

National Network

Jovana Stojanovic 57
85000 Bar
الجبل الأسود

00382 30 312 431
00382 30 312 431
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00382 69 487 346
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Decision on the establishment of a working organization Cultural Centre adopted on 30 July in 1976. years, entry into the court register was made on 25 March in 1977. , and from 15 April in 1991. The Center operates as a public company. JP Cultural Centre exists as a complex cultural institutions within which there are: • House of Culture (movies,theatre) • National Libraries "Ivo Vučka?" • Art gallery "Velimir A. Lekovic" •  Museum Bar (Castle of King Nikola)
Mission and Objectives

Activities JP Cultural Centre are:
- Library - Information,
- Museum - Research,
- Activity umjetncke galleries
- Activity of the film,
- Cultural - artistic program and
- Amateurism.
The Company may also engage in other activities that are complementary to the foregoing and to contribute to a fuller good use of its capacity.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival "Barski Ljetopis" is a comprehensive cultural event on our coast, a festival that has a clear orientation, highly professional concept, what most objectively speaking a large attendance each program separately.
Festival "Bar Chronicle" ,itself consists of five segments: musical, artistic, cinematic, literary and theatrical programs. Thanks to this well thought out concept Festival was held over the years succeeding to bring together artists from the former Yugoslavia.
Art program has always been extremely good, and lately we have organized exhibitions of foreign artists, and the Museum staged a number of settings related to the natural heritage of Montenegro.
In the literary aspects of the festival, participating famous names from the world of the written word.
Theatre program is especially interesting in it present theaters of the region.
Festival "Bar Chronicle" is firmly established on the Montenegrin scene and highly professionally designed.
Gallery "Velimir A.Lekovic" works as one of the five main operating units Cultural Centre. It has two contemporary exhibition space of 300m2. It has its own artistic fund, which is held every solo exhibition quality increases. It is located in the most attractive part of the pond shore on the boardwalk King Nikole.Galerija organizes and implementation of individual and collective exhibitions of contemporary academic artists.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be a part of ALF Network will be honor for us. We could have international collaboration and cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cazim Nikezic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Darinka Skuletic
Job Title (2)

Kancelarija za razvoj Crna Gora-Developers Office Montenegro, NGO, non-profit

National Network

Đoka Mirasevica, Blok XII, L3/3
الجبل الأسود

+382 20 264 712
Telephone (other)
+382 68 761 320
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382 67 376 705
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 821 349
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
NGO "Developers Office Montenegro" is relatively new non profit, non-government organization.
Mission and Objectives

Our role, as the citizens of Europe, is to take care of them and preserve them for our children and future generations. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to learn how to preserve them, give our best effort and transfer that knowledge to others.
About us:
Vision: We will be the first service for developing initiatives and social entrepreneurship in the Balkans, by providing quality service of improving society, multicultural experiences, corporate citizenship and education.
Mission: We will meet needs of young people through excellent span of activities ensuring that they gain experience and show all their qualities and potentials. By doing so, we’ll maximize results of our projects and ideas.
Core values: quality, service, culture, honesty, education and engagement, integrity and responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Art exhibition: "Branka, Cetinje-Belgrade" 2011. Podgorica, MNE
Support to Event: "International Day of Poetry", 2013. Podgorica, MNE
Project Application (Pogramme:Europe for Citizens): "Active Citizens for National Park -presence and future-Live with National Park" June 2013
Project application - Umjetnost putevima Crne Gore - Art with the roads of Montenegro - summer 2013;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As young NGO and relatively new, we are ready to bring some freshness and innovation , contribute to the Network with our dedication and motivation, and participate in diversity, improvement and exchange of opinions and values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through cooperation with ALF, we learn how to build partnership and exchange experience, as we help each other in realization of the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Danka Markovic
Head of the organisation
Ms. Danka Markovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Branka Markovic

Ministarstvo sporta - Direktorat za mlade

National Network

28 Novaka Miloseva
81000 Podgorica
الجبل الأسود

00 382 20 232 167
00 382 20 232 158
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 382 68 128 200
Mobile Phone (other)
00382 67 504 390
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Directorate for Youth and Sport is governmental body responsible for coordination of youth issues in Montenegro. Youth Office currently employs three people. It works within the Directorate since 2009 and it is, inter alia, the central info point for the implementation of National Plan of Action for Youth. Annual budget for implementaion of the policy is from 100.000e to 150.000e. The office is currently working on implementation of a two year project (2009 – 2011) "Youth Social Revitalization" in partnership with International Organization for Migration, funded by Italian Government. The project fund is one million euro.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Office's mission is to contribute to welfare of youth through implementation of National Youth Policy and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, ensuring quality participation of youth in society, and contribute to their development of personal and social level, and thus the development of the whole society.

Main Projects / Activities

The project "Youth Social Revitalization" aims to support development and implementation of pro-youth strategies and measures that ensure better social-cultural integration and activity of young people. It involves capacity building activities, public campaign on youth participation, conferences and round tables on youth issues. Youth Office is also working on projects related to youth participation, youth in media, human rights etc. Youth office activities can be followed on web site www.infomladi.me.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krsto Vukadinovic
Head of the organisation
Direktorat za mlade
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Popovic

Ministry of Culture of Montenegro - Head of Network

National Network

Njegoseva St. 81250 Cetinje, Montenegro
الجبل الأسود

+382 41 232 583
Mobile Phone
0038269100 370
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Boris Abramovic, Advisor for Fine Arts, Design and Creative Industries
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Milena Raznatovic

Mladiinfo Montenegro

National Network

Svetozara Markovica 32
Ljubotinjskih junaka bb
81000 Podgorica
الجبل الأسود

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mladiinfo Montenegro is a youth-led non-profit organization founded on 30 March 2011 in Podgorica, Montenegro. Our organisation consists of 10 members and 30 volunteers and we have 10 interns who are young people and also 6 employees from which 3 are youth with disabilities. We have significant experience in informing and education of youth. Our budget for this year currently 37000 euros and our sources of funding are National Agency for Employment, Government, Erasmus plus, membership fees. We have two websites through which young Montenegrin people are being informed on numerous seminars organized abroad and on actions carried out in our country – www.mladiinfo.me and www.mladiniksica.me. We are founders and members of Montenegrin Youth Forum - an umbrella youth organization, and also part of Network for education and development of social services for people with disabilities. We are member of Mladiinfo Network and observer member in European Youth Press.
Mission and Objectives

We are national organisation and our vision is "Young people as key actors of development of Montenegrin society". Our mission to improve the position of young people in Montenegro, through information, education and their active participation in society.

Main Projects / Activities

◦ Project "Activity to Participation" implemented with the aim to raise the awareness about the need for active participation of young people in the life of a society and initiatethe process of forming the Youth council in Niksic.
◦ Project "The Other Side" implemented in partnership with TV stationMontenaon the topic of drugs prevention trough 5 educational- informative TV episodes.
◦ Project "With participation to changes" through which we made an initiative to form a Council of youth in Niksic and the Draft of the Local Action Plan for Youth for 2013.
◦ Project “Free Our Media” which is implemented with European Youth Press in order to raise awareness on media freedom issues across Europe and to create a platform for debate and sharing of best practices among young media makers.
◦ “YE SHAPE Your Life” is organised in partnership with Mladiinfo Slovenia to motivate personal development of youth, increase awareness about themselves and the society, through making a balance between their body and mind, and understanding sport as all-inclusive and open action where everyone can take part and be equally treated, as well as to use sport as a tool for enhancing social participation and inclusion.
◦ "Ensure Your  Future" still ongoing, we educated 6 persons with disabilities in Engish language and employed 3 of them at our office.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Network isn't enough promoted in Montenegro and organisations aren't sure whom to contact and how to get information about it. We would work on promotion of the Network, its activities, values. We could also publish on our website www.mladiinfo.me different opportunities offered by Anna Lindh Foundation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have similar goals and interests as ALF Network and also same fields of work. Our target group are youth and we mainly work on their informing and education. We work a lot on youth mobility and we sent each year more than 30 youth abroad to spend time with other youth, learn, exchange, meet other cultures. We see this as creating more opportunities for youth from Montenegro. We would like to work more on networking inside the network, to get in touch with organisations members, collaborate on projects. Also we would like to get in touch with other networks, from other countries and establish cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Milica Zugic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Milica Zugic

Montenegrin Women's Lobby

National Network

Boska Popovica 15
الجبل الأسود

020 669 158
Mobile Phone
069 454 606
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Strucure of organization: five activists Sources of funding:The Government of Montenegro Modalities of action: shelter for victims of trafficking, sos line for victims of trafficking, partner on the project "Monitoring situation of children returned from EU" Terre des hommes Foundation Hungary. Realised more then 30 porojects, and some of them are: ."Education in Women's Human Rights";International Round Table "Human trafficking"; International seminar "Sex.trafficking-modern slavery";International seminar "Sexual harassment at work, at school and the Faculty", Women leaders -program of training and study tours to the U.S. for future women leaders; Do you hear me?,, /Training of judges and prosecutors for a more humane attitude towards victims of trafficking/; Main partner: The National Office for Antitrafficking
Mission and Objectives

The mission of our organization is working on the gradual elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children and primarily work on trafficking prevention and education, assistance and support to victims of human trafficking in order to strengthen cooperation with institutions dealing with these issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of our organization is done through our two ongoing activities:
A. Shelter for victims of trafficking
Program Shelter for victims of human trafficking is being implemented since 2004 on the territory of Podgorica. Project funded by the Government of Montenegro
On the beneficiary, in addition to lodging and food, offering:
1.Medical assistance;
2.Individual and group psychological support;
3. Legal advice;
4.Assistance in contacting the family during their stay in the shelter;
5. Help in the formal and alternative education;
B. SOS line for victims of trafficking
The work of SOS-line funded by the Government of Montenegro
SOS - 24 hour line is available free of charge
The phone has a twofold purpose:
• the provision of preventive and educational information;
• providing support and assistance to (potential) victims of trafficking and their families;
Forms of assistance available to customers and (potential) victims of trafficking are:
• Information about the types of help and support that exist in Montenegro and abroad, as well as contacts of organizations dealing with trafficking and working directly with (potential) victims of trafficking;
• Legal assistance ie. full information regarding the status, rights and relevant laws and procedures;
• Psychological counseling;
• Medical Assistance;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution may include exchanging information and experiences,supporting various activities, initiating actions, working on joint projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important for us to be a part of this network in order to exchange information and experiences with other organisations and to improve our work with new projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Petrovic
Head of the organisation
Aida Petrovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Vlahovic



The Coordinator of the Network in Montenegro is the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Montenegro, which was appointed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later reconfirmed by members.

Their activities are developed in the following thematic areas:

  • development and enhancement of culture and artistic creativity in Montenegro,
  • safeguarding and protection of Montenegrin cultural heritage,
  • supporting cultural projects and institutions,
  • relevant legislation adoption in the field of culture and monitoring of the implementation,
  • monitoring research in the field of culture.



Les activités entreprises par le Ministère de la Culture monténégrin sont développées dans les domaines suivants:

  • Développement et amélioration de la culture et de la créativité artistique au Monténégro,
  • Sauvegarder et entretenir le patrimoine culturel monténégrin,
  • Soutenir les projets et institutions culturels,
  • Mettre en place une législation adaptée dans le domaine de la culture, et procéder à l’exécution et au suivi de cette dernière,
  • Suivre les activités de recherche dans le domaine culturel.

Montenegro Film Festival

National Network

Njegoseva 36
الجبل الأسود

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Montenegro film festival is a non-governmental organization established in 2009 with a mission to promote domestic and international film production and raise awareness considering the importance of national film production. It has five members/founders, assembly and board of directors. Our NGO has no ordinary available budgetary resources, but fund itself through various call for entries. Our main project is UNDERHILL Documentary film festival, that gained great success and became one of the most important cultural events in Montenegro. UNDERHILL film festival was supported by Ministry of Culture, and many successful private organizations in Podgorica, and all of them became regular partners of UNDERHILL film festival.
Mission and Objectives

General objectives of NGO Montenegro film festival are: promotion, development, distribution and fostering of film production in Montenegro, joining in order to create a healthy environment for realization of feature-length and short documentaries, fostering of intercultural exchange and providing opportunities for film professionals from around the world to exchange ideas and to present their projects and find inspirations for new ones, and organization of film festivals.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is UNDERHILL film festival. UnderhillFest serves the documentary form and its community by showcasing the contemporary work of established and emerging filmmakers. The festival provides a space that nurtures conversation between artists, students, and the UnderhillFest audience. UnderhillFest is committed to enhancing public understanding and appreciation of the art form and its significance, while making films more accessible to a wider audience. We also organize lectures on documentary film.
In the year when we decided to launch such a festival in Podgorica where there is no cinema hall (theatre) in which we could show such a program, we decided to run the first show of the festival Underhill out in the “open space”. Our goal and desire is to present documentaries from smaller European and World productions.
Podgorica with this festival will get a feature documentary film event - the same one that have in Croatia, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andjelka Nenezic
Head of the organisation
Andjelka Nenezic
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanja Jovanovic

Mreža za nasljeđe Jugoistočne Evrope (SEE Heritage Network)

National Network

P.O.Box 85 Škaljari bb
الجبل الأسود

+382 32 30 25 20
+382 32 30 25 21
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 773 890
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
SEE Heritage is a Network of non-governmental organizations from South East Europe. It was established in 2006 and registered in 2009 as NGO with headquarters in Montenegro. The work of SEE Heritage network is aimed at protecting and promoting our common heritage which is leading to sustainable and responsible development. The network has 21 members, dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage. It employs a secretariat, based in Kotor, Montenegro. Its organizational structure includes a Managing Board (6 members)and Assemby (one representative from each member). The work of the Network and its Secretariat is supported by the Headley Trust, United Kingdom and the Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) with funds provided by SIDA, Sweden. General activity areas that will enable the Network to accomplish these goals include education, conservation, awareness-raising, management of cultural heritage, research and capacity building.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the SEE Heritage network is to work towards protecting and promoting the common cultural heritage with the aim of encouraging sustainable development of the region.
The vision of the SEE Heritage network: South East Europe (SEE) - region where people cooperate, understand and respect each other on the basis of their cultural differences, believing that cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is a valuable resource.
Our strategic goals include:
- Strengthening the regional network of NGOs
- Improving the general management of cultural heritage throughout South East Europe
- Having a greater influence on decision makers
- Improving outreach to the general public
- Promoting the NGO sector’s work throughout the region
- Increasing general awareness of the heritage of South East Europe
- Generating joint projects and activities through the Network.

Main Projects / Activities

Alongside its regular annual meetings, the SEE Heritage Network organized a public debate entitled “Cultural Heritage and its Misuse in Political, Ideological and other Causes”, a workshop and public presentation “Devastation of Cultural Heritage”, and two conferences: “Cultural Heritage Tourism and Sustainable Development” and “Cultural Landscapes: The Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in South East Europe and the Role of NGOs”.
The Network published a booklet entitled “Cultural Heritage and its Misuse in Political and Ideological Causes” and launched a public appeal urging local and national governments of the SEE Heritage region to stop the indifference towards the devastation of SEE heritage.
Recently, the Network prepared a second public appeal, urging governments of the region to adopt and implement the European Landscape Convention.
The website www.seeheritage.org is one of the most important concrete results of SEE Heritage’s work. SEE Heritage aims to make this website an important portal for the cultural heritage of the SEE region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marijana Davidović (SEEH Network Secretary)
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Kapetanović
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Kapetanović