

National Network

Bulgaria, 6450 Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov,street

+359 899 611 051 – Hristina Borisova
Telephone (other)
+359 889 415 111 – Zlatka Georgieva
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Unity "е организация с нестопанска цел в обществена полза, която работи в различни области и усилия за насърчаване и защита на правата на човека и върховенството на закона. Екипът представлява висококвалифицирани юристи, икономисти, социолози и инженери активно участват в работата на Сдружението. Ние Работим по въпроси, засягащи бежанците, техните проблеми и права. Ние участваме в развитието на местните, регионалните и националните стратегии във всички сфери на обществения живот. Ние предлагаме обучение за овластяване лидери, за развитие на персонала, за преподаване и корпоративно обучение. Ние организираме семинари и обучения за групи от хора с общи интереси и цели. Ние работим и да допринесе за развитието и популяризирането на духовните ценности, най-добри практики в развитието на гражданското общество, образованието, културата и спорта. Част от нашите експерти да участват в изготвянето на доклади при съставянето на национални стратегии за оперативните програми на България до тематичните работни групи, които да ЕМРСР, съответно, с участието на експерти от Министерството на земеделието и храните, Министерство на финансите и Министерство на културата. Организацията "Единство" е със средства, генерирани от проекти, дарения и икономическа дейност, финансирана. Сдружението се фокусира върху благотворителни събития и малки проекти, както и подкрепа за действия, предприети от други неправителствени организации и инициативи за международно сътрудничество, в частност.
Mission and Objectives

Защита на демокрацията и хуманизма, защитата на правата на хората. Подкрепа и насърчава реализацията на жените в икономическия и социалния живот, се стремят да учат и да се засили българското наследство и традиции, подпомага социалната адаптация, активно насърчаване на опазването на околната среда и организира публични събития за укрепване на традиционните ценности.
Сдружението работи за развитието на гражданското общество и има за цел да изгради национална мрежа от хора с прогресивно мислене, които биха могли да си сътрудничат креативни в посрещането на предизвикателствата на общността и социално развитие.

Main Projects / Activities

- Подпомагане на разработването и прилагането на инициативи за икономическо, социално и културно развитие на регионите в България;
- Генерира социални инвестиции от частни лица, бизнес сектора и различни публични и частни източници на финансиране;
- Предоставяне на техническа помощ на лица, фирми и организации, работещи за посрещане на социалните потребности на обществото на национално ниво;
- Тя допринася за ефективността, устойчивостта и многообразието на социални програми в България
- Посредничи чрез предоставяне на професионални консултации, оценка, мониторинг и проследяване на изпълнението на проекти и програми;
- Работна в сътрудничество с други организации на гражданското общество на национално и местно ниво за развитие на социална отговорност и устойчиво развитие на гражданския сектор в България
- Съдейства за малцинствени групи, хора с увреждания и уязвимите групи;
- организиране и провеждане на обучения и семинари за повишаване на професионалната квалификация ;
- Инициира и участва в създаването на партньорски мрежи с национални и международни организации и неправителствени организации;
- Разработва и реализира програми и проекти за изпълнение на национални оперативни програми
- Подпомага и организира дейности за опазване и въвеждането на традиционни български общността събития, културни дейности, традиции, занаяти и обичаи, съчетани с доброволчески инициативи за подобряване на околната среда или за решаване на местни проблеми.
На този етап организацията "Единство" се фокусира вниманието си върху реализацията на инициативи за младите хора с акцент върху две от най-големите "Български дарителски форум", който е член на WINGS - - организации в България Световна мрежа за подкрепа на дарители и партньори CEENERGI - регионална инициатива за Централна и Източна Европа за развитието на корпоративна филантропия и "Помощ за благотворителността в България" , която е част от световната мрежа на организации Помощ за благотворителността в централен офис във Великобритания.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ние възнамеряваме да допринесе за ALF мрежа в България, като:
Насърчаване на своите цели и инициативи, както и осъществяването на дейности по проекти в области, които са от съществено значение за мирното съжителство между хората: междукултурни инициативи и обучения за младежи и възрастни, правата на човека и на регионалното развитие.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Сдружение "Единство" напълно подкрепя насърчаването на междукултурните курсове и съвместни проекти между гражданските общества. "Единство" приема изцяло подкрепа и насърчава ценностите на ALF:. Приемането на плурализма и културното многообразие, взаимното уважение между общества, религии и вярвания, признаване на върховенството на закона и основните свободи
Ставайки член на ALF Network, ще даде шанс да "Единство", за да помогне за устойчивото развитие на региона чрез взаимно уважение от горните стойности. "Единство" има интерес да бъде част от една организация, която оказва влияние върху способността на отделните лица и групи, които споделят ценностите и живеят заедно в региона. Ние искаме да се допринесе за по-нататъшното поддържане на междукултурния диалог, който е пътната карта на фондация Анна Линд в дългосрочната стратегия за справяне с истинските причини -. Политическа, идеологическа
Нашата асоциация може да обедини гражданското общество в региона за междукултурния диалог и да работи за едно общо бъдеще и това е основната причина за "Единство" да стане част от тази организация.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Job Title (2)

NGO Vselena

National Network

Street Dimcho Debelianov 7

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization was created in august 2010. There are 7 members people working there - 1 psychologist , 1 social worker, 1 pedagogue, 1 journalist and 3 students. The organization is just starting his activities and is gathering money from imports of the founders, donations fees and Grants. Partners of the organization are : Municipality of Bourgas, Organization for Democratic education, Association for domestic violence Demetra, Community Library, Alliance of progres Burgas.
Mission and Objectives

Organization for personal development and creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

For the short time it has been working , the organization has finalized one project - "Art vacation for children". Now the organization is working on its second project - weekend atelier away from the city. The other project we are developing is project for people with disabilities. Our basic methods are art therapy and psychotherapy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Desislava Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Veselka Yordanova

Open Mind

National Network

registraion address: Zona B5, bl. 2/A/5/16, Sofia 1303
mailing address: 6, Hr. Botev Blvd. Sofia 1463


+359 2 852-4726
Telephone (other)
+359 2 852-7713
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 898 414854
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 359 888 864 737
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure Open Mind is a Non-Government Organisation functioning as an individual legal body with purpose for public service. Ruling bodies are: 1) General Assembly 2) Board of Directors 3) Head Director All staff is working on a volunteer basis - there are no employment contracts. 2. Budgetary resources Open Mind does not have budgetary resources dedicated on an annual basis. All the funding is project specific, so each year it varies depending on the number and type of projects. 3. Sources of funding Youth For Europe, PHARE, European Council, French Embassy in Sofia, OFAJ - German-French Youth Office, British Council Bulgaria, Canadian International Development Agency, Bulgarian government and other non-governmental organizations. 4. Modalities of action Local environmental campaigns - ForTheNature.org, Street actions. Music Festivals - Artmospheric festival, Cube festival Exchanges, seminars, European voluntary Services - non-formal education trainings, workshops, intercultural exchanges. 5. Main partners: Agenda 21 (Bucharest – Romania); Pac Evere (Brussels, Belgium), ARCI (Chieti, Italy), Motyka, (Toryn, Poland), YARTZ.net (Bulgaria)
Mission and Objectives

- To support young people in their self realization;
- To facilitate mobility of the young people;
- To facilitate the communication and cooperation between young people;
- To preserve Bulgarian historical, cultural and spiritual values and traditions;
- To promote racial, ethnic, religious and sexual tolerance;
- To support humanitarian, social and artistic activities;

Main Projects / Activities

“S.V.E.glia! – Raising of cultural awareness and European information in Chieti” European Voluntary Service (Action 2, Youth Programme) - 2003
“Education for Sustainability and awareness: learning by doing” International Youth Exchange (Action 1, Youth Programme) - 2004
“Faces and sounds of Europe: developing ideas for media and youth participation” Contact Making Seminar (Action 5, Youth Programme) - 2005
Cube Festival 2003, 2004, 2005http://cubefest.cult.bg/?page=aboutus
"Critical and sustainable development: sharing experience in Europe" (Action 5, Youth Programme) - 2006
Artmospheric Festival 2007, Artmospheric Festival 2008 - international art gatheringhttp://www.artmospheric.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Kliment Dichev
Head of the organisation
Tatyana Kossekova
Contact (2) Full Name
Tatyana Kossekova

Open Space Foundation

National Network

9, Industrialna str.
Sofia 1202

+359 2 8220699
+359 2 8220699
Mobile Phone
+359 889 916483
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 876 692753
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Foundation "Open Space" is non-government organization, registered in public benefit. Our staff included: 3 people in full-time, 3 - part-time and 20 - 25 volunteers in time of festival, events and other activities. Budgetary resources available in a year - 110 000 EUR, from European, National and local funds, private companies and patrons. We have 2 main branch: 1/ Educational and consultative services and 2/ Events for the leisure time. Support us and we hope to continue to do this: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education, Science and Youth in Bulgaria, Embassy of USA, Egypt and The Netherlands in Bulgaria, Italian Culture institute, Goethe Institute, Czech Institute, Polish Cultural Institute, National Agency for European Youth program and initiatives, Centre for development of human resources, many schools and private clubs for out-school activities.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to support and promote cultural dialogue and relationships through various forms of art and communication. Working hard to create a new standard in the cultural life outside the capital city by establishing a more unconventional author's presentation of new concepts and innovative projects not only in music but also in theatre, cinema, arts in general. From 2010 year we're developing our educational programs and initiatives to encourage personal development and skills.

Main Projects / Activities

- International Ethno-Jazz festival "JULY JAZZ" since 2006, - Perelik Pure Jazz - acoustic concert in the top of the Rodophy mountain since 2008, - Children Art camp since 2008, - Youth programs: "KWAG / Know, Wish, Able, Give" and "Attention! Stairs" to develop youth entrepreneurship and initiatives - Program for volunteers: work with volunteers and with managers of volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

This could be happen per: - active role in the Network relationships; - to create a place for multicultural dialogue and stimulate its to do in real life and every place around us; - per International Ethno-Jazz festival - its stages and work-shops, where people meet other culture and know about other cultures and religious; - to continue to provoke inter cultural interaction and create new mix project in arts and educational programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I strong believe in inter-cultural dialogue and its ability to create change and development of socialite.To be active and open mind people is our personal mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pepa Peneva Veleva
Head of the organisation
Pepa Peneva Veleva

Opportunities for young people and youth workers

Skills development opportunities

During the spring-summer season, the association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (Head of the ALF Bulgarian Network) is offering different opportunities for young people, youth leaders and youth workers, such us participation in youth exchanges and trainings courses, developing skills and upgrading knowledge on different topics like digital media literacy, digital competences, political participation for young people and others.

You can find more information about each opportunity on the links bellow: 

Digital Media Literacy, training course in Krushevo, North Macedonia: https://iicbg.org/digital-media-literacy-tc-in-krushevo-north-macedonia/

KA1 SPORTIVE, Madrid, Spain: https://iicbg.org/ka1-sportive-youth-exchange/

THINKATHON OUR GREEN FUTURE, Kalamata, Greece: https://iicbg.org/thinkathon-our-green-future-kalamata-greece/

“Digital Youth Work”, training course in Rezekne, Latvia: https://iicbg.org/digital-youth-work-tc-rezekne-latvia/

Youthmocracy project, youth exchange, Lama dei Peligni lies, Italy: https://iicbg.org/youthmocracy-project-youth-exchange-lama-dei-peligni-lies-italy/

If you meet the requirements, do not miss these opportunities!

Orange Moon Foundation

National Network

Sofia 1784, Mladost 1, 79-4-81

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure and organization: Orange Moon Foundation (OMF) is managed by a management board which chairman holds the representative functions. For its actions the Foundation counts on a large team of highly skilled volunteers. Budgetary resources and funding: The Foundation operates with approximately 15000 euro per year. The sources of funding are national institutions and programmes, private companies and NGOs. The organization has a large experience with Youth in Action Programme. Main actions: The Foundation organize and support festivals, art exhibitions, open seminars, debates, concerts, youth exchanges. The social marketing and education are the main approaches in Orange Moon Foundation’s work. Partners: Orange Moon Foundation cooperates with many student organizations and NGOs in Bulgaria and abroad. The foundation has warm relations with universities, national institutions and media. Key partners in OMF work are the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky” and the University Club for Ecology and Sustainable Development – UNECO. OMF is part of the coalition Climate Action - Bulgaria.
Mission and Objectives

The Orange Moon Foundation’s mission is to promote the intercultural dialogue and democratic values, to defend the freedom of expression, to support both alternative and traditional forms of art, to protect the environment and to introduce the sustainable development into every aspect of the human existence. The organization is involved mostly in cultural, ecological and educational subjects. Its target groups are students, pupils and young people in general, but the foundation also covers a broad spectrum of different themes and social layers.

Main Projects / Activities

The Orange Moon Foundation has organized many alternative events, exhibitions, festivals and actions. The most significant and remarkable projects are “The Freedom of Expression Days” and “Green University”.
The main purpose of the “Green University” project is to provide permanent ecological education in the universities and schools, and to provoke debates on important subjects related with the sustainable development. The campaign has a large practical part - actions of forestation and cleaning of natural territories, actions, related to waste management, air pollution, bio agriculture and so on.
“Freedom of Expression Days” is a student festival, focused on the different aspects of the conception “freedom of expression” – expression in media, artistic expression and creativity, social and political expression. During the “Freedom of Expression Days” the young people meet and work with interesting figures from the journalism and the PR practice, make researches and participate in creating of real social marketing campaigns, they organize and participate in photo exhibition, social advertising contest, seminars. An event, called “Night of the Poets” is also important part of the festival. It is a particular night scene for alternative literary readings and musical performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristo Panchev
Head of the organisation
Hristo Panchev


National Network

41 Dobrudja str., entr.B, floor 3, office10
7500 Silistra

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Our NGO has a Management Board of three people, who gather together on a regulas basis to discuss current initiaitves. The organizational activities are funded mainly by grants and contracted services.  Main projects: Our main projects include activities, encouraging the adoption of intercultural education in multi-cultural school environment, funded by EEA grants. We are working with children and young people from multi-ethnic communities and improving their intercultural awareness to inspire empathy and tolerance. At the same time we involve the community teachers in experiential intercultural learning to change their cultural perspective and improve their comptences in dealing with multi-ethnic students.  Our main partners, inlcude: Transperancy International - Bulgaria, Regional Inspectorate-Silistra, Municipal Department of Education and local schools, Ruse University      

Mission and Objectives

Mission:Our NGO unites professionals, supporters and volunteers working for community development, intercultural communication and cooperation and in the areas of human rights, gender equality, intercultural education and sustainable development. Our main goals: 1.Enforcement of European values in civil society; 2.Implementation of new educational programs, encouraging intercultural dialogue and promoting Euro-Med cooperation; 3.Granting chances for young people and supporting their personal development;

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of Activities:1. Educational Integration: ‘Different Kids with equal Rights’ – funded by the EEA Grants The project provides innovative education on children's rights for students, including those from minority groups. It enhances the application of interactive educational tools in order to promote tolerance and multicultural understanding. For this purpose the project also gets together students from different ethnicities and encourages multicultural communication among them. Thus it defends the idea that trainings on children's rights should be performed in multiethnic classes to successfully achieve its goals As a result of its implementation an effective educational model for tolerance, anti-racism and anti-discriminatory behavior will be tested and promoted among children living in isolated communities, but studying in mixed ethnic groups by using a specialized methodology. ‘We succeed together due to our diversity’ - funded by OP Human resources via Development Center for educational Integration of children and young people from minorities, Ministry of Education (2014-2015) The project aims to promote the integration of children and youth from different communities in the Municipal sports school "Drustar" by introducing an educational program on intercultural education in the school curriculum. For this we cooperated with the school sports teachers to define a set of certain tools, which were included in the classroom curriculum as ice-breakers, warming up or teambuilding stimulus. The project activities promoted tolerance and respect in the whole school life through the conversion of ethno-cultural diversity into a source of mutual understanding and cooperation. ‘A quality education for all’ - funded by OP Human resources via Development Center for educational Integration of children and young people from minorities, Ministry of Education (2015-2016) The aim of the project proposal is to ensure equal access to quality education for children and students from ethnic minorities in its central primary school "Hristo Botev", Alfatar Municipality. Project activities introduce innovative educational organization of educational process using modern audio-lingual method for teaching a second language, as well as the methodology and themes of Global Education. 2. Youth Activities ‘European Youth Network Antennas - Europe 2020’ – funded by ‘Youth in Action’ 2015 The main objective of the project ‘European Youth Network Antennas - Europe 2020’ is to train and motivate groups of young people (aged 16 – 30) to develop and create a sustainable network of European Youth antennas in five areas of North Bulgaria / Veliko Tarnovo, Razgrad, Targovishte, Shumen, Silistra /. Through interactive educational module for distance training and career development Europe 2020, the young participants receive and maintain current knowledge and exchange of information related to European values, opportunities for education and work, knowledge and skills for self-development . The project builds a sustainable network of active youth groups to exchange information, to participate in joint youth initiatives and to carry the European perspective and opportunities in communities in different types of settlements. Paralel-Silistra coordinates the youth activities in Silistra region. Integration activities with the ‘Youth Forum’ - Silistra funded by the Municipality of Silistra (2013-2015) Together with the Municipality of Silistra we plan and implement annual trainings to promote educational integration and tolerant coexistence among ethnic communities in the region. In 2014-2015 we developed and provided a set of trainings to raise awareness on diversity issues and the behavioral impact of stereotyping as well as to encourage youth entrepreneurship. Examples of the first include: ‘Me and my rights’, ‘Tolerance, communication and Internet’, ‘Stereotypes and media’. All these trainings use interactive educational methods, which emotionally involve the participants in the explored topics and question their perceptions and understandings of culture, social status and division among ethnic groups. In 2015 we also established cooperation with the Junior Achievement Entrepreneurship Programme on school level by supporting and participating in the ‘Manager for one day’ in Silistra. 3. Training and Expert Activities ‘Index of local integrity system in Bulgaria’ - financed by the Foundation ‘America for Bulgaria’ NGO "Parallel - Silistra" is a partner of the Association "Transparency without borders" for the implementation of the ‘Index of local integrity system in Bulgaria" in Silistra. The monitoring report covers the municipalities of all 28 regional centers. As a result yearly index of local integrity system will be assembled, discussed and published in order to improve the local governance system. ‘National Rural Network – Silistra’ – funded by the National Rural Network via Ministry of Agriculture and Food In 2013-2015 NGO ‘Parallel Silistra’ was a coordinator of the National Rural Network in Silistra region, as a partner of the National Rural Network, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. This partnership enhanced the discussion and identification process of the priorities for rural development, the changes that should be made to the current policy in order to improve the impact of its implementation. The cooperation achieved excellent results in improving the dialogue with civil society, expanding participation in decision-making and in the process of planning, programming, monitoring and implementation of the policy for rural development. Partnership with the NGO "Local Action Group - Isperih" - funded by the relevant contract with Ministry of Agriculture and Food In 2014-2015 NGO "Parallel Silistra" was a partner of the NGO "Local Action Group - Isperih" for developing, organizing and conducting information meetings and happenings. The activities were carried out within the local development strategy – Isperih, under a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Teachers’ Trainings – funded by different sources In 2014 -2015 the NGO provided a set of TOTs for teachers on topics like: ‘Improving presentation skills’, ‘Global Education – Why and How’ and ‘Improving Teachers’ Intercultural Competence’. 4. Euro-Med Cooperation under Erasmus Plus - we have developed partnership projects with NGOs from the Euro-Med region, which were submitted for funding under Erasmus Plus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to ALF Network in Bulgaria by: 1.Promoting its objectives and initiatives, 2. Establsihing partnerships with entities from the Euro-Med region; 3. Designing and implementing joint project activities in the Euro-Med region, in fields which are essential for peaceful co-existence among nattions: Intercultural training for youth and adults, Human Rights and Co-existence; Cross-border development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the last years our NGO has been targeted at working internationally and establishing partnerships with other civil society organizations in EU and non-EU countries, like Romania, Greece, Turkey and Italy. Thus by joining the ALF Network we intend to build up cooperation with partners from the MED countries and jointly work on designing, implementing and exchanging intercultural trainings in order to share common values and improve our communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diana Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova
Contact (2) Full Name
Tsvetelina Manolova