
Studio e Progetto 2 Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

National Network

Corso Garibaldi 180-182-184
Abbasanta (Oristano)

+39 0785/53696
+39 0785/54912
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Studio e Progetto 2 is a social cooperative active in the field of information, services, social promotion and socioeconomic development of the territory. It provides integrated programs in the area of youth policy and economic development through the implementation of projects related to the field of information, counseling, guidance, aggregation and prevention of discomfort. The co-operative currently consists of 46 people (22 working members, 5 members and 19 highly competent employees). Its revenue comes from the orders of its clients and the participation in calls for tender and proposal promoted by Public Italian Institutions and EU. Its main partners are: Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, ERSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education), Province of Oristano, National Resources Center for vocational guidance, Panta Rei Center – Sardinia, Consorzio Uno, Futura Europa, Associazione Orientare, La Carovana, Digitabile, Lariso and CTR Social Cooperatives. Its turnover was approximately €796.000 in 2012.
Mission and Objectives

Studio e Progetto 2 Onlus pursues the general interest of the community. The overall objectives are as follows:
- Development of community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people;
- Development of a solidarity economy that has, at its core, the man and his fundamental needs and not the personal profit;
- Development and dissemination of information and counseling systems as means of personal and social growth;
- Development of participatory democracy, within itself and in local communities, knowledge dissemination, technicalities curbing, transparency and promotion of forms of active citizenship;
- Development of employment opportunities for people exposed to the risk of professional exclusion and social marginalization.

Main Projects / Activities

Studio e Progetto 2 provides integrated programs in the areas of Social Services and Policies: (planning of personal services and measures to promote community development in the field of integration policies and social inclusion for vulnerable people), Youth Policies (management of Youth Information Services and City Information Services),Cultural Services (management of Municipal Libraries), Tourist information Services (management of Tourist Information Centers), Immigration Information Service (management of the Immigration Desk at the Municipality of Oristano. The Service has been extended to the Penitentiary of Oristano), Educational and vocational guidance (planning and management of projects on educational and vocational guidance), Territorial Development and Labour Market (including expert counseling and organization of conferences and seminars on policies and territorial development issues as well as producing of information materials on different topics such as work, education, youth, entrepreneurship, universities and businesses), Communitarian Project (by participating to EU programmes as lead organization or partner).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Studio e Progetto 2 is committed to get in contact with local associations and institutions already members of the Network and to participate in and propose joint projects. We engage with the development of the network by taking advantage of our own contacts, encouraging others to join, and put at disposal our expertise in order to improve the community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people, as our mission plans. We will work to ensure that the issues common to the other countries of the Mediterranean area can be discussed at regional and national level trying to find, along with representatives of institutions, associations and civil society, the best strategies to deal with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Studio e Progetto 2 would like to join ALF Network for the great opportunity the Foundation provides to its members in sharing ideas and values by proposing and implementing projects in fields representing priorities for our cooperative such as intercultural dialogue, integration and cooperation in the Mediterranean Area. The network is an excellent opportunity to broaden horizons, by receiving information and being involved in actions launched and supported by the Foundation and its network of members. We firmly believe that sharing is an essential value in promoting the welfare of communities, that it is only through the dialogue between cultures that the development of peoples can be achieved and that associations, institutions and others, working together, can achieve great results for a real change. For over 20 years the Cooperative has worked for a fairer society, free from any discrimination based on gender, race or other differences. Considering that the Foundation shares our same ideals and aims, we would like to be a part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Licheri
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Ghisaura
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcella Melis

Studio Legale Castrolla - Associazione Professionale

National Network


0039 06 39737063
0039 06 233233250
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Studio legale Crastolla- Associazione Professionale- consists of a young team of lawyers and expert consultants in European Projects. Our Partners are main Associations, Private Companies, Public Institutions, Local and Regional Authority.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make accessible to all bodies, public and private, the European planning assisting them in whatever they need.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities is to give advice to our partners during the preparation and implementation of European projects regarding culture, human rights, labor, development, technology.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Studio Legale Giuliano

National Network

Via Nizza n. 16
96100 Siracusa

+39 0931 22244
+39 0931 60677
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940. Fornisce assistenza e consulenza legale ad imprese, costituite in forma societaria o individuale, operanti in Italia e all'estero, in materia di diritto civile (in particolare diritto societario, bancario, industriale, diritto della proprietà intellettuale e diritto di famiglia) commerciale, tributario ed amministrativo. Assiste i propri clienti in ogni grado di giudizio civile, penale (Tribunale, Corte d'Appello e Corte di Cassazione) ed amministrativo (TAR, Consiglio di Stato: CGA per la Regione Siciliana). Garantisce la propria consulenza anche all'estero, in particolare in Lussemburgo, per la giurisdizione della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione Europea, e a Strasburgo per la giurisdizione della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo. Tra i propri clienti conta alcune tra le più importanti società del settore energetico, della raffinazione e distribuzione degli olii minerali, e del credito presenti in Sicilia. Nel corso degli anni ha sviluppato competenze specifiche sulla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche e urbanistiche prestando consulenza agli Enti pubblici territoriali anche in materia di pubblico impiego, lavori pubblici e appalti. Assiste organizzazioni sindacali, imprese e persone fisiche nell'ambito del diritto previdenziale, del lavoro e dell'immigrazione. E' sensibile verso le problematiche etico-sociali e ambientali. Sostiene progetti e attività formative nelle scuole e nelle università, a livello locale e nazionale, con l'obiettivo di diffondere una cultura fondata sulla tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico, architettonico, urbanistico e archeologico. Lo studio si avvale della collaborazione di 15 avvocati, operativi nelle tre sedi in Sicilia (Siracusa, Palermo e Catania) e in quella di Roma. Si è dato una struttura organizzativa complessa in grado di offrire ai propri clienti una consulenza tempestiva e completa, basata su un consolidato patrimonio di conoscenze e competenze. Nel 2013 ha conseguito la Certificazione di Qualità ISO 9001:2008, una garanzia di affidabilità e professionalità (Certificato qualità ISO 9001-2015).
Mission and Objectives

Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940 da Pietro Giuliano, avvocato civilista,  sulla strada tracciata dal padre, canc. Corrado I. Giuliano, segretario capo presso la Procura della Repubblica di Siracusa e autore di saggi monografici in materia di gratuito patrocinio, campione penale e stato civile. Il fondatore ha esercitato la professione forense fino al 1982 e sin dagli anni ’50 ha fornito assistenza legale alle numerose società operanti nel settore energetico, della raffinazione e della chimica insediatesi in Sicilia nel dopoguerra.
Lo studio si è avvalso dell’esperienza professionale e del contributo dell’ avv. Antonio Giuliano, già Sindaco della città di Siracusa, prematuramente scomparso nel 1977, della cui attività politica degli anni '50 e '60 si custodisce il prestigioso archivio, e della consulenza scientifica in medicina legale del dr. Leonardo Giuliano, già Presidente del Consiglio dell’Ordine dei medici di Siracusa e primario di medicina legale presso l’Ospedale Umberto I di Siracusa.
Negli anni '70, con l'inizio della pratica forense dell' avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, figlio di Pietro e attuale titolare dello studio, l'attività professionale si estende al contenzioso amministrativo (edilizia, espropriazione, appalti, pubblico impiego), alla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche ed urbanistiche.
All'inizio degli anni '80 lo Studio assicura alle Organizzazioni sindacali l'assistenza in materia di diritto previdenziale e del lavoro e  sviluppa competenze per rispondere alle nuove esigenze del settore bancario, civile, contrattuale e commerciale.
Negli anni ’90 lo Studio si dà una struttura più organica con l'avvio della collaborazione con l'avv. Luciano Schillaci, cotitolare della sede di Catania, e con l'avv. Nicola Giudice, cotitolare della sede di Palermo. Lo sviluppo dell'attività comporterà, negli anni successivi, l'inserimento di nuovi professionisti e l'incremento delle risorse dedicate alle attività di segreteria e all'amministrazione, coordinate da Velia Aprile, responsabile amministrativa dello studio.
Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940. Fornisce assistenza e consulenza legale ad imprese, costituite in forma societaria o individuale, operanti in Italia e all'estero, in materia di diritto civile (in particolare diritto societario, bancario, industriale, diritto della proprietà intellettuale e diritto di famiglia) commerciale, tributario ed amministrativo.
Assiste i propri clienti in ogni grado di giudizio civile, penale (Tribunale, Corte d'Appello e Corte di Cassazione) ed amministrativo (TAR, Consiglio di Stato: CGA per la Regione Siciliana). Garantisce la propria consulenza anche all'estero, in particolare in Lussemburgo, per la giurisdizione della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione Europea, e a Strasburgo per la giurisdizione della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo.
Tra i propri clienti conta alcune tra le più importanti società del settore energetico, della raffinazione e distribuzione degli olii minerali, e del credito presenti in Sicilia.
Nel corso degli anni ha sviluppato competenze specifiche sulla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche e urbanistiche prestando consulenza agli Enti pubblici territoriali anche in materia di pubblico impiego, lavori pubblici e appalti.
Assiste organizzazioni sindacali, imprese e persone fisiche nell'ambito del diritto previdenziale, del lavoro e dell'immigrazione.
E' sensibile verso le problematiche etico-sociali e ambientali. Sostiene progetti e attività formative nelle scuole e nelle università, a livello locale e nazionale, con l'obiettivo di diffondere una cultura fondata sulla tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico, architettonico, urbanistico e archeologico.
Lo studio si avvale della collaborazione di 15 avvocati, operativi nelle tre sedi in Sicilia (Siracusa, Palermo e Catania) e in quella di Roma. Si è dato una struttura organizzativa complessa in grado di offrire ai propri clienti una consulenza tempestiva e completa, basata su un consolidato patrimonio di conoscenze e competenze.
Nel 2013 ha conseguito la Certificazione di Qualità ISO 9001:2008, una garanzia di affidabilità e professionalità (Certificato qualità ISO 9001-2015).

Main Projects / Activities

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano ha al suo interno la Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica "Fedro".
La Biblioteca d’Informazione Giuridica Fedro è stata fondata nel 1985 per volontà dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, che ha inteso, in questo modo, offrire un servizio a tutti gli operatori del settore giuridico, e si trova presso i locali dello Studio legale Giuliano di Siracusa. La Biblioteca “Fedro”, “Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano” aderisce al Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale e consta di oltre seimila volumi, di circa trenta periodici e di sei banche dati informatiche, quattro generaliste e due di diritto amministrativo. Ha inoltre un costante controllo su tutte le altre banche dati giuridiche istituzionali e private in chiaro. La biblioteca conserva testi di diritto e procedura civile, in minor parte di diritto e procedura penale. Significativa è la consistenza di testi e riviste di diritto ambientale, poiché l’attività dello studio è fortemente mirata alla problematica ambientale.
Il nome attribuito alla Biblioteca deriva dal testo platonico “Fedro” dove Platone difendeva la tradizione orale a discapito della tradizione scritta, che a suo modo di vedere cristallizzava la sapienza.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano si candida sia come interlocutore - sensibile alle tematiche giuridiche e socio -economiche - sia come partner di progetti di promozione del dialogo interculturale nell'ambito euromediterraneo.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano crede nella pregevole attività profusa dall'ALF Network e intende dare il proprio apporto e contributo scientifico e culturale per sviluppare reti di partenariato che favoriscano il confronto e il dibattito sulle tematiche della tutela dell'ambiente, della salvaguardia dei diritti umani, della protezione del patrimonio culturale e dello sviluppo dei sistemi democratici nell'area euromediterranea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title (2)
Avv. Prof.

Studio Legale Improda

National Network

Via Barberini, 67

+39 06 6780312
+39 06 69941899
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
Lo Studio Legale Improda trova la propria cifra identificativa nell’assistenza alle Imprese, con servizi specialistici in ogni branca del diritto. Lo STUDIO ha iniziato la propria attività nel 1992 e oggi rappresenta, a livello nazionale e internazionale, una importante realtà nel mondo dei servizi legali. Lo STUDIO annovera nella propria clientela sia GRUPPI multinazionali, sia piccole e medie IMPRESE italiane ed estere. La peculiarità dello STUDIO risiede nel coniugare le capacità organizzative delle associazioni professionali di impronta internazionale con l'eccellenza della tradizione giuridica italiana. Lo STUDIO offre alle IMPRESE servizi di elevata qualità, con tempi di reazione particolarmente rapidi e con una forte personalizzazione nei rapporti professionali. I professionisti dello STUDIO approfondiscono ed alimentano il proprio know how mediante collaborazioni con enti universitari, associazioni di categoria ed organizzazioni culturali, sia italiane sia estere. L'organizzazione dello STUDIO si articola in Italia sulle cinque sedi di Roma, Milano, Torino, Treviso e Genova, nonchè su una ampia serie di collegamenti con prestigiosi studi legali collocati in ogni area della Penisola. A livello internazionale lo STUDIO vanta una capillare rete di collaborazioni, che consente ai suoi professionisti di assistere le IMPRESE con successo ovunque in Europa e nel Mondo. Lo Studio Legale Improda: una organizzazione ogni giorno al fianco delle imprese, con competenza e tempestività.
Mission and Objectives

Lo Studio rappresenta un'organizzazione specificamente dedicata all'assistenza alle imprese, per le quali intende rappresentare nel contempo un interlocutore attento, uno strumento operativo ed un affidabile compagno di viaggio.
Nel porsi quotidianamente a fianco delle imprese assistite, lo Studio svolge la sua attività attenendosi costantemente ad alcuni concetti chiave: QUALITA' del lavoro, VICINANZA al cliente, TEMPESTIVITA' delle risposte, DISCREZIONE del professionista.

Main Projects / Activities

La QUALITA' del lavoro rappresenta il concetto chiave dell'attività dei professionisti e la cifra di fondo dello Studio, l'aspetto più caratteristico e caratterizzante della sua vocazione all'eccellenza, nella convinzione che nella professione come nell'impresa i valori autentici siano il più prezioso dei patrimoni.
La VICINANZA al cliente rappresenta una peculiare attitudine dello Studio, che intende proporsi alle Imprese come interlocutore nel quotidiano, coinvolto nei grandi deal così come nella ordinaria attività di routine dell'azienda, con una capacità di ascolto costante, attenta, riservata e particolare.
La TEMPESTIVITA' delle risposte rappresenta una declinazione dei precedenti concetti di qualità del lavoro e di vicinanza alle imprese: l'eccellenza dei servizi resi ai clienti risulterebbe vana, se i tempi di reazione dello Studio non consentissero alle imprese di assumere per tempo le relative decisioni; la vicinanza al cliente porta i professionisti a comprendere e condividere la necessità delle imprese di ottenere una interlocuzione in tempi compatibili con la velocità dei processi decisionali nell'economia moderna.
La DISCREZIONE del professionista, anche se oggi può apparire un concetto desueto, rappresenta un principio cardine nella millenaria tradizione della nostra professione: il ruolo dell'Avvocato che assiste le imprese non è sul palcoscenico, ma al fianco dei propri clienti, che sono coloro che devono riempire la scena; la missione dello Studio è quella di aiutarli a farlo con sempre maggiore successo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Improda
Head of the organisation
Albero Improda
النوع الاجتماعي
Publication's front page

Support for women victims of trafficking

The purpose of this document is to present the best practices adopted by the ASSIST project in providing gender-specific legal assistance and integration support to women who are third-country nationals and victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in five EU...

CNR's headquarters

Sustainability of Urban Functions: Dealing with Tourism Activity

This study aims to contribute to theoretical debate concerning urban planning, highlighting the need for a renewal of approaches and tools that could allow for the achievement of urban smartness. The concept of urban sustainability is evolving, also in relation...

Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security

National Network

Via Trento e Trieste 133
46048 Roverbella MN

0039 3348815722
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: Board of Trustees, Presidency, Board of Administrators, General assembly of the members. The budget every 31st of March and the sources of founding are: donations, crowdfunding, membership fees, projects. Modalities of action: conferences, trainings, seminars, campaigns, publications, advocacy activities. Main partners involved: civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations, policy makers, academics. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission We advocate for human rights at different levels: local, national and international. We put young people and women at the center of our activities by adopting the principle of sustainable development at the core of all our activities. Objectives We promote and support the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions for “Youth, Peace and Security” and “Women, Peace and Security“, and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda to build more inclusive and peaceful societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars, conferences, trainings, publications, advocacy activities and campaigns with local, national and international partners. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a young and vibrant organization that is focused in the Euromed region. Through our organization we are involving different stakeholders to foster and enhance intercultural dialogue between the two rivers of the mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation is a natural step as many of our founding members have been involved with ALF in different ways through the Young Mediterranean Voices program, the E+VE and the ALF Euromed youth network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjus Ceveli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marjus Ceveli
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabio Daniele
Job Title (2)
Secretary General


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Suttvuess is composed in 2 branches, one for production and organization of events, one for postproduction of audio-video products. The partners are 6. Our budgetary resources available in a year are approximately 250.000 € coming from our works with Italian and International broadcasters. Suttvuess is active in research, organization of festivals, workshops focused on audio-video field, creation of documentaries and animation movies. In the different fields Suttvuess has different partners: Italian main broadcasters for TV production, the association “Lo sguardo di Handala” for the festivals, the University RomaTre and La Sapienza for many other cultural activities.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Suttvuess is to create spaces of communication between different subjects. To show reality from an attentively point of view. To create occasions of meeting and talk. Suttvuess is very active in the study of the new languages of mass media communication and most of all the video and audio new styles. One of its main goals is to build new bridges between Europe and Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last 2 years Suttvuess has realized 12 documentaries on the main national and international themes, giving the best attention to the issues related with immigration, work and, most of all, with the relations between Europe and Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Taverna Est

National Network

via San SEbastiano, 28
80134, Napoli, Italy


+39 0813653781
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3934909831
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3891503623
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Taverna Est is a Cultural Association founded by the director and playwright Sara Sole Notarbartolo in 2004, it consist of four founding partners. Every year we produce projects in collaboration with many artists and other partners (Festival Theatre, Theatre Companies, other cultural projects). Our budgetary resources are less than 30,000 € a year and come from the Festivals and other events with which we collaborate. We make theater workshops, seminars, theatrical performances, street art festival. We have worked with: Mercadante Teatro Stabile of Naples, The Theatre Centre Friche of Marseilles, Naples Theatre Festival Italy, Egiptian Village of Mostar, the City of Naples, German Istitute of Culture "Goethe", and many Italian Festivals.
Mission and Objectives

The association has character of solidarity and not-for-profit organization, is nonpartisan and apolitical and has socio-cultural purposes. The association is made up of different professionals working in the field of art, crafts and entertainment: actors, directors, costume designers, set designers, choreographers, dancers, stage technicians, painters, film and multimedia operators, free-thinkers.
The association is a theater association. The association carries out its statutory goals through the organization (in collaboration with public and private institutions, associations, groups etc..) reviews of performances, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, regular and special education activities, vocational training courses , movies, audio-visual and multimedia production shows and other events that may affect the arts, crafts and entertainment, as well as other activities related to its institutional purposes in favor of people at a disadvantage: people with physical and mental suffering from diseases involving non-temporary impairments, poor, abandoned children, orphans or in situations of maladjustment and deviance, refugees, immigrants have-nots.
Promote and implement cultural and leisure activities such as theater, music, cinema, photography, painting, sculpture, tourism, seminars and conferences.
Activities and dissemination of information science and culture. Organize spettcaoli, exhibitions conferences, seminars, concerts, and anything else deemed necessary to achieve the purpose of association.
To promote international exchanges with other European Union countries and between EU and non EU countries.migrants have-nots.
Promote and implement cultural and leisure activities such as theater, music, cinema, photography, painting, sculpture, tourism, seminars and conferences.
Activities and dissemination of information science and culture. Organize spettcaoli, exhibitions conferences, seminars, concerts, and anything else deemed necessary to achieve the purpose of association.
To promote international exchanges with other European Union countries and between EU and non EU countries. All our members are both social trainers and artists and regularly organise workshops and seminars in the performing arts, working with the youth living in disadvantaged areas.This is why performances and stagings are enmeshed with the social realities of marginalisation, violence and hardship experienced by the many in the poorer neighbourhoods of the cities.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2005, our first show - 'O Mare (The Sea) - addressed the hot topic of illegal migrants in through a dream language, written and performed in Italian, in Albanian, Argentina, and in sign language, the work was admitted to the selections for the Ustica Award and won the "Premio Scenario" Award.
Our second job - Santa Lucia della Bella Speranza (St. Lucy's Holy Hope) - was staged in 2007 and has addressed the problem of childcare, in reaction to the passage by Italian Parliament of the Law. 149 by providing for the closure and dismantling of all orphanages in the country by the end of the year. Increasingly oriented to explore social issues through our work, we traveled to Bosnia, where we organized a theater workshop in an orphanage in the city of Mostar. Based on this experience, we shot the short film Super Dobro and wrote the subject of Saint Luciadella Bella Speranza.
In May 2008, our play La Tentazione won the ETI - New Creative Award, the award has supported the project and has secured the cooperation of the Teatro Stabile of Naples Mercadante and the Spring Festival the Theatre.
From July 2010 to March 2011 Tavern East has developed his play through the new "Faust" of some residences and workshops. The firs step was taken in Marseille (La Belle de Mai The Friche), then Palermo (The Vicar) and Naples in the end. The project is also supported by the Goethe Institut.
In July 2011 Tavern East will make its debut with his new play "Faust" at the Theatre Festival Italy.
During 2009, 2010 and 2011 Tavern East was the main organization behind the event is open "Neapolitan Ramblas" - an outdoor festival of street artists and art exhibitions, including the program of the Theatre Festival Italy (Naples, 2009, 2010, 2011).In September 2011 Sara Sun Notarbartolo has started working on the project Morgana, a project that includes workshops and performances in the cities of the Mediterranean made ​​with artists of different countries. This project, we hope, will give birth in the summer of 2013, the show "Morgana mirages and memories of travelers in the Mediterranean"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Italy, our company will be happy to meet travelers and artists with projects similar to ours, to create exchanges and sharing of ideas and projects.
We hope that our project "Morgana" is also a way to bring artists here in Italy: actors, playwrights, directors from other cities and make a play performed and written in different languages ​​of the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The characteristic of our association has always been to mix languages ​​and art forms. Ever since our foundation in every show we have collaborated with artists of different origins (Italy, South America, Albania, Bosnia and Eregovina, France).
We have always tried to create a network of social and cultural exchange with other countries. We believe that being part of the ALF network will help us improve these objectives and to find good partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Notarbartolo
Head of the organisation
Sara Notarbartolo
Contact (2) Full Name
Gilda Notarbartolo

Tavola Tonda APS

National Network

Via P. Gili n. 4
90138 Palermo PA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Tavola Tonda Association is a School of Traditional Music and Dances founded in 2010, in Palermo, Sicily. We have a recording studio, a lutherie, 4 classrooms, 1 stage, a permanent exhibition of traditional Mediterranean musical instruments and a performance/dance hall. Our Team includes:
• 1 full time Art director and President
• 1 a part-time Dancer, percussionist, traditional dances teacher.
• 12 volunteers
Our average annual operating budget is € 150k, and our work is funded by earned income (e.g. rentals, fee for service, etc.), Foundations, Government Donors, National funds. We deliver a rich weekly program of 5 traditional dance classes and 8 traditional music instruments classes engaging and training around 200 people, intensive workshops and seminars of traditional dances, vocal technique, frame drumming techniques and drum making workshops, Balfolk dances events with live bands. We partnered with National and local Organisations like Arci, Ballarò Buskers Aps, Pride Palermo, Associazione Musicale Etnea.

Mission and Objectives

Tavola Tonda Association is a School of Traditional Music and Dances founded in 2010, in Palermo, Sicily. Our mission is to
foster and scale up inclusive artistic and cultural practices in the local contexts to engage and empower communities in a
cross generational exchange of knowledge, by protecting, conserving, restoring the cultural heritage of Sicily and the
broader Mediterranean music and dancing.
3 main objectives:
1-Promote better access and engagement of the community with the cultural heritage of Sicily and the broader
Mediterranean music and dancing and improve its protection, enhancement and restoration.
2-Regain community public space access, while generating new paths for encounters, where audiences, local and
international artists gather to engage with one another, developing new content and alliances for cooperative social
thinking and the exchange of ideas.
3- Promoting gender equality and human rights focusing on the practice of women collective performance through
dedicated training and cross cultural exchange of artistic practices, with the aim of actively repositioning the role of
women as ritual officers and performers in traditional culture and music throughout the spectrum of the mediterranean
cultural crossroads.

Main Projects / Activities

Today, Tavola Tonda delivers a rich weekly program of 5 traditional dance classes and 8 traditional music instruments
classes: frame drum, guitar, mandolin and accordion, engaging and training around 200 people, between youth and adults.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, we also offered music instruments courses of flute, violin, Arab oud, and the traditional
singing and vocal technique and training course, reaching more than 400 people. The health crisis linked to the COVID-19
pandemic had a profound impact on the entire global cultural ecosystem. The mobility restrictions and confinement
measures drastically curtailed access to culture and have disrupted the cultural sector as a whole. By March 2020, our inperson classes, events, concerts and performances were cancelled or postponed. Building on the impact and considering
the still challenging context post-COVID, we are still recovering and implementing our activities and complementarities.
In 2022/23 our classes have been complemented by 10 intensive workshops and seminars of traditional dances, vocal
technique, frame drumming techniques and drum making workshops led by many of the icons of the Italian and
international traditional and ethnic music scenes, engaging more than 300 people.
Since 2017, Tavola Tonda has been organising Sponde Sonore Festival, one of the most relevant festivals dedicated to
traditional, ethnic and folk music in Italy, hosting live music featuring national and international artists as well as art
installations and workshops. Over 6 months, more than 2100 audiences, as well as visitors from other parts of Italy,
Europe, and beyond, take part in 17 festival’s concerts and other cultural activities.
Before the Covid pandemic, Balfolk dances events in Tavola Tonda were started with our first big ball in March of 2011
and since then many people have contributed to the development of this community based event. In 2022/23 we organized
8 Balfolk dances events with live bands, sometimes visiting from out of town, often focusing on a specific regional music
and dance, and open to all to participate. More than 700 people attended them.
Over the last 2 years we also organised 10 Milonga (Tango) evenings reaching over 1200 people, we also hosted 8 book
launch events attended by 800 people and 10 Stand Up Comedy evenings more than 1000 people.
Tavola Tonda is also active in production work to create a cohesive and entertaining experience for the audience, while
raising the necessary funds to finance the production. Several theatre and music performances were produced along the
year. The Choròs project, an all female frame drumming performance collective, is also a produced performance, a
workshop incubator and spearhead into new research projects. One such project is the Euro Mediterranean Frame Drum
Map. A google map powered collective project born to gather all the known documents and evidence of female frame
drumming from the proto and prehistoric periods until present times in the broader Mediterranean area, the project
complemented by a growing bibliography provides a great starting point to anyone interested in the frame drumming
traditions of the area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The safeguarding and valorisation of the cultural heritage of Sicily and the broader Mediterranean music and dancing
through the engagement and the participation of our communities by inclusive artistic and cultural practices is our way to
rely on creativity and develop heritage-led community development. Through our activities youth and adults will be
engaged in proposing and developing artwork as creative solutions to local challenges. Creativity can then be understood
as ways of expanding what we already know, understand and can do.Through its creative imagination and ingenious
rebirth, art tells a story that has the power to alter and positively influence people’s perspectives and opinions while also
instilling values that benefit all, no matter how our backgrounds or beliefs may differ. In one of our traditional dance
classes, for example, even though each participant is learning a fixed movement vocabulary, since learning is primarily
kinaesthetic, each individual makes their own connections to the idea of the movement. Each participant brings into the
class her/his own individuality, which when merged with the seemingly repetitive or rigid movement code of the dance
style, reflects the personality of the dancer.
We would contribute to the Network to keep engaging the youth in our community in Art and culture, while creating a new
generation who may go on to produce works that raise awareness of the issues they feel passionate about. We will
support the facilitation of artistic Residencies with North African and Southern European traditional artists, where artists
could work on a project changing perspective and in the meantime they could also give workshops on their specialty in the
communities and contribute to improve our internationalisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The participation in the Network will give us the opportunities to become member of a community of practice, bringing our musicians, dancers, young people and adults '' into the tent” and creating a space of exchange, co-creation and inclusion, while create synergies and complementarities with national and international likeminded organisations to create a movement of Creativity for Social Change. Getting in a new network comes with a new set of collaboration possibilities. Letting us cross borders and cross pollinate our talents and expertise with that of others, strengthening the skills and capabilities necessary to overcome our current struggles. Being part of an extensive platform born of the combined efforts of research, education and artistic activities for the transmission of tradition and exploration of innovation,can bring people together across borders, in a safe space where so many languages, cultural practices, collective memories, beliefs and perspectives coexist in close proximity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonella Sgobbo
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Marco Tarantino
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Crescimanno
Job Title (2)
Dancer, trainer