
Center for Advancement in Peace Initiatives

National Network

King George 14


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
CAPI was created by four distinguished peace activists who have numerously stood out for their commitment towards peace and their academic as well as political achievements.Mossi, Raz, former member of the Knesset, and co-director of the Palestinian-Israeli radio channel “ Peace voice”, Dr. Paul Mendes Flor, University professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Shalom Ratzabi, prominent Israeli poet and Professor at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Meir Margalit, member of the Municipality Council of Jerusalem and Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). Member who have already joined CAPI: Haim Tarsick Meir Abutbul, Claude Rozenkovich, Yosi bar Maguen, Moli Malkiar, Rutty El Raz. CAPIs main source of funding is the Spanish Cooperation Agency.
Mission and Objectives

CAPI is an Israeli non-profit organization which promotes projects and activities to enhance peace and coexistence between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Alongside, CAPI also provides legal assistance to victi
ms of the occupation, house demolitions or evictions.
The main focus CAPI therefore takes regards issues such as humanist education, human rights, conflict resolution, as well as awareness raising.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2010, CAPI is implementing a project focused on israeli students, which includes human rights seminars, political tours and conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meir Margalit
Head of the organisation
Meir Margalit

Center for International Encounters

National Network

Ein Rogel 22

+972 (0) 52 3760 195
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
General Information
The CIE is a small non-profit organisation, 2 professional staff members and volunteers Yealy Budget is about 20K € Funding through fees and doations Partner: various Civil Society Organisations in Jerusalem
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Encounters and Communication (CIE) is a safe space, located in Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish-Arab neighbourhood in Jerusalem. This location reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity. Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels. Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Building a C.-Working Community
Facilitation of numerous projects and initiatives for an open society
Community bases projects s.a. cultural events in the neighbourhood, communal gardening a.o.
Seminars, workshops and tours
Social art program dedicated to the local art and community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels. Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moran Cheb Spitzer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Moran Chen Spitzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Cheb M. Kammerer
Job Title (2)

Center for International Encounters

National Network

22 Ein Rogel , Abu Tor

+972 (0)2 6732171
+972 (0)26735639
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (0)523760195
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Center for International Encounters (CIE) is a hub for progressive NGO’s in Jerusalem working on the issue of Peace in the Middle East and promoting social change. The CIE commits to creating and maintaining a local center and safer space where people and groups can overcome barriers and oppression that creates division.
Number of Employees: 4
Total Annual Budget (USD): 110,100
Main Sources of Funding : Support Association Willy Brandt Center Jerusalem
Main activities:
1. Community Center for local community of Abu Tor, neighborhood with Israelis and Palestinians
2. Networking hub for organizations focused on shared society and social equality
3. Safe space for women and LGBTQ communities to learn and thrive
4. Creative space where local and international artists can share and showcase their work
5. Educational center for local and international community

Partnerships (selection) Achvat Amim, Barenboim-Said Academy, Democratic Workers Organization, Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem, Good Neighbors Initiative Abu To, Hanns Böckler Stiftung Deutschland, Holot Theatre group of asylum seekers, Musrara School of Art, Lissan, Combatants for Peace a.o.

Mission and Objectives

The Center for International Encounters’ mission is to operate a center for international encounters and education, for the promotion of culture, arts and community activities, as well as for fostering the cultural and artistic diversity of the people of the Middle East, including without limitation Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Palestinians, Arab, Christians and Muslims.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Solidarity and Neighborhood : cultural programs to the community: we initiate and facilitate numerous social projects, working on self-organization and empowerment.
2. Intercultural Encounter:
The CIE a stage for art and culture mirrors the diversity of Jerusalem – from exhibitions to hip-hop productions, from movie nights to poetry slams.
3. Dual Narrative Visitor programs: For an international audience we offer dual narrative programs, developed by Israelis and Palestinians together, that give an insight into the complexity of the conflict beyond stereotypes. Those programs are open for controversy, but also encourage critical solidarity.
4. Co- working community: here projects are developed through the sharing knowledge, ideas and inspiration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The location of our center reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity. Here, across borders and lines of conflict, people from Israel, Palestine and the whole world come together.
The radicalization in the political sphere and the fragmentation of the civil society makes our approach even more necessary. Despite all challenges posed by the rapidly changing political situation in Jerusalem, we succeed to develop and implement successful projects, reach out to new groups in civil society and broaden our field of activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Today we are one of the only spaces in Jerusalem to bring Israeli and Palestinian Millennial together. We work with young politicians, educational volunteers and artists as influence for sustainable peace and a shared but not divided city of Jerusalem that will inspires coexistence in diversity for present & future generations. We are interested in expanding our existing activities and collaborations with academic institutions, research institutes and organizations.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Moran Chen Spitzer
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Moran Chen Spitzer

Center for International Migration (CIMI)

National Network

JDC Hill
P.O.Box 3489
Jerusalem, Israel 91034


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
CIMI is a NGO with three professional staff and a professional Board. CIMI operates in partnership with governmental and non-governmental agencies. Partnerships include the International Organization for Migration (IOM); the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR); the Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV), of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other international organizations. CIMI receives an annual 25,000 USD grant from the American Jewish Joint distribution Committee. In 2009, most funding will come from a 625,000 EUR capcity building program funded by the EC. CIMI also generates income through consultancies in several European countries (e.g. Serbia and Moldova). CIMI contributes to project development, in its fields of expertise, and furthers knowledge exchange and the application of good practices around the world. CIMI maintains a roster of associated Israeli experts in the fields of Immigrant Integration and Diaspora-Homeland relations. CIMI can mobilize this expertise for policy advice, program development, and research purposes. Activities include courses, workshops, study visits, and consultations on policy and program development. In addition, CIMI draws upon international expertise to address challenges of international migration confronting Israel, such as refugees, foreign workers and trafficking in persons.
Mission and Objectives

The Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI) facilitates the sharing of good practices in migration and integration between Israel and the international community, drawing upon the extensive experience Israel has accumulated in immigrant integration and diaspora-homeland partnerships.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2008, CIMI entered into a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and Ministry of Justice, thereby expanding the programmatic agenda in the area of immigrant integration and inter-cultural communication and dialogue.
In 2009, CIMI will undertake a significant new initiative "Migration Management Capacity Building in Israel: Supporting Effective Mechanisms to Combat Trafficking for Forced Labor and Protect Refugees" in partnership with UNHCR and IOM and supported by the EU. The program will focus on capacity-building of officials working with migrant populations, enhancing inter-cultural understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilan Cohn
Head of the organisation
Arnon Mantver - Chairperson of the Board

Centre for Proactive Peacemaking International (CPPI)

National Network

PO Box 18158 Beit Hanina- Jerusalem

+972 25818611
+972 25823842
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 523843239
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Staff employed:20 Resources available in one year:$ 150 000 Funding: Private donations and projects Actions: youth exchanges, peace seminars and competitions, peace education to youth Schools, NGOs, Churches, Municipalities
Mission and Objectives

To promote peace and peacemaking proactively among individuals, groups and nations by correcting the root causes of problems rather than dealing with their results; through proactive activities which lead to understanding,forgiveness and reconciliation.
Objectives: Teaching peace in schools and in youth associations, creating peace networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth for Peace- youth peace association ( age 15 to 18)
Youth peace courses in schools: Bethanina, Bethlehem and Gaza
Peace networking activities
Peace competitions

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Jamila Berardi
Head of the organisation
Ross Byars
Contact (2) Full Name
Manhal Samaan

Challenge An Organisation for Conflict Transformation

National Network

8 Mevo Yoram st.
Jerusalem 9234608

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: Challenge has a Board of Directors and a Secretariat that oversee the work of the General Manager. We also have an International Advisory Board composed by leading members of the Conflict Transformation community both from the academy and the field. Currently we have only one part-time employee. Budget: Our financial turnover in 2016 was 40,000 U$D. So far our sources of funding were philantropic foundations. To them we are adding revenue-producing projects such as courses and trainings. Modalities of action: we have three main classes of projects: a) courses and trainings; b) workshops and on-the-ground interventons and c) conferences and round-tables Main partners involved: we have a wide number of volunteers and colleages with whom we constantly cooperate. we also are committed to conducting programs in partnership with other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

Challenge promotes creative thinking and action to deal with the conflicts and tensions in the Israeli society in a non-violent manner. Challenge's goals are: • To promote a more egalitarian and tolerant Israeli society; • To reduce the levels of violence in the Israeli society by enhancing Israeli citizens' capabilities; • To raise awareness to the developments in the field of conflict transformation. According to our approach, a conflict is a situation of colliding strategies. Conflicts might be the source of enriching energies or create unnecessary suffering. We have at our disposal methodological tools that allow us to deal with every conflict in a creative way. Not in order to cancel different voices or subsume persons or groups, but on the contrary to create a rich harmony instead of the violent cacophony that exists today in our society. A harmony in which everyone's unique identity can reach full expression. By transforming Israel’s internal and external conflicts we will contribute to the creation of a society that is inclusive towards all its members. A society sustainably integrated in its international environment. As a civilian NGO Challenge behaves in a substantive impartial way and aims to become a model for the whole Israeli society

Main Projects / Activities

We conduct trainings in different methodological tools for conflict transformation. We employ those tools ourselves also through workshops and long-term interventions with different target-groups. We organize conferences and events to promote a richer public debate sheding light into the complexities and opportuinites in  reality. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by employing the Conflict Transformation approach and tools we can contribute to the manner in which different target-groups (and society in general) understand conflicts and be better prepared to engage with them in a more creative and less violent manner.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are committed to cooperate with as many organizations and networks as possible, in order to create bigger synergy and impact that we could create on our own. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Schejtman
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mario Schejtman

CHALLENGE- An Organization for Conflict Transformation


Challenge is an Israeli NGO established in 2010 to promote Conflict Transformation within both the Israeli and Palestinian arenas. Conflict Transformation is an innovative approach that helps identify the different layers in the dynamic of a conflict and provides practical tools to reduce suffering through creativity, empathy, and non-violence.

Our Unique Approach: Challenge puts theory into action by tailoring it to this land's uniquely complex needs. We develop, teach, and implement a broad variety of conflict transformation tools to inspire a new paradigm where communities connect for constructive partnerships, systemic change, and maximum impact.

Among our activities:

Methodological Resources: We design and implement comprehensive workshops and training modules to empower individuals across diverse backgrounds with tangible conflict transformation skills. Our new workshops and courses include Beyond Persuasion, Conflict Analysis, International Cooperation, and "Where are we now and how to continue during the war?" The aim of this workshop is to provide support to peace activists facing a hard time during this sensitive situation.

Connecting Communities: We lead meaningful encounters and dialogues between Israelis and Palestinians and, within each social group, strive to build healthier inter-group relations. Our program, Path of Hope and Peace, is a grassroots initiative of Palestinians and Israelis dedicated to building coexistence through interdependent economics while fostering personal interaction and friendship between people and communities, mostly working in the Tzur Hadassah-Husan locality.


To learn more, please visit our website: www.challenge.org.il


Citizens for the Environment

National Network

10 Hanapach
KARMIEL 2165316

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Citizens for the Environment (CFE) is an Israeli non-profit organization founded and registered in
1990. CFE has positioned itself as the national voice to represent the needs of the Palestinian
community on issues related to the environment, climate change, and sustainability. In 2021, we
became the only Arab organization eligible to file civil enforcement lawsuits against polluters.
CFE envisions a just, resilient society where all citizens enjoy and have access to a clean and healthy
environment, can make informed decisions on sustainable resource use, and take climate-safeguarding
actions for the well-being and quality of life of this and future generations.

Mission and Objectives

our mission is to promote climate justice, protect the right to a clean and healthy environment, and
address the impacts of climate change and environmental hazards on the Palestinian community in
Israel. We strive to achieve this through advocacy, empowering professional leadership and civil
enforcement, and collaborative efforts that empower our community and bring about systemic
change. Towards achieving this mission, we pursue the following objectives:
1. Advocate for national policies and strategies that effectively address the effects of
environmental hazards and climate change on Israeli Arab communities.
2. Strengthen the operational capacities of Arab local authorities to tackle environmental hazards
and climate change.
3. Engage local communities in addressing environmental crises and climate change issues

Main Projects / Activities

Community Activism Program: We equip Palestinian activists with the necessary resources,
training, and expertise to amplify the voices of their communities. Additionally, we strive to improve
access to information and hold accountable those responsible for pollution while supporting local
environmental struggles.
Building Capacity Program of the Local Governance Program: We strengthen the role of Arab
local municipalities in delivering climate and environmental action and meeting the specific needs of
their communities. Local authorities have a significant potential to address climate change and the
ecological crisis since they know their communities and their responsibilities in law enforcement.
Advocacy, Policy, and Rights Program: We follow up and monitor government environmental
policies and strategies and increase the participation of the Arab community in decision-making on
the national level

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Citizens for the Environment (CFE) can contribute to global networks by:

Sharing Knowledge: Disseminating research, reports, and data globally.
Advocacy Model: Sharing strategies for policy influence and advocacy.
Capacity Building: Offering insights on empowering local authorities.
Community Engagement: Sharing community activism approaches.
Legal Initiatives: Collaborating on legal actions against polluters.
Media Impact: Sharing successful media engagement strategies.
Data Sharing: Sharing environmental data and mapping expertise.
Global Participation: Engaging in international events and conferences.
Online Presence: Leveraging their website and social media for outreach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CFE would join global networks to access resources, share knowledge, amplify impact, influence policies, learn from others, increase visibility, show solidarity, access expertise, and engage in collaborative projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman sulieman
Job Title
Recourse Development Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jameela Hardal
Contact (2) Full Name
Jameela Hardal
Job Title (2)
General Director
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Claire Spencer

Head of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House, responsible for all research and publications relating to the Middle East. She has written and commented widely on US and EU policy towards the Mediterranean, Iran, Israel-Palestine and...

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Claire Spencer

Responsable du programme Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord à Chatham House, responsable de toutes les recherches et publications relatives au Moyen-Orient. Elle a écrit et commenté largement la politique des États-Unis et de l'UE à l'égard de la Méditerranée, de...