Domestic and National Project Competition

Domestic and National/Original Project Competition

The Istanbul Branch of the Informatics Association of Türkiye (TBD) in November 2023 will organise the IT Stars 2023 Competition with the theme of “Domestic and National  Project Competition”. The Informatics Association of Türkiye (TBD) is an institution that closely follows the latest developments in the field of informatics in Türkiye. Additionally, it is leading the way in the spread of the information culture. The competition is held throughout Türkiye. The competition covers the private sector, companies with R&D centers, universities, technopark and technopolis companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs); implemented Domestic and National  Project applications and project ideas from local governments.

The IT Stars e-Transformation Competition is held in order to better introduce different web projects that have transformed on the Internet or moved their business structure to the Internet environment and to increase the interest in e-transformation. This competition has been independently organized by TBD Istanbul Branch since 2009. In addition, it is also one of the most respected and prestigious competitions in the industry.
The competitions are promotional and important in order to encourage good examples and develop better projects. This competition will also contribute to the development of Local and National  examples and high-quality applications in informatics. It is also believed that the competition will contribute to raising awareness in society about Domestic and National applications in informatics.

For application you can visit the website: