
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro

National Network

Krusevac bb
81000 Podgorica
الجبل الأسود

00 382 20 243 914
00 382 20 225 131
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Organization of cultural programmes(exhibitions, concerts, literary events) at home and abroad; 38 members of staff employed; government sources of funding; the main partner in the organization's activities is the Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

presentation and promotion of contemoporary Montenegrin art; networking with similar institutions at home and abroad for expert cooperation and exchange of programmes; educational activities through animating local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

2013- production of the presentation of Montenegro at the 2013 Venice biennial(artist:Irena Lagator Pejovic);2012-exhbition CROSSINGS, contemporary Montenegrin art in the 21st century (Russia-St.Peterburg and Ekaterinburg); 2011 - production of the presentation of Montenegro at the 2011 Venice biennial(artists:Marina Abramovic, Ilija Soskic, Natalija Vujosevic)

Contact (1) Full Name
Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro
Head of the organisation
Nenad Soskic

Crnogorska alternativna kultura (Montenegrin Alternative Culture)

National Network

Zagorič A6
الجبل الأسود

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO Montenegrin Alternative culture is consisted of president and assembly. NGO gathers members who are professionals in different fields, such as: art, culture, sociology, philosophy, journalism, philology, law, and marketing. Our budget still does not overcomes 10.000,00€. Funds that we received funds so far are from Montenegro and foreign embassies, but we applied for EU funds in international projects. Our actions are dynamic and concrete in order to create platform for establishment of new cultural patterns in Montenegrin society. We collaborated with many institutions and organizations such as the Center for Contemporary Art of Montenegro, French Institute, Japanese Embassy, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Montenegrin Alternative Culture (MAC) is a laboratory for the change of perspective.
MAC is a platform for establishing the new cultural patterns in Montenegrin collective consciousness. Withing the existing constellation of reality, those changes are not only given as the expression of youth revolt, but rather as our necessity. It is needed to introduce the inversion of stale patriarchal conformism that is to represent just the bases of the new, future consciousness.
MAC deconstructs the existing order by provocative interventions and by heretical experimenting with symbolical universe of Montenegro’s surrounding.
MAC’s activities basically refer to Montenegro’s region, but should also be understood as universal, but no way local/ national. MAC is a conductor of global changes in Montenegro.
MAC demises stupidity, primitivism, consumerism and other calamities of the ready-made world of fake relations.

Main Projects / Activities

NGO Montenegrin Alternative Culture organized many events that are recognized as innovative in Montenegro, such as first festival of Japanese Manga and Anime, but also those that have been considered controversial such as performance “Montenegrin funeral/exhibition” that questioned patriarchate basis of Montenegrin history. We were also co-organizers of project that affirmed LGBT issue in Montenegro called “I see the different”. We hosted lectors, movie projections, street art interventions and initiated public debates. We are also editors of the website www.nvucak.com that brings inspiring activism and art news, interviews and columns.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the goals of ALF Network through our future projects concerning action of civil society in fields of art and culture. We want to improve social connections among people through this values that we strongly believe are basis of every society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join this network in order to make connections with similar organizations from other national networks in order to work on projects that could improve our society and affect cultural exchange among those.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Bakić

Cultural centre "Nikola Djurkovic" Kotor

National Network

Obala bb, Stari grad
85330 Kotor
الجبل الأسود

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
There are four separate organizational units within the Cultural Center: Theater, City Gallery, Boka Cinema, City library and reading room. The activities of the Cultural center are of public interest and include: • organizing and promoting cultural and artistic creativity and cultural life in the Municipality, • arranging cultural and artistic performances, theater performances, literary evenings, art exhibitions, traditional, ethno-cultural and other cultural events of significance to the Municipality, • organizing screenings, • performing library activities, • promotion of amateur cultural and artistic creativity and creativity of persons with disabilities and • in general by enhancing creativity through presentation, promotion of works of art and other spiritual creations.  The cultural center is primarily focused on locals and organizing and enhancing cultural life in the city. With the development of tourism in the municipality of Kotor, the Cultural Center opens to the international scene. Numerous international collaborations and guest appearances support this. In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events: • Kotor Art, • Kotor Children's Theater Festival, • Don Branko's Music Days, • Sea Rock Festival, • Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia), • Novi Sad Cultural Center, • GOETHE Institute Belgrade, • Dubrovnik libraries, • FIAT, • Kotor Tourism Organization… Our most recognizable manifestations are Boka Night, Traditional Kotor Winter Carnival, Festival of Light, December rocks, Kotor Children's Theater Festival and many more. The strategic goal of our company is the development and promotion of culture in the municipality of Kotor, the organization and enhancement of international cooperation as well as numerous events throughout the year.     Over the past years, the Cultural Center has entered into several cooperation agreements, through which the following programs have been implemented: (Due to the limited number of characters, its shown the program that was organized in 2019.) ART 365 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION AND YOUTH ASSOCIATION WITH THE HANDICAP OF MONTENEGRO - 05. and 06.03.2019. The first film festival "Capture Montenegro" was organized with the help of the international film festival "Capture this day with me / Capture the film". INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO - Information and educational activities were implemented: workshops, exhibitions that represent the biodiversity of our waters, conferences, etc. One of the activities was the organization of the International Conference "Adriatic Biodiversity Protection - AdriBioPro2019" from 06.04. until 11.04.2019. ARHIPELAG PUBLISHING HOUSE - The "Archipelago" Publishing Month was organized when several promotions of works published by this publishing house took place in one month. SUMMER ART SCHOOL IN KOTOR - The school's working name is “ArtQuake” - in reaction to the devastating power of the 1979 earthquake that struck Kotor, which further resulted in its listing on the UNESCO World Heritage List. So, forty years of these events have been marked by a kind of creative impetus that comes from the creative power of art. The Art School was held from 07.07. untill 14.07.2019. KOTOR THEATER FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN - One of the earliest cooperation agreements our institution has entered into is the one with the Kotor Festival of Children's Theater. We support them by all means, above all with our people and infrastructure, not only during the festival program, but also otherwise. In co-production with them we have produced a couple of plays that have their lives on the boards ("Chinese" in co-production with ASSITEJ; "Ivo Vizin", "Novelty of Love", "Shakespeare"), and we also have a prolific collaboration in publishing, with the support of funds received from Ministry of Culture competitions ("Ivo Vizin", "Half portion at half price"). This year's Children's Festival took place under the name "Road to the Moon" from July 1 to July 12, 2019. In cooperation with the cultural institution CENTER OF FESTIVAL AND CREATIVE PROJECTS "ON TOP" Volgograd, Russia and Mr. Victor Kieny, coordinator of the International project "ADRIATICA NOVA" with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia we organized the International Music Festival and Competition on September 21, 2019. For the second year in a row in collaboration with “Museums” Kotor we are organizing - FESKK - Festival of Humanities, Culture and Arts. Festival promotes the total annual production of Montenegro and brings together history, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, economics, essay, linguistics and other scientific disciplines. Festival also brings together both academic and young people. 25.06.2019 THE BARCELONA GIPSY BALKAN ORCHESTRA performed on the Summer Stage. Their repertoire is inspired by the motives of jazz, ethno music of the peoples of Eastern Europe, South America, Spain, the Middle East. 23.11.2018 - Famous Italian PIANIST AND COMPOSER MAURIZIO MASTRINI, accompanied by the chamber orchestra 'Nuova', premiered in Kotor, in the Church of the Holy Spirit. The program featured Mastrini's compositions: “Essential”, “La stagione dell'amore carezze”, “Children's Love”, “Primavera... La rinascita”, “Malinconia”, “Fly”, “W la vita”, “Tango Clandestino” and “La rossiniana”. 26.09.2019 THE CONCERT OF OMAR TORREZ, the renowned and award-winning Mexican guitar player, was best known to the general public for being the guitarist on Tom Waits' "Glitter and Doom" tour. November 20 or 21, 2019 THE MATINEE OF THE "ATTACCA" quartet will be playing on the year, playing pieces by Borodin and Beethoven. The concert will be a kind of homage to the town on the occasion of Kotor Municipality Day. 03.12.2019 In cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro, we are planning a CONCERT OF THE PIANO DUO "PIANOTAINMENT" from Germany. In addition to engaging with professional artists, we also gave space to amateurs through various programs organized by the Cultural Center. So in December we will have a series of concerts that have become part of the Kotor tradition. This is a New Year concert of Kotor City Music, majorettes and local dance clubs (Little Mermaid, Alyssa, Festivals, etc.), Folk Ensemble "Nikola Djurkovic", our choir and their guests and so on. Promotion of the REFESTICON REGIONAL FESTIVAL OF FICTION, organized to commemorate International Literacy Day on September 8, with special reference to the collection of short stories "Dragons are Coming", authored by elementary and high school students from Montenegro. Celebrating CHILDREN'S SUNDAY in the first week of October. Accompanied by the organization of a series of film screenings, workshops in the morning, lectures on healthy eating for children and also a sports day in cooperation with the Ministry of Sport of Montenegro.
Mission and Objectives

 The cultural center is primarily focused on locals and organizing and enhancing cultural life in the city. With the development of tourism in the municipality of Kotor, the Cultural Center opens to the international scene. Numerous international collaborations and guest appearances support this.
In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events:
• Kotor Art,
• Kotor Children's Theater Festival,
• Don Branko's Music Days,
• Sea Rock Festival,
• Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia),
• Novi Sad Cultural Center,
• GOETHE Institute Belgrade,
• Dubrovnik libraries,
• Kotor Tourism Organization…
Our most recognizable manifestations are Boka Night, Traditional Kotor Winter Carnival, Festival of Light, December rocks, Kotor Children's Theater Festival and many more.
The strategic goal of our company is the development and promotion of culture in the municipality of Kotor, the organization and enhancement of international cooperation as well as numerous events throughout the year.

Main Projects / Activities

I need to highlight the mai manifestations organized by the Cultural Center.
THE TRADITIONAL WINTER CARNIVAL OF KOTOR was held between February 23 and March 3. The traditional Kotor Carnival, with a tradition of over half a millennium, is a unique folk event held in the municipality of Kotor, which included Children's masquerade, multi-city cribs, an exhibition dedicated to the carnival and masks, the Grand Masquerade and a rich music program.
BOKA NIGHT - popularly known as the "Festivals over Festivals", originates from the Venice Night and has been reported for its existence since the 19th century. Since 2013, manifestation has been awarded the Intangible Cultural Property status; it symbolizes the end of the summer part of the tourist season and forms the crown of cultural events that Kotor is rich in this part of the year. The concept has changed a bit since the emphasis is on local creativity. This year the manifestation took place on 24.08.2019.
FESTIVAL OF LIGHT "PALACES WILL SHINE", held for the third time this year. The date reserved for the festival was from 26.06. untill 22.06.2019. and was of an international character.
In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events:
• Kotor Art,
• Kotor Children's Theater Festival,
• Don Branko's Music Days,
• Sea Rock Festival,
• Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia),
• Novi Sad Cultural Center,
• GOETHE Institute Belgrade,
• Dubrovnik libraries,
• Kotor Tourism Organization…

Contact (1) Full Name
Milica Popovic
Job Title
Agency and marketing adviser
Head of the organisation
Tatjana Miljenovic

Culture Center PUNKT

National Network

Mrkosnica 9
81400 Niksic
الجبل الأسود

00382 69 283 317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Culture Centre PUNKT is non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan organisation based in Niksic, Montenegro. Although it started as the program of 2 NGOs from Niksic, Civis Diversus and Tunjel, after the positive reactions and support from the community, CC PUNKT was established as the organisation in April 2015 by the group of young people who wish to act for cultural development and education of youth in order to make arts and culture available to all people equally. CC PUNKT has 8 founding members, group of 10 young artists in the Artistic Council and over 30 volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

Culture Center PUNKT is local non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental community organization based in Niksic that advocates creation of unique culture-artistic identity of the community through implementation of innovative ideas, fostering creative work and civic engagement, along with preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. Our vision is to create society where arts and culture are available to all people. CC PUNKT is organization that strives towards creation opportunities of free expression for recognized artists, as well as for those who have just chosen art as the profession.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities implemented by CC PUNKT since the establishment:
◦ Multi-media event at the ex-Army House in Niksic – cleaning and adaptation of ruined space, exhibition of 10 young artists, experimental videos projection, performance of 3 music bands with over 1000 visitors in one evening.
◦ Exhibition 8th March – exhibition of 10 female artists from Niksic, for the benefit of promotion of women’s rights in “A” Gallery in Niksic.
◦ Face of the Street – project designed to show true face of our town through three segments: 1. Placing the Foundation stone of the Home of Revolution in its Plateau; 2. Restauration of the facade of one of the oldest houses in Niksic in the main Niksic street, Njegoseva, mural painting on restored wall and Vintage Bazaar organized on the Njegoseva street that was closed for traffic during the event; 3. Cleaning action of the plateau behind Local Museum (former Palace of King Nikola I Petrovic).
◦ Initiative for restoration of Niksic Town’s Orchestra in partnership with NGO Civis Diversus – ongoing fundraising campaign.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CC PUNKT has strong creative force that we want to invest in overall cultural development in country and beyond. Although we are young as organisation, all of our members are experienced in their fields of work. We would be active members of the Network and ready to support its activities and development at the best of our skills and knowledge. Membership in any network should bring positive effects to all of its members, especially if members are those bringing these effects. We are hoping to be one of those positively contributing members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that ALF Network is a valuable resource for the development of partnerships in the field of culture, education and media in Montenegro, but also in the Balkan region and all of the member states. Membership in the Network would contribute to strengthening our capacities and developing strategic partnerships for the benefit of overall cultural development and development of the community we work in. This would also ease the establishment of cooperation with subjects outside the scope of work of Culture Center PUNKT.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bosko Milovic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bosko Milovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Milos Gezovic
Job Title (2)
Head of the Steering Committee

Educo Centre

National Network

Kralja Nikole 29
الجبل الأسود

+ 382 20 633 977
+ 382 20 633 977
Mobile Phone
+ 382 67 225 734
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 382 69 514 578
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Educo Centre is a non-government organization from Podgorica, Montenegro. The Educo Centre believes that our society does not need increased resources, but more knowledge and greater will. The Centre aims to revive a development which is based on respect towards our natural surroundings. Educo Center has 6 permanent employees and a great number of associates. The Centre has also set up a small English School and Translation Bureau, which contribute to rent and office costs and provide modest contribution to staff salaries. The school has the license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro. All the Educo Centre activities are carried out in several main sectors: - Education - Environmental protection, environmental education and promotion of sustainable activities - Socio – economic aspects of local economic development - Advocacy We cooperate with Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Institute for nature protection, Institute for nature protection, National Parks, experts and NGO’s representatives, and we try to improve co-operation of the governmental and non-governmental organisations. Our activities in the fields of education and environmental protection are great opportunities for collaboration throughout the region
Mission and Objectives

The Educo Centre believes that our society does not need increased resources, but more knowledge and greater will.
Vision: Humanity worthy of nature
Mission: Through creative activities which raise awareness of citizens, policy research and defining alternative solutions, through influencing government institutions and the private sector, we can encourage sustainable development in Montenegro and region. The Educo centre wishes to contribute to the integration of ecology in all spheres of social and economic development.
School system that promotes creativity, development of analytic capacities, individuality and which presents a basis for more responsible and human society
• Improved Montenegrin elementary school system curriculums and plans
• Provided the equal opportunity for quality education for all Montenegrin children.
• Reinforced cooperation with international organizations referring to educational issue.
To provide adequate use of natural resources in Montenegro.
• To provide application of environmental standards and principles of sustainable development in development strategies of the Republic of Montenegro Government
• Improved financing of environmental problems in Montenegro
Increased environmental awareness of Montenegrin citizens

Main Projects / Activities

Educo Centre’s activities in Sector of Education
In this field, we are acting in both, local and national level.
The main our projects in the sector of Education are:
- The project »New Opportunities For Children With Special Needs«
The overall objective of this project is to improve socio-economic status of a group of children with special needs, beneficiaries of the ’01 June’ Educational centre in Podgorica..
- The project “Environmental Education – The Route To Sustainable Development”.
The prime objective of the project was to promote environmental education through writing and printing environmental activity books, holding environmental workshops for children and pushing for environmental education to be integrated in regular school curricula, in particular through organizing a round-table discussion and through media campaigning.
Educo Centre’s activities in The Sector of environmental protection, environmental education and promotion of sustainable development
The Educo Centre is planning to increase the level of awareness through education campaigns advocating the necessity to protect and preserve the natural potentials.
The Educo Centre is engaged in the promotion of the concept of sustainable development and European ecological standards in Montenegro.
We hereby particularly point to the project “European Ecological Standards – To Make it Clear to Everyone”.
Educo Centre’s activities in the Sector of Advocacy
One of the most important project, referring this area of our activities is The Initiative for Establishing of an Eco Fund in Montenegro.
We hope that our activities will bring closer our country to UE community

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Scekic
Head of the organisation
Valentina Scekic
Contact (2) Full Name
Danka Jankovic


National Network

85330 KOTOR
الجبل الأسود

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The non-governmental association "European Democratic Initiatives" - EDI was founded as a non-profit non-governmental organization that works to develop the rule of law, promote the protection of human rights through strengthening the practice of participatory democracy and initiating partnerships between civil society, state institutions and the private sector.
The purpose and goal of the existence of our non-governmental organization is to contribute to the development of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through "peace-educational programs", by harmonizing legal acts, at all levels, with the highest world standards in the field of protection of citizens' freedoms and rights, advocating for respect for universality human rights and values, the creation of socially responsible personalities who are dedicated to democratic principles, their active involvement and engagement in democratic activities and implementation in domestic legislation.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission: Promotion of active democratic citizenship and positive appreciation of diversity through non-formal educational programs and public representation. We want Montenegro as a society of equal and active citizens who decide on their lives in a democratic legal state with full respect for human rights.
NU "EDI" achieves its goals through the preparation of public policy analyses, the implementation of public advocacy projects and campaigns, and the holding of educational trainings. One of the special goals of EDI is to support civil society organizations in building their institutional capacities and promoting their role in society.

The purpose and goal of the existence of our non-governmental organization is to contribute to the development of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through "peace-educational programs", by harmonizing legal acts, at all levels, with the highest world standards in the field of protection of citizens' freedoms and rights, advocating for respect for universality human rights and values, the creation of socially responsible personalities who are dedicated to democratic principles, their active involvement and engagement in democratic activities and implementation in domestic legislation.

Main Projects / Activities

“Discrimination and tolerance”
The alphabet of children's rights
Active together
Youth employment
Creative third age
The right to employment and work
Culture for everyone
Equal rights for all - Promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribute to the promotion of the cultural values of Kotor, a city under the protection of UNESCO, to the protection and valorization of cultural values.
Creating intercultural dialogue
Contribute to the implementation of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, social cohesion and sustainable development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development

National Network

postal: P.O.Box 85
office: Škaljari bb

85330 Kotor
الجبل الأسود

+382 32 302 520
+382 32 302 521
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 237 997
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 454 982
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The structure of EXPEDITIO consists of: - Assembly - Board of directors - Executive Board - Members - Volunteers EXPEDITIO has four full-time employees, plus a number of occasional collaborators. Budget in 2009: 97.000,00 eu Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment, IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance), SIDA, Foundation Open Society Institute, Municipality of Kotor, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), PHILIA - Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe, Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro, UNDP, USAID, The Embassy of Netherlands in Belgrade... Partners: • Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment • Ministry of Culture of Montenegro • Municipalities of Kotor, Tivat, Herceg Novi, Cetinje • Regional Institute for Heritage Protection Kotor • University of Valencia, Spain • Europa Nostra, the Hague, Netherlands • Quebec-Labrador Foundation, USA and Canada • SNV, Netherlands Development Organisation • Svenska föreningen för byggnadsvard, Sweden • Cultural Heritage Without Borders • Relais Culture Europe, Paris, France • AMI-Aide aux Musiques Innovatrices, Marseilles, France • Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mission and Objectives

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Landscape Stewardship Exchange in the Boka Kotorska Bay (project conducted in partnership)
Benefit Living: A New Layer of Creative Building and Planning in Montenegro
Educating youth/children about the values of space
SOSTENUTO Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social inovation
Reflection of the Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje
Cultural needs of youth in Boka Kotorska
Museum Treasure of Perast
Database of cultural monuments on the territory of the municipality of Kotor
Inter-municipal cooperation in Boka Kotorska
Energy Days in Montenegro
Better prepared for EU funds
The palaces of Boka Kotorska
Guide, brochure and website on Perast
Spaces without barrier
Managing theSpace - Promoting European Standards
Look Around - Think About Space!
Skadar Lake - Sustainable Spatial Development
Perast – a restoration camp on the Visković Palace
Godinje – an architecture workshop
Twentieth-century architecture and arts in Boka Kotorska
Ecological Building – Building with Nature
Medieval Towns of Montenegro
Perast - a volunteer restoration camps
Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka
Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC)
A New Durmitor House
Zagora – an architectural workshop
Perast – an architectural workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Rajic
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Kapetanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Lekovic

Faculty of Arts

National Network

University Donja Gorica, Donja Gorica 81000
الجبل الأسود

00382- (0)20-410-777
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Faculty of Arts is an institution of higher education with the primary objective to implement undergraduate and graduate studies in the field of modern and contemporary arts. On the basis of and within the powers of issued by the Governing Board of Faculty of Arts represents the Dean who's position is regulated by volume of Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Association. At the end of each year Faculty of Arts shall prepare annual accounts in the manner prescribed by special regulations in the filled of financial and accounting operations. Students' tuition and projects are the main source of income. As part of its scientific work, Faculty of Arts can realize collaboration with institutions at home and abroad. Main partners: University Donja gorica; Montenegro Ministry of Education and Sports; Montenegro Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

To train students to use theoretical knowledge that will gain from the Faculty of Arts, to share ideas, problems and solutions, collect and integrate relevant data to solve problems that will meet at their professional work. The goal is for students to be encouraged to develop a sense of life, and to get rid of prejudices and subjective evaluation of the environment in which they live, to learn to perform ,themselves, universal (globalized) conclusions, seek new solutions, be innovative and get involved with international networking.

Main Projects / Activities

Fakulty of Arts Published books:
1. Vladimir Vukićević, Cezanneova realizacija, slikarstvo i zadatak mišljenja, 2010.
2. Mah Imdahl, Giotto, ikonika, 2010.
3. Milivoj Solar, Eseji, 2012.
4. Vladimir Vukićević, SOFOKLE I HEIDEGGER, 20135. Rade Amanović, Popularna muzika u svetu, 2013.
6. Maja Bogojević, Cinematic Gaze, Gender and Nation in Yugoslav Film: 1945-1991, 2013.
-Faculty of Arts and University Donja Gorica presents 'Days of Film'
-A tribute to Dusan Vukotic, the only Yugoslav Oscar winner, with screening two of his films (in collaboration with CG film library)and Arsen Ostojic (Croatia)lecturer.
-Film Halimin put 'Halimas Way' by Arsen Anton Ostojic premiere at the UDG.
-University of Donja Gorica, EU Delegation to Montenegro, and the Center for Civic Education, as part of the "EU information bus - on the road to the EU," celebrate 9 May Day of Europe.
-Visual art exhibitions; classical and popular music concerts; theatrical shows; poetry club.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faculty of Arts with partners can establish endowments, foundations, alternative study programs and festivals, as well as the institutions that would meet the needs of not only the students and communities, but also all of the employees in the new international "networked" community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of our cooperation with companies and institutions in the areas of interest for research and teaching activities of the Faculty of Arts: 1) participation of practitioners to work together to achieve research projects; 2) joint professional practice for students; 3) participation of distinguished experts from the practice in the performance teaching at the Faculty of Arts; 4) organizing innovative courses, conferences, symposiums, professional meetings, etc..; 5) participation in the preparation and publication of scientific works.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rade Amanovic
Head of the organisation
Dean Maja Bogojevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Milun Lutovac

Faculty of Fine Arts

National Network

Santiceva bb
81250 Cetinje
الجبل الأسود

+(382) 041231506
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Faculty of Fine Arts was established on 18 May 1988 in Cetinje. The Faculty is located in the building of the former Russian Embassy which was designed by Italian architect Coradini and is protected under the Historical Monuments Act.http://www.flu.ucg.ac.me/fluen/index.php/fakultet/medjunarodna-saradnjahttp://www.flu.ucg.ac.me/fluen/index.php/fakultet/projects
Faculty of Fine Arts organizes undergraduate, specialist and master studies.
There are four programs of academic study at the Faculty of Fine Arts: Painting course, Scuplture Course, Graphics course, Graphic Design course.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dusica Ivetic
Head of the organisation
Nenad Soskic