
Face for Children in Need

National Network

264 Latimer Road
London W10 6QY

المملكة المتحدة

44 7950 1452 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
- The organization's Founder and Executive Director is based in Belgium but there are offices in Cyprus, France, London and Egypt. There are over 55 staff members located in the countries mentioned, most of which are volunteers. - Most of the budget comes from funding which is raised through different events and activities. - Most of the projects are geared towards maintaining orphanages located all over Egypt. There are many partners involved, please visit our website for a comprehensive overview: http://www.facechildren.org/en/PartnersF.htm -Most of the funding comes from the European Union and various fund raising events.
Mission and Objectives

FACE works to safeguard children, by addressing their needs and working
with their communities to create practical, innovative and sustainable
solutions to ensure them a better future.
FACE's mission is to assist and protect orphans, street children, their
families and communities in Egypt regardless of race, culture or religion.
FACE works at a grassroots level to identify the needs on the ground. FACE
endeavours to equip these children for a better life, to instill them with self
esteem and hope by providing them with the means to become strong
adults in society.
FACE avoids giving simply to appease its social conscience and sees how
giving often perpetuates need, thus sustaining poverty rather than
alleviating it. For this reason, FACE strives to reduce poverty and increase
social reintegration by effectuating long-term projects that target the
needs of the children and those of society as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities include the following:
Create and develop projects that correspond to the real needs on
the ground.
• Train and motivate local teams.
• Recruit experienced staff.
• Develop management capacity to ensure operational structures
remain viable.
• Involve the target group at every level of the action.
• Found a project with an Egyptian face and staff.
• Lend international expertise to build local capacity.
FACE works with professional and highly motivated Egyptians and builds
trust over the long-term with children, their families and communities.
FACE values a strong working relationship with the government and the
government provides a number of staff to our projects to gain exposure
and training.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe FACE can contribute to the network by introducing a topic rather forgotten about ‘The Street Children’ to other organizations in the UK. Through this network, FACE can grow and create new partnerships with other institutions that are focused on the education and care of young homeless children in Egypt. Given the rather poor stigma attached to ‘adoption’ in the Middle East, we believe we can collaborate on projects that would help dispel this ideology and hopefully replace it with a positive action.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Face would like to join the ALF network to collaborate with other like minded institutions in helping raise awareness of street children in Egypt to the wider public. Through collaborative workshops, seminars and events, FACE would build relationships with other ALF networks that could possibly aid and support the eradication of street children in Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Ali
Head of the organisation
Flavia Shaw-Jackson

Faculty of Mass Communication - Ahram Canadian University

National Network

Ahram Canadian University, Mehwar Markazei Street
6 October

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The faculty utilizes an advanced media education curriculum and has a community service center that implements research. training, and media production activities. The university is owned by the Al-Ahram Media Institution.
Mission and Objectives

Advancing the studies and practice of journalism and media in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching, research, and training. A major project that is currently active is in collaboration with UNICEF and aims to build national capacities in the areas of communication for development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Laila Abdelmagid

Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

National Network

Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Communication studies in English at the faculty of mass communication includes 500 students who are bilingual and as such constitute a cornerstone for international and inter-cultural understanding. The department employs more than 40 faculty members, 12 teaching assistants, in addition to technical and management staff. In addition to budget allocation from the university general budget, this department has additional resources from increased tuition.
Mission and Objectives

Communication studies in English at Cairo university aims to contribute to international understanding and intercultural dialogue by graduating students who are bilingual (Arabic-English) who are more capable to communicate with the world we live in.

Main Projects / Activities

500 students are involved in the BA program and starting October 2011 about 50 students will start their masters program in communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Farag Elkamel
Head of the organisation
Prof. Hassan Emad Mekawi (Dean)

Fair Trade Egypt Foundation

National Network

97 Selim Al Awal St.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
General Information
Fair Trade Egypt Foundation (FTEF) is a registered Egyptian foundation that works in the field of Economic Development & Cultural Awareness. It had been established with the aim to improve and develop the social and economic conditions of marginalized communities through various activities including capacity building, social development and support services in the sectors of crafts and agriculture. Fair Trade Egypt Foundation (FTEF) was founded in 2014 by Fair Trade Egypt ltd shareholders.   The interventions of FTEF vary according to the needs of the communities that it supports. It offers multiple solutions such as product development, technical assistance and trainings on different aspects of business, as well as enhancing beneficiaries’ skills to ensure proper operational processes and sharing of best practices. It also intervenes in social development aspects required by these communities like education and health.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation Specific Objectives & Goals:
1. To promote and advocate Fair Trade as a sustainable tool for development of craft artisans and small farmers.
2. To spread awareness of the creative & cultural crafts industry of Egypt and its relation to business, development and economy contribution.
3. To improve the standards of living of craft artisans and small farmers through FT application (economically, socially and environmentally).
4. To develop the skills and abilities of Handicrafts and Agro producers.
5. Advocate & provide a voice for artisans and small farmers through the FT principles.

Main Projects / Activities

The list of projects that were implemented/Submitted under the registration of FTEF are as follows:
Informal women fish retailers & economically vulnerable groups in Egypt , Name of Donor/Partner: WorldFish
Al Mashghal, Name of Donor/Partner: Care International, UN Women
Rehabilitation & Integration of children at risk, Name of Donor/Partner: Banati Foundation, Drosos
Fair Trade Empowerment in Egypt, Name of Donor/Partner: Alexbank, ILO
Fair Trade Empowerment in Egypt (Building on the previous), Name of Donor/Partner: Alexbank, FTE

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Fair Trade Egypt (the mother entity of Fair Trade Egypt Foundation) is the first and oldest organization in Egypt. It was always involved in advocating the 10 main principles of Fair Trade and mainstreaming them across the different fields and sectors. Those principles tackle a number of environmental and social issues such as gender inequality and child labor. The organization will be contributing years of field experience in the Egyptian artisanal and agricultural fields specially, it will be able to discuss policies, and contribute with its analysis and understanding to the Egyptian contexts regarding the aforementioned subjects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Newtwork to gain access to a multi-cultural dialogue concerning a number of subjects of our interest. The network will also be a learning experience where we will gain further knowledge on similar projects and models utilizing new methodologies across the region and we will be able to share that knowledge and learn from it. Lastly, the ALF Network will increase our visibility and potential collaboration with organizations that share the same values, allowing for results amplification. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Yara Elshennawy
Job Title
Programs Director
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mona ElSayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mona El Sayed
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

Fair Trade Egypt Foundation

National Network


+20(2) 0100-0118402
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+20(2) 0100-0118402
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Fair Trade Egypt Foundation (FTEF) is a registered Egyptian foundation that works in the field of Economic Development & Cultural Awareness. It had been established with the aim to improve and develop the social and economic conditions of marginalised communities through various activities including capacity building, social development and support services in the sectors of crafts and agriculture. Employees: less than 10 FTEF aims at a sustainable, creative, core objective relevant and partnership based fundraising strategy. This strategy is inspired by FTE long history working as an enterprise with different, diverse and remote groups. We have concluded, from our work, that successful impact will not occur only by donations or sudden amounts of funding but rather sustainable partnership with funds to cover operational and activities expenses    
Mission and Objectives

Fair Trade Egypt Foundation aims at empowering local communities in the sectors of crafts and agriculture through the principles and practices of Fair Trade. It does so through awareness building, advocacy, capacity building and development interventions.

Specific Objectives & Goals:
1)To promote and advocate Fair Trade in Egypt as a sustainable tool for development of craft artisans and small farmers.
2)Preservation of the cultural & creative crafts industry of Egypt and its relation to business, development and economy contribution.
3)To improve the standards of living of craft artisans and small farmers through FT application (economically, socially and environmentally).
4)To develop the skills and abilities of Handicrafts and Agro producers.
5)Advocate & provide a voice for artisans and small farmers through the FT principles.


Main Projects / Activities

1)Marketing of handicrafts and agro products according to Fair Trade Principles.
2)Promoting the Fair Trade principles.
3)Capacity building for the artisans and farmers technically.
4)Advocacy for Fair Trade principles in Egypt.
5)Training of producers and increase their environmental and health awareness.
6)Encouraging volunteering in Fair Trade.
7)Holding fairs and marketing activities in Egypt. Developing products through monitoring, follow up, supervision and creativity.
8)Provide community development services including health services and education to artisans and farmers.
9)Provide training and enabling other civil society & trading organizations that are interested to develop as Fair Trade Organizations.
10)providing Material and moral support

Contact (1) Full Name
Mona El-Sayed
Job Title
Head of Board Of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Mona El-sayed

Fakar Tany

National Network

Ibn elnafis Square, El Agouza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

A Board of 5 persons - 10 employed - 10 Freelancers
European Endowment of Democracy our source of Funding
We are a part of feminism Network by our Initiative " she thinks "including Superwomen , Sanad , Barah Amen

Mission and Objectives

Supporting media freedom and independence, and supporting independent journalists, especially those who have been exposed to security problems, whether by being arrested, detained, or harassed. The Foundation also works to support independent media platforms, facilitate their work, improve the quality of the content they provide, amend legislation that undermines freedom of the press, and work to spread a culture of human rights.
Special space for Women’s rights and all minorities in our society to express their challenges and help them to emerge in society

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities :-
-Monitoring the conditions of press and media freedom, government policies, and legislation related to them.
-Campaigns to unblock websites.
-Supporting independent platforms in developing their journalistic work.
- Promote the reports and events produced by civil society organizations.
-Monitoring the executive steps of the state's human rights strategy in Egypt.
-Independent platforms for free expression of opinion and independent journalistic work.
-Training workshops for public opinion influencers on human rights principles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing Training Program for journalists and media outlets
Provide a space of writing and expression your selves freely
Supporting Human rights defenders, Minorities and all women issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Exchange experiences between members are the most important point for networking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esraa Abdel Fattah
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Esraa Abdel Faath
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Salah

Fares Foundation for Social Care

National Network

5 Bakr Fares st., Beside Mansoura Stadium

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 01008164333
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
مؤسسة فارس أهلية غير هادفة للربح مشهرة من وزارة التضامن الاجتماعى تحت رقم تسجيل 1545 لسنة 2007 وفقا للقانون 84 لسنة 2002 تعمل فى مجال توجية الشباب و رعاية الاسرة و المرأة و الطفل و التحول الديمقراطى للمجتمع و تعزيز قيم حقوق الانسان بدأت المؤسسة برأس مال مؤسسين ثلاثون ألف جنية مصرى بهيكل مؤسسين أربعه منهم سيدة و يعمل بالمؤسسة سبعة موظفين و ينتمى لناالعديد من المتطوعين بداية النشاط بحملات توعية للشباب من مخاطر الادمان و أنشاء مركز لعلاج الادمان و لقاءات مع طلاب جامعة المنصورة حول تعدد الاسر الطلابية و دورات تدريبية لادارة الحملة الانتخابية لاتحاد الطلبة و لقاءات حول مسابقة شباب العالم الديمقراطى لكتابة المقال و تدريبهم - و تعمل الان فى مشروع التحول الديمقراطى لطلاب الجامعه تحت مظلة حرية الاعلام بأنتاج مسرحية سياسية تعرض فى النوادى و تقام حولها الندوات و المناظرات و ايضا تعمل فى مشروع مجاكاة الشباب للبرلمان و تشترك مع الصندوق الوطنى للديمقراطية nedو مع مبادرة الشراكه الاوسطية mebi
Mission and Objectives

التحول الديمقراطى للمجتمع و تعزيز قيم حقوق الانسان

Main Projects / Activities

تعمل الان فى مشروع التحول الديمقراطى لطلاب الجامعه تحت مظلة حرية الاعلام بأنتاج مسرحية سياسية تعرض فى النوادى و تقام حولها الندوات و المناظرات و ايضا تعمل فى مشروع مجاكاة الشباب للبرلمان و تشترك مع الصندوق الوطنى للديمقراطية nedو مع مبادرة الشراكه الاوسطية mebi

Contact (1) Full Name
Amer Bakr Abdallah Fares
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Amer Bakr Abdallah Fares


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
company work for  training the youth how to be a writers and publish thier work
Mission and Objectives

we want to be the most important publisher allover the world

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
hager safwat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hager safwat

Fatyat Al-Ghad for Development

National Network

9 Mahmoud Ghareb St. Giza

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fatyat El-Ghad for Development consists 7 employees in addition to a board of members consists of 5 members. The total budget differs from one year to another yet last year its budget was about 700000 EGP comes from different donors and membership fees. We had many projects in different fields but mainly we concentrate on the gender issues. we had FGM project, maternity health project, illiteracy eradication project, vocational training project, etc. we have many partners from the government like ministry of social solidarity, also partners from out side the government like WHO, UNDCO, USaid.
Mission and Objectives

vision: To be an effective association that help in creating a better future for the Egyptian girls.
Mission: we are a group of girls who are interested in the development of the Egyptian girl through empowering her economically, socially, culturally and medically.
objectives: empowering the Egyptian girl, vocationally train the girls, educating girls, increasing the awareness of the Egyptian girls in different issues related to health, culture,etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Fatyat Al-Ghad for Development made many projects for girls like FGM project to increase the awareness of the families about the danger of such issue. Also we gave a great care to the maternity health and the child health after born.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we have a sound experience in the field of Gender issues in Egypt we will be able to share this with other NGOs and work together for better future of Egyptian girls.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fatyat Al-Ghad wants to expand its activities to be able to reach the maximum number of girls all over Egypt and being part of the ALF network will enable us to view different experiences and share knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Randa Rizk
Head of the organisation
Dr. Randa Rizk

Faw Gharb Community Development Association

National Network

Qena - Dishna - Faw Gharb

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Management Assembly Executive Body Committees Projects
Mission and Objectives

We are Community Development Association Pfao west of our belief in serving our community and with our experience we seek to develop community FAO through the contribution in providing opportunities for quality education, activities and programs and providing health care and environmental conservation and awareness of cultural and technology, raising the slogan We are all partners in development
- The development of the local community economically, educationally and physically and socially, religiously and environmentally
Through: 1 - raise the educational level and to help literacy
2 - social assistance
3 - Providing comprehensive health care and maternity and child care and family planning
4 - Raising the income level of poor families
5 - To facilitate the Hajj and Umrah and memorization of the Koran
6 - Protection of the environment 7 - Consumer Protection

Main Projects / Activities

Activities and projects implemented:
A) Construction of the association, consisting of three floors
B) the field of education
1 - Open a number of 10 literacy classes for girls
2 - View the status of follow-up educational programs for various levels of education
3 - get a piece of land donations to build the Institute of Azahari
C) the area of health care:
1 - Create a comprehensive health clinic equipped with the latest medical equipment
2 - Establishing a medical laboratory
3 - get a contribution from the people a piece of land to build a health unit Naga shelf
D) Economic development:
1 - project for the development of income (loans) for 22 customers the amount of 8300 pounds per month, equivalent to the amount of client 264 99 600 pounds per annum
2 - Provide social assistance in kind and cash to the poor and needy
3 - Open Player Knitting and embroidery for girls
E) environmental
1 - 202 connections to implement a number of clean drinking water, benefiting 1800 people
F) the area of services:
1 - Extract the ID cards for the 1000 men and women
G) the religious sphere:
1 - Open Office memorization of the Koran
2 - Implementation of the 5 pilgrimages
3 - Implementation of seminars and competitions religious Ramadan
H) the area of outreach:
1 - the implementation of the 1200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of optimal use of clean drinking water
2 - implementation of a number 40 health symposium and religious importance of the use of clean drinking water
3 - Implementation of the 12 health and religious seminar about the importance of health care for women and children
4 - Implementation of 1200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of health care
5 - Implementation of 200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of literacy for girls
6 - Implementation of the number of 100 home visits to raise awareness of health education
Projects under implementation:
1 - Education Development Project Bdhna
2 - Center and called for information technology to serve the people of Centre inaugurated
3 - strengthening of laboratory tests medical devices, advanced
4 - Strengthening the development project, the establishment of income unit new loans
5 - Establishing a vocational training center for training and education of all trades
6 - Strengthening the Cultural Library with books and cultural means
Future projects:
1 - Create a center for early childhood to care for children from 4-6 years
2 - Strengthening the health clinic of modern medical equipment
3 - Create Hall of seminars and exercises designed and equipped
4 - complete a project of clean drinking water connections
5 - the implementation of the clean-up project and protect the environment from pollution

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr . Gamal Mohammed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Khaled Shoukey