialogue projects Schools and associations in Verona, in Israel and in Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

Organization's mission is to prevent “children in distress” through activities with children, parents, school and territory.
This activity begun 20 years ago, initially with care only of volunteers, but from 2001 they are supported by professional educators. Now “il Germoglio” manages 2 Daily Centers: the first for children, the second for adolescents. Youths involved in activities are altogether 35.
From 2005 “il Germoglio” organizes a new activity, to help adolescents from Israel and Palestine to exit from war traumas: this project is named “flowers of peace”, and we hosted 5 groups of adolescents in Verona for activities of dialogue and meeting with italian schools.

Main Projects / Activities

Daily Center for children (12 youths everyday)
Daily Center for adolescents (12 youths everyday)
Open Center for children (10 youths 2 days every week)
Mami Nuiè: activity with foreign women for learning italian language and rights of cityzenship
Flowers of Peace: activity for dialogue between arab and israeli adolescents in war traumas

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Menin
Head of the organisation
Marco Menin
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Filippi

Oriel ETS

National Network

Via San Silvestro 3
37062 Verona VR

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Oriel was founded in 2017 and its main office is in the province of Verona, Italy. Despite
the fact the association is quite young, the founders and the key staff have several years of
experience in the youth work field.
The mission of the association is to promote the active participation of young people in
their local communities and to give them the chance and the tools to exploit fully their
potential and to provide them a support in discovering their path and to develop their skills,
by using non-formal education and intercultural learning methods. To pursue these goals
Oriel organizes cultural events, seminars, workshops and study sessions to promote
mostly creativity, entrepreneurship, youth employment, volunteering, youth democratic
participation but also about several different topics according to need and situations.
During the events of Oriel, youth are encouraged to share experiences and ideas and the
youth workers act in order to foster social integration, active youth participation and to
transmit the necessary and requested information for the youth to develop their ideas and
to fulfill their learning needs.
Nowadays our association counts more than 100 members.
Since his birth, Oriel association has tried to build network with other local like-minded
-CPS ONG, an organization founded in 1974 with the mission to improve the world,
particularly in the south of it, in african and south american vulnerable countries.
-Progettomondo.mlal, an ONG created in 1966 in order to support sustainable
development and global education.
-The Eurodesks in the region of Veneto, a group of organizations with the mission to communicate and raise awareness about European opportunities.
- Europiamo? – an informal Italian network of organisations involved with the Programme
Erasmus +, that has as a goal to create young ambassadors for a more participative,
sustainable and involved idea of Europe.
- The youth departments of the municipalities of Padova, Schio, Valdagno, Brescia

Mission and Objectives

For the building of an ideal peaceful world we try to build connections with several
organizations around the world that are active in the field of supporting people in different
ways (like teaching them a work, some foreign languages, give them different tools,
improving rural areas while keeping their identity, supporting sustainable long term
development strategies etc.).
We are also committed to provide volunteering opportunities to our members among our
network of partner organizations. We strongly believe that those experience can be a very
efficient way to acquire those skills which are often requested when it comes the time to
enter in the labor market or even better, being prepared for jobs that are not existing yet.
And, of course, for having a better awareness about what it´s going on in our world and
moreover for taking an active role as conscious active citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Oriel provides several training courses to the local community about human rights, gender
issues, entrepreneurship, health care and sustainable development, focusing especially on
the social aspect and on the long-term sustainability one should point at while developing
his/her ideas.
We use hiking and improvisation theatre as a tool for developing the leadership, self-esteem,
inclusion among our Youth. Meditation is also for us an important practice for raising our
awareness. We are accredited as EVS/ESC sending organization even though our main
volunteering activities are not financed through the Erasmus+ program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are part of a national network called Europiamo.
We work together with other organizations that deal with young people all around Italy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We recognize ourselves in the purpose of the ALF Network and we want to add our "touch" and values to it.
And merge in one, together with all the other organizations of the Network.

The Intercultural Dialogue in between several "different" countries is the key that we need in order to build a better world and understand through different folks.

With our people that can truly open their eyes and hearts to the so called "strangers". Because we're all equal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sillian Ferrari
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Sillian Ferrari
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Berto
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC)

National Network

piazza San Marco 7

0039 0464 424230
0039 0464 424299
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information
OBC is a think tank devoted to the social-political-cultural change in South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. Established in 2000 as autonomous project within the Peace Bell Foundation, today it monitors and reports on 26 countries or regions, either members of the EU or states involved in the EU Enlargement or Neighbourhood policies. OBC staff (15 people) co-operate with over 50 freelance contributors from the field to deliver daily online news and in-depth analyses that: disseminate knowledge on the monitored areas; spread a deeper understanding of the European institutions and policy-making; promote a new culture of remembrance. It also produces documentary films, multimedia and educational material; runs lectures and workshops; organises public events. OBC multilingual website (IT; EN; BCHS) has 130.000 monthly visits and gives free access to an archive of 14.000 articles. Source of funding: the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Rovereto; the EU; Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; other state and private organisations. Yearly budget: 650-800.000 €.
Mission and Objectives

Born to offer a space for debate to Italian CSOs working for peaceful coexistence in South-East Europe and advocating the EU integration of the Balkan region, since its start OBC is committed to strengthening the EU project as well as the development of a transnational public sphere.
Thus, its aims are to:
enhance the interest towards areas that 20 years after the end of the Cold war are still less known, and know each other less than EU founding members;
sensitize the media and the public at large on the role of the EU as an invaluable supranational democratic arena;
stimulate the debate on major European/international issues beyond national borders and domestic public spheres;
foster the growth of transnational relations at grassroots level, by promoting cross-border networks among civil society actors and/or media outlets;
influence policy-making and the media when addressing the issues/geographical areas OBC deals with through its policy advice.
Its audience includes: scholars and researchers; journalists; students; diplomats; local, regional and national government officials; policy-makers; practitioners of development cooperation; business people; members of the diaspora from South-East Europe and the Caucasus; tourists and travellers; people generally interested in these areas.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve its mission, overtime OBC developed an action that is multi-sectoral, multilingual, transnational and cross-media, and adopts a bottom-up approach to knowledge production that combines monitoring, online information, research, policy advice, debate, public events, training.
OBC regularly covers the following topics: Human rights, minorities, gender issues, welfare; European Remembrance and conflict transformation through justice and truth; Media freedom and voices of independent journalism; Films, literature, music, art and cultural “contamination”; International relations in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; International cooperation, cross-border activism, migration; Rural and environmental issues, sustainable development and responsible tourism in South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus.
To contribute to the development of a transnational public sphere, OBC promotes and joins transnational networks. It distributes its content under a Creative Commons license and it fosters the widest circulation of its content among Italian and international media outlets, collecting hundreds of earned media every year (print, radio and TV).
Among recent OBC's special projects with a strong transnational dimension or focus, the following are to be mentioned:
TELL EUROPE TO EUROPE, aimed at animating and widening the public debate on today’s Europe and on the Europe of the future, through a wide number of diverse activities carried out in cooperation with 11 partners in Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Bulgaria
Link: http://www.balcanicaucaso.org/eng/Tell-Europe-to-Europe
CERCAVAMO LA PACE, a still ongoing research project aimed at reconstructing and analysing the important though neglected chapter of recent European history, i.e. the experience of the grassroots and the Italian solidarity and antiwar movement during the Yugoslav dissolution, in support to the Balkan fellow citizens. Link: http://www.balcanicaucaso.org/Dossier/Cercavamo-la-pace
A SAFETY NET FOR EUROPEAN JOURNALISTS, focussed on media freedom in Italy and Southeast Europe through a wide array of complementary activities aimed at exploring ways to support threatened journalists in 11 countries included Turkey, and at raising awareness of the European dimension of media freedom and pluralism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

OBC can contribute to the ALF Italian network by:
sharing expert knowledge and original content on the SEE and Caucasus region gained through its monitoring, information and research activities;
strengthening the visibility of the Network and its members among its well-established audience and online community (over 130.000 monthly visits; 15.000 followers on social media; 10.000 subscribers to its newsletters);
initiating research or training programmes focused on the South-eastern Mediterranean;
providing inputs and contacts to foster the exchange and the growth of relationships among Italian CSOs and across the Adriatic;
developing projects in cooperation with other ALF members in the field of empirical and participatory research, communication and journalistic skills, media partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We already had the chance to establish cooperation with members of ALF Network in France (Courrier des Balkans is a regular partner of OBC) and in Italy, with Istituto Paralleli / Babelmed.
Joining the Network would mean for us to further enrich our perspective and work on the Euromed region, (starting from the discourse on migration and asylum for example), while strengthening our relations with partners actively engaged for the development of democracy, human rights and the intercultural dialogue across the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Sighele
Job Title
Fundraising and communication officer
Head of the organisation
Chiara Sighele

Osservatorio di genere - Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea

National Network

Via Verdi, 10 – 62100 Macerata Italy

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea "Mario Morbiducci", established in 1949 after the Liberation, has 9 employed people. In 2009, the Institute was provided itself with a Gender Observatory. Annalisa Cegna, Claudia Santoni, Natascia Mattucci and Loredana Guerrieri have a share in the Gender Observatory. This Observatory has the aim to promote a gender culture beginning from local territories using research, training and consultancy interventions. The aims of the Observatory are: the discovery of the women history and memoirs; the promotion of scientific and cultural enterprises (conferences, workshops) about gender subjects; the periodic publications of historical-political works about similarity of character themes with Gender Studies. Gender Observatory promotes European, national and local projects to develop at local level the European social policies, in particular the promotion of equal opportunity policies and anti-discrimination policies.
Mission and Objectives

The Association pursues the European social policies and in particular the equal opportunities policies between men and women and anti-discrimination policies in order to prevent social exclusion of new weak; develop initiatives of research, study, training, information and dissemination, building networks in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union in collaboration with institutional partners and private social organizations at local level; promotes initiatives in the field of national and international cooperation to aid developing countries or organizations in those countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The Observatory was born as a branch of ISREC (the Historical Institute of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age) and therefore follows the draw direction of the this institute. Actually, it intends to organize training courses for history teachers as a training agency authorized by the Ministry of Education, history workshops for students and pupils of schools of all ranks and to lead historical researches activities and the relevant publications and presentations. It indeed proposes itself as a point of reference for corporations, associations, private organizations, scholars and researches involving and interesting in increasing the value of gender differences and in promoting the Equal opportunities through the implementation of projects in harmony with the European concept of gender mainstreaming
Access to the knowledge society through the use of new information and communication technologies as a means of equal access to training and information in the knowledge society
The Gender Observatory promotes the development of transnational networks in order to establish mechanisms for a major participation of the regional and local communities to the European decision making.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natascia Mattucci
Head of the organisation
Annalisa Cegna
Contact (2) Full Name
Loredana Guerrieri


National Network

Viale Machiavelli 31/33

+39 055 220281
Telephone (other)
+39 055 390065
+39 055 2298147
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
It is an SRL company which includes a staff of 30 employes. The annual budget of the society is of euro 1.000.000. The sources of funding are private projects and public funds. The actions include projects, educational courses, international exchanges, organization of poetry events, publications of books in the field of poetry and scholarships.
Mission and Objectives

It has been operating for defence of world cultural legacy , through promotion of poetry events and publications of books in the field of poetry.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects of publications of poems wrote by various writers in order to develope the intercultural dialogue among different cultures and populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Giuseppina Amodei
Head of the organisation
Dr. Giuseppina Amodei

Palazzo Rinaldi Artists' Residence

National Network

Via Rinaldi, n. 3, 85035 Noepoli (PZ)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Independent, family-run and 100% Italian owned - the Palazzo being the family home for generations - we provide our International resident artists with a dedicated and welcoming space to focus and create in a historical site and within a unique natural setting. In addition, through the calendar of events ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni, Palazzo Rinaldi actively promotes interaction and exchange between its resident artists and the Lucanian community by organising end-of-residency exhibitions, performances, workshops, activities and much more. Management and running costs are currently being covered by the residency fees paid by the residents- who are often sponsored by arts councils & institutions in their home countries. Our main goal is therefore to develop strong ties with international organisations in the arts field to establish fellowsips and bursaries which would make the residencies free of charge for the artists. The residency is open in summer only (June-Sept), and 3 family staff work there full time. The ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni festival, curated by Residency Director Susanna Caprara, is supported by the town of Noepoli (Comune di Noepoli) and by the local non-profit tourism association Pro Loco Antica Noja. All Festival events are free of charge.
Mission and Objectives

Palazzo Rinaldi is the first Artists' Residence to open in the Basilicata region of Southern Italy and a member of Res Artis, the largest worldwide network of artists' residencies. A historical property located in the hilltop village of Noèpoli, it provides International artists of all disciplines and levels with a unique and inspiring retreat to focus and create, away from the stresses and distractions of urban living.
Enjoying a privileged position at the heart of the Pollino National Park (the largest in Italy), Palazzo Rinaldi makes for an idyllic country escape. Here international artists are able to rejuvenate body and mind and to concentrate fully on their creative work. Residents have also the chance to discover the real Italy off the beaten tourist track, at its most traditional and most unspoilt.
Palazzo Rinaldi is family run and its core values are art & sustainability: all efforts are made to ensure that any environmental impacts are minimised.

Main Projects / Activities

Summer residencies (June to September) for International artists of all disciplines. In addition, Palazzo Rinaldi curates and manages ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni, a multidisciplinary festival of art events aimed at showcasing to the local audience the work developed by the artists-in-residence. Attached please find the full catalogue of the 2009 edition of the Festival (first edition).
Please view our website for more details and pictures: http://www.palazzorinaldi.com

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanna Caprara
Head of the organisation
Susanna Caprara, Residency DIrector
Contact (2) Full Name
Raffaele Caprara