


Zavod Povod was elected by members in 2011 to be Head of the Network in Slovenia and was re-elected in 2015 and in 2020.

Povod is an institution and NGO working on international development and a global education field with a particular focus on art, culture, cultural management, mobility, intercultural dialogue, migration and youth, as well as the development of the civil society sector in general and advocating civil society toward the public and authorities.

The Anna Lindh Foundation national network in Slovenia consists of 69 organisations that mostly carry the status of Non-Governmental Organisations officially registered in Slovenia. Most of these organisations have been members over the past five years and have extensive international development cooperation experience. Therefore, their membership in the ALF network is relevant to potential international development cooperations in the EuroMed region. Some of these organisations are also registered as social enterprises. In Slovenia, a Non-Governmental Organisation may also carry the social enterprise status. A small percentage of member organisations in ALF Slovenia are also humanitarian organisations. There is also a presence of diaspora organisations presenting continents like African communities or ethnicities like Arabic cultural clubs. The ALF members in Slovenia come from diverse expertise. 

Slovenian NGDO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid - SLOGA

National Network

Povšetova 37 (official adress)
Metelkova 6 (office)


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
General Information
Sloga, Slovenian NGDO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid was established in February 2006 by 19 Slovenian NGDOs. Currently joining more that 35 Slovenian NGDOs being active in down described areas. Sloga secretariat has 3 full time employees and 4 full time volunteers 8based on projets). Sloga is mainly project financed (app 80% of its income), by membership fees (app 5%) and by donations (app 15%).
Mission and Objectives

Sloga is a platform for non-governmental, non-profit organisations that re active in the field of development cooperation, global learning and humanitarian aid. The aim of the platform is to join forces and strengthen the partnership between Slovene non-governmental and non-profit organisations (NGOs) that are active in developing countries and raise awareness to the Slovene and European general public as regards the unequal division of wealth and the global solidarity and co-dependence related to it.
The main goal of Sloga is to monitor and actively form and evaluate the Slovene and European policies in international development cooperation. Within this it attempts to advocate the public interest in the field of social justice, social responsibility, respect of human rights, equal opportunities, education, solidarity, sustainable development and better inclusion of marginal groups into the decision-making process within the context of development cooperation. In order to achieve this Sloga cooperates with political decision-makers and representatives of Slovenian media.
The values upon which we work:
- social justice as a just, transparent and responsible use of means, a fair social power that serves the rights of mankind and leads towards lesser social inequalities;
- social responsibility as the responsibility of profitable organisations, institutions, groups and individuals, all of which lead to ensuring respect for human rights;
- respecting all human rights as defined in international and domestic legislation;
- solidarity that leads to solutions on the local, regional and global levels;
- sustainable development as a reusable use of natural resources that takes into consideration nature and the future generations:
- support and inclusion of local sources as well as including the receivers into the decision-making systems when deciding as regards the use of funds, thus increasing the efficiency of use and respecting the jointly reached decisions, cooperation of all active individuals and groups in the decision-making process;
- cooperation and dialogue with the government, public bodies and carriers of public authorisations;
- access to all information as regards the operation of institutions and organisations;
- accepting differences and inclusion of all social groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Slovenian NGO projects are mainly implemented in the following regions:
- Countries in which Slovene NGDOs have the highest presence
- Western Balkans
- The Caucasus
- Africa (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Congo, Mali, Madagascar, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, etc.)
Sloga main activities are:
- Information service
- Cooperation with political decision-makers
- Organising events
- Global learning
- Project counselling for NGOs
- Development library
- NGDO networking
- Promoting development cooperation
Sloga member NGOs are mainly active in the following area:
- Gender equality and empowerment of women
- Climate changes and implications for countries in development
- Inter-generational cooperation with focus to Africa
- Sustainable development and global learning
- Monitoring the efficiency of official development aid
- Policies of various African countries
- European neighbourly policies
- Peaceful conflict solution
- other development challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Huč
Head of the organisation
Marjan Huč

Slovenian Paneuropean Movement

National Network

Cesta v prod 90
1000 Ljubljana

+386 31 554 472
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Slovenian Paneuropean Movement (SPM), founded in 1991, is a non-governmental organization fostering and spreading the idea of European unification and striving for putting it into effect. The organization is part of the International Paneuropean Union, aiming to unite similar movements throughout Europe. The idea was first born after World War I with the realization that war with its material and spiritual devastation had brought Europe to the edge of destruction and that war itself is a consequence of national egoism leading towards new catastrophes of global extent. World War II proved this prediction to be true. The activities of the SPG include organizing international conferences, round tables, seminars and publishing books. Through these activities, we have come to be seen as critical thinkers focusing on European affairs - from the past through the present to the future. SPM has following organization structure: Assembly, Management Board, Monitoring Committee and President. Main funding sources are project funds, membership fees and sponsor funds. Our main partners are other Paneuropean organizations accross the Europe, but are well cooperating with all NGOs and other entities that pursue the objective - strong, united and unified Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Slovenian Paneuropean Movement is to contribute to united Europe as described in the Paneuropean manifesto of Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. It is essential that Europe becomes a strong and united global player and Paneurope can offer certain answers how to achieve this objective. Our main objective is raising awareness among the European citizens about the necessity of united, unified and strong Europe. By discussing different issues (e. g. international relations, regional policy, socio-economic development, policy development etc.) with civil society, policy-makers, decision-makers, academia and experts, we offer an open space for exchange of ideas, good practices and knowledge. We give an emphasis on educating and empowering the youth, since they are the pillars of the future European structure.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities can be devided in four main categories:
1. Project related activities
2. International conferences
3. Small scale events (e. g. round tables, seminars, open discussions with guest speakers etc.)
4. Publishing
Our activities are described in details on our main website www.panevropa.si and project website www.euforeignpolicy.eu.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Slovenian Paneuropean Movement has extensive knowledge in organization of events and providing data and researches. Since our operation focus is European Union and foreign affairs (relations), we believe that we can significantly contribute in discussions about the development of the wider Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Since we are member organization of the International Paneuropean Union, we have the capacity of disseminating news and information. Due to this fact, we can enhance the ALF network as well as enrich the activities of the International Paneuropean Union.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF network in order to contribute to the network as much as we can (with our knowledge and experience) and to be better informed about the development in the Mediterranean region. We also wish to strengthen the ALF network in Slovenian and in the wider Mediterranean context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laris Gaiser
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laris Gaiser
Contact (2) Full Name
Dejan Hribar
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Slovenian Society of Aesthetics

National Network

Gosposka 14 - 1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana, SI-1000

+386 1 4706 476
+386 1 4257 792
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Slovenian Society for Aesthetics is a non-profit organization devoted to the study and promotion of aesthetics and related areas of theoretical reflection that focus on art and culture. It consists of members who elect an Executive Committee, the President, and the Secretary both of whom are mebmers of the five-member EC). Society is financed on the basis of specific projects (colloquia). Each year it organizes two international colloquia, one in spring and the other in automn. These colloquia are mainly financed by governmental ministries (culture, higher education). The Society is a collective member of the International Assocation for Aesthetics. In September 2006 it will host the III Mediterranean Congress for Aesthetics.
Mission and Objectives

The strengthening and the proliferation of aesthetics in the national and the international settings.

Main Projects / Activities

Two annual colloquia.
In September 2006 the Society will organize the III Mediterranean Congress for Aesthetics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Murnik
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ales Erjavec



En 2011, l’institution Zavod Povod a été élue Chef de file du Réseau slovène de la FAL par les membres du Réseau. Elle a ensuite été réélue en 2015 et en 2020.

Povod est une institution et une ONG active dans le développement international et dans le domaine de l’éducation mondiale, plus particulièrement dans l’art, la culture, la gestion culturelle, la mobilité, le dialogue interculturel, la migration et la jeunesse. Elle travaille également sur le développement du secteur de la société civile en général et sur la promotion de la société civile auprès du grand public et des autorités.

Le Réseau national slovène de la Fondation Anna Lindh comprend 69 organisations, principalement non gouvernementales et officiellement enregistrées en Slovénie. La plupart de ces organisations sont membres depuis les cinq dernières années et ont une grande expérience de la coopération internationale au développement. Par conséquent, leur adhésion au réseau de la FAL est utile pour les coopérations internationales de développement dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Certaines de ces organisations sont également enregistrées comme entreprises sociales. En effet, en Slovénie une organisation non gouvernementale peut également avoir le statut d’entreprise sociale. Un petit pourcentage des membres du Réseau slovène de la FAL sont également des associations humanitaires. Les organisations de la diaspora sont également membres et représentent des continents, comme les communautés africaines, ou des ethnies, comme les clubs culturels arabes. Les membres du Réseau slovène de la FAL viennent de différents milieux et possèdent différentes expertises.

Society for Human Rights and Supportive Action Humanitas

National Network

Resljeva 48

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: non-profit NGO. The Society's bodies are: general meeting, executive committee, supervisory committee and honorary arbitration board. Employment: 5 people full time,1 person part time. 10 active volunteers. Annual turnover: 300.000 EUR Sources of funding: European Commission, Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana Modalities of action: Central European Network for Global Responsibility –connecting global education libraries across Europe, training of trainers on global education, creating pedagogical tools, workshops in schools; World in a Shopping Cart - raising awareness among consumers about issues related to the production of goods for daily consumption – workshops in schools, interactive exhibitions, training of trainers; F.R.A.M.E. - raising awareness on fair trade and responsible tourism in Mediterranean; Responsible Tourism and Fair Trade in Burkina Faso: continuation of the projects that take place in Burkina Faso since 2006. Aim: to economically and socially empower fair trade producers and to preserve natural and cultural heritage of the local community. Partners: variety of partners in Slovenia, Europe, Africa. More regular partners: Focus (Slovenia), Sudwind (Austria), Kafuli (Burkina Faso), EHT Network (Ghana)
Mission and Objectives

Society for human rights and supportive action Humanitas is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit organisation. Our mission is to raise awareness of global problems such as poverty, over-consumption, the gap between economically differently developed countries and, through education and awareness raising, to encourage social inclusion and responsibility. Our principal objectives are to offer assistance to less privileged groups at home and around the world, to represent and assert their interests, and to promote tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are: child sponsorship, fair trade, responsible tourism and global education. Child sponsorship: supporting a child (in Africa or Slovenia) to complete his/her education, but some of the money also goes towards community projects. Fair trade: we work directly with producers in Africa, run fair trade awareness raising activities in Slovenia and are one of the founders of fair trade shop in Slovenia. Responsible tourism: we work with our partners in Burkina Faso and Slovenia, and do awareness raising activities. Global education (including intercultural dialogue): aims to empower people with a better understanding of global problems and provide knowledge, skills, values and attitudes we need as citizens of the world, to cope with global challenges. We do workshops in schools, organize teacher trainings and training of trainers, public events, seminars, conferences and develop pedagogical materials. We also run a library House of the Worlds with books on global education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in meetings and conferences
Support in organizing events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to participate in international forums and discussions, contribute to debates and gain new perspectives
To be able to search for partner organisations within Mediterranean region and apply for mutual projects
To exchange views and ideas on intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Lazar
Head of the organisation
Limon David, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Vodopivec

Sodobnost International

National Network

Belokranjska 5

+ 386 1 563 55 50
Telephone (other)
+ 386 1 437 21 01
+ 386 1 561 18 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 386 41 913 214
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 386 41 504 484
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SODOBNOST INTERNATIONAL is a non-profit organisation publishing SODOBNOST, the oldest Slovenian journal for literature and the arts (founded in 1933), anthologies of short stories translated from various languages (reciprocally with foreign publishers), quality books by Slovene and foreign authors, plays and poetry, organizing playwriting workshops, international presentations of Slovene literature in translation etc., mostly with the financial assistance of the Slovene Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

To acquaint Slovene readers with the best of contemporary writing in other (especially lesser known) languages and to promote Slovene literature abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Jana Bauer
Head of the organisation
Evald Flisar
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Vi?ar

ŠOK - Združenje študentska organizacija Komenda / Students Association of Komenda

National Network

ŽEJE 116

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GENERAL INFORMATION: Since our inception in 2009 (16. of June 2009), the Students association of Komenda has invested all of emerging efforts in support of more than 1. 300 students through whole area of functioning (Area: 289, 00 km2, Number of inhabitants: 34.389, Number of human settlements: 116) and in smaller area of functioning-Komenda, in which municipality, we primarily cover over 500 university and secondary school students. We are a non-profit student organization and community of students. Komenda used to be The Knights Hospitaller’s possession -Commenda, under the Kamnik’s Alps (SLO)/ Steiner Alpes (A). It is located in the vicinity of Slovenian capitol-Ljubljana (11 miles). Our president is Miss Anja PIBERNIK, student at University of Maribor. •Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Democratic open structure NGO, with 2 staff members (semi-volunteer work) •Budgetary resources available in a year: cca. 16 000 EUR, next year cca. 8 000 EUR (50% cut) •Sources of funding: Main source is provide by Student act, minor sources are provide by sponsors. •Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Slovenian Students Union Union of Slovenian Student Clubs Youth Center Kotlovnica Kamnik NGO Platform Slovenian Hearts Slovenian Phylanthropy etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our principal activities are in primary, student related and ecology related nevertheless we are engaged in variety of rolls which make our community better-to provide invaluable support that will enable thousands of people through out the region to take practical action to clean rivers and polluted sites, organize recycling campaigns, identify and protect endangered species, fight against environmentally destructive and illegal development, create parks and green spaces, reduce energy consumption in schools and kindergartens and participate in environmental decision making. We are and have been a key factor in nurturing a strong and stable network of organizations which work for common goals through the region. Protection of biodiversity and endangered species, heritage interpretation and protection, urban and rural ecology, tree planting and forestation, waste management, land stewardship, energy alternatives, organic agriculture, public spaces and green space, greenways development, environmental advocacy and watchdog activities and NGO capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

We have proven to be very effective in establishing NGOs Slovenian Hearts Info Point for northern part of Central Slovenia (for local goverments/ municipalitys of Komenda, Medvode; Mengeš and Trzin) and continuing so as part of http:/www.ocistimo.si project which hapents to be the bigest evioronmental project in Slovenia, we had more than 200.000 volonters on the end of the project (17. of April 2010). These projects allow us to mobilize local resources and initiate environmental reforms.

Contact (1) Full Name


National Network

Osojnikova cesta 9,
2250 Ptuj


0599 20 600
Mobile Phone
031 811 297
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The head of organisation is a director of organisation. The program council is made of each member of organisation which is meeting yearly to develop a yearly program. Members are private profit and non-profit organisations. Budget is from public funds and from organisation members. Yearly is on average about 25.000,00 €. That covers for one employed and for other organisation activities. Main activities are seminars and workshops for young entrepreneurs and other young people who want to try their self in entrepreneurship. Main partners are public and private institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is networking of private companies and civil society organisations in national and international level for better cooperation within the members. We are also promoting entrepreneurship among young people and importance of mobility as the best tool to get as much as possible informations for successful entrepreneurship.
We are motivating young people to enter the business world and to make their entrepreneurial idea happen. The purpose of our organisation is to stimulate economic activity and motivates its integration into the local environment.
We cooperate as partners in cultural and public events.
Our organisation gives the greatest importance to the implementation of social entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

We are promoting entrepreneurship, especially social entrepreneurship, and mobility through different projects. In that field we are organising seminars, workshops, public presentations, presentations on schools to young people and others activities.
Our team has extensive experiences in project management, marketing activities and organisation of other projects especially in youth field. All those experiences are well transferred to our focus population.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As it is written up, we gain a lot of experiences that can be useful for other members. We have network from several economy and civil society organisation. We have a lot of good practises of fund raising for civil society organisations what we can share in our country and expand activities internationally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because we believe that we can gain a lot from others members from network.
We believe that we can organise some project together to raise creativity of the people to gain. social well being.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gorazd Tušek
Head of the organisation
Gorazd Tušek

Studio 25, Institute of cultural activities

National Network

Pleteršnikova 12
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Institute for Cultural Activities, Studio 25 was established due to the need for the production of independent dance, music and theatre projects. We operate with our own dance and music Studio XXV which offers regular dance and music courses for children, youth and adults. We also organize various dance and music workshops with renowned domestic and foreign educators. We are creating our own projects that are focused on dance and music production. We also run Studio XXV Events with a strong focus on event management, development, presence and connection. We organize our own society resposible projects, non profit festivals and giva a hand in international science conferences. Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Andreja Potočnik - founder, director, event director Masa Kagao Knez - co-founder, art director, dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Ursa Rupnik - dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Kaja Lin Avgustin - dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Kristina Sicherl - dance mentor, dancer Lea Menard - puppetier, dance mentor for children Issiaka Sanou - corepetitor, musician Mamorou Sanou - corepetitor, musician Partners: KUD Baobab, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Drustvo za svobodni ples, Urbana scena, Drustvo Vitkar, PD Rož (A), Flota, Emanat, Plesna izba Maribor, Mednarodni zavod Ritem Afrike, Zavod Tugende etc. Budgetary resources available in a year: between 50.000 - 150.000 euros Sources of funding: regular dance and music classes, Ministry of culture of RS Slovenia (MZK), Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL), Public founds RS Slovenia (JSKD), EU social funds and postproduction of our own dance and music projects,  organizing events Modalities of action: * Dance and music production and coproduction (Free Standing 2020, Concert for MAM 2018, Lakeless 2017, Momentum - Avenue of catured moments 2016, Dia Diasso Diasspora 2015, etc) * producers or partners in projects fonded by EU social founds or Slovenian support: Through Culture To Work 2018/20, Dance and music workshops for children and adults 2015-2019, Alleyne dance workshops 2017-18, Fuzija / Fusion - ethno dance and music evening 2015- 2020, Dance group Studio XXV / Rhythm of dance (establishemnt or our own ethno dance group led by Maša Kagao Knez * international scinece conferences: Molecular life of Stem cells 2016, EMBo meeting 2019 * festivals: Kraljica Veselica 2020 (planned for national music festival, june 2020), Festival Fuzija (june 2020) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Zavod Global, Ritem Afrike, Zavod Tugende, Društvo Odnos, KUD Boabab, Plan Fest d.o.o.  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission an objective are aimed toward integration of marginal group, Africans and their transcendants who live in Slovenia and with our projects helping them through culture get better possibilities in employment in a filed they feel and do best. We also produce oru own projects, especially dance and music performaces which include conteporary dance and africah cultural heritage. We also want to differ from other dance and music Studios by being supportive to all kind of culture production, mainly independent one, where we help among others young people with talents to practice and give them opportunities for proforming in our own projects. The last but not least objectiove is to organize festivals and non profit conferences whith aim to help either artists or scientists to get contacts and being seen by promotors of their field of future employment or engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects /activities for 2020 are: * postroduction of dance performance Free Standing (premiere 9.1.2020) * organizing festival Fuzija, festival of ethnic African culture mixed with modern techniques fro children, youth and adults, open air (beginning of June 2020) * organizing music festival Kraljica Veselica in Planica (25-27.6.2020) * further project upgrade Through Culture To Work with Zavod Global and Društvo Odnos (2020/2021) * moving owr dance and music Studio to more spacious place to develope our activities and adding new classes (September 2020)  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be reliable partners in project with similar aims and activites. We are already contributing to owr contry's identity by emerging different ethnic groups in a a quite introverting country. By being part of this network we can expand our partnership in Medditerannean and also upgrade our knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because we feel strong connection to partnerships which Network provide. For such a small country as Slovenia it is hard to penetrate to foreugh countries with oru production projects and we see opputunity here for exchaning perfomances and add a value to our production as such. Among that we see oppurtunity also in exchanging good practices and knowledge through projects we are involved with.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreja Potočnik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andreja Potocnik
Contact (2) Full Name
Masa Kagao Knez
Job Title (2)
art director