
brodarica net

National Network

Terzićeva 17

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
private company, private funding, and seven external experts,, Budget funds are dependent on the project and the possibility of the owner.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to enable young and established artists and intellectuals that through our website to show the world their thoughts and actions

Main Projects / Activities

Interactive monitoring developments in the region and throughout the Mediterranean. The emphasis on cultural, journalistic and sports topics but in a different way than it accompanied by other web media

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Opening the web space without any prejudice to people that we think are promising

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can and we contribute to the development of new media and freedom of expression

Contact (1) Full Name
Davor Velagić dr.med.vet
Head of the organisation
Davor Velagić dr.med.vet
Contact (2) Full Name
Blaž Limić

Call for participation - LEAP Summit conference in Zagreb

LEAP Summit conference

A Croatian National Network member, Croatian Office for Creativity and  Innovation (Hrvatski ured za kreativnost i inovacije) is organising the next LEAP Summit 2023, to take place in Zagreb, 18-19th of May 2023.

The LEAP Summit is an event with a mission to educate and inspire innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, and trailblazing changemakers. It is a multidisciplinary conference that influenced more than 10.000 people from 40+ countries over the years.

Participation in the LEAP Summit is free of charge, and this year the focus is on 4 topics: the LEAP Stage focused on multidisciplinary topics, the Green Stage focused on sustainable development and ecology, the Impact x20 Stage focused on civil society organizations and projects, and the Ideas & Tech Stage focused on entrepreneurship and new technologies.

To learn more, please contact the following link:


or apply/register your participation by May 15 at the latest at:


Centar edukacije i kreativnoga razvoja - Cekra/Center of education and creative development - Cekra

National Network

Antuna Mihanovića 9, 31 000 Osijek

+385 98 937 81 68
Mobile Phone
+385 98 937 81 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Cekra is new organisation established in March 2011 in Osijek, Croatia. Center "Cekra" cooperates with local and international organisations on projects in field of education in global.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goals are workshops and trainings for other organisations and institutions in field of projects making, communication, long-term education, medias relation and organising events.

Main Projects / Activities

Cooperation in international events: Art & Earth, 2011-2012

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Šibalić
Head of the organisation
Ivana Šibalić

Centar HALO za POMOĆ/Hello for Help

National Network

Put Trstenika 1
21000 SPLIT

+385/91 73 78 782
Mobile Phone
+385/91 73 78 782
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The AIM:  improve of the quality of life of the elderly and other vulnerable groups in the Split and Dalmatian-Region The concrete project::  - 24-h Monitoring centre, Tele-Care, named Hello for Help - touch to safety;                                            -  protection of the human rights of the vulnerable people Financing: donations
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to bring social assistance and help for elderly and other vulnerable groups;
Objectivities: implementing of the TeleCare systems for all of the people in need in the local comunity

Main Projects / Activities

Making of the TeleCare - 24 hours Monitoring and help by phone - for the elderly and disabled persons

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- thourgh partnership

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make: Cooperation and Partnership

Contact (1) Full Name
Perica Vučemilović
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Perica Vučemilović
Contact (2) Full Name
Perica Vučemilović
Job Title (2)

Centar Mladih Ribnjak

National Network

Park Ribnjak 1

Telephone (other)
01 4814734
01 4814735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Centar mladih Ribnjak is a non profit public institution established in 1953.Throughaut 55 years of existence the institution was focused on the leisure time activities for children and the youth through sports and cultural programms.The Centre also acted as institution for the promotion of new ideas,new techniques,new approaches in the work with the youth through four artistic fields:drawing,music,drama and dance.It employs 9 workers on the permanent basis and about 40 part time experts and students.The institution is situated in the building in the very centre of the city in the central park.We get about 45% of our budget from the city budget.The rest we collect from the fees,sponsors and donators.Our vision is to keep the very high position and the leading role among similar instituitons which we achived before the war in CROATIA.
Mission and Objectives

The centar for the youth "Ribnjak" is a cultural institution the field of education in cultural activities for preschool,school children and the youth up to 25 years. It also provides social preventive work and researches in the field of art including drama,dance,music and drawing pedagogical work.Our objectives are the struggle for affirmation of positive values in the life of young people,to fight against boredom,drugs and alcohol among young people,to engage young people in useful and prospectus activities that promote peace,love,brotherhood among people and nations,to educate teachers and other experts to use artistic language as educational mean.

Main Projects / Activities

DRAMA ACTIVITIES;preschool groups 2 school groups 4,high school group and student group.Presentation at institutional level and participation on amateur festivals and presentations and seminars for educators on workshops.DANCE:2 preschool groups,modern dance for school children, basic ballet dance,students groups of modern dance.DRAWING:work is organized in hobby art workshops,drawing groups for school children,exibitions.MUSICAL ACTIVITIES:"klinci s Ribnjaka" big choir of pre and younger school children,drama and music group,Rock academy for young from 9 years,participation in city concerts,international festivals and visits.Beside group activities we also organize winter,easter,summer holiday programmes for all children which is free of charge.From 14.June to 28. we organize Summer festival "Park in ZAGREB".It contains workshops, theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts,book promotions in the open air and inside the building.It is free for everybody.All year around we organize numerous shows,performances and outdoor activities such as carnivals,animal day,be friendly to the park,toy festival ...

Contact (1) Full Name
LJiljanka Glavina
Head of the organisation
Branka Veseli
Contact (2) Full Name
Ksenija Rožman

Centar za kulturu "Trešnjevka"

National Network

Park Stara Trešnjevka 1
10 000 Zagreb

00385 (01) 3027 411
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Trešnjevka Cultural Center is founded by the City of Zagreb municipality; Center employs university degree or equivalent in social or cultural studies. There are 13SOCIO employees currently working in the Center. Within Center there are: - TNT theater; performing play for both youth and grow up public - TREPS (Trešnjevka dance scene); conducting and performing various dance projects - GLAZBENI PODIJ (Amateur music); organizing an important state championship in chir singing and concerts of jazz, classical and traditional music. Glazbeni Podij also aggroups more than one hundred amateur music ensembles - MODULOR GALLERY; specializes in architecture and design exhibitions - GLAS TREŠNJEVKE (Trešnjevka voice); local news magazine - SOCIOCULTURAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT; conducts projects concerning: civil society, new approaches in both cultural production and communication, social and cultural capital, multiculturalism, bioetics, fashion and urban sociology, quarters' identity, new social models, new models in solidarity, new religious movements, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Trešnjevka Cultural Center, Towns sociocultural institution, conducts and promotes various cultural and educational programs, encouraging individual and group creation, lifelong learning and creative involvement during ones spare time in order to enhance life quality. The mision is conducted through seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, film projects and theater, dance or music performances.

Main Projects / Activities

Centers main Projects and Activities: seminars for both professional and amateur artists lectures covering different socio-cultural or artistic fields applied art workshops and exhibitions amateur art performances and exhibitions professional art performances and exhibitions theater performances dance performances concerts dance workshops theater workshops socio-cultural training programs visual art seminars and performances Sociocultural Projects Departments' main activities: -BIOETICS; an attempt to help fill in the gap between theoretical bioetics topics and everyday life. -POLIS; enhances civil society development and political culture -VISUAL CULTURE AND IDENTITY; an interdisciplinary project targeting all aspects of culture that determine meanings imprinted in culture through visual means -MEDIA IN LOCAL COMMUNITY; takes an insight into local media and educates citizens to take an active role in media communication and through that, an active role in local decision making and policy. -RESEARCH PROJECTS; cultural researches, conducted in order to serve as basis for redefinition of position and aims of cultural institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veselko Leutar
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ljiljana Perišić

Centar za kulturu i informiranje dr. Franjo Tuđman

National Network

Ivana Nepomuka Jemeršića 1
Grubišno Polje

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Centre for culture and informing dr. Franjo Tuđman has 5 employees and 6 experts for folklore, acting and majorettes. Our buget for year 2012. was 100.000 euros. We are financed mostly from the town budget, budget of the Ministry of culture and partly from membership dues.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are promotion and development of culture, art and tradition.
We motivate citizens to spend their free time more actively and to join in social life of the community.
Our mission is to support social development by increasing awareness and community engagement of citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Folklore troupe, Majorettes, acting troupe, culture and art workshops, exhibitions, concerts and other culture and art programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have skilled people, financial support of local government and new multifunctional hall in which we can organise all kinds of workshops and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be a starter of a social changes in our community and we are looking for every kind of help from more experineced organisations.We are highly motivated to join Network and become a part of a respected organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Kamber
Head of the organisation
Marina Kamber

Centar za mirovne studije

National Network

Selska cesta 112a

+385 1 482 00 94
+385 1 482 00 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 33 00 183
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Center for Peace Studies is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that promotes human/minority rights, non-violence and social change through connecting education, research, public policies and activism. The CPS grew from various forms of direct peace-building activities in Western Slovenia (Volunteers’ Project Pakrac, 1993 - 1997) and was founded in 1996 in Pakrac.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the organization are: to develop a culture of dialogue and non-violent living, to encourage a creative exchange of theoretical and practical approaches to peace education, conflict transformation and building social justice through study programmes, trainings and public presentations, to research topics relating to the building of a lasting peace and education for peace, with special reference to the Croatian and regional experience, to develop recommendations for the public policies development, to support networking and exchange of experience in peace building in Croatia and the wider region affected by the 1991 war, to provide information, support and partnership to all emerging local initiatives concerned with peace building, to promote activist approach in local communities, to support education on human rights and for human rights, to stimulate human rights protection practice and public policy human rights development, continued self-education of members and participants in the Centre’s programmes, to advance one’s own understanding of peace activism, to launch new models of education and self-education and to link up with the international network of Centres for peace studies.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the main activities that CPS has implemented in the last two years are projects concerning minority rights (with the goal of contributing to bridging social and ethnic divides which are: consequences of war and post war period in Croatia and the entire Western Balkan region), education(program Peace Studies has been implemented for the last 12 years as an one-year educational program for adult, program Mlada Miramida – peace education of youth,Human Rights Schools for high school students, the project of education of Croatian lawyers for human rights), discrimination through giving support to the implementation of the Anti-discrimination Act, Human Security and human rights, and national campaign started in 2005 for affirmation and protection of the asylum right “Croatia – heaven(d) on earth”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julija Kranjec
Head of the organisation
Sara Lalić

Centar za tehnološki razvoj - Razvojna agencija Brodsko-posavske županije d.o.o.

National Network

Trg pobjede b.b.
Slavonski Brod

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CTR - Regional Development Agency (owned by Brod-Posavina County) is a meeting point where all regional stakeholders (dealing with socio-economic development) share their experience and generate new projects following partnership approach. There are 9 highly educated employees in the Agency covering different areas of regional development: civil society, economic development, agriculture, tourism and environment.
Mission and Objectives

The general objective is directed towards the increase of sustainable living standard in Brod-Posavina County including partnership approach and cooperation with neighbouring countries.
The mission is accomplished by recognizing civil and socio-economic development conditions, creating new job opportunities, and increasing the overall competitiveness of the County compared with neighbouring countries.

Main Projects / Activities

- management of implementation of Regional Operational Programme for Brod-Posavina County
- project evaluation, project preparation, project implementation
- promotion of partnership approach in regional civil and socio-economic development
- education of business start-ups (women and youth) and business services related to new investments
- support to NGOs and local government units in project preparation and implementation including daily activities
- publishing
- market research

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Brechelmacher

Centar za tranzicijsku pravdu u Puli

National Network

Danteov Trg 3
52100 Pula

098 944 1940
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Transitional Justice Centar TJC-Pula is the successor of the SENSE News Agency. Current structure of the organization is the following: Assembly, President, Vice-president, Secretary.  The plan is to increase the nuber of employees from current 0 by employing the journalists who worked for the SENSE Agency for the past 15 years. Since its establishment, SENSE Agency was awarded over 10 mill in grants, however, the newly foundedTJC had a modest 10000 turnover in a year.  Since its establishment, the TJC implemented 2 projects, both of which had great reviews and effect. The first was establishment of the Srebrenica Documentation Center (http://www.sense-agency.com/icty/sense-%E2%80%93-srebrenica-documentatio...) and the second was online interactive narrative on the "operation Storm" (http://snv.hr/oluja-u-haagu).

Mission and Objectives

The association was founded to promote, develop and improve transitional justice as well as individual and social process of dealing with the past in order to build sustainable peace. The objective of SENSE - CTP is to encourage the process of confronting the past in Croatia and other countries in the region that have been affected by the wars of the nineties, the presentation and publication of the factual and legal findings of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). This task Association will realize in cooperation with the Hague judges, prosecutors and defenders, similar associations for human rights and transitional justice in the region and abroad, associations of victims and families of missing persons, other civil initiatives, international institutions and organizations, institutions of state and local authorities, scientific institutions, the media, religious communities and other stakeholders. The new Statute is in the process of adoption.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's activities are: Collecting, arranging and digitizing of audio-visual and other documentary material on the trials for serious violations of international humanitarian law in the Hague, and courts in the region and the establishment of a searchable database of factual and legal findings on what had happened and who was responsible; Production of documentary films and publication of books on various war crimes trials, presentations, exhebitions, projections, international conferences and other legal experts, as well as public debates on specific aspects of the Hague trials and judgments; Informing the public, the deepening of public dialogue and start the creation of public policies that encourage dealing with the past. Strengthening cooperation with similar organizations in Croatia and abroad Creation of local and/or on line Documentation centers to show how the crimes committed in the most affected communities like Srebrenica, Vukovar, Pristina, Prijedor... have been investigated, reconstructed and prosecuted by the ICTY.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since SENSE Agency and thus the TJC Pula have long standing cooperation with the organizations in Croatia and the region, is a member of RECOM initiative and other associations, we believe to be a valuable partner to other organizations in the Network. In addition, the experiences, knowledge and material built and produced over the past 17 years is a great asset to any non-governmental organization or association that is interested in promoting human rights, justice and dealing with the past.  Working from our offices in Zagreb, Pula and The Hague, we have been dividing our attention regionaly and would therefore valu the experiences of the organizations working in Croata alone, focusing on the local and national issues and gaining experiences TJC Pula is lacking at this point.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Respect between cultures has been one of the goals of the SENSE in the past 17 years. Educating media and public in the region on the work of the Tribunal processing war crimes commited in ex-Yugoslavia and developing a region-wide cooperation with the media and civil society organisations have been our tasks and we are proud of the progress we have made. Our agenda fits perfectly into the mission and goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network and we woud therefore valu the membership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirko Klarin
Head of the organisation
Mirko Klarin