

Dina el-Khawaga

أستاذة، حائزة شهادات دراسات عليا من جامعة القاهرة ومعهد الدراسات السياسية في باريس. قضت دينا الخواجة نحو عقد من الزمن في العمل في منظمات التعاون الدولي، بما في ذلك مؤسسة فورد ومؤسسة المجتمع المفتوح، وأدارت وحدة العلوم السياسية في مركز...


Dina el-Khawaga

Professor, with graduate degrees from Cairo University and the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. Dina el-Khawaga spent almost a decade working in international cooperation organisations, including the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Foundation, and directed the unit of...


Dina el-Khawaga

Professeure, diplômée de l'Université du Caire et de l'Institut d'études politiques de Paris. Dina El-Khawaga a passé près d'une décennie à travailler dans des organisations de coopération internationale, notamment à la Fondation Ford et au sein de l'Open Society Foundation...


Disputes, Problems and Perspectives in Interculturality Research

In view of the changed situations and conditions for intercultural communication (globalization, migration, digital networking, etc.), Research in interculturality has been focusing on a conceptual reorientation since the beginning of the new century. In this article, the current discourses on...

Publication Illustration

Driving Reflections about the Mediterranean Migrations

The present paper refers to the general theoretical framing upon migrations and Mediterranean. It is an example of multidisciplinary view, which intertwines philosophic aspects and sociological requirements in a clearly political context. It mainly calls the attention of the reader...