
Kav LaOved - Worker's Hotline

National Network

75 Nachalat Binyamin, 4F
Tel Aviv-Jaffa 61022

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Kav LaOved – Worker’s Hotline is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the defense of workers’ rights and the enforcement of Israeli labor law designed to protect every worker in Israel, irrespective of nationality, religion, gender, and legal status. Since its establishment in 1991, Kav LaOved has helped workers from all sectors realize and uphold their rights. Kav LaOved’s services target the most disadvantaged workers in Israel, including those employed by contracts and receiving low wages, Arab citizens of Israel, Palestinians, migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers, and new immigrants. Kav LaOved operates three branches, employs 27 staff members and 4 national civil service volunteers and enlists the crucial support of over 130 volunteers. In 2012, the organization served over 35,000 workers and secured more than 16 million New Israeli Shekels in total, withheld sums entitled to workers by law.
Mission and Objectives

Kav LaOved envisions an Israeli society in which workers, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, race, age and legal status in the Israeli labor market, are respected, valued, and recognized for their contributions via full and complete protection of their labor rights.
Kav LaOved aspires to prevent abuse and exploitation of workers by demanding fair employment terms and conditions, addressing both individual cases and greater phenomena of violation of workers’ rights. Kav LaOved strives to improve and strengthen:
Workers’ Awareness in order to inform, educate, and empower workers to know and defend their own labor rights
State Policy in order to create, amend, and enforce legislation to improve employment terms and conditions in the Israeli labor market
Social Responsibility in order to influence Israeli culture and society to recognize the rights of disadvantaged workers in the Israeli labor market and uphold principles of social justice

Main Projects / Activities

Individual assistance to workers via public reception hours, internet, and Kav LaOved’s telephone hotline in order to find effective and safe solutions for workers experiencing abuse and exploitation.
Public advocacy through development of position papers, attendance in parliamentary committees, on-going dialogue with various government ministries, and principled petitions to Israeli labor courts.
Cooperative partnership with state authorities, monitoring current policies, encouraging effective enforcement over employers, and supervising the granting of employment licenses and work permits.
Legal and procedural support by advising and representing workers and partaking in litigation.
Education and community outreach by raising awareness of workers’ rights to individual workers and society at large via distribution of “Zchutonim” (informational flyers detailing workers’ legal rights) in numerous languages, publishing thematic flyers, research and reports, and conducting workshops and lectures for workers as well as students, lawyers, etc.
Partnerships with a wide range of Israeli and international organizations, unions, and institutions for human and workers’ rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ala Khatib
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ala Khatib

Kayan - Feminist Organization

National Network

118 Arlozorov St.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Kayan has a staff of 5 women and one man, a Board of Directors of 7 women and a controlling committee of 2 women. About 10 volunteers, from Israel and abroad, regularly support Kayan's work in the office and in the community. Kayan's annual budget is about USD 337,000, contributed mainly from private foundations in Europe, the US and Israel. A small portion of the income comes from municipal funding and individual donations. Kayan works through concrete projects on the local and national level. Main partners involved in Kayan's activities are local institutions (such as local authorities, municipalities, and community centers), grassroots NGOs and women's groups, as well as individuals. Kayan also cooperates with national NGOs such as Physicians for Human Rights – Israel. Kayan is represented in a number of national coalitions devoted to gender issues, and a member of the Haifa Women's Coalition.
Mission and Objectives

The program "Jusur (Bridges) – Developing and Institutionalizing the Grassroots Movement of Arab Women in Israel" enables the empowerment of Palestinian women on an individual basis and fosters women's leadership on the community level. The program teaches community organizing and mentors community projects of local women. The "Legal Department" councils and represents individual Palestinian women in legal cases, promotes social change through various means of legal advocacy, and educates women about their rights and ways to demand them. The program "An Active Approach towards Personal Economy" (since 2007) empowers Palestinian women to become actively involved into matters of personal economy, educates about entitlements from the social welfare institutions, teaches ways how to demand these entitlements, and shows them the importance of planning economically for the future. The program “Gender Equality in Local Budgets” aims to provide women practical tools to analyze public budgeting processes and professionalize their advocacy vis-à-vis Arab local authorities through a prism of gender equality. In addition, Kayan serves as host and fiscal conduit organization for "Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women". More Information: Annual Report 2009: http://www.kayan.org.il/Public/publications/Kayan%20Annual%20Report%2020...

Main Projects / Activities

The program "Jusur (Bridges) – Developing and Institutionalizing the Grassroots Movement of Arab Women in Israel" enables the empowerment of Palestinian women on an individual basis and fosters women's leadership on the community level. The program teaches community organizing and mentors community projects of local women. The "Legal Department" councils and represents individual Palestinian women in legal cases, promotes social change through various means of legal advocacy, and educates women about their rights and ways to demand them. The program "An Active Approach towards Personal Economy" (since 2007) empowers Palestinian women to become actively involved into matters of personal economy, educates about entitlements from the social welfare institutions, teaches ways how to demand these entitlements, and shows them the importance of planning economically for the future. In addition, Kayan serves as host and fiscal conduit organization for "Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women".

Contact (1) Full Name
Khulud Khamis
Head of the organisation
Rafah Anabtawi

Keren Lahaim

National Network

POB 15122

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our team includes CEO, Resources Manager, Volunteers Manager, Kindergarten Teacher, and 2 volunteers. Our sources of funding include government support, various funds that support our specific projects, and private companies/individuals that are committed to helping us. Our target community is kindergarten children and youth at risk. we currently run 2 projects in that area. Our main partners include the Haifa Municipality Welfare Dept., Kiryat Mozkin Wellfare Municipality, and Hof Hacarmel Municiplity.
Mission and Objectives

To support kindergarten children and youth at risk by operating supplementary programmes for the community.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Supporting 5 Care Clubs for kindergarten children at risk, from rough neigborhoods: We
(A) provide hot meals daily,
(B) help the children overcome their educational gap and prepare them for Grade A, and
(C) run a parenting skills workshop for the parents.
2. Support a Culinary Arts Class for youth at risk in Kiryat Ata. The training has been approved by the Ministry of Education and includes an official Chef's certificate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Noam Nevo
Head of the organisation
Ms. Galit Shemesh

Keshev - The Center for the Protection of Democracy in Israel

National Network

PO Box 8005
Jerusalem 91080


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Founded in 1997, Keshev is an Israeli NGO that strives to improve the media and public discourse in Israeli society. Keshev is governed by a board of directors that includes professors, former journalists and social activists. Keshev currently employs five staff persons. In recent years Keshev has received support from the European Commission, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Government of Canada. Since 2004, Keshev has been carrying out a unique media-monitoring project in partnership with the Palestinian organization MIFTAH, in which each organization monitors media coverage of the conflict and advises editors in its own side's national media outlets. The project has thus far led to the publication of more than twenty monitoring reports. Keshev promotes critical media consumption among Israelis and has produced pedagogical materials on the subject that are used in communications departments in Israeli universities.
Mission and Objectives

Keshev was founded following the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by Israeli citizens who shared a deep concern about the deterioration of the public discourse and its repercussions for Israeli democracy. Keshev promotes a more moderate media discourse and critical media consumption by carrying out and disseminating media analyses and advocating vis-a-vis journalists, students and media consumers. We advise media editors on how to correct deviations from sound media practices and we teach students and news consumers to evaluate coverage critically in order to acquire informed viewpoints that can help them make reasoned decisions in all aspects of their democratic participation.

Main Projects / Activities

MEDIA ANALYSIS - Keshev monitors six major Israeli media outlets (three daily newspapers and nightly newscasts on three television channels) and analyzes their coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We share our findings with senior editors, students and the public, in order to promote a more moderate media discourse. Since 2005 we have published several studies of media coverage of salient events in the regional conflict, including the death of Yasser Arafat, the Second Lebanon War and negotiations over Jerusalem.
EDUCATION - Keshev introduces young Israeli journalism professionals to their Palestinian counterparts and promotes greater reliance on Palestinian sources. Our organization makes presentations of its findings before students and ordinary news consumers. We also promote to editors alternative, less inflammatory ways of presenting news coverage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eitan Schiffman (Program Development)
Head of the organisation
Yizhar Be'er (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Aviva Shemesh (Project Manager) and Yizhar Be'er

Kol Ha-Isha

National Network

40 King George St.
POB 37157
Jerusalem 91371


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Kol Ha-Isha (KHI) creates programs that empower women to socially, culturally, economically and politically improve their lives and to take on leadership positions.. A grass-root non-profit, KHI operates with 7 permanent staff members and additional volunteers, serving over 1000 women annually. Partnering with foundations overseas as well as in Israel, and having won recognition of its qualitative work from a number of municipal and governmental bodies, KHI runs on an annual budget of approx. 1,200,200 NIS. KHI aims to empower the weakest of Jerusalem's women, focusing on empowering them economically socially and personally.
Mission and Objectives

Kol Ha-Isha was founded in 1994, as a grassroots multi-cultural women’s center that seeks to promote a feminist model for social change and to lay the foundation for social justice and peace. Kol Ha-Isha’s mission is to develop and promote a feminist multicultural model of social change, addressing social inequality, economic distress, power politics, militarism, intolerance and discrimination – and in particular, how these affect women.
Kol Ha-Isha is dedicated to empowering women from different, often marginalized socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations, nationalities and sexual orientations.

Main Projects / Activities

KHI operates the only multicultural women's center in Jerusalem that empowers women holistically, providing them with tools and a safe space from which they can establish their place in civil society. Additional projects include a Counseling, Information and Referral Center, an Employment program for chronically unemployed women, a Community Kitchen project for entrepreneuring women aiming to open a culinary business and a Mentoring Program for women entrepreneurs.
In addition, Kol Ha-Isha operates ANATEA-a Women's Art Gallery, and holds open lectures and discussions for the general public on topics of women's interest (health issues, employee rights, etc.). KHI also takes part in a wide range of public actions to advance women's rights at various levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chemdat Aviram-Brandwine
Head of the organisation
Orna Hadar
Contact (2) Full Name
Orna Hadar


National Network

alexander yanai
TEL AVIV 6249808

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
At the heart of each project, throbs a creative and therapeutic process which enables the participants to express themselves by creating quality film which is then exposed to hundreds of thousands of viewers on television and in the cinema. There are currently 3 permanent employees in the company (Director, Therapeutic Director, Cinema Director) Directors, Drama Guides and Production Teams employed by project number per year .The cost of a project is $ 35,000 (The association is funded by funds, strategic partners, government ministries etc..) Each year, the NGO runs projects that include groups that make films with disadvantaged populations , seminars for directors and drama instructors, produce educational kits for the use of cinema as an educational tool and lectures. Main partners in the project: schools, youth centers, film funds, education minister
Mission and Objectives

The LAHAV NGO,  implements socio-cinematographic projects with children from all social backgrounds, reinforcing the humanitarian principles of co-existence. At the center of the project lies an original educational and creative method that allows the participants to express themselves through a cinematographic work (a short fiction film).
Since its establishment, Lahav has worked closely with government ministries, educational institutions and social foundations in the development of cinematic-social projects, in which over 860 films have been produced, promoting a range of topics and values ​​such as: mutual respect, violence prevention, democracy, tolerance and equality, - Children and more. The films enrich the Israeli public discourse with meaningful content from the lives of children and youth at risk, reflect the personal stories of the participants from a real and authentic perspective, and enable a rare and exceptional look of Israeli society
The films enrich the Israeli public discourse with meaningful content from the lives of children and youth at risk, reflect the personal stories of the participants from a real and authentic perspective, and enable a rare and exceptional look of Israeli society.

Main Projects / Activities

The "Kolnaor" (Voice of youth) Project consists of an 10 month work process which includes 17 weekly two hour sessions, 3 weeks of preproduction, 2 filming days, a screening within the local community and a national gala screening event. The project's work process is led by a drama teacher  and a film director who invite the participants to tell stories from their daily lives, to share issues that concern them, conflicts and personal experiences. Through the use of exercises from the world of theater  and cinema , the project enables participants to undergo emotional processing, to receive tools to cope with challenges, to strengthen their self-perception and belief in themselves and to re-examine their stories and their friends in a positive and positive way.
The personal stories of the participants crystallized into a group story that forms the basis for writing and producing a short 10-15 minute drama film in which the participants play key roles in the production teams and play with a professional team.
The uniqueness of the project is reflected in the creation of a real and profound change not only among the participants in the project, but also in empowering the entire community and enriching the public discourse with meaningful content from the refugee life in the city by creating an authentic film that expresses their voices.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I choose  to  deal with intercultural and civil dialogue problem in my country through the cinematic tool. As part of the network I can get more tools and enrich my knowledge and also spread my knowledge in educational cinema to other countries and members. I see the network as a place to enrich and promote values in such an important field

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important for me to be part of a network of people who pursue similar goals because, in my opinion, collaborating and promoting common goals brings long-term change and can increase the range of impact from a local level to a global level.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
noemie biegeleisen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Noemie Biegeleisen

LEAD - Israel Youth Leadership Development

National Network

16 Abba Hillel Road, Ramat Gan, 52506
Ramat Gan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LEAD is a non political non profit organization which identify empower and develop young promising leaders from all sectors of Israeli society. Every year LEAD select 120 high potential young leader (out of more than 4500 candidates) and invite them to join a unique 2 years leadership development program.
Mission and Objectives

To develop youth leadership in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Leadership development program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our trainees can initiate and participate in nation wide workshops and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider ourselves as part of an international network of people and organizations that join forces for improving life on this planet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliav Zakay
Head of the organisation
Eliav Zakay

Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations

National Network

Alfred Davis Building, The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905

009722 5882339
009722 5825534
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 507217878
Mobile Phone (other)
00972 523854885
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Structure: An academic board oversees the work of the Director of the Institute and its three staff members Budget: 400000 Euros per year Sources of Funding: Leonard Davis endowment and Hebrew University Modalities: 25 research scholarships per year (including 2 post-doc positions), conferences and seminars, academic journal in Hebrew ("Politika", issued twice a year) Partners: Institutes dealing with international relations and international law at large as well as developing societies (including historical, cultural and anthropological aspects); think tanks; NGOs. The Institute is a member of EUROMESCO and FEMISE
Mission and Objectives

Although the initial focus was on security and strategic studies, there has been a shift in focus towards two new areas of research: international organization and international political economy and development.
Area-wise the traditional focus has been on the Middle East but more recently attention is being given to the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Alfred Tovias
Head of the organisation
Professor Avraham Sela (until October 1 2011)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anat Illouz

Life and Environment - Israeli Union of Environmental NGOs

National Network

85 Nahalat Binyamin st.
Tel Aviv - Yafo

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The board of L&E is comprised of environmental leaders from its member organizations. L&E has a small and dedicated staff, comprised of 4 coordinators of its various projects and fields, several students that intern in those projects, and volunteers. L&E’s annual budget is around US$300,000. Its work is made possible thanks to the generous support of foundations and private donations, including: Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund; Beracha Foundation; Green Environment Fund; Heinrich Böll Foundation; Gertzman Fund; Porter Foundation and others.
Mission and Objectives

Life & Environment (L&E) – The Israeli Union of Environmental NGOs is a non-profit non-governmental organization representing and serving over 120 environmental organizations. Empowering and strengthening its member organizations, Life & Environment’s provides a broad framework that fosters cooperation among the NGOs and offers vital professional assistance.
L&E is leading the effort of the environmental organizations to influence decision making processes in Israel towards sustainability and environmental justice, as well as further the integration of these issues into the discourse of both civil society and government agencies. Our advocacy efforts in recent years generated new laws, improving the availability and accessibility of information, as well as the participation and influence of the public through environmental and social NGO’s in local and national policy making.
L&E coordinates a network of volunteer professionals in planning and science, and initiates activity and research on environmental issues.

Main Projects / Activities

L&E is leading coalitions of environmental and social-change organizations that deal with issues such as climate changes, environmental justice and sustainable development. Their main goal is to influence policy in the national and municipal level.
L&E is leading the Israeli Environmental Movement’s major public events: Earth Hour, The Green Globe Award and the annual Environment Day at the Knesset (parliament).

Contact (1) Full Name
Naor Yerushalmi - Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mossi Raz - Chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Maya Givon - Coordinator

Local Council of Kfar Vradim – Chavaya Association

National Network

P.O.Box 501
Kfar Vradim

+972 4 9997186
Telephone (other)
+972 4 9977142
+972 4 9577131
Mobile Phone
+972 54 4 626944
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 52 4296672
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Chavaya Association is a non profit organization established to strengthen and improve the community of Kfar Vradim and the multi cultural surrounding region. It is supported by the local council of Kfar Vradim and private donations. It is actively involved in the Euro Med program, Con Act (of Germany). Being a host, sender and coordinating organization. It has many partners from both Europe and the Meda countries
Mission and Objectives

To strengthen local communities through increased active volunteerism and a great knowledge of the world we live in.
The breaking down of stereotypes, racialism and the inclusion of the mentally challenged and disabled.
The inclusion of minority groups and equality of cultures, genders….

Main Projects / Activities

Up to date mainly involved with Euro Med Action 1, 2 and 5 projects as a coordinator, host and sender organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Wollner
Head of the organisation
Ofer Dahan
Contact (2) Full Name
Ofer Dahan