

National Network

Flurstrasse 11, Hinterhof
40235 Duesseldorf

+49 211 9365500
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 171 2828323
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The NGO KABAWIL was founded in 2003. KABAWIL'S work is based on their concept of relation oriented cultural work with people. KABAWIL’s work emphasises on actual and future living environments of the participants, based upon biography works. KABAWIL’s staff consists of professional actors and educators with different cultural backgrounds, they are project related employed. All projects and productions are financed by subsidies (200 000 € per annum) and by a private donor a year (70 000€pa). KABAWIL collaborates and exchanges with: museum kunst palast + Junges Schauspielhaus + Forum Freies Theater + Tonhalle Duesseldorf + Zakk GmbH + Brother’s Keeper e.V. + Globalklang e.V. University of Ghana + University of Kobe + Dance Box, Kobe + University of Canakkale + Pera Güzel Sanatlar, Istanbul + Krater Theater, Amsterdam KABAWIL works in about 7 to 10 different dance – theatre – music projects with varying participants of all ages and nationalities. All productions involve about 300 participants a year.
Mission and Objectives

KABAWIL’s work is based on their concept of relation oriented cultural work with youngsters and adults. It brings people from different backgrounds (social status, education and nationalities) together. Besides the professional training the groups also learn how to communicate, how to solve conflicts, to take responsibilities for themselves and others, some start to develop a new perspective for their life. Performing is one of the concepts milestones, it brings public apperception, approval and acceptance. KABAWIL’s work always emphasises on the actual and future living environments of the participants, based upon biography works with the various groups. KABAWIL’s team represents the Fine Arts, Dance, Music, Theatre,Creative Writing, cross cultural teaching and learning, sharing and interacting in a multicultural team on an eye to eye level. All these elements enable and help to develop new means of collaboration.
Establishing bridges between people of different cultures, ethical groups and different worlds. Nomads of culture and understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

KABAWIL’s work per annum:
a. Working with teens without a school leaving certificate and without perspective for their future (Move it – project title)
b. Annual dance theatre production with 25 teens of various backgrounds and professional actors based on a sociopolitical relevant topic developped with the group and if funded, performances abroad, like cultural exchange programms
c. Dance/Rap/Spoken Word projects in continuation with young men in juvenile prison
d. Cross generations projects – dance theatre Geht doch and Gezeitencafe
e. Gender related projects
f. collaborations with Tonhalle and museum kunst palast Duesseldorf
g. The art of chatting – developping artistic equations for the 21. Century in crosscultural workshops
h. . Framewalk - the Cross Cultural Workshop Week: In collaboration with local artists and students of the Performing Arts and Fine Arts from differing countries (so far with Ghana, Turkey, Japan and the Netherlands)

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Kron
Head of the organisation
Andrea Kron - Petrovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Reinhold Knopp

Kick-off-session of a virtual tandem-pilot


The German network of the ALF is organising a small pilot tandem format entitled „How‘s life in…?”.

The kick-off event took place virtually on 21st March 2023. This first session was designed to get to know each other and to find space and time for the next meetings in the small groups.

The objective is to bring members from the German network together with other engaged citizens from ALF countries.

The idea is to transfer the classic concept of „penpals“ to the virtual space. Two (or sometimes three) people were matched and will have some one-to-one-meetings online in a relaxed atmosphere.

They can cook together, can take the partner to an art exhibition via smart phone, exchange recommendations or „coups de coeurs“ for movies or literature, work together on a climate change project, make music together, exchange about family and everyday life, read texts together.

During this first pilot phase the coordinators are working with a small group of members who are curious, who want to try something new and who want to share their experiences afterwards so that the program can be developed further.

After the initial online-event on 21st march, the duos or trios will have 3 meetings of 30 minutes and afterwards share their experiences in a final online-event.

Kirchenamt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland - (Evangelical Church in Germany – EKD - Church Office)

National Network

Herrenhäuser Straße 12
30419 Hannover

+ 49 (0)511/2796-235
Telephone (other)
+ 49 (0)511/2796-238
+ 49 (0)511/2796-99238
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Evangelical Church in Germany is the institutional form chosen by a community of 23 Lutheran, Reformed and United regional Churches. German Protestant church structures are based on federal principles at all levels. Each local congregation is responsible for Christian life in its own area, while each regional church has its own special characteristics and retains its independence. Without in any way diminishing this autonomy, the EKD carries out joint tasks with witch its members have entrusted it. The EKD has the following governing bodies, all organized and elected on democratic lines: the Synod, the Council and the Church Conference. They are responsible for fulfilling the EKD's tasks as laid down in the constitution of the EKD:
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
OKR Cornelia Coenen-Marx
Head of the organisation
Frau Dine Fecht
Contact (2) Full Name
Klaus Burckhardt

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.

National Network

Klingelhoeferstr. 23
Postfach 10907
10785 Berlin

+49 (0) 3026996 3541
+49 (0) 3026996 53541
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is one of Germany’s biggest political foundations with some 1200 staff in Germany and worldwide. Its headquarters is in Berlin. It also has 18 education centres in Germany and around 100 country offices abroad. Our annual budget amounts to around 170 million Euro. We account publicly for our expenditures. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung works with many local partners in more than 200 international projects.
Mission and Objectives

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is related to the Christian Democratic movement. Having emerged from the 'Society for Christian Democratic Education Work' founded in 1956, it was named after the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic in 1964. We are guided by the same principles that inspired Adenauer's work.

Main Projects / Activities

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers political education, conducts scientific fact-finding research for political projects, grants scholarships to gifted individuals, researches the history of Christian Democracy, and supports and encourages European unification, international understanding, and development-policy cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Birringer
Job Title
Head of Middle East and North Africa Department
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Job Title (2)

Körber Stiftung

National Network

Pariser Platz 4a

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Müller (Program Director)
Head of the organisation
Christian Wriedt

Kreisau-Initiative e.V.

National Network

c/o Allianz, Merlitzstraße 9
12489 Berlin

004930 5389316363
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Kreisau-Initiative has a board of 3 to 7 persons that take main decisions regarding the organisation. The board works on a voluntary basis. The organisation employs 9 permanent staff and further project-related temporary staff. In cooperation with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, we host every year a volunteer The three focal areas of our work are Inclusion, Contemporary History and Human Rights, and Social-Ecological Transformation. The Kreisau Initiative’s main sources of funding are private contributors and foundations, supplemented by European and governmental agencies. We have been organising workshops, trainings courses, and meetings for different target groups, but mainly for youngsters.Our project participants come from all over the world, belong to different generations, and are from different educational and social backgrounds. Our main partner is the Kreisau Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe based in Krzyżowa, Poland, where most of our activities take place.

Mission and Objectives

Through our work we want to promote the following values:  European understanding build through active dealing with the history of resistance and opposition in the 20th century; Individual sense of responsibility as the foundation for a democratic European civil society; Ethical orientation to universal human rights; inclusion and involvement of people from different social, national and ethnic backgrounds, despite age, gender, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation and constraints; Our educational approach is characterised by orientation to action, learning by experience and debating important political and social issues of our times. Kreisau-Initiative is an important German partner of the Krzyżowa Foundation and a creative mind in the Krzyżowa network. We want to keep on being a vivid nongovernmental organisation, one that people from all over Germany get involved with. Furthermore, we want to deepen and broaden the connections of Krzyżowa with the civil society in Germany and Europe, introduce Kreisau-Initiative to a broader public and win over decision makers to help the realisation of our ideas. We conduct our projects in close cooperation with the Krzyżowa Foundation and develop them continuously in both programme and methodology aspects. We are a reliable partner for donors and cooperating institutions as well as a recognised educational institution for innovative projects in Germany and Europe, especially for inviting to our projects participants that have been underrepresented in international exchange programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Kreisau Initiative’s main projects/ activities (among others): Fair Life (teaching fairness to disabled youth through sports activities) MICC (a simulation of trials before the ICC for high-school and university students) Local in Global (a project for youth workers, activists, trainers and multipliers from rural areas in the field of sustainable development) GIRLS! (an international and inclusive exchange programme fostering empowerment of girls) Activists against Xenocide (training course on methods for working on the topic of migration with youngsters)

Contact (1) Full Name
Caroline Wenzel
Head of the organisation
Elzbieta Kosek

Kubus e.V.

National Network

Reinsburgstraße 82
70178 Stuttgart

0049 (0) 711-888 999-16
Telephone (other)
+49 (0) 711-888 999-11
+49 (0) 711-888 999-20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
staff: 6 employees budget p.a.: 85.000€ sources of funding: Paul Lechler Stiftung, European Social Funds, Aktion Mensch modalities of action: Inclusion-project (seminars and workshops concerning work and education of people with special needs, inclusive theatre-workshops), Musical-theatre-project in youth club fellbach, Mixed Orchards - theatre workshops in schools concerning sustainability, Inclusive band-festival, production of hospice film concerning mortality of children, production and implemantation of the play "The Lout", advanced training for migrants main partners: Turkish Community in Baden-Württemberg e.V., Weißenburg e.V., Theatre Lokstoff! e.V., Youth Club Fellbach, Youth Federation Rems-Murr e.V., Youth Federation Stuttgart e.V.
Mission and Objectives

Kubus is the acronym for "Kultur und Begegnung für Menschen in unterschiedlichen Situtaionen" (=culture and encounter for people in different situations). Kubus e.V. has the task to bring together people with different social and life circumstances and to work in the field of diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to fullfill this task, we develop and implement projects for and with people with special needs, migrants, young people and artists. Lots of our projects are implemented by using theatre-pedagogic approaches.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kubus e.V. is implementing projects together with a large number of different partners. So we do have good network contacts to other non-governmental institutions, important persons of public life, local politics and economy which could also contribute to the network. Furthermore the results of our work and the gained experiences could be disseminated among the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the network in order to enrich our activities by working with international partners. It would be great to be able to have an exchange with other international network partners that are active in similar fields as we are. Maybe we could generate synergetic effects by working together with new partners. It would also be interesting to hear about other potential fields of activity with which we could complement our own work. The concrete reason for us to apply for a membership was our current work with the Youth Federation Stuttgart in the project "Youth Migration Council" which handles the effects of the Arab Spring on migrational behaviour of young people from Northern Africa and Arabia on the European societies. For this project we are searching (international) partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frank Baumeister
Head of the organisation
Regine Vetter


National Network

24116 Kiel

0049431 888 14 10
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

WHO WE ARE: KulturLife is a non-profit organization for intercultural exchange, founded in 1995, with headquarters in Kiel, Germany. Number of staff: 17 Annual budget: 2,5 mio Euro Funding from: European Union, participant fees, ministry of economic cooperation KulturLife is at present in a restructuring phase, looking for a way to shift ownership from the present owner, Martin Elbeshausen, to a new form of steward ownership, such as a foundation. Apart from our various youth exchange activities with about 1,000 participants per year, we are very active in different projects to promote international understanding and intercultural dialogue and competence development.

Mission and Objectives

WHAT WE WANT: We are committed to a peaceful and just coexistence in a globalized world. Intercultural encounters for young people and adults of different cultures offer the opportunity to learn from each other and to overcome inner borders. We are convinced that the gained understanding for other ways of life and views will increase international understanding, international cooperation and respect for each other. HOW WE DO IT: We work closely with our participants, partner organisations and volunteers and can look back on over 25 years of experience. Good preparation, personal support, competent contact persons and trustful cooperation are very important to us in our mutual dealings. Within our team we also cultivate a respectful interaction and stand for sustainability and social participation. As a small team we pursue our goals with experience, courage and conviction. We share a vision, team spirit and the love of diversity and intercultural experiences.

Main Projects / Activities

WHAT WE DO: With our diverse international programs High School, Homestay, Work & Travel, Internships and Volunteer Services, we open doors for our participants to international encounters and lifelong learning experiences. Intensive preparation and experienced support provide the framework for this.  Through our international project work, we are also committed to making a wide range of educational opportunities accessible to different target groups and to promoting inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have ample experience in training courses for young people in the field of intercultural competences and would like to develop those further with international partners. We are also always looking for new partners in our exchange network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I only just heard of the foundation, as I was preparing a project on the inclusion of intercultural learning in international youth work. I found the work of ALF very interesting and very close to our own activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Martin Elbeshausen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Martin Elbeshausen

Kunstverein Aalen e.V.

National Network

Marktplatz 4

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1.Gemeinnütziger Verein mit 8 Vorstands- Mitgliedern 2. ca. 40 000 € 3.Mitgliedsbeitäge, Sponsoren, Land Baden-Württemberg, Stadt Aalen 4.Ausstellungen, Führungen, Reisen, Workshops, Vorträge 5.Künstler, Kunstvereine, Galerien, Museen
Mission and Objectives

Kunst fördern und vermitteln

Main Projects / Activities

Kunstausstellungen, Führungen, Vorträge, Kunstfahrten

Contact (1) Full Name
Artur Elmer
Head of the organisation
Artur Elmer 1. Vorsitzender
Contact (2) Full Name
Herbert Zirkel

Kurdische Kulturwochen (Kurdish Cultural Weeks) - programme online now!


The Culture Weeks team has been working at full speed on the programme of the events starting in 2023 and. Together with committed partners, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein has put together a colourful programme of concerts, exhibitions, dialogues, courses, theatre performances, etc. with a focus on Kurdish themes.

We look forward to Ebow, Fatma Aydemir, Anja Flach, Leyla Imret, Asya Abdullah, Asli Filiz, Lil.V., Kerem Schamberger, Kamal Sido, Beliban zu Stolberg, Feryad Fazil Omar, Faarjam, Adir Jan, Farhad Alsilo and many more.

Find the programme here!