
Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi

National Network

Contrada Marignano scn
Potenza Picena

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi (ANL) is a non profit association with 3 people in the staff and an European network of partners in Germany, Portugal, Romania, France. •Budgetary resources available in a year and Sources of funding All the resources come from the associated people and from the funded project. The main sources of the projects come from EU programmes such as LLP-Grundtvig and ESF. •Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) - VET courses - European Workshops - Exchange of volunteers - Cultural events •Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities ANL has, both, a regional and an European network of partners. At regional level (i.e. Regione Marche, Italy) our partners are mainly Secundary Schhools, Associations, Local authorities… At European Level: Germany: Altötting-Loreto Club ANTHA France Name Diffusion Romania AETA SC Improwise Portugal HERA ACTA – A Companhia Teatral do Algarve
Mission and Objectives

ANL promotes initiatives and activities to pursue and promote the culture of young people and adults, Italian or otherwise, including specifically and in particular social groups considered disadvantaged.
It also has the following purposes:
- Promotion of training for better integration of young people, the unemployed, with particular support to the needs of women;
- Activities of professional training and courses in European funding of any kind;
- Adult education and services for learning in all its forms;
- Organization of education and / or training aimed at acquiring skills required by training programs, provincial, regional, national, European;
- Promotion and organization of cultural and recreational activities with a view to a better use of free time, especially for young people, adults and the elderly.

Main Projects / Activities

VET Courses
Acting classes
Exchange of senior volunteers with Portugal
Presentation of various projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Simply making available our existing expertise in Vocational Training, Adult Education, Culture (with particular regard to the Theatre) and our regional and European networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think ALF could be a great opportunity to develop our competencies and the European dimension of our association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nazzareno Vasapollo
Head of the organisation
Andrea Anconetani
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Anconetani

Associazione ONG Italiane

National Network

Via Giovanni Devoti 16 – 00167

+39 06 66019202
+39 06 66032774
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Association of Italian NGOs gathers more than 160 NGOs and its governing body is the National Council, formed by 15 elected members among who the Executive Board is chosen. It employs 2 staff people for the secretariat. The Association has a budget of 180.000,00 Euros, whose sources are the annual fee paid by its associated. The total amount of the associated organizations’ revenue is about 300 millions Euros. The Association acts mainly through its member organisations, organizing seminars, awareness campaigns, lobby and advocacy activities.
Mission and Objectives

The Association of the Italian NGOs acts consistently with the principles expressed in the "Development NGOs' Chart in the European Union". The Association represents Italian organisations dealing with international co-operation and fair trade, in order to arouse and affirm values and culture of international solidarity, the defence and promotion of fundamental rights of all people and all populations.
Being a coalition, the Association of the Italian NGOs, is committed to represent its Member Organisations (MOs) in contexts like Governmental co-operation with developing countries, international solidarity networks, international organisations, Institutions, international events.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association of Italian NGOs, contributes to the elaboration of national and European strategies and policies of cooperation, by focussing on issues of non-governmental and development organizations in its relationship with national, European and international institution and with civil society.
It promotes synergies with the other organizations of the civil society regarding the issues of fundamental rights of the populations of the PVS, of the relationships of fairness and justice at political, economic and social level, of the peace and the sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Brugnaletti
Head of the organisation
Sergio Marelli – President

Associazione Orchestra Giovanile Veronese

National Network

via Fontana del Ferro, 3 - 37129 Verona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure: OGV is a cultural association and non profit making organisation, registered in Veneto A.P.S. (regional register of social development organisations) • Number of members (31.12.2008): 81 • Number of staff members: 5 • Budgetary resources available in a year (2009): 35.000,00 € • Sources of funding: Contribution of members, public and private contributions. • Modalities of action: - Musical education of young generations - International Stage for Young Musicians - Concerts, Operas and musical performances - Youth musical exchanges • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: - Comune di Verona - Provincia di Verona - Teatro dei Vaganti - UNICEF - Comitato di Verona - Associazione di volontariato “Il Germoglio” – Verona - Regione Veneto
Mission and Objectives

Living together by making music together. OGV is involved in spread of musical education, with particular reference to young generations in difficult social position. More than sixty young girls and boys take part in the Youth Orchestra and Chorus; they play music together, preparing concerts and performances. Our musical works are original operas, composed appropriately for the OGV, which bring messages about children’s social world and civil rights and promote dialogue in the respect of the values and diversities of other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

• Propaedeutic musical project in the public primary school. In this project are primarily involved schools with a large number of students from immigrant families.
• Summer Musical Stage for Young Musicians; during twelve days, the young musicians can live together, sharing musical experience and preparing an original performance. This activity in 2008 expanded to “Note di Pace” project, in order to host young Israeli an Palestinian musicians and encourage dialogue and peace. The 2009 opera is CURUPIRA, THE SOUND OF EARTH, about environmetal preservation.
• Musical performances about children’s world. IQBAL OPERA is a musical show about Iqbal Masih, the symbol of fight against child slavery. The opera was played for a school audience, at the end of an educational project about child labour. OGV also took part in the organization of the Child Labour Conference, which was held in Verona on December 11, with the intervention of Verona University, ILO, UNICEF, MLAL, BLLF.
• In November 2007 OGV started a musical exchange with a young choir or Detmold (Germany): performance of IQBAL OPERA and D’ENERGIA. The German choir went in Verona in October 2008 to execute two concerts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Gianfilippi de' Parenti
Head of the organisation
Valentino Perera
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Gianfilippi de’ Parenti (Valentino Perera)

Associazione Orlando

National Network

Via Borgonuovo n.2, 40125 Bologna

0039 051 219 5232-30
Telephone (other)
0039 051 4299 413
0039 051 219 5234
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 349 5725139
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Others
General Information
It is a no-profit association that manages the Women's Documentation, Research and Initiative Centre as well. Number of staff employed: 16 Members of the Association: 200 Budgetary resources available in a year: 1.000.000€ Sources of funding: Italian national and local authorities, European Union, UNIFEM, Private donors Modalities of action: training courses; national and international seminars; public meetings; publications; projects Main partners: In Palestine: Palestinian Working Women Society for Development; Jerusalem Centre for Women; Association of Women’s Action for Training and Rehabilitation)-In the Balkans: Tuzlanska Amika- In Italy: the WOMEN Network (Women of the Mediterranean, the Balkans and Eastern Europe), Peace School of Monte Sole, Regione Emilia Romagna, University of Bologna, , Lilith Network, WINE Network,, CNA/ ECIPAR
Mission and Objectives

The objective pursued by "Orlando" has been outlined since its creation in the setting up of a public space for women, which through research, documentation and the organisation of initiatives would promote, generate and widespread women's cultural analysis and production, and political practice. "Orlando" has contributed to women's empowerment and mainstreaming, namely the strengthening and centrality of women as subject, via the attention paid to and the support of links between women's networks in the city, as well as between national and international networks.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Library: documentation and promotion of women's culture and gender issues; recognized as national interest library by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities;
2. IT: Comprises: 1) Server Donne, an independent hardware at national level providing services and information on women and for women; 2) Internet Tea-room, a free IT and surfing literacy service.
3 Research: in the historical/documentary, theoretical/cultural and contemporary analysis
4. Training: continuous training actions, higher learning projects, special targets (migrants, handicap, detention centers, etc.) and guidance.
5. International: Projects of exchange, discussion and international cooperation in support of and together with women living in "difficult places": Chile (Temuco), Balkans (Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia), Israel/Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrizia Rampioni
Head of the organisation
Raffaella Lamberti
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinzia Bavieri

Associazione Osservatorio Salute e Sicurezza

National Network

via Veturia, 44

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.
Mission and Objectives

L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali
fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.

Main Projects / Activities

L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali
fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.

Contact (1) Full Name
Flavia Maria Margaritelli
Head of the organisation
Flavia Maria Margaritelli

Associazione Pandora

National Network

via centotrecento 11 - 40126 Bologna

0039 051 226239
Mobile Phone
0039 3474645878
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3405791569
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Pandora is a no profit social-cultural Association found in Bologna in 2003. Pandora have a variable budget for her social and cultural activities, past year the budget were about 15.000 euro. The sources of founding come from public and private sponsor to their social and public promotions. Their actions are concrete projets, seminars, courses for an aware citizenships, etc. The Bologna Municipality, a network of several Association, The Province of Bologna and The Emilia-Romagna Region are the main partners involved in the organization's projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our association's main purpose is to increase the dialogue between various cultures inside our communal territory. Through courses and activities, our aim is to foster the process of social integration of foreign comunities in the growing multi-cultural society in which we live, with a special regard to women's and children's rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Meetings, events, seminars and courses for a cultural and reciprocal enrichment, discussing about intereligious dialogues and equal opportunities of gender.
A series of weekly or periodics conferences to increase tolerance and acquaintance in a context of pacific and friendly cohabitation beetween peoples, cultures, ethnies, religions in mediterranean mosaic and between nord-sud populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maiorana Grazia
Head of the organisation
Maiorana Grazia
Contact (2) Full Name
Pergolizzi Maria Emanuela

Associazione per la pace - Pisa

National Network

via G. Bandi, 3

+39 050 5200830
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3473236745
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Associazione per la pace - Pisa" (Assopace-Pisa)is a non-profit organization for social promotion and is the local group of the Italian "Associazione per la pace". It participates to the assembly and structure of the national association, even if it has a distinct statute, and promotes its activities. Number of staff employed/volunteers: 4. Budgetary resources available in a year: 6800 €. Source of funding: public funds (Tuscany Region) through call for proposals, fund-raising initiatives such as dinner parties etc. Modalities of actions: concrete projects, formative courses. Main partners involved in the organization's activities: association "Rete Radié Resch Pisa-Viareggio", association "Un ponte per..Toscana", Lucca's Province, secondary schools of Pisa and Lucca, Cooperative society "Una città", A.P.S. "Sant'Ermete", Pisa.
Mission and Objectives

Assopace-Pisa promotes projects and initiatives with the aim of overcoming every kind of exclusion and discrimination based on reasons of race, sex, political opinions, religious creed or affiliation to a certain ethnic, social or cultural group. Particularly the association is committed to contrast every form of racism favouring the building of a society based on the acceptance of differences and on the enhancement of diversities.
Assopace-Pisa is engaged in the democratization and the reform of international institutions, in the politics of international cooperation for development, for a social and jointly responsible economy in the aim of justice. For the realization of the appointed purposes, Assopace-Pisa proposes some objectives:
- to express positions at the right moment and to undertake initiatives among people regarding all the reported problems over mentioned;
- to connect and collaborate with other structures operating on similar themes at a national and international level;
- to consider as main point the promotion and realization of projects for the construction and diffusion of the culture of peace and active citizenship and to have the function of stimulating all the educational and formative agencies and every other subject interested in the education for peace;
- to promote refresher courses for teachers at any level on the themes of nonviolence, education for peace, intercultural and human rights;
- to develop activity of research and documentation;
- to take care of the internal information to its own members and external towards the whole population by means of a constant publishing activity;
- to give free services of public utility on the sectors the association deals with.

Main Projects / Activities

- 2009-2010: Peace education project "Educating to conflict for educating to peace: the Israeli-Palestinian case" and "Educating to conflict for educating to peace: through the Other's eyes": these projects were aimed at enhancing a deepen analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict among secondary schools students through the use of different formative methodologies such as role-plays, participative meth., Oppressed Theatre exercises, brainstorming. With the projects we have realized several laboratories for students and round-tables with students and teachers to discuss the educational methodologies used in the schools for studying historical conflicts and to create new formative courses on the analysis of the conflicts, inspired to nonviolence concepts.
- 2009-2010: Formative courses for primary school teachers of Pontedera, Pisa, in the project "All human rights for all" of the Tavola della Pace di Pontedera. The courses have deepened the ideas of conflict and of its nonviolent resolution.
- 2010: Project "Viviamoci Sant'Ermete!", aimed at promoting the active citizenship and the participation of the residents of a popular neighbourhood of Pisa, for the improvement of their living conditions, through the use of different participative methods.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Pasquato
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Nesci
Contact (2) Full Name
Emanuela Nesci

Associazione Percorsi - Premio Montale Fuori di Casa

National Network

Via del Torrione Genovese 8
19038 Sarzana

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The no profit Association "Percorsi" is composed by several professionals who are working in arts, literature, politics and communication. Its most important goal is to bestow the "Premio Montale Fuori di Casa", an award created in 1996, designed by Adriana Beverini, Montale's passionate, and the award gives its name by the Travel Reports Anthology that Montale wrote for Corriere della Sera, entitled, precisely, "Fuori di Casa". In the last years the Award has been bestowed to prominent members on the national scene, as journalists, essayists and poets, united in the theme of travel and which are closely linked and connected to the "Mediterranean", just few names: Claudio Magris, Franco Cardini, the Mediterranean Transmission, Simone Perotti and his shipment "Mediterranean". Over the years the Association Percorsi has activated  several collaborations with institutions, associations, organizations and movements both for the promotion of initiatives, and the location management. The award is held in the most important Italian cities and for each section there is support of public and / or private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission statement of the Association is to support the exchange of ideas among young people and scholars, promoting social and cultural initiatives, realizing  seminars and conferences theme, encouraging initiatives with the aim to better understand the social and cultural issues, fostering policies through research, studies, documentation, twinning, exhibitions and trips.

Main Projects / Activities

The Mediterranean Section each year awards intellectuals, historians, men of culture who have highlighted the points of union between the great cultures of the Mediterranean in the field of religion, art and literature.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

You can help keeping high the cultural debate around the issue of immigration, countering populism and generalist approaches to the problem of displaced persons, refugees, migrants and all those who come from areas of the world where there is a war or where basic rights are not guaranteed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Year after year the Mediterranean Section of the award emphasizes characters in the cultural field have paid attention to the issues of immigration and have shown positive solutions to the problem, possible alternatives or new interpretations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Beverini
Job Title
President of Premio Montale Fuori di Casa
Head of the organisation
Adriana Beverini
Contact (2) Full Name
Alice Lorgna
Job Title (2)
Public Relations and Organization of Premio Montale Fuori di Casa

Associazione Piccoli Progetti Possibili o.n.l.u.s.

National Network

via Pio Piras n°8

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization number of staff employed: 1 employed, 2 professionals (1 project manager with experience on international cooperation and a cultural mediator, with experience in matter of migrants), 1 cooperant, 15 volunteers with specialization in various field. Partners. local partners in Ciad, CIDIS, Cemsi onlus (center for intercultural dialogue in mediterranean area), University of Sassari, University of Ndjamena. Budgetary resources available in a year: about 150.000 euros Sources of funding( own resources, regional/national contributions). Modalities of action: concrete projects, exchanges, seminars. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Cidis, Cemsi,University of Sassari, University of Ndjamena, Centro d'Ascolto Madonna del Rosario, Fondazione ANRP onlus
Mission and Objectives

International cooperation in sustainability development with non EU countries (especially African countries). Development of project in cultural and social field in Italy: integration of migrants, integration of vulnerable groups in society. Promotion of cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean through seminars and partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

4 Concrete project in Ciad: establishment of a Faculty of Agriculture in Chad, support to rural schools in Chad, a project on gender promotion, various project in favour of poor farmers.
support to higher education of African migrants, the institution cidis (international observatory for the Dialogue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea)

Contact (1) Full Name
Orlanducci Enzo
Head of the organisation
Dr. Angelo Pittau
Contact (2) Full Name
Oliveri Cinzia

Associazione Polisportiva Olimpia 71

National Network

vai Mercalli n. 23 Barra (NA)

+39 081 5723351
Telephone (other)
+39 0815723351
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Filiberto Fucile