
Subversive Festival

National Network

Subversive Festival, Udruga Bijeli Val, Ilica 203 A, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organisation consists of a core-team of 20 people, with 3 permanently employed staff. During the annual Festival the organisational team consists of more then 100 people (coordinators, translators, moderators, etc.). The average annual budget is around 150,000-200,000 Euro (for 2012 it was around 150,000 Euro). Main sources of funding are Ministry of Culture of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Croatian Audovisual Center, Tourist Board of Zagreb, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Embassies (French, German, etc.). Main modalities of actions are: 1 Subversive Film Festival, 2. International Conference, 3. Subversive Forum / Balkan Forum, plus monthly seminars and discussions. Main partners involved in the projects are RLS, HBS, French Institute, Eurozine, Transform! Network, Memoire des Luttes, World Social Forum, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our objective was to establish a diverse network of regional and international partners, namely academic institutions, cultural organizations, new social and political movements, art centers and civil society actors. By doing so we developed political education of involved citizens by offering programs and activities rarely organized in Zagreb, Croatia or in a wider region.
We encouraged audience’s participation, and by doing so we also wanted to encourage networking among international and regional theoreticians and activists participating in the conference, workshops and following programs.
Finally, we aimed at attracting various, mainstream and alternative media to present to a wider public the event and the socio-politically relevant issues that had been discussed.

Main Projects / Activities

- the theoretical conference with keynote speakers such as Slavoj Zizek, Stephane Hessel, Zygmunt Bauman, David Harvey, Gayatri Spivak, Saskia Sassen, Michael Hardt, etc.
- the film screenings, held in several cinemas, located in the very city centre: Europa Cinema, Tuskanac Cinema, Gric Cinema
- the film symposium, mainly aiming at students and young professionals
- art exhibition realized in cooperation with prominent curatorial teams
- book promotions held in cooperation with leading Croatian publishers (Ljevak, Jesenski i Turk, Fraktura, Pelago, VBZ)but also international publishers (Verso)
- official festival publications documenting the project include the following: the program book consisting of conference papers written by participating theoreticians and essays by other prominent scholars; the bilingually published (English and Croatian) festival catalogue, consisting of film critical reviews and the accompanying program abstracts
- the festival is being promoted through: bulletin published in 20, 000 copies, flyers, billboards and city light posters, daily newspaper adds, radio and TV adds, an English-Croatian website.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the programs of the Network as we have a long and established tradition of recognizable programs and activities which are aimed at the same goals as the ALF Foundation.
The festival is attracted by a numerous audience (more then 10,000 people during the 2 weeks), and the visibility of our partners is guaranteed as we are regularly present in the regional mainstream media (Croatian and Slovenian National Television, daily newspapers, weekly's in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.), but also worldwide (Al Jazeera, Le Monde Diplomatique, Cafe Babel, etc.). Last but not least, our wish is to really integrate the Subversive Festival as part of the Mediterranean and to bring Arab scholars, intellectuals, activists, cultural workers, etc, to Zagreb to gain new knowledge and connections in the broader Balkans region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network we hope not only to expand our activities but mainly to open integrate the Subversive Festival in the broader Mediterranean region, where Croatia naturally belongs.
By doing so, we hope to encourage intercultural exchange mainly with the Arab region and promote cooperation between new social movements and cultural institutions from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.
The last edition of the Subversive Festival (2011.) was dedicated to the Arab Spring, and this is a topic we would like to continue elaborating also in the next editions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srecko Horvat
Head of the organisation
Nikola Devcic

Suncokret Center for Community Development

National Network

Trg F Tuđmana 4
44410 Vrginmost

+385 44 881 523
+385 44 881 523
Mobile Phone
+385 098 649 398
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 098 9294 065
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non governmental non profit association. In 2015 we had 11 employed and 130 volunteers. Our budget for 2015 was 425 000 kuna. Our sources of funding are national and international donors such as the ministry of education, ministry of social policy and youth, ministry of health, Croatian Employment Service, EU funds, National foundation for civil society development etc. International donors in the past have been the American Embassy, Good Planet, Colas, Kids Earth Fund, CNF-CEE, UNDP/UNV. Suncokret runs daily non-formal afterschool education projects, social inclusion and community development projects. In addition, we also run a local volunteer center and hold international volunteer camps. We conduct edcuational, skill and capacity building projects. Our youth participate in Erasmus exchanges and projects and we also host EVS volunteers. We are partners with the Gvozd Municipality, Gvozd elementary school and day care, the local Red Cross and BLANK NGO based in Zagreb, Kids Earth Fund Croatia and Kids Earth Fund Japan.
Mission and Objectives

Suncokret - Centre for Community Development is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded as a response to the psychosocial needs of an ethnically mixed postwar community. Suncokret undertakes community development programs and projects. The aim is to address negative psychological, social and cultural postwar consequences; to increase social inclusion and improve the quality of life for all community members, especially for the most deprived members of society; to promote community rebuilding, and support development of a sustainable democratic civil society.
Suncokret bases its activities on the work with individuals, families, groups and whole community on the principles of active participation and empowerment while supporting positive initiatives, initiating co-operation as well as mutual respect of differences. Suncokret is committed to establishing the building of democracy, citizen initiative and participation, community development, volunteerism and altruism, shared responsibility, equal opportunities for all regardless of their gender, religion or nationality.

Main Projects / Activities

We run both a volunteer center and a community center where we work with socially excluded individuals and local children and youth and. At the volunteer center we host 130 international volunteers per year that parcitipate in our activities. We also have organic gardens, a new orchard where we teach sustainability and about preserving the environment. At the community center we provide after school programs for the local children in the community (from Bosnian Croat refugee and Serb returnee families) where we provide everything from educational activities, non-formal education (childrens rights, health and hygiene), psychosocial workshops, tutoring, homework help to games, sports, fun and creative workshops, arts and crafts.  arts and crafts activities. We also publish our own local news magazines, hold documentary film workshops and numerous other activities. We promote volunteerism, democracy building, sustainable community development and especially focus on social inclusion. We have an Info Centre/ Internet Club, we host EVS-European Voluntary Service volunteers, we organize multicultural cooperation and youth exchange and nvironmental actions and education. We hold computer literacy courses for children and adults and arts and crafts workshops for children and youth. We hold yearly film making and photo workshops and we publish the only local newsmagazine. We have held courses in English and other languages. We have conducted music workshops and other entertainment activities and sports and recreational activities and gym. In addition, we provide practical support and assistance to the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 We are a small organization that has worked hard in the postwar community and over the years have created a community center and a volunteer center. Our organization has aimed to promote intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and contributed to civil society development in a rural postwar area. We could contribute with our experience and knowledge in the field of postwar development and social inclusion and volunteer promotion. In addition, for us as an organization it is essential to keep learning, networking and growing capacity and membership in your network would assist us in these goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization works to achieve active citizenship and social inclusion in an ethnically divided postwar community. We strive to promote civil society development, access to information and promotion of tolerance and respect in a postwar area.We promote social inclusion, tolerance building and non-violence. Our youth have now expressed ideas of wanting to engage in social entrepreneurship projects to engage the local community, promote rural development and local employment possibilities. From what we have learned about the ALF it seems that being we have similar ideas and activities and share the same values as the foundation and being part of this network would be a great asset and a way to connect, network and cooperate with other NGOs, organizations and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Predrag Mraović
Job Title
President of NGO
Head of the organisation
Mr. Predrag Mraović
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Turniški, Ph.D.
Job Title (2)
Program manager

Tala Dance Center

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Artistic organisation, director, art director (2 free lance dancers, choreographers and teachers), 2 employed and 22 pedagogs. City of Zagreb and Ministry of culture are financing projects.App.500.000,00Kn a year. We are creating since y.2006 network of partners for exchange, coproducing, education and presentation thru all our programs. Danse a Lille, Zodiak dance center Helsinki, Atelier de Paris, ITI UNESCO Zagreb and Cyprus, East West Center Sarajevo, NDA Partners...
Mission and Objectives

PLESNI CENTAR TALA je neprofitna umjetnička organizacija osnovana 14.veljače 2000.godine. Osnivači su Larisa Navojec i Tamara Curić, umjetnice koje već duži niz godina uspješno djeluju u suvremenom plesu kao profesionalni plesači i koreografi školovani u inozemstvu.
Plesni centar popularizira suvremeni ples kod djece, mladeži i odraslih kroz pripremanje i izvođenje različitih programa u području plesa:
- izvođenje i stvaranje kazališnih predstava
- edukacijske programe
- svakodnevne treninge, radionice, tečajeve, predavanja, informacije
i kontakte
- organizaciju plesnih projekata i manifestacija
- poticanje i podržavanje inicijativa za razvoj plesne umjetnosti
- suradnju s kulturnim i drugim institucijama i umjetnicima na
različitim projektima u svrhu realizacije programa

Main Projects / Activities

We make performances in our production (12 till now), education in different programs-over 400students, we organize Plaform of young choreographers since year 2000 and we are croatian partner in regional program of Nomad dance academy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Talent Zone Croatia

National Network

Trg Fasizma
10000 Zagreb

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization staff and a network of over 50 stakeholders, and we have just started submitting and working on vet mobilities and EU Projects. Our sources are funding from various grant agencies , and also from teaching and training. our modalities of action include vet job, placements, seminars at high school and university and granted EU projects. Main partners include vet, institutions, national agencies, and educational and sport institutions. We are keen, interested in research, actions, and policy document.

Mission and Objectives

. We work on teaching about, democracy, inclusion, healthy, lifestyles, and cultural changes, and we are invested in becoming a key player within Europe through organization

Main Projects / Activities

Our mission and objectives are to popular rise the use of digital tools and trans learning outcomes in order to share expertise among our partners in our network. We are highly active in vet, job placements, and are always interested in introducing new candidates to our country

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that only threw Networking through worthwhile initiatives and common minded people that we can achieve goals that will fit the greater good, and for this reason, we would like to be an important part of the network within our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that it will help support our initiatives and interests.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Anita Kovacevic
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Anita Kovacevic

The consultations process on the role of informal programs in media education

Media Education Matters

On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., the third consultation was held on the Zoom platform as part of a structured dialogue on the 'Media Education is Important' project.

The consultations focused on the importance of non-formal education programs, which are most often implemented by civil society organizations, in media education. In order to determine the framework for the implementation of the consultation, goals and recommendations for the development and further development of guidelines on the role of non-formal programs in media education were presented. In addition, the participants of the structured dialogue using the Mentimetar tool during the consultation answered questions about what media education is for them, what is non-formal education and who are the implementers of non-formal education programs, as well as whether they implement media education programs.





Trag crveno-slobodni pokret / Trail of red -free movement

National Network

Domjanićeva 22

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385-092-2927506
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Trag crveno-slobodni pokret/Trail of red -free movement is a non-profit NGO for multimedia and art productions,artistic cultural development and promotion of citizens in a society without racial,age,gender and social discrimination.NGO managed the Director.The main decision making the Assembly.The Director nominates deputy. Financial operations of the NGO works under the National Financial Law for NGO sector.Person-artists work on projects through signed contracts.Budgetary resources per year is 35.000 euro.Sources of funding are budget of the Republic-Croatian Ministry of Culture,Municipal City of Zagreb,private donations,membership fees,sponsors.NGO primarily have artistic activity,performances and art exhibitions,publishing and multimedia promotions. During last years organized forty theater performances of various productions in Croatia and neighboring countries as Bosnia and Serbia.Cooperate with professional theaters,participate in theater festivals and cabaret festivals. Helps young unestablished students acting schools and academies to gain practical knowledge and encouragement for the lifestyle in the cultural sphere.
Mission and Objectives

Trag crveno-slobodni pokret / Trail of red -free movement is a voluntary, independent, non-profit and non-partisan of citizens who, on the principles of learning multimedia (theater, film, music and art) and art productions wants to contribute artistic cultural development and promotion of citizens in a society without racial, age, gender and social discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Shows,entertainment and programs:Distinguished guests,comedy;Kosta cabaret,cabaret;A story about friendship,children's educational performance;
Books, E-edition:Basically already seen,Igor Rogina,writer;Survival is the Igor Rogina, writer;Maja&Wool,Tihomir Dunđerović writer;Ulaner,Viktor Pucko;Journalism on the environment,Ljiljanka Mitos Svoboda,journalist,publicist;Memories of theater and film life of an actress, Igor Rogina, writer

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by sharing informations of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint to ALF Network is very important for future activities of our NGO, because we need more exchange information, practice, personal experiences, new ideas, cooperation with Mediterranean countries in Europa and North Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Rogina
Head of the organisation
Igor Rogina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ljiljanka Mitoš Svoboda

Učilište za obrazovanje odraslih - IDEM

National Network

Ilica 48

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
One employed person. Sources of funding: EU funds IPA IV component, self-financing, local government, donations and foundations. We work with teachers, preschool teachers, teaching assistants, mobile expert teams and parents on increasing their competences to work with children with disabilities and to work with diversity. Our main partners are Local Authorities, Croatian employment Service, Agency for VET and Adult Education, parents, schools and preschool institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is developing of inclusive educational model, increasing educational process quality and protection and promotion of human rights on national level. Our mission is to improve level of social inclusion in Croatia and Region.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
- transformation of special institutions into centres for support to regular schools and preschool institutions (Centre for Autism Zagreb, Centre for Rehabilitation Zagreb, Centre for Education Velika Gorica, Centre for children and youth Karlovac, Centre for Education Ozalj)
Main Activities:
- education for teaching assistants
- education for mobile expert teams
- workshops for teachers and preschoolteachers
- education for inclusive teachers and preschool teachers
- supervision
- promoting and marketing activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote Network's values and work in a field of social inclusion in cooperation with Network. We can also participate in all future activities that Network plan to do in our Region and all our projects could be done in cooperation with Network. As we are unique institution for formal and non formal education in this field, we see our role as developing, promoting and innovative in Croatia and Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to contribute to Network's work and to improve inclusive services on National and Regional level. As we already have developed models of inclusion and we work in that field over 17 years, we want to share our knowledge and experiences with other relevant institutions and organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Darko Kobetić, prof.
Head of the organisation
Darko Kobetić, prof.

UDRUGA "C_DUR" (associacion C-MAJOR

National Network



00385 911911920
Telephone (other)
00385 48 655805
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 91 19 119 20
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
the written, musical works unknown and renowned young artists, improve urban culture promotion of cultural heritage, presentations MANJUINSKE MUSIC THROUGH MODERN JAZZ GYPSY Quotation 2.TILL NOW 3000eu 3.sponzor 4.Seminar American Virtuas and school teachers THE PLAYERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC IN FLORIDA Jeff Berlin in Krizevci, school bass guitar, Jeff Berlin konceert,25-27-04 .2013. Jazz festival, trying to organize a gypsy jazz with S.Rosenberg best gypsy jazz guitarists in the world 31.08.2013 Križevci 5.City of Križevci 6.MIXER.HR medija
Mission and Objectives

Organization of the largest local Gypsy jazz festivals and bluess The Mountain, the foundation school with Jeff Berlin in Croatia for the whole of Europe., Youth employment PROFESSOR, seminars and concerts, enable the poor talented musician BEST EDUCATION

Main Projects / Activities

MUSIC ,School od moder music and Jazz in Zagreb and Jazz festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

with friends like Jeff Berlin one of the best players in the world bss and other great artists we can provide education that can not be learned in schools. experience, open school of modern music and Jazz in Zagreb for all the talented musicians

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to exchange experiences and to provide insights about music and life, to enable talented young people from my contacts and friendships with famous artists with little money, enable contacts and Education

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Udruga alumni Europskih studija (ALES)

National Network

Trg maršala Tita 14 (Sveučilište u Zagrebu)

+385 98 386 073
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We are association of graduated students of European studies of the University Paris 2 (Pantheon-Assas) and the University of Zagreb. We have 50 members and so far have been voluntary working in exchange of knowledge between Croatia and France and spreading European values to general public in Croatia. Our budget in 2009 was 2.200 HRK, all gathered through member fees. Our projects consisted of organising and holding conferences and seminars on EU issues, involving distinguished guest speakers. Our main partners were other professional associations, French embassy and individual experts.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of European cooperation, development of European values, exchange of knowledge and competences, cultural and educational exchange of experts from Croatia and Europe

Main Projects / Activities

Share of information, knowledge and experiences among our members and between our association and other associations and institutions in issues related to the European union and European integration processes and spreading knowledge through seminars, conferences, projects... to the benefits of general public in Croatia, networking with other associations and professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Hoić
Head of the organisation
Sanja Hoić
Contact (2) Full Name
Rahela Jurković