جمهورية التشيك

National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Betlémské nám?stí 1, Praha 1, 110 00 CZ

420 2 24497500
Telephone (other)
420 2 24497501
420 2 22221418
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information
1/ Public museum 2/ 30 000 Euro, plus expenses and wages 3/ State budget, sponsors 4/ Exhibitions, lectures, research, conferences, seminars, exchanges, training, publications 5/ Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affaires, private subjects
Mission and Objectives

Collecting, conservation, prevention, exhibition, presentation, research, publishing material regarded as national cultural heritage and focused on objects from Asia, Africa, America, Australia

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibitions, lectures, research, conferences, seminars, exchanges, training, publications
Collecting, conservation, prevention, exhibition, presentation, research, publishing material regarded as national cultural heritage and focused on objects from Asia, Africa, America, Australia

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Jana Sou?ková
Head of the organisation
Dr Jana Sou?ková
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Vlastimil Novák


National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Tř. Kpt. Jaroše 18
60200 Brno

+420 543 245 342
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 605 239 579
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
NESEHNUTI is non-hierarchical organisation with about 10 people with full-time job and another 15 person with part-time job. We work with many volunteers and also with partners from abroad (f.e. in a program Initiative Way we work in countries in Caucasus and support locla initiatives (in Georgia, Armenia and also Ukraine). Most of our work is covered by grants, we also have individual donors. We have very serious ethical codex so we don´t receive money from any company. We focus on human rights and partly on protecting environment. Our topics are: supporting initiatives abroad, women rights, supporting people from abroad living in Czech Republic, local activism in the area of city planning etc. 
Mission and Objectives

As a social and ecological non-governmental organisation, we work principally on the basis that ecological and social problems have shared causes and consequences which must be resolved. All our activities aim to show that social change based on respect for people, animals and nature is possible, and, most importantly, must be led from below. Therefore, we support people who are interested and engaged in what’s happening around them and who consider responsibility for life on our planet as an integral part of their own freedom. We work independently of party and economic interests, using strictly non-violent means

Main Projects / Activities

The Initiative Way
We support active people abroad, primarily, though not exclusively, in the southern Caucuses, Transnistria and Belarus. We help local activists create a civic society and protect human rights, animal rights and the environment. We organise educational seminars, help find financial aid, provide long-term support for projects and campaigns and arrange educational trips to the Czech Republic. For more information about The Initiative Way, visit www.cestainiciativy.cz, www.initiativeway.org
Together Towards Diversity
Together Towards Diversity opens up debate about migration and refugees in the Czech Republic, the issues surrounding it, the associated prejudices and the lack of respect frequently shown by the majority of society. Through educational and informative activities, we hope to work together to look for answers to topical questions and to learn what a multicultural life, outside the world of media bubbles and prejudice, looks like in specific locations. We are currently leading a campaign for public health insurance for foreigners. Our goal is for legislative change so that migrant groups with long-term Czech residency are included in public health insurance. For more information about Together Towards Diversity, visit: www.spolecnekrozmanitosti.cz
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
The programme aims to create a space in which attitudes related to stereotypical notions about the role of women and men in society can change, and problems resulting from these ideas (gender discrimination in the workplace, violence against women, the beauty myth etc.) can be resolved. Our goal is for women and men in our society to be able to develop according to their abilities, rather than according to what is expected of a man or woman. In order to achieve this, we organise lectures and workshops for schools and the general public and we have touring exhibitions. We are also running the campaign ‘Against Sexism in the Streets.’ As part of this campaign we hold the Sexist Piggy contest. To find out more about this programme, visit: www.zenskaprava.cz
Civic Eye
Our goal is to encourage public participation in the planning and decision-making surrounding projects which may impact the natural environment. We support initiatives and active individuals by connecting and strengthening their local campaigns. We organise educational and motivational workshops and can provide long-term support or focus intensively on selected causes. For more information about the Civic Eye programme:  www.obcanskeoko.cz.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I see that we have many similar topics with the network.
I hope we could support networking in our country and contribute to the network with our experiences, share educational events and other activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join this network, because its great opportunity to know about each other - in the field of intercultural topics in Europe. We are looking forward sharing experiences at workshops and also hope for sharing tips for supporting our acitivities across the Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariana Zborilova
Job Title
Coordinator of program Together Towards Diversity
Head of the organisation
Non-hierarchical structure

občanské sdružení Slovo 21 (NGO Word 21)

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Francouzská 2, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
NGO Word 21 is nongovernmental non-profit organization founded in 1999 in Prague. The executive director is Mrs. Jelena Silajdzić, the organization team counts 9 full-time employed and high number externally employed people (the number differentiates each month according to projects in realization). The executive body is member committee. In 2009 the expenses were around 13.700.000,- CZK and profits around 14.200.000,- CZK (the difference presents the financial sources for projects continuing in 2010). The expenses and profits in 2010 should be higher because of 5 projects financed by European Social Fund. Other sources of funding are: Ministry of Culture CR, City of Prague, Ministry of Interior CR, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport CR, Ministry of Labor CR, various foundations and embassies. Our organization regularly cooperates on projects with international partners (e.g. Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain etc.).
Mission and Objectives

Non-governmental organization SLOVO 21 realizes educational, cultural, media, public awareness and other projects, especially Roma projects and project aiming on integrations of immigrants. Through our projects we want to combat racism and xenophobia and as very effective tools we use presentation of minorities through culture and positive values or support of personal relationships. Our leading goals are: to protect and professionally present cultural heritage, to promote human rights and to encourage tolerance towards ethnic minorities. We cooperate with organizations from the Czech Republic and abroad. The diversity is one of the crucial topics for us as we believe that combination of different traditions, cultures and nations within the Europe can be very enriching and contributing.

Main Projects / Activities

Most important projects are:
The World Roma festival KHAMORO – realized since 1999 once a year during the last week of May, offers concerts of traditional Roma music and Gypsy jazz, international seminars, exhibitions, film screenings, dance workshops etc.
Family Next Door – realized since 2004, innovative integration of immigrants into major society through informal meeting of Czech and immigrant’s families directly in their homes, till today we involved 766 families coming from 26 countries.
Roma women’s group Manushe – group of women from whole Czech Republic led by motto “Education, emancipation, and self-confidence!”
Bulletin “Word for foreigners and about foreigners” –published 4times a year and contains important information about new laws, rules, institutions or cultural events.
We Are on the Long Way – international workshops for Roma youth from whole the world with rich educational and cultural program with the aim to motivate young generation.
Information about other projects you can find on www.slovo21.cz.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Ludmila Matásková
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Jelena Silajdžić
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Bulgan Otgonsuren Rico


National Network
جمهورية التشيك

tř. E. Beneše 1543
50002 Hradec Králové

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information
We are an information boutique about migrants, Roma, and Islam serving to Visegrad readership. Structure: The main power lies with the Board of trustees: four-year term, currently occupied by three members. Network of around 50 correspondents. Budget: EUR 6000 (2016) Sources: Visegrad fund, Action: Slow journalism Partners: Budapest Institute, CVEK
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to provide distinctive insight and analysis that provokes opinion-makers and the receptive public to rethink issues that invite bias through a user-friendly, conflict-focused website.
We envision a society where information about other groups of people tends not to be distorted by myths, misimpressions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations. A society where freedom of people is not limited by their membership to a group - with the exception of the groups aiming to subvert democracy and the rule of law.

Main Projects / Activities

Odlisnost.cz - systematic analysis of themes related to migrants, Roma, and Islam provided through a conflict-focused website to be published in August 2016

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

provide expertise on substantive themes related to minorities and advice on how to pass the desired message to a sceptical audience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect with other professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Ruzicka
Job Title
Chair of the board
Head of the organisation
David Ruzicka
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaromir Mazak
Job Title (2)
Board member

Online TV Channel

National Network
جمهورية التشيك


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Online TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV Channel
Mission and Objectives

Online TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV Channel

Main Projects / Activities

Online TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV ChannelOnline TV Channel

Contact (1) Full Name
Online TV Channel
Head of the organisation
Online TV Channel

Organization for Aid to Refugees

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Kovářská 4
919 00 Prague

00420 730 158 779
(+420) 233 371 258
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
OPU is non-profit and non-state organization and its main activities include providing free legal and social counselling to applicants for international protection and to other foreigners in the Czech Republic, organizing training programmes for both professionals and the general public, and other activities aimed at promoting integration of foreigners. One of the OPU’s goals is to fight against xenophobia and racial and ethnic intolerance.
Mission and Objectives

OPU has been helping refugees and foreigners in the Czech Republic for 25 years.

Main Projects / Activities

OPU’s main activities include providing free legal and social counselling to applicants for international protection and to other foreigners in the Czech Republic, organizing training programmes for both professionals and the general public, and other activities aimed at promoting integration of foreigners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Rozumek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
JUDr. Martin Rozumek

Ostrava center for New Music

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Dr. Šmerala 2

+420/596 203 426
+420/596 203 426
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ostrava Center for New Music (OCNM) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with 2 employees. OCNM is funded by Czech governmental and international institutions and foundations, international corporations and individual donors. OCNM budget for 2011 was 331 500 €. OCNH's main activity is the production of OD and other new music concerts, workshops and publishing activities: • Concert tours of Ostravská banda in Europe and USA in 2006-2012 • Cooperation with Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra in Ostrava since 2001. • Publishing OD 2001-2011 Reports, CDs with music from past OD, DVD documentaries about OD.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ostrava Center for New Music (OCNM) is to create an environment for activities to foster artistic concepts in an international context, to help in the development of quality production of Czech and foreign music, and to contribute to new directions in contemporary music for a broader audience, especially for the younger generation.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of OCNM is the organization of Ostrava Days: New Music Institute and Festival for composers and performers (biennial). Other activities include arranging contemporary music concerts and releasing professional publications about contemporary music.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristzna Konczyna
Head of the organisation
Renata Spisarová


People between the lines – Handbook on migration for (future) journalists focuses on the development of a critical approach in the media treatment of topics related to migration, migrants and the coexistence of majorities and so-called new minorities. It offers...

People in Need (PIN)

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Safarikova 24
12000 Prague 2

+420 226 200 481
Telephone (other)
+420 226 200 408
+420 226 200 401
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 777 787 961
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 777 787 531
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information

People in Need (PIN) is one of the largest organizations of its kind in post-communist Europe, and has administered projects in 50 countries over the past 19 years. PIN’s Relief and Development Department employs 36 people on its Headquarters in Prague (management, desk officers, finance and accounting, internal auditor, fundraising), 47 expatriates in programme countries and 475 local employees. PIN’s human rights department employs 19 people on its Headquarters in Prague and cooperates with numerous NGOs and individuals in 10 countries. Currently, PIN’s most important donors are Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, EuropeAid, ECHO, Alliance 2015, USAID, UN Agencies, PIN fundraising and other governmental donors. Turnover of the whole organisation in the year 2010 was according to the audit report 20,3 million EUR. PIN has its own accounting department, which went through general procedure audit by ECHO and UN. The organisation has experience with managing projects with total budget up to 2 million EUR, both through direct implementation and through various local partners.

Mission and Objectives

PIN was founded in 1992 by leaders of the Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution, dissidents and journalists as a humanitarian organization to help people in crisis situations around the world and to support the implementation of human rights. Next to the humanitarian assistance and development cooperation, PIN implements projects focused on transformation to democracy, support of civil society and good governance, using documentary movies to point out violation of human rights and to support global education. During almost 20 years of its existence, PIN has developed many public awareness campaigns aimed at providing independent and unbiased information for journalists, opinion makers and the general public. Through campaigns, information projects and media supplements PIN believes it is possible to support an informed and empowered civil society both at home and abroad. People in Need also believes that cooperation is essential in order to meaningfully contribute to offering solutions to the world’s problems. PIN is an active partner in Alliance 2015, the Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS), the European Union Monitoring Center (EUMC), Eurostep and with Concord.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2010, PIN implemented humanitarian and development projects in 28 countries, in 14 countries has established permanent mission. People in Need works in four main areas. It: - provides relief aid and development assistance in following sectors: Humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation programmes in catastrophe or conflict affected countries, Education (access and quality of education, emergency education), Health and social services (maternal health, prevention of HIV/AIDS, support to orphans, disabled and palliative care), Food security and livelihoods (both emergency and long term development food security including quality improvement of agriculture, income generation activities, value chain, support to local production, marketing etc.), Water, sanitation and hygiene, Good governance and support to civil society, Environment (nature resource management, promotion of sustainable energy sources, re-forestation); - defends human rights and democratic freedom mostly through support to civil society, including non-governmental organisations, journalists, lawyers, youth, school teachers, disidents in the countries where opposition is persecuted etc.; - administers social integration programs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia; - provides informative and educational activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PIN, as a biggest NGO in the Czech Republic, is since its establishment active in public awareness in the field of development cooperation and human rights, lobbying for increase of a public budget for development cooperation, implementation of social integration programs and informative and educational activities for the Czech public. PIN can share its experience, coordinate its activities and cooperate with other Network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PIN already started projects focused on strengthening civil society in the “Arab spring” countries using its experience with similar programmes in numerous countries including Mediterranean region, Europe and Asia (Libya, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Burma) and also experience with transformation process in the Czech Republic in last 20 years. PIN is also already a member of several Czech and European networks/platforms as it believes that only coordinated and joint actions have sufficient effect and keep the costs at low levels. By joining ALF Network, PIN aims to be more active actor in supporting civil society in Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klára Jiráčková
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Simon Panek, Director


National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Manesova 63

Mobile Phone
+420 603202035
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 603500575
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation has a five member committee-chairwoman Ms Petra Regnerova, vice chairperson Miss Dominika Razkova and Mrs Hana Kazimirovicova.The supervisory board has three members.The organisation has for the time being 30 individual members and five companies as members.There is one full time employee and one half time one. The others employees of secretariat are unpaid volunteers/students/. The budget for the year 2009 amounts to 1450000 Kč/approx. 58000 Euro/ We are trying to get several further grants and gifts for this year -roughly about 10000 Euro. The main sources of funding are Czech and multinational companies active in Czech republic and abroad.We are asking also for grants from Czech governmental sources-eg.ministry of culture,ministry of foreign affairs ,Prague municipality etc. Our biggest project this year is concentrated on education of high schools students in Czech republic.We are publishing textbooks and DVD film to be distributed to schools.Further we are organising seminars in individual schools accompanying by film screenings and music performances. Our main partners are ministry of schools and education,individual schools,club cinemas, Czech writers and journalists,pop-singers and youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Peceptio o.s. is an organisation oriented on dissemination of information fighting against racism,xenophobia,misuse of drugs and supporting dialogue between cultures and friendship among people,promoting human rights and democracy.
We are concentrated mostly on young generation,cooperating both with official bodies/ministries,schools/ and youth organisations in Czech republic.
One of our aims is to involve in our activities members of minorities living in Czech republic,especially those with roots in Mediterranean area.The official recognized minorities in our country e.g.Slovak,Ukrainian,Vietnamese etc have established their organisations and connections here but the Mediterraneans are a bit neglected.

Main Projects / Activities

-Organising special seminars for students both as a part of a formal education and separately
-Supply schools with respective literature published and compiled by us
-Create films on DVD for use at schools
-For all these projects and activities to cooperate with writers and journalists living in Czech republic ,especially with those of foreign roots
-To cooperate with popular singers,movie stars to involve them in our projects so that they can be more interesting for young generation

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Regnerova,Eng.
Head of the organisation
Ms Petra Regnerova,chairwoman
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Dominika Razkova