

Global Partnerships

By experiencing an encounter in countries of the Global South or the Global North and meeting their peers face to face, young people become more aware of global contexts. Exchanges based on artistic and creative activities are an effective way...


Global Partnerships

By experiencing an encounter in countries of the Global South or the Global North and meeting their peers face to face, young people become more aware of global contexts. Exchanges based on artistic and creative activities are an effective way...

Global Playground e.V

National Network

Falckensteinstrasse 16 ,10997 Berlin

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are Berlin based non-profit organization .We are 5 to 8 people working for Global-Playground as a social work .We managed our events in Lebanon with our own private money that we earned from our work. we have partners in these countries that help us to realize our project.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to bring together youths from different culturel backrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

Music,exchange information and long lasting relationships between youth from countries that will have no chance to meet because of visa or conflict reasons .

Contact (1) Full Name
Garen Keuchkarian
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Schneeweiss

Globalization Agency, Berlin

National Network

Wiclefstr. 30
10551 Berlin

00 49 30 39877885 (Berlin)
Telephone (other)
00 49 30 3965774 (Berlin)
00 49 30 3959281 (Berlin)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We developed programs of tales and readings for the North-African as well as European region intention , in direction of the hot social centres which is composed of a huge number of Muslims migrants . The objective of its programs revive among the children and the young North-African teenagers and Europeans the joy of the book and the voluntary reading. Our program of narration of tales and books presentation for children and youth ,observes that the books have a very big importance for Muslims as for the European . Partners : Globalization Agency, Berlin - El Watan /Alger Newspaper - Goethe Institute in Algiers - National Education, Algeria -Algerian Muslims Scouts .
Mission and Objectives

The tales programs and readings that we organized in the intention of children and young teenagers ( in North Africa , Germany , France , Austria and in Switzerland), refer to the north African and oriental treasures of poetry , of tales and legends that contain a proper heritage which can be mobilized against the attraction of the violence poked by Islamism , specially towards youth , and also against the retrograde of relations between the two sexes as it is also preached by Islamism .

Main Projects / Activities

We publish books for children and youth and we organize 4-6 trips of the Caravan each year in North Africa, Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. We offer tales and reading manifestations with active participation of youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabine Kebir
Head of the organisation
Sabine Kebir

globe - Gesellschaft für internationale Kooperation e.V.

National Network

c/o DIMA, Sieglindestr. 6
12159 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Board / Executve commitee (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer); members: natural persons; staff employed and freelancers 2. 15.000 - 150.000 € 3. donations, membership fees, depending on grants (private foundations, EU, German ministries) 4. Projects, seminars 4. Local partners in Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey. 

Mission and Objectives

Support and implementation of cultural, social, social-economical and rural development co-operation projects between Germany, European and developing countries especially countries of the Near & Middle East and Africa; Support of international understanding and development cooperation and in addition vocational training;

Main Projects / Activities

Key words and projects: youth entrepreneurship, marketing for women handicraft cooperatives, income generating projects for refugees and migrants, small business start ups, youth exchange.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing expert counseling services in different areas e.g. methods of managing and administrating NGOs, conceptual development. Network of contacts to organizations and experts in the Near and Middle East as well as in Germany.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Interested in working contacts to other organizations and exchange of knowledge and experience in different sectors is one of the necessities of our work and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexander Wuertz
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Alexander Wuertz
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Farida Mellaoui
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

GlogauAIR gGmbH

National Network

Glogauerstr. 16 10999
10999 Berlin

+49 (30) 612 22 75
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

GlogauAIR is a non profit organization created as a platform to diffuse art and cultural projects. It's main activity is an Artist in Residence Programme where artists from around the world come to work and live in Berlin in an environment of coexistence and reflection, putting their artistic practice in a global context. GLogauAIR is funded by grants given to artists to enjoy an artistic residency as well as ones dedicated to fund exhibitions, festivals and projects. Besides to the Artist in Residence Programme, GlogauAIR generates exchange experiences in form of exhibition, festivals, artist talks and other informal activities such as meals and collective creations.

Mission and Objectives

Our intention is to create a meeting point between artists from all disciplines to work in collaboration, expanding their practice in terms of materials, formats and style. Exchange of ideas and concepts. Promote curatorial experiences. Enable a dialog between creators and public. Give a free space to art and culture specially as a social reflection and a base for social transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

Artist in Residence Programme Exchange programmes: Alien in My Space Perforomance Festival: Home Sweet Home / ELLA (European Live Art Archive)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariona Benaiges
Head of the organisation
Chema Alvargonzalez & Pablo Alvargonzález Ramos
Contact (2) Full Name
Rakel Ochoa

Goethe-Institut e. V. Germany (Head of Network)

National Network

Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 18
80333 München

+49 89 15921- 170
0049 8915921237
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

1.Goethe-Institut e.V. is a worldwide organisation active in the promotion of the German language abroad, encouraging international cultural cooperation and attempting to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics. It operates in accordance with its statute and on the basis of a general agreement entered into with the Federal Republic of Germany. The individual institutes both in Germany and abroad are legally independent units of Goethe-Institut e.V.G. 128 institutes in 79 countries. 2. 255 million € 3. Gross proceeds, gross profits: 42.48 million €; yearly net earnings: 0.57 million €; Public funding: 215.6 million € of which institute - generated income: 42.48 million € 4. Courses, seminars, publications, cultural collaborations 5. British Council, Instituto Cervantes, Japan Foundation as well as partners worldwide

Mission and Objectives

Acting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany Goethe-Institut e.V. promotes various issues of foreign cultural and educational policy. According to its statute, the three principal objectives of the institute are: • to promote the study of the German language abroad • to encourage international cultural cooperation • to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Goethe-Institut sets internationally recognised standards in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language. It runs language courses, compiles teaching materials, trains teachers, contributes to scientific research and participates in politicolanguage initiatives. Goethe-Institut monitors trends in Germany and encourages cultural collaboration across the globe by organising programmes of events and making contributions to various festivals and exhibitions in the fields of film, dance, theatre, literature and translation. Libraries and information centres, forums for discussion, diverse print-, audio- and video-publications and our visitors’ service aim to paint a contemporary portrait of Germany, promoting international discourse on the key concerns of what is becoming an increasingly global society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Wolf Iro
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolf Iro

Goethe-Institut e.V.: THE ART OF STAYING MANY


The Fonds Darstellende Künste realizes nationwide forums at nine stations – with art, actions and debates. From Berlin, the journey leads to Leipzig and further on to Düsseldorf, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Potsdam, Erfurt and Weimar on to Dresden. The mobile theater truck stops everywhere and becomes a platform, discourse space, movie theater and venue. In the process, it combines theater, festivals and independent performing arts production houses in these and numerous other cities in and outside of Germany. Panels, impulses, workshops, international performances and assorted meetings are an invitation to debate about art, freedom and democracy to explore current challenges, live with contradictions and confront oneself in a polyphonic exchange with the most urgent current task: the art of staying many. Everyone for themselves – and all together in heterogeneity, pluralism and acceptancy of our diverse society.

Find more information and dates here.



In countries where the Goethe-Institut and other international cultural institutions have had to close their locations due to wars or censorship, many artists and intellectuals have lost spaces for dissent, dialogue and intercultural exchange. Goethe-Institut in Exile is a meeting place, shelter and stage for cultural professionals who can no longer work in their home country because of war or censorship.

Iranian Art and Culture in exile at the Goethe-Institut

From the end of January 2023, the Goethe-Institut in Exile is devoting itself to the cultural scene in Iran. The programme reflects the current situation of the local Arts and cultural scene and gives the German-Iranian community a space for dialogue. The focus is on the question how artistic, literary or even performative positions negotiate the current, but also past political crisis in Iran. 

Find out about all current events here

ha'atelier/ Taswir Projekt e.V. - plattform for theory & art

National Network

Schillerstrasse 15
10625 Berlin

0049 (0) 30 31800089
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information
1. ha'atelier is organized as a non-profit foundation, which employs a head of office and a director. 2. The budgetary resources vary from year to year - for the year 2008/2009 we have appr. 140.000 Euros available. 3. Allianz Cultural Foundation, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Bosch Foundation 4. Workshops, academic seminars, conferences, exhibitions, performances, lectures, publications... 5. Allianz Cultural Foundation, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
Mission and Objectives

ha’atelier develops an international artistic and theoretical “encyclopedia of the diaspora”. Its investigations and topics are not bound by national, ethnic, religious or other territorial belongings and focus rather on the interface of various phenomena of human creativity and expression in between institutional and public spaces. The workshop’s encyclopedic curriculum offers special attention to cosmopolitan Jewish and Islamic traditions. Depending on the thematic perspective, staff of faculty, and a given cultural landscape at hand, ha’atelier concentrically embodies and documents ever renewed facets of artistic and theoretical thinking in various locations in the world. In this way ha’atelier functions as a nomadic structure, whose “flying faculty” comprises an international team of scholars, writers, artists and free agents of culture and public discourse.

Main Projects / Activities

For 2008 and 2009: - Islamic calligraphy and modern European art: exhibition, performance, international workshop (June, 2008 Berlin)and academic seminar (winter semester 2008/2009) - Political atelier: Jews and muslims against Islamophobia and anti-Semitism - German media platform for immediate actions (starts in May 2008) - Film-Workshop Istanbul: film-workshop on "migration and gender issues" taking place in Istanbul in cooperation with the Centre for non-Western Modernities, Bilgi University and santral istanbul (September 2008)

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Almut Sh. Bruckstein
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Almut Sh. Bruckstein
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Mona Katawi