Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria

National Network

Via XX Settembre 27
06121 Perugia

+39 3402878053
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The National Consumer Union of Umbria is a branch of The National Consumers Union (UNC), being the first consumer association in Italy. Its foundation dates back to 1955. UNC is independent from political parties and trade unions. Its exclusive purpose is the protection and representation of consumers, pursued through the proposal of new regulations, assistance, information, education and orientation activities aimed at citizens through its branches. U.N.C. is a member of the C.N.C.U., the National Council of Consumers and Users, held at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. It is a social promotion association approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. Furthermore, U.N.C. is officially recognised in the European Commission as a consumer association in Italy. UNC is a member of Consumers 'International, of Consumers' Forum and of the Center for Juridical Studies on Consumer Rights.
Mission and Objectives

With our Consultants (Lawyers, University Professors, Teachers, Sociologists, Philosophers, Agronomists, Social Workers, Accountants, etc.) we already deal with: - protecting the health of consumers and users; - protecting the economic and legal interests of consumers and users, as well as their right to adequate information and proper advertising, promoting the development of a more informed and influential relationship with the manufacturers, distributors and services providers; - promoting critical, responsible and conscious consumer education; - controlling and improving the safety and quality of products and services, including actions to encourage new traceability and quality systems; - participation of the consumer and user in the sustainable development of the regional economy and society, in particular in the meanings of corporate social responsibility; - fulfilling the conditions for the fundamental rights recognized by the Consumer Code to be effective; - inform and educate consumers with every possible means and with appropriate information, advice and assistance services; - being an attractive center for ideas, applied and theoretical research, with a strong sensitivity towards the issues of innovation and protection of consumer rights and in general the protection of constitutionally guaranteed rights; - promoting events and initiatives, also as partners (such as conferences, meetings, seminars and courses, including school and university) about information, education and orientation and using journalistic space and radio and television aerial time so that consumers become aware of the importance and influence of their more rational and more supportive behavior, being informed of the prices and the quality of products and services available on the market, not to be victims of abuse, speculation and fraud; - promoting and implementing, also as a partner, appropriate professional training courses, qualification and retraining, oriented according to the public interest requirements to the actual consumers protection; - contribute to rebalance the consumers contractual and economic weakness and removing the issues of free competition; - promoting and encouraging with any other public or private organizations any initiative whose purpose is actually to protect consumers, inform them and raise their quality of life; - promoting, within the statutory purposes, respect for the territory, the natural resources and ecological and environmental education initiatives as well as the protection of health, promotion of healthy lifestyles and healthy eating; - protecting the consumer and user by activating information and helping projects against new diseases (eg gambling addiction) and new poverty (eg families in difficulty, separated parents, over-indebtedness, usury); - using, in the interest of consumers, users and citizens, all constitutional instruments for the pursuit of the statutory purposes including the use of judicial and administrative authorities both with individual actions and class actions with mediation of the A.D.R. and joint conciliations; - encouraging forms of social aggregation and social mediation, activating information, training and support courses for disadvantaged, weak citizens both European and non-European (eg against bullying, stalking, racism); - promoting road safety and protecting family members and victims of road accidents; - publishing and promoting publications and audiovisual media, including periodical ones, on consumer and consumer issues or concerning social activity; - promoting initiatives to fight the cost of living and protect the weak and elderly in general, including by activating information, training and social/welfare projects (also with innovative forms of intervention, eg cohousing); - promoting the dissemination of consumption practices oriented towards respect for environmental and ethical values; - promoting actions for families and parenting; - promoting activities for pre-adolescent and adolescent children and adolescents; - promoting interventions in favor of local quality products, in particular by promoting seasonal and short-chain products, also by promoting zero-kilometer products and setting up joint purchasing groups; - corresponing or entering into agreements with other Italian, foreign or international organizations whose collaboration may be useful for the achievement of the statutory purposes; - participate as lead partner or partner in local, regional, national and international projects, even funded; - promoting activities of study, research and analysis in the field of consumerism; - in order to protect the rights of consumers and users of local public services and to guarantee the quality, universality and affordability of the related services, encouraging and verifing, also through specific initiatives, the compliance with the provisions and the principles referred to in article 2, paragraph 461 of Law n. 244/2007; - promote civil actions within criminal proceedings involving citizens, consumers and users rights. We have the opportunity to collaborate in Umbria (Italian region) with public bodies (Municipalities, Province, Region, Chamber of Commerce, University, etc.) and private entities, for the creation and management of local events (dissemination of results, conferences, meetings).

Main Projects / Activities

ERASMUS + 2018 Young European in Umbria project - KA347-0EEDB357 ERASMUS + KA204 UE “Sharing Ideas for Enhancing Intercultural Mediation Skills” - Num. 2016-1-IT02-KA204-024369 ERASMUS + KA204 – Strategic Partnership for Adult Learner

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- previous project experience; - previous expirience in the proposal of agreements between institutions and various departments; - previous expirience in managements of events, suche as confrences and conventions; - strong precence throughout the territoy; - good command of social media, management of events, strong dissemination means; - previous expirience in project management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For networking end partner looking for

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Damiano Marinelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Avv. Damiano Marinelli