

Call for proposals for intercultural research projects

Taking stock of the current regional context and with the objective of promoting innovative thinking on the ways to promote and measure the impact of intercultural dialogue in the EuroMed region dr


Can citizens shape a free and united Mediterranean?

In the framework of our mapping research on Mediterranean CSO regional networks - whose findings will be published in February 2021 – the EU funded regional programme Med Dialogu


Cengiz Günay

Is the Deputy Director of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), and a lecturer at the University of Vienna and the University of Graz. In 2018/19 he was an Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at...


Cengiz Günay

Directeur adjoint de l'Institut autrichien des affaires internationales (Oiip), et professeur à l'Université de Vienne et à l'Université de Graz. En 2018/19, il était boursier autrichien du plan Marshall au Foreign Policy Institute de la Nitze School of Advanced International...


Changement climatique et reportages interculturels

Le changement climatique est l'un des défis les plus urgents de notre époque et, selon l'Enquête sur les tendances interculturelles de la Fondation Anna Lindh, plus de 85% des sondés en E


Cities and their networks in EU-Africa migration policy

The international debate on migration policy increasingly views cities as game changers since cities have to find rapid, efficient, and lasting solutions to problems relating to forced displacement and migration. However, this assessment also has its critics. From a European...