
Ulkomaantoimittajien yhdistys

National Network

No address
00180 Helsinki

No telephone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Association of Finnish Foreign Affairs Journalists (Ulkomaantoimittajien yhdistys) is an organisation aiming to assist and promote reporters of foreign affairs in their work. It is founded in 1983 and members of the board participate on voluntary basis. Source of funding is member fees. The association is meant to increase the professional possibilities of the reporters and other media workers. The association of Finnish Foreign Affairs Journalists organizes on regular basis different kinds of meetings and conversational events for its members. Embassy visits are organized 3-5 times per year, in spring 2015 our members have visited the embassies of Israel, Slovakia and China. The association aims to organize trips abroad to create new contacts with colleagues abroad. Fall 2015 association trip destination is Stockholm.
Mission and Objectives

To promote foreign affairs journalism in Finland. 

Main Projects / Activities

Association's main activities are embassy visits (3-5 visits per year), discussion events and visits to companies and organizations. To provide networking possibilities for foreign affairs journalists, journalism students and other media workers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna-Maria Tukiainen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Puheenjohtaja Maarit Uber (2015)

UN Alliance of Civizations, Focal Point, MFA, Finland

National Network

P.O. Box 419, Laivastokatu 22 C, FI 00023 Helsinki

+358 40 709 4245
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I am currently the Finnish Focal Point of the UN Alliance of Civilizations in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs an continue with pleasure the membership of the ALF. I am also the Chairman of FOKUS organisation which also belongs to the ALF fellowship!
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Ilari Rantakari

UN Association of Finland

National Network

Siltasaarenkatu 4
00530 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
The UN Association of Finland has over 60 member organisations and some individual members. The office is situated in Helsinki with four permanent employees and some interns, project workers and usually a person in civil alternative service as well. The everyday activities of the association are guided by an executive committee with representatives from member organisations. UNA annual budget is 750 000 euro/year including core and project funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We work in close cooperation with many NGO's including UNICEF and UN Women national organisation.
Mission and Objectives

The UN Association of Finland: * educates about global responsibility and possibilities of influence * provides information about the UN and its actions * influences Finnish UN policies Purpose of the association is as a national organisation to promote the principles and goals of the United Nations and support its actions, hence promoting international understanding and peaceful cooperation between nations.

Main Projects / Activities

The UN Association of Finland organises meetings, seminars, courses and presentations, provides information and publications and supports the founding of local UN associations and activity groups that share its ideals and purposes".

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Laukko
Head of the organisation
Helena Laukko

UN Youth of Finland

National Network

PL 93
00100 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
UN Youth of Finland is a national and politically unaffiliated youth organization which was founded in 1967.  UN Youth of Finland is the only national UN youth association in Finland and represents the country in the international United Nations Youth Associations Network (UNYANET). In addition, UN Youth of Finland serves as an umbrella organization for the UN associations of Helsinki, Tampere, South-East Finland, Turku, Jyväskylä and Oulu region as well as for the Finnish Model United Nations, FinMUN Society.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to raise awareness and promote the values of the United Nations among Finnish students and youth. In recent years the organization has mainly focused on raising awareness about UN's Agenda 2030 and the UN Security Council resolution Youth, Peace and Security.

Main Projects / Activities

-School visits related to sustainable development
-Advocacy around Agenda 2030 in Finland and internationally
-Arranging of events
-Raising awareness on social media and blog

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are strongly tied to the 2250 work done in Finland and would like to share our experiences and here what is done in other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To create more networks around the Mediterranean Sea especially between different youth led organizations or organizations that are working with youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirna Aho
Job Title
Member of the board
Head of the organisation
Jenni Ruotsalainen

United Vision Ry

National Network

Niittysillankulma 1
02200 Espoo

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

United Vision Ry is a newly registered Association, striving to make impactful contributions in fostering global collaboration and understanding. Currently operating with a lean structure, our dedicated team comprises a core group of staff and passionate partners, working collaboratively to drive our vision forward. While we are in the nascent stages of our journey and operate without external funding, our enthusiasm remains undeterred. Our modalities of action encompass a diverse range of initiatives, including concrete projects, knowledge-exchanging seminars, and empowering scholarship programs. In our endeavors, we are privileged to work alongside some dedicated partners who share our vision, furthering our collective aim to create meaningful and lasting change.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: United Vision Ry seeks to foster global collaboration and empower individuals, especially the youth, to contribute positively to a united world. Objectives: 1. Facilitate communication between international entities. 2. Promote innovation and creativity amongst young minds. 3. Establish empowering educational events and platforms. 4. Cultivate partnerships that align with our vision. 5. Advocate for socio-economic sustainability within our networks.

Main Projects / Activities

While United Vision Ry is a budding association, we are poised to dive into an array of impactful projects. A significant focus lies in collaborating with the Erasmus+ program. Our upcoming endeavors include: Our journey has just begun, and we're passionately working towards rolling out these projects and more, ensuring United Vision Ry becomes synonymous with transformative and enriching experiences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribution to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Finland by United Vision: 1. Local Integration & Partnership: Leveraging our established presence in Finland, United Vision can act as a bridge between the Anna Lindh Foundation and local organizations, educational institutions, and community groups, facilitating easier integration of Foundation activities within the Finnish landscape. 2. Cultural Exchange Programs: Given Finland's rich cultural and educational heritage, we can organize and promote cultural exchange initiatives. These programs will celebrate Finnish traditions while embracing the diversity that other cultures bring, fostering mutual understanding and respect. 3. Youth Empowerment: We aim to mobilize youth, organizing seminars, workshops, and leadership programs in collaboration with the Foundation, promoting the values of dialogue, empathy, and inclusivity. 4. Research & Insights: Finland, being a hub for world-class education and research, offers unique opportunities. United Vision can collaborate with academic institutions to provide valuable research and insights on socio-cultural dynamics, which can further inform the Foundation's strategies and initiatives. 5. Promotion & Advocacy: Through events, media partnerships, and campaigns, we can raise awareness about the Anna Lindh Foundation's objectives and activities, amplifying its reach and impact within Finland. 6. Language & Communication: As native speakers and with understanding of the local nuances, we can assist in translating and tailoring the Foundation's materials to resonate more effectively with the Finnish audience. 7. Technology & Innovation: Capitalizing on Finland's reputation as a tech hub, we can introduce innovative digital solutions to foster communication, manage projects, and measure impact, ensuring the Foundation remains at the forefront of modern engagement strategies. 8. Volunteer Mobilization: We will rally volunteers who are passionate about the Foundation's mission, offering manpower and local expertise for various initiatives and events. In essence, United Vision ry is poised to be a valuable ally to the Anna Lindh Foundation in Finland, bringing to the table our local expertise, connections, and unwavering commitment to the values of dialogue, understanding, and cultural exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

At the heart of United Vision's ethos is the aspiration to foster understanding, bridge cultural divides, and promote a global community grounded in respect and collaboration. The Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network resonates profoundly with our core beliefs and objectives. 1. Shared Values: ALF's commitment to countering mistrust, intolerance, and polarization aligns seamlessly with our goals. Joining the Network would provide us with a platform to further these shared aims on a broader scale. 2. Collaborative Opportunities: Being a part of the ALF Network offers unparalleled opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organizations across nations. These collaborations would not only enrich our own understanding but also amplify our collective impact. 3. Access to Resources & Knowledge: The ALF Network boasts a wealth of resources, research, and expertise. Engaging with this repository will enhance our effectiveness and refine our strategies in promoting dialogue and mutual respect. 4. Empowering Finnish Voices: As an organization rooted in Finland, joining the ALF Network will provide us a platform to elevate Finnish perspectives, stories, and initiatives on a global stage, fostering a two-way exchange of ideas and cultures. 5. Continual Learning: The dynamic nature of the ALF Network, with its myriad of events, seminars, and workshops, offers continuous opportunities for growth and learning. We aspire to both contribute to and benefit from this vibrant ecosystem. 6. Amplifying Impact: Alone, our reach and impact have limitations. But as a part of the ALF Network, we can be a part of larger, more impactful initiatives that resonate on a global scale. In essence, our desire to join the ALF Network stems from our belief that in unity lies strength. We are confident that our association with the ALF will be mutually enriching and will further the cause of creating a more understanding, tolerant, and connected global community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pardeep Kumar Rathore
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pardeep Kumar Rathore

University of Helsinki, Department of Cultures

National Network

Unioninkatu 38 A
PO Box 59
00100 Helsinki

+358 92412244
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Hannu Juusola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lars-Folke Landgren

Vasemmistonuoret - Left Youth of Finland

National Network

Hämeentie 29, 6th floor
00500 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Left Youth of Finland (Vasemmistonuoret) is independent nation-wide political youth organisation. Left Youth consists of nine district organisations, which have some 40 local branches. As a whole, The Left Youth of Finland has almost 5000 members. The organisation is lead by a chairperson who is elected for a two-year term in Left Youth's national assembly. Left Youth has six permanent employees working for the national organisation. The district organisations have about one employee each. There are also temporary employees in our campaigns, but most of the organisations work rest on the voluntary work by hundreds of activists. Left Youth has a yearly budget of about 600 000 EUR. Roughly half of the income is government funding for national youth organisations, the other half consists of private grant.
Mission and Objectives

The Left Youth of Finland is a political youth organization and a civic organization. Its central values are socialism, democracy, feminism, red-green environmentalism and internationalism. These goals are not considered to be separate, but rather form a comprehensive view of a freer, more humane and more equal world. We in The Left Youth consider an ideal society - an ideal world - to be a place, in which every individual can live without fear and in which every individual is granted the right, as well as the possibility, to study and work. In addition, healthy and clean environment should be considered a right everyone is entitled to in a society.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve its objectives The Left Youth promotes various forms of political activity: demonstrations are regarded as equally worthwhile as operating within the limits of party politics. The Left Youth organises national campaigns concerning issues important for us. The Left Youth also holds seminars and courses on politics and organisations work. The Left Youths campaigns have recently been about feminism, worker's rights, against racism and for immigrant rights and against NATO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antti Kettunen
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Hanna-Marilla Zidan, Chairperson


National Network

Kåksintie 2
67400 Kokkola

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

VEFI aims to foster environmentally friendly, sustainable living while meeting with people who think alike. Making personal connections that cross mountain chains or extensive seas just as well as borders and language barriers. In our projects you can live your sustainable dream: travel through Europe, meet new people who are also passionate about the environment and work with locals for their small businesses. ​ And even if you can’t spare the time to travel at the moment, we have just the right thing for you and your commitment to sustainability. Listen to our podcast or check out our blog and hear of very relatable struggles, lows and highs of environmentally living and all the good vegan recipes we share! Too passive? Then actively take part in making VEFI even better!

Mission and Objectives

The association aims to give young people across Europe the opportunity to travel abroad in an environmentally friendly way and to promote an active, sustainable and vegan lifestyle through its projects. The association is built upon the conviction that man-made Climate Change exists and that every individual person can take part in mitigating its effects, as well as adapting to a world in which Climate Change plays a decisive role. Even more so, VEFI aims to actively work towards a more sustainable living in the now as well as the future, as well as, promoting this notion to its members and others. The association is independent, especially in matters of finance, religion or political ideologies. VEFI aims to be an open and safe space and works on dismantling discrimination on the grounds of class, disability, gender, race, religious confession or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

.To achieve its aims, the Association: may organise courses, training and educational events and other similar activities can organise competitions, shows, excursions, camps and other events can host parties, concerts, exhibitions or other events may maintain the association's electronic communication channels publishes the association's newltters and other communications through various communication channels advises and guides its members can collect and disseminate information and carry out research brings members together for joint activities and maintains links with other associations in the sector may organise trips for its members related to the purpose of the association may contribute to the direct competition costs of its members can acquire the necessary materials and equipment for the association's use can make proposals and take initatives to increase opportunities for leisure activities may submit proposals, initiatives and studies and give opinions to other bodies and authorities cooperates with public authorities, organisations, businesses and individuals works internationall on projects in different European countries. To support its activities, the association may, after obtaining the permission of the relevant authority, if necessary: organise paid events accept grants, donations and bequests carry out voluntary work sign sponsorship agreements

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to get closer with partners. Be united and involved for the future European youth work

Contact (1) Full Name
David Carlsson
Head of the organisation
David Carlsson
Contact (2) Full Name
Marian Kubanda

Viialan keskustan koulu / Viiala Central School

National Network

Turuntie 3 37830 Viiala

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Viiala Central School is a public primary school, located in municipality of Akaa in Southern Finland. We have classes from pre-school to 6th grade, children aged from 5-13. We have also 3 classes for children of special needs. In our school there is also a kindergarten for preschool children and an after school day care for 1st and 2nd graders. The number of pupils is around 430. We have 26 teachers and 23 school assistants in our school. Viiala Central School is dependent on public funding. Our annual budget is around 1500000e.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promote different cultures and social environments in schools, create the interaction between the students and the staff from different cultures
2. Teach children to accept and understand dissimilarity
3. Reinforce children's cultural identity and help the to create personal contacts with children from completely different environments
5. help children to understand the similarities and differences in the ways different cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Viiala Central School is :
• focused in educational and pedagogical progress.
• next becoming 3 years are focused in inclusion and flexible teaching methods and structures in every school level
• international communication and multicultural issues are very high valued the school
Viiala Central School has involved in many international projects founded by EU and the Finnish Board of education. Multicultural education is one of the main points in our curriculum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to promote peace education and be a link in multicultural education in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF gives us a possibility for dialogue and co-operation with in the countries involved in this association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kaija-Leena Salovaara
Head of the organisation
Kaija-Leena Salovaara

Well-prepared volunteers -seminar

A goup of people

In the beginning of October 2-6.10.2023 in Villa Elba Finland, was organised a Professional Development Activity for youth workers with the funding of Erasmus+ programme.

Well-prepared volunteers-seminar gathered all together 27 participants from 16 different countries in order to developed how we can better support volunteers who are taking part in international volunteering activities. Seminar included a diverse group of participating countries (Romania, Turkiye, Egypt, Ukraine, Kosovo, Sweden, Croatia, France, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Jordan, Spain, Finland, Estonia & Greece)

During the seminar we discussed topics such as digital and online tools, intercultural learning and  supporting young people mental health. 

As a part of the seminar we also organised an event in the local library to get to know local actors in the field of volunteering and to promote ALF network.

Seminar gave opportunity to get to know several organisations working in the field of preparing volunteers and future partnerships were made.