

How to make a Streaming

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National Network

Mariya Luiza 13
9000 Varna

+359 878 318 459
+359 52 608 718
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 87 8318 459
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 88 7318 459
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Structure: Members Assembly and a Board of 3 persons, 3 people employed, Partners::"Step by Step Programme" Foundation Sofia, Ministry of labour and Social Policy, Sofia Municipality, Varna Municipality, Aksakovo Municipality, Avren Municipality, European Information Center Veliko Tarnovo, Schools in Varna and Sofia Budgetary resources available in a year- they differ according to the projects funded- in 2008- appr.60 000 Euro Sources of funding: EU Structural funds, EU Commission, Bulgarian State Budget- cofinancing the Structural funds in BG, Varna Municipality, Ministry of labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Administration and Administraive Reform, Mama Cash Foundation, Royal Embassy of the Netherlands, The Association is a member of the following networks: Human Rights Family, International Polit Commettee of FNASAT"Roma and Travellers Programme"-France Actions and Activities: seminars, regional and national information campaigns, trainings, social services

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association are: - to support the building of balanced civil society in the country, for equal opportunities and equal presentation of men and women and various ethnic groups in public and in private sectors, - to support cultural exchange and diversity, to promote tolerance and universal human rights values. - to provide services for vulnerable groups - to promote education for law enforcement personnel, to develop public awareness campaigns on human rights issues

Main Projects / Activities

1. Project: “The Local Roma Elective Bodies-an Important Step towards the Political and Social Integration of Roma People in the Society and the Governmental System”- funded by Interethnic Initiative for Human Rights, Sofia, Bulgaria - Program: Interethnic development fund-cycle 2003- 8628 USD, 01.10.2003-31.07.2004. Establishment of Roma Public Councils at the Municipality Councils in Aksakovo and Beloslav Municipalities Members of the public council discuss issues which are of community interest. 2. Project: “Equal in the Differences, Different but Together- Local Authorities and NGO for Integration and Sustainable Development for Ethnic Minorities”- funded by Civil Society Development Program PHARE Project 2001- budget 34 968.59 Euro, from the program-27 828 Еuro, 01.12.2003-31.07.2004 Establishment of Public Councils of ethnic minorities at the Municipality Councils in Avren and Dolni chiflik Municipalities and NGO info centers, course on NGO management, development of a website. 3. Project:” Human Rights Training for Roma Women from Varna Region and the Rural Area” – funded by Minority Rights Group International, UK -1793 Еuro, 01.02.2004-31.04.2004 Training on human rights, monitoring mechanisms, interview skills for primary contact with victims of violence and trafficing, computer skills, project writing skills. 4. Project: «Society and Media against Corruption-for Transparency and Community Control on the Activities of the Public Administration” – funded by USAID, Open Government Initiative Project- 7 500 USD, 02.02.2004-31.07.2004 Monitoring of corruption cases, media investigations, interviews, survey, publishing a book with the analyses of corruption practises and dissemination of the book among parliamentarians and ministers, lobbing for legislative changes 5. Project: “Consulting Center for Roma Women from Varna Region and Rural Area”- funded by Mama Cash, the Netherlands- 8000 Euro, 01.08.2004-31.07.2005 Lecture series for Roma women in 5 villages in Varna region on issues of domestic violence, trafficking, unemployment, health care. Consultancy room is opened in the office of the NGO to provide pro-bono legal counseling for Roma women. 6. Seminar for local officials and administration: Human Rights Promotion and Protection through the Institution of the Local Public Mediator -The event was organized jointly by CSD, Coalition 2000 and the Initiative for Sustainable Development Local Agenda 21 in cooperation with Human Rights Step by Step Association – Varna. 7. Women's Rights and Mechanisms for Their Protection. On November 12, 2004, a public discussion on the Women's Rights and Mechanisms for Their Protection was held in Varna. The event was organized jointly by the Center for the Study of Democracy, Information Centre on the Council of Europe -–Veliko Tarnovo, and Human Rights Step by Step Association – Varna. The book Ombudsman Institution in Europe and Bulgaria: Legal Nature and Practice was presented by Prof. Dr. Nora Ananieva. The book is educational manual designed for the specialized courses and programs in Bulgarian universities and schools, first introduced in Law School of Varna Free University in 2004-2005. University lecturers and students, NGOs and local administration representatives, citizens and media took part in the discussion. 8. Project” The Art-Trend and Profession for Young Talents”- funded by EU Commission for Bulgaria, PHARE Program, budget 34 990 Euro, 01.04.2005- 31.03.2006 Promotion of young talents in the field of art and establishing and running of art gallery for young talents “Aglaya”. 9. Training of police officers in human rights and anti-discrimination. Co-organized with Varna Free University and the Regional Police Department.,12- 16.12.2005 10. Project: ” Election of Local Ombudsmen in Aksakovo and Avren Municipalitites-Varna region”, funded by Open Society Institute Sofia, 3500 Euro, 15.03.2006г.- 15.08.2006г. Training seminars for local parliamentarians and administration to speed up the process for local ombudsmen election, raising awareness campaign on the importance of this institution. 11. Project „Pallette “Aglaya”- funded by Varna Municipality- 280 Euro, 01.04.-30.09.2006 The project provides young artists with materials to stimulate them to produce art works and to promote them in the field of art. 12. Project: “Roma Mediators -for Social Inclusion”- funded by the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands- 10200 Euro, 01.12.2006- 30.11.2007, Training of Roma mediators who will work as mediators among the local Roma community helping people to benefit from the social security system, guiding them through the labyrinth of administrations. 13. Project: “Your World is Mine too- Let’s Make it better Together”- promotional campaign for the 2007 –European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, funded by th Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, European Commission, 54 000 Euro, 01.01.2007-31.12.2007 14. Project “Bridges of Dialogues and Trust”- educational project for developing educational materials: manuals and books for non-formal civil education to support the process of integration of Roma children into the school system.- budget 37 500 euro, funded by the Ministry of Education-OP HRD, 17.06.2008- 17.09.2009 15. Project ” Map of Accessible Varna”, financed by the Social Programme of Municipality of Varna -2008, budget 1500 euro., 01.07.2008- 31.10.2008- Varna city map was designed and printed on which all the administrative, public and cultural objects adapted to the needs of disabled people were marked. 16. Project ”Model for collaboration between the structures of the civil society for applying an effective mechanism for partnership with the local authority in the field of management of the process of decentralization and optimization of the educational institutions”, financed by Operational program ”Administrative Capacity” co- funded by the European Social Fund and the State budget, budget 196 662, 39 euro, 27.08.2008-27.08.2009. During the implementation of this project many informational, educational and promotional materials will be produced and disseminated: 3 manuals, 3 educational films, brochures, TV clips and radio programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elka Petrova Krasteva
Head of the organisation
Elka Krasteva- Chair of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Tzvetana Tzankova

IKAR Association

National Network

35 Peter Berkovsky Str.
6300 Haskovo

00 359 878 13 63 13 (mobile)
Mobile Phone
00 359 878 13 63 13
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

About us: We are a group of professional women and men. /9 women and 2 men - lawyers, doctors, teachers, journalist, psychologist and artists/; a network of volunteers is supporting the projects. The association was founded as youth one in 1998 according to the NGO law of Bulgaria. Considering the dominating female presence in it as well as the good partnership with The National Network for Equal Opportunities between men and women a team, dealing with women’s issues was established. OUR TARGET GROUPS The IKAR Association provides support and protection of the social, cultural civil etc rights of the minorities in society. We put at first place women and children at risk, these that remain isolated and misunderstood: unemployed and discriminated women; women, who are neglected from the society due to their unacceptable profession, disabilities or psychological diseases; economically challenged women and their children; women and children victims of sexual abuse, drug, traffic and violence. The organization is licensed as a provider of social services to people in risk (License 48/20.06.2003, Social Assistance Agency - Ministry of Labour and Social Policy) IKAR Association’s team has a Certificate for trainers in advocacy campaigns education PARTNERS AND NETWORKS We’ve got out own non formal network of partners: local and government institutions; business contractors; NGOs in Bulgaria. They assist us in releasing our mission and objectives. IKAR Association is an active member of National Network for Equal Opportunities, Local Social Council of People of Special Needs and some National Citizen Campaign . Budget 2009 - 66 688 Euro Main sources of funds include: / GFW - USA CEETrust -USA BG Fund For Women Transparancy Internatinal Mama Cash -Holland Ballkan Trust For Democracy\BULGARIA FUND\ Member taxes and donation

Mission and Objectives

Raising of the social status of the Bulgarian women and children, Bulgarian families OUR STRATEGIES: • to influence the governmental practices in their favour by lobbying and advocacy campaign • to give to the target groups highly qualified assistance and timely information on health and social issues; to work for the process of empowering them • to raise the social awareness towards problems of violence; equality of sexes and women’s discrimination • to establish contacts with other Bulgarian and international organisations • to publish and distribute information for the organization’s activities and results • We try to use arts,media,and popular culture to transform and attitudes and behaviours

Main Projects / Activities

2008 – 2010 * ’Maria in a box.’- supported by Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe. The main goal in this project is forum-theatre performance which will provoke a public debate regarding the significance of the “women in a box”. * “The law is not enough/Silence is broken” supported by Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe. The project was focused on the problem of discrimination at workplaces against women. The project was implemented through the methods of forum-theatre and presentation of the production “Sex for salary” and “open juridical rooms” in 11 bigger town in Bulgaria. For more information, refer to http://my.opera.com/ikarorg * “Alice in Trafficland” – 2009, prevention of human traffic through art methods in high-schools of Haskovo Region, project supported by Balkan Trust of Democracy.” * “The Flowers in Boxes “– prevention of domestic violence through movie methods in 30 countries in Haskovo Region, support by Mama Cash Foundation – Holland * 2009 – Won a project for the distribution of a unique printed colorful pamphlet meant for the women from the garment industry in the region that was a year long project under the name “STITCH BEHIND NEEDLE”, supported by the Global Fund for Women – USA. * Project “Blind Game” – for the prevention of trafficking of people by interactive means in three small towns , supported by FM of EES\ Norway, Lichtenstein and Island \ and administrated by FLGR and “Eco society” Foundation - Sofia *Project “Creation of a network of School Forum-clubs” in 6 schools in Haskovo on the problems of aggression and discrimination in schools, supported by EU funds

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariya Daskalova
Head of the organisation
Dimo Stoynov - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Antoaneta Stancheva

In Statu Nascendi

National Network

33A Sava Mihaliov
Zapaden Park
1373 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information

In Statu Nascendi is a new peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of the contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the “stage-of-becoming” plays a vital role. As of 31 August 2018, In Statu Nascendi has been formally registered as a Non-Profit Organization in Bulgaria and respectively in the entire European Union. Our NGO number is 205254346.

Mission and Objectives

As per our by-laws the main objective of "In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations" is the realization of activities in the public benefit. The main aim of In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations – henceforth referred to as "the organization" –is to educate, facilitate science and academic research, culture, education, art, international understanding, environment protection, to strengthen the civil society in Bulgaria, the European Union, and around the world. We aim to contribute to strength of civic society by offering a voice to needy, underprivileged, stateless, disadvantaged, disabled, young and old, as well as others unspecified groups of individuals who are not duly represented in the current academic discourse. The means by which the association will achieve its objectives are: To seek and promote, on a national level, the participation of In Statu Nascendi. To raise funds using subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the organization in such amounts and such manner as may be authorized by the General Assembly. One of our main objectives is to form a strong partnership with any national/international organization/s whose aims are similar to that of the organization. The organization is determined to act as a Charity that fully complies with Bulgarian and EU law in respect to philanthropic organizations. Membership contributions from members of the association. Donations from individuals and legal entities. Volunteer work by members of the association to create an appropriate environment for publishing and attracting articles from young and promising scientists from the country and the world.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a Non-Profit Organization operating in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are a political-philosophical journal that published biannually. The main purpose of our activity is to research the Middle East from the perspective of history, politics, culture and tradition. Our network is around 120 members strong. We would like to join your growing network to contribute to the high quality your work, research and other projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a Non-Profit Organization operating in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are a political-philosophical journal that published biannually. The main purpose of our activity is to research the Middle East from the perspective of history, politics, culture and tradition. Our network is around 120 members strong. We would like to join your growing network to contribute to the high quality your work, research and other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of its growing reputation and the opportunities that we could seize together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piotr Pietrzak, Ph.D.
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Editor-in-Chief of In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations

Index Foundation

National Network

A.Malinov 30 office 23

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Index Foundation was established in 1997 as a not-for-profit organization with the mission to promote the development of stable civil society and help strengthen the social safety nets in Bulgaria. The Foundation works in collaboration with the international community on a wide range of projects and initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

• Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations (ANCIEN) – a research project under FP-7 Research of the European Commission
• Study on the Situation of Private Health Insurance – Country Case study
• Creation and Development of Structures for Citizen Participation in Decision Making in Health on a Regional Level
• Research Study on the Provision of Hospital Services in Bulgaria and Estonia
• Monitoring and evaluating the state of the rights to European active citizenship - organizations. The project involves 11 countries – Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey
• Prevention and Anti-Aggression – a drug prevention project in 10 municipalities
• Civil Society for Drug Demand Reduction

Contact (1) Full Name

Individual Person: Georgi Stankov

National Network

Str. "Makedoniya" 38
6300 Haskovo

+359 0886 824918
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
I am a developmental and social psychologist, psychodrama director, and trainer. Currently I am a PhD candidate in Public administration. I am interested in the improvement of the citizen participation process and the development of citizens' capacity to impact politicians, decision-makers, and public administration in forming public policies. My side interests include arts and culture, history, social issues, local cuisine, traditional know-how, nature, environment, and anthropology.   For more detalied information, please visit my LinkedIn profile: https://bg.linkedin.com/in/gstankov
Mission and Objectives

- Open School of Psychology 
- Chernichevo community network

Main Projects / Activities

- psychological counseling 
- psyshotherapeutic practice 
- volunteering 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am an experienced trainer and consultant. I was trained in intercultural training skills by "LTS training and consulting"  - Bath Spa, so I'm able to teach and train both theoretical and practical topics in intercultural communication. 
I have experience in an intercultural environment, by atending workshops and seminars in the UK, Bulgaria and Denmark, and by delivering my own workshops with international participants in Izmir (Turkey) and Sofia (Bulgaria). 
I am a blogger, and two of my blogs present really unique content, which is very relevant to ALF Network's work: Intercultural skills (in Bulgarian) and Small and Local (in English).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to establish new partnerships, to exshange knowledge and experience, and to develop new interesting projects for a bigger social impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgi Angelov Stankov
Head of the organisation
Georgi Stankov

Information and Nature Conservation Foundation (INCF)

National Network

65 Postoyanstvo Str. , bl. 260 , entr. A, ap. 12
Sofia 1111

+ 359 2 872 14 83
Telephone (other)
+ 359 2 871 86 17
+ 359 2 872 14 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 899 817 204
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 359 887 214 858
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
INCF has one full time Executive Director, three non-paid experts members of the management Board, 3 part time assistants and dozens of freelance experts hired on short term contracts on specific assignments. The Foundation works with funding mainly from international sources: the European Foundation PAN Parks; N.H.Hardner Foundation (USA); CANON Europe, UNDP, USAID, SIETAR Europa and some frоm national institutions such as the Ministry of Environment and Waters. In the last year the turnover of the Foundation increased to more than 68 000 Euro. INCF works in partnership with municipalities, governmental organizations, NGOs, private business for projects development and implementation in the thematic areas listed below. We work on projects realisation, events management; workshops, trainingс and study tours organization and implementation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The INCF works in benefit of local communities` capacity building; civil society development; improvement of communication between cultures, people and institutions; information sharing and creation of a new communication culture in the Bulgarian society able to understand, adopt and implement contemporary civil practices and nature protection and biodiversity conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

Our goals are:
∙ Study and preserve the Bulgarian cultural traditions; help foreigners orient and adapt to Bulgarian cultural traditions through consultations and trainings;
- Study and protect the biodiversity through sustainable development of Bulgaria’s rural areas, implementing standards for environmentally sound practices for natural resources management;
∙ Capacity building of local communities and different social groups for use of new information technologies and nature conservation practices;
∙ Support institutions in introduction and implementation of national, EC and international legal and political instruments concerning the landscape and biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
∙ Bulgarian culture trainings and consultations
∙ Biodiversity resources assessment, conservation and sustainable use; agro-ecology; protected areas management
∙ Public awareness and communications, capacity building and networking
∙ Education and training
- Sustainable nature based tourism development
Information for recent projects may find in the attached file.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Svetlana Aladjem
Head of the organisation
Mr. Vladimir Galabov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Dimitrina Boteva