
International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Tel Aviv University

National Network

Naftali Building
Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978

Tel Aviv

+972 (3) 6406759
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (52) 6553930
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 (52) 8797302
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation has been created following the success of the Evens Program's MA in Conflict Resolution and Mediation taught in Hebrew. It aims at offering all the tools for effective analysis, mediation and negotiation strategies and conflict resolution frameworks.The Masters are offered within the social science faculty of Tel Aviv University. It is a graduate program independant from the regular budget of Tel Aviv University. We collaborate with different organisations and associations to attempt to bring the best candidates to study this field in Israel.The faculty is comprised of outstanding lecturers from Tel Aviv University and other prestigious universities and expert practitioners, who will provide our students with the extensive knowledge and tools needed for venturing into the field of conflict resolution. Many of our faculty members have been engaged in historical and present Middle East negotiations, and are committed to sharing with our students the intricacies of their hands-on experience.
Mission and Objectives

This program aims to offer students around the world the opportunity to study about international conflict resolution at its core. As a reflection of the ever-increasing recognition in the academic world to the importance of conflict resolution, both as an academic research field and as an area of practical activity, our mission is to equip our students with the necessary academic and practical tools to approach conflicts, their management and resolution.

Main Projects / Activities

Our interdisciplinary curriculum will expose the students to a comprehensive study of conflicts and their resolution from diverse perspectives; ranging from international law to psychological, cultural, political and economic perspectives, every relevant field will be incorporated during the first semester. During the second and third semesters, students will be able to choose from a variety of classes according to their interests. During the studies special focus will be placed on combining practical experience to the theoretical knowledge through simulations and workshops. The students will be guided throughout their studies by the negotiation and mediation skills that they will gradually cultivate. In addition, we are planning to offer a workshop on the UN and the Middle East: during the entire year, different UN representatives will introduce our students to their office’s role and goals, giving them insights about what happens “in the real world.” This collaboration will both enrich classroom dialogue and complement the students’ experience and in–depth research.
Our program encourages and facilitates students' enrolment in internships during their studies corresponding to their interests. Israel is home to an array of organizations committed to achieving conflict resolution at different levels. We believe the students’ involvement in their dynamic and innovative projects will add a unique dimension to their academic experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maureen Meyer
Head of the organisation
Prof. Eppie Yaar
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof.Eppie Yaar

Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel

National Network

Emek Refaim 43
P.O.Box 8771
Jerusalem 91086

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel (ICCI), comprises more than 60 Christian, Muslim, and Jewish institutions and organizations. ICCI also serves as the Israeli chapter of Religions for Peace and as one of the Israeli members of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ). Number of staff: 3 Major sources of revenue: 1) Self-generated income from lectures and panels 2) Donations from Foundations and institutions abroad 3) Individual donors 4) In-kind services from foundations and institutions  
Mission and Objectives

ICCI’s mission is to harness the teachings and values of the three monotheistic religions into sources of reconciliation and peaceful coexistence for their leaders and followers, based on the understanding that religions should not be part of the problem, but rather can be part of the solution. ICCI's work focuses primarily on religious leaders  young adults, and educators can serve as catalysts to spread the message of peaceful coexistence to their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and services:
1) KODESH - Jewish-Muslim Dialogue and Education
2) KEDEM - The Galilee Religious Leaders Forum
3) Lectures & Symposia, Blogs and social media - Interreligious Public Education
4) Younth and Young Adult Leadership Program:
“Face to Face” Alumni Community for Palestinian and Jewish Graduates of Dialogue and Action Programs
5) Speaking tours abroad
6) Center for Interreligious Encounter with Israel, organizes interreligious seminars and study tours

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We enrich the network by adding an additional local and international dimesion to religious and interreligious cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote cooperation among interested partners and strengthen existing ones
To remain up-to-date on on-going programs
To learn from others, as well as offer our 22 years of experience for others to learn from

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabbi Ron Kronish
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rabbi Ron Kronish

Introducing Maoz Inon: Bridging Divides Through Tourism and Dialogue


Join us in welcoming Maoz Inon, activist and peace entrepreneur. Inon recently joined the Anna Lindh Foundation Israeli Network. His journey is not merely that of an entrepreneur but a testament to the power of dialogue, understanding, and faith in humanity.


Inon was already a pivotal figure in Israel's tourism landscape, founding groundbreaking initiatives such as the Fauzi Azar Inn and the Abraham Hostel and Tour brands. He also initiated the Jesus Trial and established the first guesthouse in Nazareth. His tours in Nazareth began in 2020 amid the COVID-19 crisis and evolved into a platform for political engagement, allowing Israelis to connect with the Palestinian narrative firsthand. 


Inon endured a recent personal tragedy when both his parents were murdered in the terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7th. Despite this, he continues to preach about peace tourism and to be a leader for peace in international media, advocating for dialogue with Israelis and their Palestinian neighbors by sharing stories, fears, and aspirations. He believes dialogue is a powerful tool for reducing fear and bridging societal divides. 


Inon's story is one of resilience and commitment to fostering mutual understanding between Israelis and Palestinians. Instead of succumbing to bitterness or despair, Inon chooses a different path—a path illuminated by hope, empathy, and the belief that peace is not just a distant dream but an achievable reality. 


As Inon continues his work as a peace entrepreneur and advocate, his commitment to dialogue and reconciliation inspires us all. In a world too often divided by strife and conflict, he continues to pave the way for a brighter, more harmonious future in the region.

IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

National Network

P.O. Box 11091, Jerusalem, Israel

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Goldenblatt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Riman Barakat

Ir Amim

National Network

27 King George St.
P.O. Box 2239

Jerusalem 94581

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Ir Amim’s has 11 staff members. Its executive director is responsible for day-to-day management. The board of directors is elected every year by the General Assembly to establish the organization’s policy. The General assembly also elects the Audit committee and approves the yearly financial and activity reports. The annual budget is approximately 1,000,000 EUR. Main sources of funding are international and private foundations, liberal Jewish foundations and government support from European partners. Ir Amim operates concrete projects Ir Amim coordinates and cooperates with Israeli, Palestinian and international organizations. Partners include: ACRI, B'tselem, Bimkom, The Economic Cooperation Foundation, Shatil, the Jerusalem Rabbis for Human Rights, Machsom-Watch, Hamoked, Al Maqdase, JLAC, and OCHA. Ir Amim also maintains a network of field researchers from Palestinian and Israeli organizations and works with Palestinian activists in Jerusalem communities such as Silwan/Ras alAmud, Jabal alMuqabber, A-Tur, Sur Baher, Kfar Aqab, Beit Safafa and Issawiyya.
Mission and Objectives

Ir Amim (“City of Nations” or “City of Peoples”) focuses on Jerusalem within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ir Amim seeks to render Jerusalem a democratic, pluralistic city for the Israelis and Palestinians who share it.
Ir Amim envisions a city that ensures the dignity and welfare of all its residents and that safeguards their holy places, as well as their historical and cultural heritages, and works to secure this vision—today, as well as in the future.
Ir Amim aspires to a sustainable political future for Jerusalem, achievable only through a negotiated process between Israel and the Palestinians.

Main Projects / Activities

Ir Amim is active on a number of key fronts and aims to achieve the following:
1. To monitor developments and trends in Jerusalem that have implications for the city's current equitability and political future within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; to analyze the significance of these developments on a future resolution of the city via a two-state solution
2. To help bring Israeli policy in line with the vision of a more equitable and viable city, offering solutions that will enable just living arrangements for the two nations and three world religions that share it, until a political resolution is achievable
3. To raise Israeli public awareness regarding Jerusalem; shift public discourse to a more pragmatic, fact-based exchange that enables Israelis to analyze the ramifications of current policy; and elicit public support for a political resolution
4. To promote the development of infrastructure and capacity building within Palestinian civil society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ir Amim is widely recognized for bringing a profound understanding of Jerusalem in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict related work and activities. It has earned a solid reputation as a go-to source for timely, accurate and reliable information about new developments in Jerusalem; its expertise in monitoring and advocacy, public outreach and education; and its programmatic partnerships within Palestinian civil society.
Ir Amim has successful experience in forming, coordinating and facilitating coalition and network efforts of Israeli NGO’s, Palestinian neighborhood committees and social activists.
The organization and its staff would greatly value the opportunity to expand cooperative efforts with other Israeli and Palestinian organizations—to share its considerable knowledge base and experience while being able to augment its work with the unique expertise of various partner organizations.
Ir Amim welcomes this vital opening to leverage resources in working towards a sustainable political future for Jerusalem in particular and the region as a whole.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ir Amim is dedicated to promoting human rights and strengthening democracy, equality and pluralism between Israelis and Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Ir Amim prioritizes the importance of and has significant experience in forming coalitions and networks with organizations and individuals mutually committed to its vision and goals.
By joining the ALF network, Ir Amim seeks to engage in dialogue and cooperate with other organizations in Israel, the Middle East and Europe who share these goals, to benefit from their expertise with the goal of increasing Ir Amim’s effectiveness and expanding its impact.
Jerusalem is a microcosm of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, loaded with political, historical, religious and emotional implications.
Ir Amim is recognized for its work to generate a more pragmatic, nuanced public discourse about issues related to East Jerusalem while acknowledging and respecting differences in ideologies, narratives and perspectives. Ir Amim employs a myriad of educational tools to expose the intricacy of the situation in Jerusalem to the Israeli public. Approximately 25,000 Israelis have attended Ir Amim’s renowned study tours and thousands more have attended its seminars and film screenings of its annual Jerusalem Moments film project.
Through its multifaceted educational activities, Ir Amim aspires to re-orient Israeli public discourse on Jerusalem, helping the Israeli public to focus on the realities and ramifications of current actions on long-term Israeli interests.
In the absence of a foreseeable political solution in Jerusalem, Ir Amim is working to develop a new paradigm for understanding the needs of different communities in Jerusalem in order to increase equitability of access and enjoyment of rights for all of its residents—both in the present and toward the end goal of a political resolution for the city.
Ir Amim envisions a process that involves outreach to communities and individuals who have not formerly been engaged in public dialogue, consulting with them on how to develop mechanisms to ensure full citizen rights to all of the residents of Jerusalem.
It is particularly vital that Ir Amim be able to glean best practices from other organizations engaged in peace building activities in areas marked by intractable conflict, particularly those with demonstrated experience in facilitating respectful multi-cultural dialogue.
The organization aims to cooperate with other civil society organizations, involve them in the process of rethinking viable living arrangements for the diverse gamut of social groups in Jerusalem, apply their expertise and cooperate with them in translating visions to action plans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Deganit Ben Shitrit
Head of the organisation
Yudith Oppenheimer

Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center

National Network

118 Arlozorov St. Haifa 33276Israel

+ 972 4 865 0977
Telephone (other)
+ 972 4 866 0951
+ 972 4 864 1072
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 52 361-6114
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Isha L’Isha is a member organization—a community of feminist activists, governed by a Collective that includes all of its members and is open to all women. The Collective meets once a month to discuss ideological issues and set strategy and policy. Decisions regarding policy—what issues are pressing for our members, how we should work and with whom we should cooperate—are decided by consensus in our monthly Collective meetings. Most of our funding is from the US and Europe. Strategies and modalities: advocacy, awareness-raising, research, networking, coalition-building. Partners: formal and informal partners include women's and human rights organizations, both local and international.
Mission and Objectives

Isha L'Isha's Mission is to advance the status of all women in Israel by:  Empowering them and encouraging them to become leaders in their communities;  Campaigning for full civil rights and equal opportunities for women;  Opposing all forms of violence and discrimination against women;  Developing and encouraging new projects to address women's needs; and  Promoting collaboration between women’s organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Our current projects are: (1) Fighting against trafficking in women for the sex industry (2) Women and Reproductive Rights (3) Women, Peace and Security (4) Women's Historical Archive and Research Center

Contact (1) Full Name
Ellen Avraham
Head of the organisation
Orly Natan
Contact (2) Full Name
Orly Natan



Oranim  College has been appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Oranim College is the largest and leading academic college of education in the North of Israel. Our goal is to train teachers to bring out the full potential of each student and to help them become more active and enthusiastic learners. We strive to prepare our graduates for an ever-changing, multi-cultural world, by teaching the values of living together, tolerance, and respecting diverse ideas and beliefs. Oranim is committed to academic excellence, community involvement, and the promotion of higher education. Oranim boasts a broad range of programs and degrees, as well as a diverse student body, with Jewish and Arab students of all ages, ethnicities, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds.

الخلفية التاريخية لشبكتك

As part of its international activities to promote multicultural dialogue in a shared society, Oranim College currently heads the Israeli network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Oranim College is a multicultural educational community where people from diverse backgrounds learn together and from one another. The College brings scholars, educational practitioners, and students from around the world together to study, teach, and research in the spirit of Oranim’s values: educational innovation and leadership combined with academic excellence, sensitivity towards individual differences and cultural diversity, strengthening personal identity, and accepting collective responsibility.

The Anna Lindh Foundation in Israel

The Israeli Anna Lindh Network currently connects 65 organizations and institutions from dozens of cities and regions in the country. The organizations that are members of the Network include associations, public organizations, universities, cultural organizations, theaters, and media. Most of them are part of Israel's very diverse and active civil society. The National Network is involved in various fields such as active citizenship, community building, social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, human rights, youth, education, research, interfaith dialogue, social innovation, and more.

Anna Lindh Israeli Network Vision

The Israeli Anna Lindh Network seeks to promote collaboration, emphasizing dialogue and open discourse within Israel and across the Anna Lindh Foundation's participating countries in Europe and the MENA region. Rooted in our vision, the network has identified priorities 1) interreligious and intercultural dialogue, 2) active citizenship, and 3) gender, through a consultative process to guide our future operations. These priorities underscore our commitment to strengthening and empowering civil organizations within the network, fostering a cohesive community of organizations that collectively shape Israeli and global society. Embracing values of multiculturalism, pluralism, discourse, and dialogue, the network is poised to address and drive positive change in the region.




Le collège Oranim a été nommé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères.

L'Oranim College est le plus grand et le plus important établissement d'enseignement supérieur du nord d'Israël. Notre objectif est de former des enseignants capables de faire ressortir tout le potentiel de chaque élève et de les aider à devenir des apprenants plus actifs et enthousiastes. Nous nous efforçons de préparer nos diplômés à un monde multiculturel en constante évolution, en leur enseignant les valeurs du vivre ensemble, de la tolérance et du respect des différentes idées et croyances. L'Oranim s'engage en faveur de l'excellence académique, de l'engagement communautaire et de la promotion de l'enseignement supérieur. Oranim dispose d'un large éventail de programmes et de diplômes, ainsi que d'un corps étudiant diversifié, composé d'étudiants juifs et arabes de tous âges, ethnies, religions et milieux socio-économiques.

الخلفية التاريخية لشبكتك

Dans le cadre de ses activités internationales visant à promouvoir le dialogue multiculturel dans une société commune, Oranim College dirige actuellement le réseau israélien de la Fondation Anna Lindh. Oranim College est une communauté éducative multiculturelle, où les gens de divers horizons apprennent ensemble et les uns des autres.

Avant 2019, le réseau israélien pour la Fondation Anna Lindh était supervisé par l’Institut Van Leer de Jérusalem. Aujourd’hui, la Fondation Anna Lindh en Israël relie 225 organisations et institutions de dizaines de villes et de régions du pays.

Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh

Le réseau israélien Anna Lindh relie actuellement 65 organisations et institutions de dizaines de villes et régions du pays. Les organisations membres du Réseau comprennent des associations, des organismes publics, des universités, des organismes culturels, des théâtres et des médias. La plupart d’entre eux font partie de la société civile très diversifiée et active d’Israël. Le Réseau national est impliqué dans divers domaines tels que la citoyenneté active, la construction communautaire, la cohésion sociale, le dialogue interculturel, les droits de l’homme, la jeunesse, l’éducation, la recherche, le dialogue interreligieux, l’innovation sociale, etc.

Vison du Réseau israélien de la Fondation Anna Lindh

Le réseau israélien Anna Lindh cherche à promouvoir la collaboration, en mettant l’accent sur le dialogue et le discours ouvert au sein d’Israël et entre les pays participant à la Fondation Anna Lindh en Europe et dans la région MENA. Notre objectif est de renforcer et d’habiliter les organisations civiles membres du réseau, de créer une communauté d’organisations qui travaillent ensemble et influencent la société israélienne et mondiale, et de promouvoir les valeurs de multiculturalisme, de pluralisme, de discours et de dialogue. Ces valeurs sont identifiées avec les organisations et avec la Fondation Anna Lindh.

Israel Adult Education Association (IAEA)

National Network
+972 3 6359220-1
Telephone (other)
+972 8 9714229
+972 3 6359232
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 52 5785508
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 52 2605604
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
IAEA is a non-profit national organization, representing the field of lifelong learning in Israel with the emphasis on the adult segment. Three employees and lots of volonteers. Sources of funding are twofold: government allocation and self administered projects. Modalities of action: concrete projects. International involvement with the emphasis on Europe. Training seminars. Publications. Interest networks. Main partners: Government ministries and related departments. Civil Society organizations. Private Sector corporations.
Mission and Objectives

IAEA strives to promote the idea of a learning society in Israel, a society that implements all available resources for enriched learning, literacy, and individual advancement among all strata of the population.
The goals are: (1) Promoting and developing Learning Cititrs and Communities.
(2) Preparing and disseminating a National policy for the Learning Society.
(3) Developing international relations and international cooperation, with the emphasis on Europe.
(4) Building a database, planning and researching lifelong learning in Israel and throughout the world.

Main Projects / Activities

(a) Teaching of Hebrew to Ethiopian immigrants. (b) Training immigrants for employability. (c) Evaluating ongoing training projects for immigrants.(d) Devoloping and implementing Learning Cities and Communities in a sample of cities.
(e) Preparing teaching/learning modules for the professional development of workers for the Learning Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Eitan israeli
Head of the organisation
Dr. Eitan Israeli, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Orna Mager

Israel Family Planning Association

National Network

9 Rambam str.

(972) 3-5101512
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(972) 522-679537
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Israel Family Planning Association is Israel's affiliate of the IPPF – the International Planned Parenthood Association-- the world's second largest volunteer organization. The IFPA intervention focuses on five major avenues, which are all interconnected: 1) "Open Door" counseling centers; 2) The national training center; 3) Community outreach center; 4) The Library and information center; 5) Lobbying activities. There are 16 staff employeers and about 900 volunteers. IFPA's annual budget stands on $820,000 in average, which is comprised of the income from Israeli government ministries, municipal authorities, National Center for Guidance and Training, rendered services, funds, contribution and sponsors and membership dues.
Mission and Objectives

IFPA is a voluntary organization represented across the country that works to promote the (sexual and reproductive) health and wellbeing of everyone in our society, in particular young people, vulnerable and underserved groups by:
? raising awareness among the populations and groups at risk, in respect of healthy and responsible life styles and reproductive health and rights.
? providing counseling for families and individuals, and training for communities and professionals in the medical and social fields across the country
? advocating sexual and reproductive health needs and rights, and improved legislation, policies and practice in the field of family planning and reproductive health.
? promoting equal access to quality information, sexuality education, training and SRHR services, acting as a liaison between actors in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

There are 14 "Open Door" centers for counselling throughout Israel, one of them is designed specifically for people with physical and sensory disabilities.
In our Traning Center there is a qualification program "Sexuality Educator" as well as special culturally adapted traning programs for disadvantaged populations. In the Community Outreach department the leading programs are: "Hagam" - preparation for life to women soldiers, Bridge to Communication workshops, "Magen" Program: To promote SRHR among adolescents, Intervention Program for Girls Referred to Pregnancy Interruption Committees, Empowerment Workshops for Girls at Risk in Residing in "Warm Homes".

Contact (1) Full Name
Kira Melamed
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ilana Ziegler
Contact (2) Full Name
Amit Sher and Nahed Abu-Asbeh