
Familia ry

National Network

Lintulahdenkatu 10,
7. krs
00500 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Familia ry nationwide NGO resided in Finland. Our office is located in Helsinki and we have nine staff members at the moment. In addition we have four hourly paid Finnish teachers and interns from universities and people on work trial through employment services. We are publicly funded organisation. Our budget is a bit over 500 000 euros a year. Our biggest funder is the social and health ministry (STEA).

We have around 1000 individual members. Our board is running the organisation and executive director is doing the operatinal managing and developing the organisation. The board is decided by the members in our yearly autumn meetings. Members get to use their power on organisation's matters though spring and autumn meetings.

We belong to the national advisory board of ethnic relations (2020-2024). We work closely with municipalities, ministries and other NGO's who work wit families, multiculturalism, multilingualism, integration, employment and antiracism.

Mission and Objectives

Familia ry – founded in 1988 – is a national expert organisation of intercultural families. We support the wellbeing of intercultural families by offering peer support and volunteer activities, information, and advice. We also aim at making improvements in the social and legal systems, so that the needs of intercultural and multilingual families and Finns would be better met. We are the leading expert and advocate of intercultural families. Our mission is to support intercultural families' two-way integration process in Finland. At the center of our work is to make equality and non-discrimination an integral part of Finnish society.

Main Projects / Activities

Familia does peer support for intercultural families in different life situations (having baby, parenthood, relationship, bilingulialism, integration, employment etc). Our peer support groups are volunteer based and lead. We promote multiculturality though our acitivities. We do a lot of expertise work and train professionals in different field. We also organise Finnish courses. Advocacy work is also really big part of our activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

When it comes to the Anna Lindh Foundation three pillars:
1. Empowering young voices
2. Influencing policymakers
3. Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.
we are doing all of that in Familia in Finland. We are trying to influence on more equal and open society, get our intercultural families voice heard and building dialogue. Two way integration is something that we really are keen to promote. It is also the society that has to change when people from different backgrounds are moving to society.

We want to continue our work and maybe through this network find new possibilities for the shared goals that we have.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an organisation that works with people coming all around the world being a part of ALF network is natural thing. We also want to add dialogoe, make societies more equal, inclusive and prevent polarisation. Working towards these together is important for us and we feel that belonging to this network would bring us more knowledge and information but also that we can offer our expertise and knowledge for others. Collaboration and parterships are more and more important for working for common goals. That's why we would want to partnership in this. Many of your current organisation (in Finnish network) are our partners but still there are many that we haven't worked with or heard before. We share same values and that is of course main thing for joining this network. We want to be also more international.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elina Helmanen
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Marie Sandberg-Chibani (chairperson)
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuomo Vuolteenaho
Job Title (2)
economics secretary

Femina ry

National Network

Vasamakatu 3 A 3
04230 Kerava

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Femina ry is dedicated to empowering women, children, and youth through education and support services. We offer a range of programs to develop professional, business, and leadership potential through mentoring, networking, skill-building, advocacy, assistance and advancement, enhance creativity, and provide legal guidance. Join our mission to create a more equitable society, empower women and advance education for all.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: At Femina ry, we are committed to creating a more sustainable and fair society by empowering women, children, and youth and advancing education for all. We firmly believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential, and everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential¹.

1. Adult Learning and Education Programs: We offer a variety of adult learning and education programs that develop professional, business, and leadership potential. Through mentoring, networking, skill-building, advocacy, assistance, and advancement, we empower individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
2. Education for Children and Youth: We provide drama and music lessons to help children and youth develop creativity, self-confidence, and communication skills. Our youth camps offer opportunities for learning new skills, making friends, and exploring interests. We also organize debates to foster critical thinking and respectful expression of opinions.
3. Support Person Service: Our tailored support person service provides ethical and confidential assistance to clients based on their unique situations. Support plans are collaboratively developed to address specific needs.
4. Legal Advice and Information: We offer legal advice related to setting up businesses, applying for residence permits, and navigating Finnish legislation. Our website provides relevant legal information through articles and newsletters.
5. Advocacy and Anonymity: We advocate for comprehensive and high-quality consideration of applications while preserving anonymity.
6. Creating a Sustainable and Equitable Society: Together, we strive to create a society where all women and children have the opportunity to thrive. Join us in our mission to empower women and advance education for all.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer various adult learning programs that focus on developing professional, business, and leadership potential. Through mentorship, networking, skill-building, advocacy, assistance, and career advancement, we empower individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives. Järjestömme tarjoaa draama- ja musiikkitunteja auttaakseen lapsia ja nuoria kehittämään luovuutta, itseluottamusta ja viestintätaitoja.
Järjestämme nuorisoleirejä, jotka tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia uusien taitojen oppimiseen, ystävystymiseen ja kiinnostuksen kohteiden tutkimiseen. Tarjoamme räätälöityä tukihenkilöpalvelua, joka tarjoaa eettistä ja luottamuksellista apua yksilöllisten tarpeiden mukaan. Järjestömme tarjoaa oikeudellista neuvontaa yrityksen perustamiseen, oleskelulupien hakemiseen ja Suomen lainsäädännön navigointiin liittyen.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Active Participation: Engage actively in network activities, attend meetings, and contribute your insights and expertise. Share your experiences and learn from others.
Knowledge Sharing: Share your knowledge, skills, and resources with fellow members. Whether it’s through workshops, webinars, or written content, contributing your expertise benefits the entire network.
Collaboration: Collaborate with other members on projects, initiatives, or research. By working together, you can achieve more impactful results.
Mentoring: Offer mentorship to newcomers or less experienced members. Guiding others helps build a supportive and knowledgeable community.
Advocacy: Advocate for important issues within the network. Use your voice to raise awareness, promote positive change, and influence policies.
Networking: Connect with other professionals, attend conferences, and build relationships. Networking expands your reach and opens up opportunities for collaboration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By being part of the ALF Network, we can actively contribute to promoting quality education, volunteerism, dialogue, democratic culture, national heritage, cyber security, green economy, and sustainable tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Larisa Kezhaeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Larisa Kezhaeva

Femina RY

National Network

Vasamakatu 3 A 3
04230 Kerava

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Femina RY is a non-profit organization with a team of five dedicated staff members. We work closely with a network of partners to achieve our goals. Femina RY's annual budget is approximately 100,000 euros. This funding comes from a variety of sources, including grants, donations, and membership fees. Femina RY uses a variety of modalities to achieve its goals, including: projects, Seminars, conferences, etc. Main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities Femina RY works with various partners, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, international organizations, businesses, and individuals, to achieve its goals. Femina RY's partners provide valuable support through funding, expertise, and networks.

Mission and Objectives

Femina ry committed to creating a more sustainable and fair society by empowering women, children, and youth and advancing education for all. We believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential and that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Advocacy Alliance, Gender journey and young women empowerment programme, Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022, SPREADING, EMPOWERING AND IMPROVING GREEN HABITO NETWORK

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provide information and resources, translate content, write blog posts and articles, promote the Network. I can promote the Network on social media, in blog posts, and in other online and offline channels. I can also help to organize events and workshops to raise awareness of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the ALF Network because I believe in its mission to promote gender equality and social justice. I am particularly interested in contributing to the Network's work on education, training, and advocacy for women and girls. I believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential, and I am committed to helping women and girls reach their full potential. I am also passionate about advocating for women's rights and I believe that the ALF Network can play a powerful role in making the world a more just and equitable place for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Larisa Kezhaeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Larisa Kezhaeva

Feministiskt nätverk rf.

National Network

Kalliolinnantie 4
00140 Helsinki

available upon request
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Feministiskt nätverk rf. has a board of seven members. The board members work on voluntary basis and there are no other members in the organization. The yearly budget (2016) of Feministiskt nätverk rf. is approximately EUR 5000. Our primary funding source is support from cultural foundations.  The main form of our action at the moment is to enable Feminist Forum FemF. In the future it is possible that Femnistiskt nätver rf. will also work on other feminist events etc.

Mission and Objectives

Feministiskt nätverk rf. is an organization founded to enable feminist events and action.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of Feministiskt nätverk rf. is to officially and economically enable FemF. FemF is a trilingual feminist forum held yearly since 2013 and it is made possible by a group of volunteer workers. The aim of the FemF is to gather feminists from Finland and other countries together and to create a space for feminist discussions, workshops, lectures, art etc. You find the website of Femf here: http://www.femf.net/home.html 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Feministiskt nätverk rf. and FemF are interested in cultural co-operation with people from the Mediterranean countries. In practice this means for instance inviting guests from the region to FemF. To make this possible, we might need support with funding. We are happy if ALF Network can help us to make our plans true. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Koivisto
Head of the organisation
Olivia Maury

FIIA Climate Briefing #12


Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) Climate Briefing: Climate security in wartime Europe: What can be done?

Climate change persists as a security threat. Multiple concurring crises have shown how climate change is interlinked with other crises.

In the next FIIA Climate Briefing webinar, Janani Vivekananda from Adelphi Berlin and Emma Hakala from FIIA will discuss how climate security policies and solutions could be promoted amidst rising geopolitical tensions.

Join us on 27.3. at 11:00 EET. More info and registration:



Fimigrant ry

National Network

Vasamakatu 3 A 3
04230 Kerava

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Fimigrant RY is a non-profit organization founded in 2017 and working in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in the quality of life improvement activities.
Fimigrant is an NGO that offers services and support for people from disadvantaged areas and with difficult backgrounds, refugees, migrants, and people with special needs.
Fimigrant run workshops, training, seminars and information days, teaching people practical skills, and important aspects of socialization and integration in society, human rights and legal system in Finland, accounting matters and providing information to assist them in setting up their life’s (in case of refugees, migrants and minorities) and own business. Fimigrant organizes vocational education for kids and youth, like drama and music lessons, youth camps and debates.

Mission and Objectives

Fimigrant aim to achieve a more sustainable and fair society by assisting the people in need and advancing intercultural dialogue and education to all.

Main Projects / Activities

Fimigrant has experience on working with many different projects.
2022 - Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region
The main goal of the project is to promote green growth and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic region by reaching the SDGs
and regional cooperation in building the green future of the region. This project aims is to increase knowledge of young
adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world,
as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement
towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities.
2022-2021 - Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe 2021-2022
Project aims to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as
sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human
beings. In addition the project aims to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities
in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European.
2021 – Nordic-Baltic journey to the sustainable development goals through gender equality approach.
The project increases children’s/young people`s knowledge and awareness about Agenda 2030 and reinforce young
people`s role in achievement of SDGs by improving they social skills and active engagement at the local and international
level. Young people will create a network of agents of change.
2021 - International Youth Forum “European Youth for Peace”
2021-2020 - Global Conversation 2021 is a four-day event that will include an intensive programme of high-level
discussions, working groups, development of the Tallinn Declaration and action plans. We explore major obstacles to the
achievement of the UN SDGs in societies with growing youth unemployment, intensifying climate change and ever deeper
economic, social and racial divisions. We will discuss the role and importance of intercultural dialogue in healing divides and
reconciling societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkka Juvankosk
Job Title
Head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Ilkka Juvankoski
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Maria Rajala
Job Title (2)
Program and cooperation manager



The main objective of the Finnish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation is to support dialogue between cultures and to contribute to the visibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership through intellectual, cultural and civil society exchanges. The Network promotes knowledge, recognition and mutual respect between religions and beliefs, cultures and values, and encourages initiatives which aim at promoting dialogue, hence ensuring diversity and pluralism in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Goals of the Finnish Network are:

  • Strengthening the knowledge of the cultures and civil societies of the Mediterranean countries in Finland
  • Activating the Finnish civil society actors in inter-cultural dialogue with the civil society actors in Mediterranean countries, particularly Middle Eastern and North African societies
  • Promoting the activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Finland
  • Extending the Finnish Network and its activities around the country
  • Counselling the members and helping them participate in the calls for proposals and activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Currently there are over 100 members in the Finnish Network, most of them are CSOs, public organisations or individual members working on different themes related to cultural dialogue. The Network is open to all NGOs; public, local and regional actors; public and private non-profit foundations; other non-profit organisations; social entrepreneurs, for-profit organisations with socially sustainable goals and individual members who adhere to the principles and to the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation and whose work is based on democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values.

The Finnish Network is financially supported by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Anna Lindh Foundation. The Head of Network is selected via a call for tenders by the MFA.

The Head of Network is expected to conduct the coordination in a transparent and democratic manner. The work of the coordinators is supported and steered by a steering committee, whose members consist of the coordinators, a representative of the Finnish MFA, and at least three members elected by the members of the Network. The steering committee is selected for a 2-year term.

الخلفية التاريخية لشبكتك

Finland has been an active member of the Anna Lindh Foundation since the beginning in 2005.

The coordination of the Finnish network has always been in the hands of a research institute: until 2014 the Head of the Finnish Network was the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), which is a multidisciplinary research centre conducting research on the causes of war, on non-violent resolution of conflicts, and on conditions for peace. TAPRI is an independent research unit forming a part of the Tampere University. From July 2014 till April 2018, and again since the beginning of the 2019, the Head of Finnish Network has been the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. Since mid 2022 Villa Elba has become the coordinator.

The Finnish network encourages actors from all areas of the cultural dialogue to join. In the past years, the network has had active members especially from the fields of research and interfaith dialogue.

Villa Elba provides information on the ALF upon request as well as actively promotes the visibility of ALF in Finland by informing, reporting and advertising its activities in social, cultural and human affairs.


Finland in the Mediterranean

This article aims to shed light on the rich, but rather enigmatic relationship between Finland and the Mediterranean world. These interactions have been approached since Antiquity, but this paper’s focus has been on 19th and 20th centuries and especially on...



Le réseau finlandais de la Fondation Anna Lindh a pour principal objectif d’encourager le dialogue entre les cultures et de contribuer à la visibilité du partenariat euro-méditerranéen à travers des échanges intellectuels, culturels et avec la société civile. Le réseau promeut la connaissance, la reconnaissance et le respect mutuel entre les religions et les croyances, les cultures et les valeurs, et encourage les initiatives visant à promouvoir le dialogue, garantissant ainsi la diversité et le pluralisme dans la région euro-méditerranéenne.

Les objectifs du réseau finlandais sont les suivants : 

  • Renforcer la connaissance des cultures et des sociétés civiles des pays méditerranéens en Finlande
  • Encourager les acteurs de la société civile finlandaise à engager un dialogue interculturel avec les acteurs de la société civile des pays méditerranéens, en particulier les sociétés du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord
  • Promouvoir les activités de la Fondation Anna Lindh en Finlande
  • Étendre le réseau finlandais et ses activités à l’ensemble du pays
  • Conseiller les membres et les aider à participer aux appels à propositions et aux activités de la Fondation Anna Lindh.

Le réseau finlandais compte actuellement plus de 100 membres, dont la plupart sont des organisations de la société civile (OSC), des organisations publiques ou des particuliers travaillant sur diverses thématiques liées au dialogue culturel. Le réseau est ouvert à toutes les ONG, aux acteurs publics, locaux et régionaux, aux fondations publiques et privées à but non lucratif, aux autres organisations à but non lucratif, aux entrepreneurs sociaux, aux organisations à but lucratif ayant des objectifs socialement durables et aux particuliers qui adhèrent aux principes et à la mission de la Fondation Anna Lindh et dont le travail est fondé sur des valeurs démocratiques, pluralistes et multilatérales.

Le réseau finlandais est soutenu financièrement par le ministère finlandais des Affaires étrangères et la Fondation Anna Lindh. Le chef de réseau est sélectionné par appel d’offres par le ministère des Affaires étrangères. 

Le chef de réseau est chargé de mener la coordination de manière transparente et démocratique. Le travail des coordinateurs est soutenu et dirigé par un comité de pilotage, dont les membres sont les coordinateurs, un représentant du ministère finlandais des Affaires étrangères et au moins trois membres élus par les membres du réseau. Le comité de pilotage est élu pour un mandat de deux ans.

Finnish - Arabic Society

National Network

Hämeentie 10 A 9

+358 50 520 2669
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+358 50 520 2669
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Finnish-Arabic society has been established since 1963 Total number of society members are 184 Board members are 8 The activity rely on the financial-aid of the ministry of Education in Finland. Main Projects / Activities: improving the relation between Finland and the Arabic countries. Arabic countries. giving lectures about the Arabic cultures. publishing the yearbook " MARHABA " Making official trips to the Islamic-countries to change informations
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

improving the relation between Finland and the Arabic countries. Arabic countries. giving lectures about the Arabic cultures. publishing the yearbook " MARHABA " Making official trips to the Islamic-countries to change informations

Contact (1) Full Name
Chairman Mr. Jarno Peltonen
Head of the organisation
Jarno Peltonen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Marja-Liisa Harju-Khadr, secretary