
Associazione Mario Molinari

National Network

Via Saluzzo 56

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione Mario Molinari, nasce nel 2001 al fine di conservare memoria del vissuto artistico e personale dello scultore e artista torinese Mario Molinari, deceduto nel 2000.
Mission and Objectives

Ha lo scopo di promuovere l'arte e la cultura nei giovani attraverso opere di sensibilizzazione al colore come strumento di comunicazione.

Main Projects / Activities

Coopera con enti locali e internazionali

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacopo Molinari
Job Title
Storico dell'arte
Head of the organisation
Jacopo Molinari

Associazione Meditaeuropa - Laboratorio per il dialogo tra i popoli e le culture nello spazio Euro-Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Val Pusteria 27 48100 Ravenna

+39 0544 281611
+39 0544 281600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 329 4199635
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1) The structure is composed of 10 people. Nobody is employed. 2) The available budget is abut 50.000 euro used to organize the Meditaeuropa Festival 3) All the budget is obtained by foud raising 4) We organize the festival, seminars, cinema, conferences, concerts, events, photo exibitions, etc.. 5) Main partners Comune di Ravenna Provincia di Ravenna Regione Emilia-Romagna Ministero degli Affari Esteri Parlamento Europeo Fondazione RavennAntica Ravenna Festival Università di Bologna - Sede di Ravenna Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romagna Ravenna Teatro Eurosportello Fondazione Mediterraneo - Napoli
Mission and Objectives

The Association Meditaeuropa presents itself in the form of a Laboratory for the dialogue between peoples and cultures within the Euro-Mediterranean area, and it actually develops from the project called "Meditaeuropa", created since 2005.
Meditaeuropa has become an association with the purpose of achieving the following main goals:
promoting and reinforcing the dialogue, interaction, recognition, mutual respect and cooperation among peoples and cultures within the Euro-Mediterranean area;
identifying, developing and promoting spaces for cultural encounters among all Euro-Mediterranean countries and their people;
contributing to the Barcelona Process;
promoting the Euro-Mediterranean dimension of Ravenna and its territory;
Its action will therefore develop according to the following points:
organisation of meetings, discussions, conferences, seminars, concerts, theatre performances, art exhibitions and festivals;
access to the whole network of organisations committed to the same objectives of our Association;
stimulation of encounters, mutual knowledge and interaction with the immigrant communities in our territory.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival Meditaeuropa is a cultural event organised by the Association Meditaeuropa with the support of the main institutions of the Province of Ravenna. It will be dedicated to the Mediterranean area, conceived as common space shared by peoples.
This Festival will offer a variety of events which will develop the conference's topic in multiple forms. The main theme "Mare Nostrum: the Mediterranean as both frontier and bridge that unites and divides" will indeed be observed according to a number of perspectives, from photographic exhibitions, literary meetings, cinema, music, to our "Dialogues", involving special speakers whose political, literary or academic work has been appreciated on the international level.
Our intent is to allow a multiple encounter and exchange of voices, languages, and experiences, which could generate tangible common spaces within the increasingly multi-ethnic city of Ravenna.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliano Galanti
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Cortesi

Associazione Musica Europa

National Network

Head Office: Viale America, 6
00060 Formello (Rome)

+39 06 39734576
+39 06 23328917
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 349 2993899
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 340 3420937
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure: 5 person; President and artistic director, General Manager, Financial director, secretary, artistic director assistant 2. The total budget in a year is 400.000,00 Euros. 3. Public income 45% of budget; Private income (sponsor) 42% of budget; concerts sale and ticket sale: 13% of budget. 4. Basic training (Arthmós project) and High training in arts with master classes and workshops, events production and organization of the International Festival of Young Musicians, production and organization of the World Youth Orchestra and World Youth Chamber Orchestra, , production and organization of “The Euro-Mediterranean Brotherhood” Mediterranean Tour Projects. 5.Estonian Academy of Music, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance-University of Limerick, State Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Jerusalem Rubin Academy, Mozarteum University - Salzburg, Trinity College of Music (U.k.), London Royal Academy of Music, Bilkent University (Ankara) ....others
Mission and Objectives

• to promote arts activities
• to promote the sharing of different cultures by young musicians of talent and national and international partnerships of importance
• Dialogue and brotherhood among diverse cultures
• to promote the brotherhood by the arts
• to give the new generation of musicians a voice in the crucial social and cultural issues still facing us in the third millennium and open communication lines between different cultures and religions.
• implementation of basic education in arts in the primary schools
• a dialogue between the population of the northern and southern Europe and an interchange between countries of the Mediterranean’s basin, Balkan countries, with significant participation of the 5 continents
• culture and musical creativity through the recognition of young professionalism
• the circulation of music-culture to a young audience
• promote a new idea of community between art and social involvement

Main Projects / Activities

World Youth Orchestra, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and its chamber orchestra WYCO. Orchestras of young musicians, from 16 to 26 years old, chosen from the Universities, Academies and Conservatories of the five continents and representing many ethnicities and religions that work together in a multi-cultural environment. In five years nearly 600 talented young musicians from 42 countries have participated in the orchestras. After a period of high training, master classes and rehearsal they take off for concerts and tour.
The Italian project World Youth Orchestra, Mediterranean Tour “Euro-Mediterranean Brotherhood” was initiated in 2003 in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Mediterranean and European institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Locatelli
Head of the organisation
M° Damiano Giuranna
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Bellioni

Associazione Musicale Bruno Maderna

National Network

Via G. Saffi, 7

+39 0543 405431
Telephone (other)
+39 0543 25929
+39 0543 415406
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 2937605
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 329 9059224
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Associazione Maderna is a non profit private organization admitted in the national iatlian register of "Associazioni di Promozione Sociale" The association has about 90 members, about 40 takes active part of the cultural projects. The organization staff includes Legal Representative, financial director, production manager, communication responsible, two secretaries, responsible for the musical bibliotheque, Doctor in Musicology, 35 orchestral professors. The yearly budget is about €400.000,00. The sources of funding are about €50.000 of public funds, €200.000 from private fundations and donors, €150.000 from the productions and performances. Associazione Maderna organizes classical music projects inside schools; simphonic, opera, ballet, chamber music productions, cooproductions with other cultural associations, circuitation of international artists, musical production in middle east and east coutries The partners are: Municipality of Forlì, Regione Emilia Romagna, Provincia di Forlì, Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, Amici dell’Arte Forlì, Atelier La Voce dell’Arte, Tones on The Stones Festival, JCE Festival, Umbria Music Fest, RavennAntica, San Paolo e Cappuccinini Choir, and others
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ass.Maderna is to spread music culture, to form childs in a music culture direction, to make music productions and to manage and support a classical orchestra named Orchestra Maderna. This mission is carried out through the realization of projects inside schools, through projects of music, opera and ballet productions involving the best artist of Italy, Europe, and other countries, through the circulation of musicians in Italy Europe and other countries, throug projects af cultural and artist exchange between different cultures and countries

Main Projects / Activities

The concert season "La camera della Musica" in Forli'
Partecipation in the Tones On The Stones Festival
Partecipation in the Umbria Music Fest Festival
In 2003 Partecipation in the concert in Cairo for Ravenna Festival conducted by M° Riccardo Muti
In 2004 production of the Opera "Traviata" in Mumbay and New Delhi
In 2005 partecipation in a sinphonic concert with Mumbay Simphony Orchestra in Mumbay

Contact (1) Full Name
Miss. Katia Mattioli
Head of the organisation
Mr. Luigi Pretolani
Contact (2) Full Name
Miss. Anna Astori

Associazione Musicale Jubilate

National Network

Via Abruzzi, 19
Legnano (MI)

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association has a Cultural Association legal status, employes 6 people and has a financial turnover of about 400.000€/year. The sources are from tuition fees from the music school and from sponsorships for the other activities. Association organizes every year a Choral Music Festival (in 2013 will be XXIII ed.) and other activities in the field of music. For these activities main partners are both Institutional (Regional Gov, Townships)and private Companies.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to foster diffusion of music culture (especially choral music) by promoting encounters with other musical expressions from all over the world and by creating a deeper and deeper knowledge of the cultural and social value of music.

Main Projects / Activities

- The "Fabbrica del Canto" International Choral Festival, that in 2013 will celebrate its XXIII edition. This is a concert circuit involving a catchment area of about 2.500.000 citizens in 30 Townships and about 50 performances of invited choirs for a duration of about 10 days in June.
- School of Music, involving about 200 students from 3 to 60 years old for 8 months every year.
- Organ Concert Circuit, involving 10 Townships (in 2012 at its VII edition).
- Organization for other Townships/Organizations of spot concerts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution could be in two different threads:
- first, by creating a link between the Association and the top level musical expressions in other Countries to allow a sensibilization to these cultures on our territory
- secondly, by sharing with other Countries the know how in such cultural events organization, thus contributing to a possible growth of specific professional figures in other Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchanges of cultures and of artistic expressions in the musical field is a major goal for the Association, therefore a collaboration with ALF could be a major step toward achievement of our goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Leonardi
Head of the organisation
Carlo Leonardi

Associazione Musico Culturale “Ghironda”

National Network

Via E. Toti, 70
Tivoli (Rome) – 00019

+39 0774 330177
Telephone (other)
+39 0774 318209
+39 0774 330177
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 339 233 1683
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 329 631 3343
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Association is managed by a council of 5 people, elected by the associates. The annual budget is about 20000 Euro, based on associates’ contribution. The main goal is to allow young people to keep practicing with music, classic and contemporary, whose study started during secondary school. With the help of music teachers, practicing sessions and public concerts contribute to improve the skill and the cultural growth of the group.
Mission and Objectives

The Association "Ghironda" has been established on 14 January 2006. The Associative achievement in TIVOLI, comes from the necessity of musical prosecution of the pupils graduated in the local Music-oriented Secondary School (Junior High School). With numerous won awards, they have decided to continue the musical art getting together in a non-profit Association, so that music can be promoted to young people, which love music, but they've been kept from doing it for lack of receptive structures. Today is possible to have available spaces for practicing, and qualified teachers as reference. The training support of the Association allows the access to its music activities to new boys and girls, that can be integrated with the ones already in activity.

Main Projects / Activities

Various concerts in Italy.
New project is being planned for a cultural exchange with European and Mediterranean countries. This will mean to organize a series of concerts for orchestras coming from those countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Loris Di Domenicantonio, (Vice President)
Head of the organisation
Massimo Innocenti (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Massimo Innocenti


National Network


+39 0532 789838
+39 0532 777624
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3381348646
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE OLTRE LE FRONTIERE is a not for profit organisation of Social Utility (Onlus) established in Italy (Ferrara) since 2001. The Association is part of the National Organisation established in Roma in 1989 that has branches in Italy, Marocco and Senegal. (www.anolf.it – www.anolferrara.it) A.N.O.L.F Ferrara is composed of 6 staff members (project area, management, President, Front and back office) and other volunteers members. The main partners involved in the organization's projects and activies are ASCAF (Camerun’s Association) Hermanos Latinos, ANOLF Casablanca - Marocco, Local Institutions, School and Universities, IAL Emilia Romagna, Associations in Albania and Blinisht. We organise seminars, scholarships and are working to create and improve projects abroad to renew and stimulate dialogue between peoples, by involving civil society and giving people the opportunity to express themselves directly and in a fair way. We have take part in exchanges in Sarajevo (Zenica-Doboy district), Brasil, Moldova.
Mission and Objectives

The Association is dedicated to reducing poverty through international cooperation and with activities in Italy. A.N.O.L.F. works to fight racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Occasions for meeting other cultures are not limited to tourism, but are also influenced by the arrival of immigrants, a fairly recent situation in Italy, but with millions of immigrants already settled in other parts of Europe.
• To promote a better interfaith and intercultural understanding and tolerance
• to reflect the benefits of multiculturalism through cultural expressions and artistic creations produced also by the immigration experience
• to promote anti-stereotypes, fundamental rights and citizenship, to disprove the legitimacy of the xenophobia with the cohesion of the States involved
• to promote and encourage intercultural dialogue through interactive work between visual artists (cinema, video-documentary, photography),musicians, school and Universities, in order to share a common imaginary world.

Main Projects / Activities

TO UNDERSTAND CAMERUN (beginning, December 2006): to provide a platform for sharing of opinions, for learning about different realities, for increasing the horizons of citizens and for being inspired by the local intercultural community approaches.
TO UNDERSTRAND ROMANIA (beginning, March 2007): to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union and to stimulate reflections.
THE CONTRAST IN TIRANA (beginning, April 2007): to stimulate dialogue between European and Mediterranean peoples, by involving civil society. Photo Exhibition, Films. Partners: Tirana UFO University, Ramazan kabashi Centre, Blinisht village.
PASSEPARTOUT (beginning, February 2007): actions to support immigrants (work, school, education)
LA FENETRE D’EN FACE (MAROC, CASABLANCA – ITALY, FERRARA) Project to promote dialogue between religious and ethnic communities through exchanges and cultural expressions and artistic creations (Video and Photographic reportage) produced also by the immigration experience

Contact (1) Full Name

Associazione no-profit Meridiano Europa

National Network

Via L. P. Casulli, 18
70017 Putignano (BA

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Meridiano Europa is a no-profit association of people/professionals operating in the field of EU, national and regional funded programs. Meridiano Europa mainly provide their services to public bodies (Chambers of Commerce, Local Authorities, Local Municipalities) facilitating their access to funded programs and development projects. Meridiano Europa – through the network of its own experts – can provide technical assistance in the following sectors: labor market and welfare, business cooperation, culture and heritage, sustainable development, tourism, environment, proximity policies, equal opportunities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of Meridiano Europa is to help the process of European integration among public and private socio-economic bodies, supporting them in the implementation of development projects funded at many levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Meridiano Europa main activities:
? technical assistance in the projects planning phase (EU, National and Regional funds)
? technical assistance to the project management and actual project management;
? European politics promotion and specific training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Claudio Polignano (President)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Claudio Polignano (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Maria Luisa Losavio (external consultant)

Associazione Nous

National Network

via G.Marconi 85
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is active in the cultural field and in the promotion of european opportunities. We are the point of reference of a network of public institutions, youth forums and NGOs with the aim of promoting the cultural initiatives in our area and trying to involve the youngsters in the european dimension through projects, initiatives and mobility. Our staff and volunteers are involved in the organization of events in order to communicate the opportunities offered by the European Community and promoting the international collaboration in the field of culture and creativity, creating a network of artists, festivals and organizations and promoting the organization of cultural exchanges and artistic events.
Mission and Objectives

The staff is composed by 3 stable members, the president, the european project responsible and the secretary, our budget is completely based on the approvation of our projects so it depends from the request of funding done year by year. We organize youth exchanges, training course, contact making events and EVS project in Italy, Europe and Mediterranean countries. As main partner we have ISMEO for our projects abroad and locally we have some NGOs from Campania that are active with us in the promotion of European projects in our region.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently invovled in the organization of local events and workshop promoting the opportunities of Erasmus+ for short term activities (trainings and exchanges) and long term experiences in the framework of European Voluntary Service, in particular in the Mediterranean Area, we are promoting a Contact Making Event to be done here in Italy where European and Mediterranean countries will be rapresented by NGOs active in the EVS program in order to promote new cooperations and projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are promoting the creation of a trusted network of NGOs from mediterranean countries to establish a regulax exchange of long and short term volunteers, we will contribute to the network in our country becoming one of the NGOs having regular collaborations with mediterreanean countries offering chances for volunteering abroad and implementing projects of cooperation for the developement. We will also share our network of trusted partners with the italian members of the ALF in order to increase.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many members of our NGO had experience of study or projects or research in the Mediterranean countries and developed the strong will to become an active subjet in the promotion of cooperation and integration among the people living on the mediterranean coasts, we believe that the ALF Network will offer us the chance to work in an established network that will help us to boost our initiatives and make them more effective and easy to disseminate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nona Simonyan
Job Title (2)

Associazione NOVA

National Network

Viale Regione Siciliana 10750

+39 3398673714
+ 39 091 532950
Mobile Phone
+39 3398673714
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
NOVA Association is formed from persons who boast a remarkable experience in the within of the territorial development are to local level that to international level and that can boast a deepened acquaintance of the local necessities and the instruments who is possible to adopt in order to satisfy you. Annual budget is extremely variable Depending on external funds. Projects and actions realised by Nova Association are realised mainly using public funds and donations. Partners involved in the Associations's projects and activities are various: public authorities and private subjects as well as schools and other associations.
Mission and Objectives

Goal of Association NOVA is realize cultural and multisectoral actions to promote the global development, in its totality and integrity, thanks to the synergy of a great number of elements and tools correlate in order to improve the social conditions and to enrich the cultural resources also trough the cooperation of multicultural and religious groups.
At the same time, we think that it is not possible to realize local development without thinking to the promotion of the enterprises. We believe that fundamental instrument to reach these goals objectives are partnership and international cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Most recent project realised by Association NOVA was about the cultural, social and economic consequences of national policy on local subjects.

Contact (1) Full Name
C.Alessandro Mauceri
Head of the organisation
Dr. Antonia Lopez