
Association for Development and Strategic Studies in Medenine ADESM

National Network

BECHIR Sawsen B.P number 62 P.T.T Medenine Perseverance 4127
4127 Medenine

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Riadh Bechir (Président) 98698714
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

chose associative work to contribute to the development of our destination. President of the Assembly Researcher - Doctor of Economic Sciences. But there are those members of the employee and a researcher at the master's and doctorate, engineer and disposed ... This association aims to conduct studies and research development of economic and social state of Medenine

Mission and Objectives

In addition to contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants and valuing cultural heritage and to achieve sustainable development in all fields. The Assembly also trying to deepen ties with shades of civil society in Tunisia and abroad and that for the good side

Main Projects / Activities

Project Altazoiq bearings on rural girl in cooperation with the PNUD Project to create the soil Local project development disparity Médenine Social Accountability Playdoier of training, communication techniques...  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The following key partners · Institute of Arid Regions of Medenine · Regional Office of Youth and Sports of Medenine · House of itinerant young 1 Medenine · Incubator and business incubator Medenine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having a relationship betweet a member of organization  the promotion of dialogue between cultures Change of adea Having a partner in other contry   

Contact (1) Full Name
sawsen bechir
Job Title
Member of association
Head of the organisation

Higher Institute of Humanities Medenine, University of Gabes, Tunisia

National Network

Bp. 92
4144 El-Mouansa Zarzis 4144

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Born in 1964 in Tozeur in Tunisia, I am a teacher-researcher, doctor of political philosophy, a graduate of the University of Paris (mars 2007). I teach the history of political ideas to the higher Institute for Human Science Medenine, University of Gabes, Tunisia. my working languages are: French, English and Arabic. currently member of the joint research between the University of Cottbus, Germany and the University of Gabes in Tunisia, on the issue of Human Law interested in research on human rights and intercultural dialogue in order to facilitate the exchange and live together. I strongly believe that we can create a better world for future generations. Sideline: amateur painter. I just started a cooperation with Mrs. Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka/Germany Transnational Institute dialog, Chemnitz / Bonn (Eurpean Network, Dialogue Process Facilitators) and Mr. Peter Seier in the Dialog Program Facilitators
Mission and Objectives

form dialog facilitators in Tunisia and can be m $ th largest country in the Maghreb.
translate the work of the European Network for Dialogue
Facilitation ENDF Arabic
and deepen cooperation with assotions and european institutions

Main Projects / Activities

training, seminars, round tables within the university

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

forming a research group on facilitating dialogue. and disseminating literature in Arabic and French essential to make the teaching of ethical dialogue in school and university establishment. I expect this action in cooperation with the European Network for Dialogue
ENDF facilitation as well as your foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I ask this entry under Board Madame Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka to facilitate our cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Adel Mtimet
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chokri Rhibi

Indice d'inclusion numérique en Tunisie

1. La stratégie Tunisie Digitale 2021-2025 formalise l’ambition de la Tunisie de devenir un leader dans les technologies des communications numériques. Cette ambition est motivée par une reconnaissance du numérique comme un vecteur de développement social et économique. Les différents...

نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Jeunes Citoyens Méditerranéens Face aux Changements Climatiques

Parce qu'elle est un des grands défis auxquels doit faire face la nouvelle génération, la lutte contre les changements climatiques constitue un terrain privilégié où les jeunes méditerranéens peuvent faire l'exercice de leur citoyenneté. Grâce au projet Jeunes Citoyens Méditerranéens...

Jiran Al Qamar Pour Culture Et Media

National Network

Sidi Bouzid
9100 Sidi Bouzid

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
ناسست جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام في بداية سنة 2014 بمدينة سيدي بوزيد وصدرت بالرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية في مارس من نفس السنة بهدف المساهمة في الانشطة الثقافية والشبابية والاعلامية من خلال عديد المبادرات التي حددها قانونها الاساسي ونظامها الداخلي.ومن اهم اهدافها تاسيس اذاعة ثقافية وشبابية على الانترنات بعنوان راديو قمر تونس والعمل على تحويلها الى اذاعة تبث على موجة الاف ام والقيام بمجموعة من الانشطة الثقافية داخل ولاية سيدي بوزيد وخارجها وتنظيم صالون القمر الثقافي والاحتفاء بالمتمييزين من رجال الثقافة والاعلام وتاسيس جائزة صحافية للصحافيين الشبان بعنوان جائزة مهدي بالناصر الصحفية. وتركب مكتب الجمعية من السادة - محمود حرشاني صحفي اول .رئيس -سليم عمري استاذ جامعي كاتب عام محمد نجيب هاني اعلامي وشاعر  مكلف بالاعلام عارم هانية موظفة متقاعدة كاتب عام مساعد بسمة حجلاوي عون مكتبي امينة مال اسامة حرشاني   مكلف بالاتصال الرقمي مقر الجمعية. شارع محمد الخامس. نهج سيدي الجيلاني عدد 1 . سيدي بوزيد. الجمهورية التونسية
Mission and Objectives

رسمت جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام لنفسها مجموعة من الاهداف التي تعمل جاهدة لتحقيقها من خلال برامجها المتنوعة ومن هذه الاهداف
-دعم الاعلام المحلي والجهوي من خلال بعث اذاعة راديو قمر تونس على الواب
- اقامة الندوة السنوية لجمعية جيران القمر حول احدى قضايا الصحافة المكتوبة والاعلام الرقمي
-الاحتفاء بالمبدعين ورجال الثقافة والاعلام
-دعم التبادل الثقافي والتفتح على ثقافات الشعوب الاخرى من خلال السعي الى اقامة ايام ثقافية اجنبية بالتعاون مع السفارات الموجودة في تونس
الاهتمام بالجانب الحضاري والتاريخي لمدينة سيدي بوزيد
-ا بعث موقع اخباري على الانترنات للتعريف بانشطة الجمعية وتحقيق التبادل الثقافي والتعاون مع الجمعيات الاخرى المماثلة في تونس والخارج

Main Projects / Activities

بالنسية لسنة 2016 رسمت الجمعية لنفسها مجموعة من الاهداف والبرامج تتمثل خاصة في
- تطوير اذاعة راديو قمر تونس والارتقاء بها الى اذاعة جمعياتية تبث على موجة الاف ام
-تنظيم الندوة الوطنية حول الاعلام والشباب خلال شهر مارس 2016 بالتعاون مع وزارة الشباب والرياضة
- تطوير الموقع الالكتروني للجمعية
- اقامة الدورة الثانية من الملتقى السنوي للمجلات الثقافية المكتوبةخلال شهر ماي 2016
الاعلان عن جائزة المهدي بالناصر للانتاج الصحفي بين الشباب
اقامة يوم ثقافة الصين بالتعاون مع سفارة الصين الشعبية بتونس
المشاركة في المنتدى العالمي للشباب بمالطا اكتوبر2016

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تضع جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام خبرتها وتجربتها على ذمة الجمعيات المنضوية في الشبكة وترحب بكل اشكال التعاون مع هذه الجمعيات الصديقة في اطار ربط علاقات صداقة وشراكة واقامة توامات وتبادل ثقافي وتعاون بين الجمعيات الاهلية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نسعى من خلال انضمامنا الى الشبكة الى تطوير علاقاتنا مع الجمعيات المماثلة وتبادل التجارب والخبرات في المجال الثقافي والاعلامي والبرامج الموجهة للشباب والقئات الاجتماعية والسعي الى اقامة انشطة مشتركة مع الجمعيات الصديقة في تونس والعالم

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Horchani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Horchani
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

NACMM - The North Africa Cultural Mobility Map Online platform

Interviews with artists, curators and cultural managers in North Africa revealed a need for a platform that would foster collaboration between artistic practices and civil society organisations. In response to this need, the CeRCCa - Centre de Recerca I Creacio...

Our youth Organisation

National Network

13 Impasse Med Jamousi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our Youth is an Tunisian NGO (Non Gouvernemental Organisation),she was build in Februry 2014  
Mission and Objectives

Develop the capacities of Tunisian actor youth and framed them to uplift community and nation by providing a stimulating environment for production and creativity

Main Projects / Activities

Youth leadership academy

Cultural cafe

Contact (1) Full Name
Saber Naffeti
Head of the organisation
Saber Neffati

Union des Jeunes Euro-Maghrébins

National Network

1,Rue abousofienne
2097 Boumhel

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
CHARTE DE L’UJEM 1) Préambule Devant les effets de la mondialisation galopante et ses enjeux vitaux pour toute l’humanité, l’unité maghrébine relève de la nécessité plus que jamais, à la fois humaine et matérielle. Il nous faudra affronter les défis de cette ère de reconstructions et d’incertitudes au Maghreb, afin de préserver les populations de la misère, des inégalités croissantes et des tentations de repli. Les jeunes Maghrébins vivront demain, dans vingt ou trente ans dans un monde différent et dans un Maghreb différent. Mais pour que ce monde et ce Maghreb soient viables, il faut que la jeunesse agisse en vue du changement, qu'elle porte des projets novateurs pour lutter contre l'inertie. A ce titre, l’UJEM, qui regroupe plusieurs jeunes originaires des cinq Etats du Maghreb, tente de promouvoir l’édification d’un ensemble maghrébin qu’uniraient la liberté de déplacement et des échanges, ainsi que la pratique du pluralisme politique et culturel. Consciente des enjeux pour l’avenir, l’UJEM entend, parallèlement à la promotion de l’unité du Maghreb, jeter des ponts entre les jeunes du Maghreb et d’Europe. Pour leur permettre de s’épanouir, dans une conscience commune de la paix et de la tolérance, en oeuvrant aux objectifs qui concourent à faire reconnaître et respecter les droits universels de la personne et l’identité plurielle du Maghreb. 2) Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes de jeunes Maghrébins et Européens d’origine maghrébine épris de justice et des valeurs universelles des droits de l’homme, en quête d’un avenir meilleur et refusant le défaitisme et le pessimisme. Nous souhaitons prendre notre destin en main et contribuer à l’édification d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique et nous engageons à : • Ouvrer pour l’édification d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique. • Promouvoir l’application de l’Etat de droit et l’amélioration des conditions politiques, juridiques et électorales au Maghreb. • Défendre les libertés individuelles et collectives au Maghreb. • Contribuer à fédérer tous les efforts pour la promotion d'une culture citoyenne au Maghreb. • Contribuer à sauvegarder et à protéger les droits de l'Homme en conformité avec les instruments du droit international les plus récents ; contribuer à protéger l’intégrité physique et la dignité de la personne. • Promouvoir la préservation des cultures populaires maghrébines et la reconnaissance de la langue amazighe aux côtés de la langue arabe, comme composantes fondamentales de l’identité plurielle maghrébine, sans oublier la spécificité des langues africaines du Sud de la Mauritanie. • Défendre l’enseignement des langues étrangères au Maghreb, gage d’ouverture sur le monde. • Promouvoir l’abolition de la violence pour accéder ou se maintenir au pouvoir. • Défendre le respect de l’alternance politique à travers le suffrage universel. • Promouvoir la mise en place des mécanismes nécessaires à combattre la corruption, le clientélisme et le népotisme des autorités au Maghreb. • Promouvoir et contribuer à l’égalité entre hommes et femmes en instaurant une parité entre les sexes. • Protéger la liberté de croyance et de conscience. • Promouvoir le principe de séparation entre la politique et la religion au Maghreb.  
Mission and Objectives

• Sensibiliser et mobiliser les jeunes Maghrébins ou d’origine maghrébine sur le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer dans la construction d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique.
• Promouvoir la culture de la citoyenneté.
• Etablir des liens d’amitié et de coopération entre les jeunes d’Europe et du Maghreb.
• Organiser des journées d’étude destinées à : promouvoir les impératifs de l’unité maghrébine et le rôle des jeunes dans la construction du grand Maghreb, réfléchir aux moyens de développer une dynamique positive de partenariat entre l’Europe et le Maghreb.
• Organiser des rencontres de jeunes afin de dégager des projets de co-développement et des échanges entre les participants.
• Mettre en place les moyens de faire connaître les préoccupations des jeunes au Maghreb et en Europe

Main Projects / Activities

• Etablir des liens d’amitié et de coopération entre les jeunes d’Europe et du Maghreb.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c'est une opportunité 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mejdi Housseini
Job Title
Vice president
Head of the organisation
Mejdi Housseini


National Network

Lotissement Elkhalil 8100 Jendouba, Tunisia
8100 jendouba

+216 52721067
Telephone (other)
+216 50853100
Mobile Phone
+216 52 479 577
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Founded in October 2015 as a university club (Club of Creation and Technological Innovation) and legally registered in 2019, Youtheon is a youth-led NGO that aims to inspire each young person to reach his fullest potential and play a constructive role in society. Youtheon is an active member contributing constructively to the Euro-MED Youth Federation. It has an extended network of partners in Europe, as well as a Quality label for supporting Tunisian volunteers under European Solidarity Corps. Staff employed: Board of directors (President, Secretary-General and Treasurer) and executive Committee (officers and assistants). Budgetary resources available in a year: 10 000 $ Sources of funding: Donors (Overseas) and membership fees. Modalities of actions: Seminars, Workshops, Surveys, Roundtables, Project civic Education, and Political engagement. Main partners: The International Institute of Debate, Startup Center, National Democracy Institute, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Mission and Objectives

Youtheon`s primary mission is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, free from prejudice and discrimination, which will be in the position to develop and grow a sustainable living environment. Particularly within Tunisia, its major concerns refer to the challenge of (1) youth unemployment and economic obstacles as a result of the crisis and (2) the xenophobic attitudes, cultural intolerance, and exclusion created by the migration wave, as well as (3) environmental issues.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve this mission Youtheon focuses on the following specific activities: Empowering youth through non-formal education and fostering active participation and civic engagement. Strengthening cross-border civil society, through knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices. Actively support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and environmental causes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Youtheon Foundation relies on a broad and diverse set of collaborative relationships and partnerships in all parts of the world to create tailored solutions based on our knowledge and experience of what works centered on youth development. We have worked with corporate partners, educational institutions, and youth-serving organizations to pursue our mission and implement our programs. Focusing on youth's potential and nurturing their ambitions through our projects is the fuel of our network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a newly founded organization, we have taken slow, yet firm steps towards our goals. As we progress in this modern era of networking we've discerned the vitality of authentic relationships in order to establish a strong foundation. we simply can't move forward on our own, it is essential to reach out to those who share our values and the ALF network with its reputation figures on the top of our potential partners. We acknowledge your journey in empowering and supporting the youth into a prosperous future, you place individuals at the heart of your project and that's what we're aiming for, joining your network means exposing our community to the universality of human dignity, values we are trying to imbed in our society. As a connecter and trusted source, we would benefit from your well-forged expertise which will be a valuable asset to enhance our efforts to advance concrete projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sourour inoubli
Job Title
Partnerships and International Cooperation Officer
Head of the organisation
WAJDI HASNI - President & Co-founder
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

اشعر، شارك، افعل: تمكين الشباب من خلال التعلم المشترك بين الثقافات

مع تزايد التنوّع في المجتمعات، يبدأ الشباب في التشكيك في هويتهم وعلاقتهم بالآخرين وبالدور الذي يمكن أن يضطلعوا به في مجتمعهم. انطلاقاً من هذه الملاحظات، شرع منظمو المشروع في زيادة الوعي حول التسامح والتماسك الاجتماعي والتضامن بين جميع أعضاء مجتمعاتنا...