

Marjon Goetinck

Coordinatrice du réseau national belge de la société civile de la Fondation Anna Lindh, et chef de projet à l'Institut européen de recherche sur la coopération méditerranéenne et euro-arabe (MEDEA). Marjon Goetinck est titulaire d’une maîtrise en Etudes des langues...

MEDEA - Institut européen de recherche sur la coopération méditerranéenne et euro-arabe (Head of Network)

National Network

Square de Meeus 24; 1000 Bruxelles

00 32 2 231 13 00
00 32 2 231 06 46
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- Foster inter-cultural dialogue:
Cultures are neither isolated nor static, but enter in constant interaction with each other and evolve. In order to make this evolution positive, MEDEA Institute aims at promoting inter-cultural dialogue between peoples and groups bearers of different histories, heritages and cultural codes, by encouraging encounter, by inviting debate, and by providing a framework for analysis which prevents acceptance of obscurantist and irrational explanations, or extremism. It is therefore an effort to offer information, clarification and analysis of problems, as well as critique, with a global goal to reinforce the foundation of mutual relations between diverse societies.
- Promote mutual understanding and reciprocal tolerance:
MEDEA Institute seeks to foster the respect of pluralism, in which cultural tolerance is not based solely on a passive acknowledgement of other groups’ rights, but implies an active knowledge of these cultures, thereby bringing about mutual respect and understanding.
- Establish links and networks for the benefit of players in the political, economic, academic and cultural spheres
MEDEA Institute wishes to be a resource and a reference point for people wanting to engage in the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. Via its meetings and talks the Institute seeks to create exchanges between political, economic, and diplomatic players, experts, journalists, academics and others, which allow the formation of operational contacts leading to concrete ulterior results and facilitate a better insight into the stakes, positions, and the tangible possibilities for cooperation.
- Disseminate objective and plural information to the public at large
Via its website, publications, and conferences, MEDEA Institute works towards circulating objective information, as well as promoting education and training of Europeans and Arabs in order to prevent stereotypes revealing a lack of knowledge of the “Other”.
- Provide direct access to European and international institutions based in Brussels
Established in Brussels, MEDEA Institute wishes to offer its geographical advantage and assistance to other institutions based in the Arab or Mediterranean world wishing to have a base in the European capital.

Main Projects / Activities

The MEDEA Institute is an European research center whose primary purpose is to build relationships of trust, cooperation and mutual understanding between EU countries and their Mediterranean and Arabic neighbours.
Its work conists in developing a network of continuous dialogue between politicians, economists and academics, and in making available to the general public, information relating to relations that Europe has with its southern neighbours.
In practice, three types of activities are the specificity of the Institute’s work.
The first concerns the organization of different types of events such as:
conferences to inform the general public on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab relations and on the news in Arab and Muslim countries;
symposia and workshops that can be achieved in relatively small get-together and are intended to deepen a specific problem;
informal meetings between different actors of the Mediterranean and Euro-Arab relations (officials, diplomats, businessmen, etc..) organized in order to increase the regularity of contacts and reduce the risk of misunderstandings and mutual incomprehension.
The second type of activities consists in providing information to the general public via the website of the Institute – including 1800 pages – and by writing articles published in periodicals outside the Institute.
The third type of activities lies in the consultancy service proposed in various forms:
Interviews given to the media;
Research and analyses conducted at the request of one third;
Setting contact with different actors of the Mediterranean and Euro-Arab relations ;
Put MEDEA’s network of contacts at disposal to find experts and speakers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjon Goetinck
Head of the organisation
Geoffroy d'Aspremont
Contact (2) Full Name
Geoffroy d'Aspremont

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG)

National Network

26 Rue d'Edimbourg, Ixelles 1050
1050 Belgium

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) is a sister organization of the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) based in the UK and Media Diversity Institute - Western Balkans (MDI WB) based in Serbia. The MDIG employs three staff members and has a budget of 500K EUR, with the main funding coming from the European Commission. MDI Global uses various modalities of action, including projects, knowledge exchanges, workshops, training, and seminars, to promote diversity and inclusivity in media. The organization collaborates closely with media outlets, civil society organizations, youth organizations, and academic and educational institutions.

Mission and Objectives

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) works to encourage accurate and nuanced reporting on race, religion, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexual identity issues in media landscapes worldwide. While our work is grounded in the principles of freedom of expression and values of diversity and inclusion, our day-to-day work focuses on cultivating practical skills to combat negative stereotypes and disinformation and improve media and information literacy.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The YOU(th) CARE project aims to empower and mobilize the next generation of Global Caretakers for a shared, sustainable Euro-Mediterranean future. Recognizing youth's resilience and innovative approaches, the project addresses the complexity of current global crises by integrating social, ecological, and democratic perspectives. The project’s key objectives include reinforcing active citizenship and encouraging young people to participate in building a better society. The project seeks to support young people in becoming proactive young leaders by helping them develop Global CARE Agendas. The project focuses on collaboratively designing and implementing Global Care Agendas and Actions, employing a multidimensional approach to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Incorporating a gender perspective, the project will enhance gender equity by fostering gender-responsive leadership and expanding monitoring networks within youth organizations, groups, and local communities. The YOU(th) CARE is a 40-month-long project, and it focuses on engaging young people from eight EU countries (Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Greece) and four non-EU countries (Albania, Serbia, Tunisia, and Morocco). 2. The YoCoJoin project aims to intensify efforts towards more inclusive and engaging journalism by introducing youth community reporters within local news media outlets. By doing so, this project hopes to boost both the supply of quality journalism and the demand for such services among younger generations, ultimately creating a more economically sustainable business model for local news media outlets. Over the 24 months, the seven project partners – experienced local media organizations from The Netherlands, Malta, Serbia, Hungary, Ireland, Slovenia, and Belgium will collaboratively experiment with introducing an innovative youth community journalism initiative by adapting the experiences of the coordinator, Omroep Tilburg, and teaching 20-30 local young people in each country to the journalism profession through training and mentorship. The project will also directly contribute to the professional skills development of the participating partner organizations through its planned workshops and knowledge-sharing. Finally, YoCoJoin will seek to strengthen the overall sustainability of the wider European local news media sector by providing hands-on experiences to at least 20 non-partner local media services and distributing this inclusive and engaging journalism format through an online tutorial and active networking. As a result, the sector’s potential across countries and regions with different and diverse media capabilities will be increased. 3. In an effort to respond to the marginalisation and silencing of migrant voices in the mainstream European media and information environment, Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media (MigraVoice) aims to bring migrant voices into the mainstream European media space. MigraVoice brings together 6 European organizations covering seven languages to amplify the voices, perspectives, and insights of migrants in Europe within the European media information space by promoting their active participation in producing reliable mainstream traditional and social media narratives. 4. MEDIADELCOM will develop a diagnostic tool (multiple scenario building model) for policy makers, educators, media critical bodies and institutions, as well as for media experts and journalists, which will enable the provision of holistic assessment of risks and opportunities concerning deliberative communication and consequently social cohesion in Europe. The tool will enable drawing on multiple risks and opportunity scenarios of the European media landscape at large, as well as the development of media landscapes in individual countries. Conceptual and operational variables for multiple scenarios will be created by thoroughly examining the diachronic and synchronic changes in news media ecosystems in 14 European countries with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). MEDIADELCOM hosts a podcast which focuses on deliberative communication which is the core concept of the entire research project. You can listen and subscribe to the podcast by clicking on the link below.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network through various activities. MDI Global can provide training and capacity-building workshops to enhance media diversity and promote intercultural dialogue among journalists, media professionals, and civil society organizations. We can also lead the initiatives to fight online hate speech and discrimination, enabling a more inclusive and responsible online media environment in Belgium. Additionally, collaborative projects between MDI Global and local organizations within the Anna Lindh Foundation Network can be established to develop multimedia content and awareness campaigns that promote diversity in the media and provide a platform for marginalized and minority communities in Belgium to share their stories.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because it is a unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals committed to promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation across the Euro-Mediterranean region. Through this network, we want to create new partnerships and opportunities for collaboration, exchange experiences, and co-create innovative solutions to common challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luc Steinberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Luc Steinberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Hana Kojakovic
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

MEDIS Mediterranean Distribution Network

National Network

84 Avenue Besme,
1190 Forest


+32 2 23 50 793
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'AISBL MEDIS est un réseau de distributeurs de films des pays méditerranéens. Le réseau a été créé grâce à l’impulsion du Programme Euromed Audiovisuel III soutenu par l’Union européenne. Les membres de MEDIS sont des distributeurs et des producteurs du Maghreb, du Machrek et de la Péninsule Arabique, établis dans chacun des pays allant du Maroc aux Emirats Arabes Unis. Quelques membres européens sont également présents, dans le but de solidifier les relations avec les partenaires européens. L’objectif principal de MEDIS est de renforcer le secteur de la distribution afin de faciliter l'accès aux contenus cinématographiques régionaux et de qualité pour le public méditerranéen.
Mission and Objectives

L’objectif principal de MEDIS est d’aider à la distribution de films de qualité dans les pays méditerranéens.
Les membres ont décidé de créer la présente association avec les objectifs suivants :
- Alerter les institutions nationales et internationales sur le besoin de soutenir la distribution afin d’accroître la circulation de films de qualité ;
- Échanger des informations et partager le savoir-faire entre ses membres ;
- Promouvoir les cinématographies nationales des pays méditerranéens et pays arabes et des pays alentours ;
- Mener des recherches et constituer un think thank permanent visant à étudier l’évolution de l'industrie cinématographique du Sud méditerranéen et arabe;
- Établir des liens avec les organisations similaires dans le monde pour la défense des mêmes intérêts connexes en tous pays ;
- Chercher des financements publics ou privés pour favoriser la circulation de films de qualité, notamment de la rive sud de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation de séminaires, d'ateliers et de formations en vue de renforcer le secteur de la distribution de films de qualité dans la région Sud-Méditerranée.
Réalisation d'études et organisation de tables rondes pour améliorer les conditions de distribution de films dans la région méditerranéenne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Toujours prêt au partage de ses savoir-faire et de ses connaissances, le réseau MEDIS constitue un intermédiaire idéal pour les membres du réseau désireux d'établir un contact avec le secteur du cinéma au Sud de la Méditerranée.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le renforcement du secteur de la distribution, du cinéma et l'accès à la culture pour tous ne pourront se faire sans une coopération fructueuse et des échanges enrichissants avec des organisations aux buts similaires ainsi que des acteurs actifs dans d'autres domaines.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Caruso
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Layadi

Middle East and North Africa Research Group

National Network

Universiteitstraat 8
9000 Gent

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The MENARG is a multidisciplinary research group working within the Center for Third World Studies at Ghent University (Belgium). The MENARG is an independent research center as it is not affiliated with any political party. The MENARG’s independence inscribed in its statuses rests on the diversification of its public and private financing sources. Current MENARG staff includes 5 full time researchers. Partners include scientific institutions such as the Center for Islam in Europe, the Conflict Research Group as well as NGO’s (vzw. Vrede,…) and media groups (MO* Magazine). For an overview of activities see: http://www.psw.ugent.be/menarg/activities_seminars.html
Mission and Objectives

• The pursuit of informed and rigorous inquiry into the forces shaping politics, economy, and society in the contemporary Arabo-Islamic world;
• Advancing knowledge about, and understanding of, the social and political challenges faced and posed by Muslim communities in Europe;
• Promoting scholarly publication of research related to these themes.
• The translation of specialist knowledge into policy recommendations, as well as into policy tools for governmental and non-governmental organizations;
• The design of courses and the development of educational materials for the general public.
• Promoting informed public understanding of salient issues through seminars, speaking engagements, and contributions to the media.

Main Projects / Activities

Current Research includes:
- Democratic transitions in the Middle East and North Africa. A comparative study of Morocco and Egypt.
- Globalism and the Problematization of Government in the MENA-region.
- The influence of transnational political mobilization on homeland conflicts.
Other themes of particular interest to MENARG affiliated researchers:
- Social movements and contentious politics (particularly Islamism);
- Conflict and political authority in the MENA-region;
- Discourses on islam worldwide and discourse analysis;
- Cities, “governance” and the politics of resistance in the MENA-region and its periphery.
The MENARG carries out research and consultancy, can act as a partner for research for NGOs, organizes seminars and lectures, informs the general public through participation in public debates and designs educational courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Sami Zemni
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Sami Zemni
Contact (2) Full Name
Koenraad Bogaert

Miroir Vagabond asbl

National Network

Vieille Route de Marenne 2
6990 Luxembourg

0497/39 67 97
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

L’asbl Le Miroir Vagabond (MV) est une association socioculturelle active dans le nord de la province de Luxembourg depuis 1981. Créée initialement sous la forme d’une maison de quartier, elle propose au début des années 80 des formations d’alphabétisation et des activités d’animation artistique à Marche-en-Famenne. Très vite, la culture s’impose à l’asbl tant comme moyen d’émancipation individuelle et collective que comme outil majeur de développement territorial.

Mission and Objectives

L’action générale du Miroir Vagabond s’appuie sur les deux principes fondamentaux suivants :
Le premier considère que chaque personne, qu’elle soit riche ou pauvre, dite instruite ou non, dite intégrée ou en désaffiliation sociale, belge d’origine ou en demande d’asile sur le territoire est en capacité d’agir.

Le deuxième est construit sur l’articulation entre les notions de Culture et Social dans un objectif de développement local avec et au profit de Toute la population. Le Miroir Vagabond considère que le socioculturel et le culturel agissent sur le social. En d’autres termes que le socioculturel et le culturel agissent sur la société.

L’objectif final repose sur le principe qu’une société en cohésion doit s’organiser afin que l’ensemble des personnes qui la composent soient reconnues, prises en considération pour ce qu’elles sont, ce qu’elles peuvent apporter et créer de nouveau.

Main Projects / Activities

- Accompagnement au logement décent
- Projet Explor’toit
- Les ateliers de sensibilisation aux économies d’énergie

Contact (1) Full Name
Sylvie Dardenne
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sylvie Dardenne

Mix!t University College Ghent

National Network

Voskenslaan 362

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mix!t is a researchgroup embedded in the Faculty (Social Work and Wellfare Studies of the University College of Ghent). Mix!t performs research with a direct link to society and education in the field of diversity policies, promoting plural and intercultural society. Mix!t is funded by the Flemish Government, Boudewijn Foundation, Province East-Flanders and University College itself. Mix!t’s expertise lies in the publication of educational parcels and books concerning rites of passage as an instrument for greater tolerance in society (Overgangsrituelen [Standaard Uitgeverij 2010], Passages [Academia Press 2011], Hoe anders is het andere, [Standaard Uitgeverij 2012]). We provide exhibitions, classes and workshops on intercultural competences and rites of passage to societal organisations and in our University College.
Mission and Objectives

Promote Intercultural Society: Offering tools for intercultural skills to all citizens.
Education for all in a diverse society: Raising awareness of intercultural society in students attending our Faculty, mainly to future social workers. Creation of an inclusive and applicable diversity policy for our Faculty. Offering tools to teachers in secondary education to raise awareness and promote intercultural skills.
Researching the more value of diverse society: Exploring the topic of rites of passage as a means for more tolerance in plural societies. By focusing at sameness instead of difference we create tools that are directly applicable in intercultural society.

Main Projects / Activities

“How different is different”: classes and exhibitions on rites of passage as a means for more tolerance in intercultural society.
“Passages”: Recording 50 life stories of new Belgians, translating them into 1/ a book 2/ workshops where the life stories are presented as a means of communication in intercultural society, focusing at sameness rather than difference in human lives.
“Marriage Migration”: Analyzing the phenomenon of marriage migration in Ghent, Belgium.
“Integrating Together”: Offering new Belgians the possibility to train their language skills and broaden their social network with a coach. Offering students in social work the possibility to deliberately gain skills as a coach, as well as to bring them in contact with other cultures.
“Growing older in a changing society”: Practice oriented research focused at the life stories of elderly new Belgians as a means for productively diversifying health care knowledge and practices.
Elaboration of a diversity policy for our Faculty

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work with the concept of diversity in various innovative ways in theory and practice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To broaden our scope and share experience in working on intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Vankerckhove
Head of the organisation
Maurice Walgraeve
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Vebs
Publication Illustration

Moroccan migration in Belgium: More than 50 years of settlement

First volume in the new series CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies Moroccans are one of the largest and most debated migrant groups in Belgium.Moroccan Migration in Belgium analyses diverse facets of this community from a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses the...


National Network

Europalaan 7
8970 Poperinge

00.32 (0)
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. VZW: Organisation without profit. We working with volunteers and one expert in Afghanistan. 2. 80.000 euro 3. Subventions, gifts, and foundations 4. Women’s House in Istalif, Afghanistan. Women’s project in South Africa and Algeria. 5. French organisation: Mères pour la paix. 6. Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad of Belgium.
Mission and Objectives

Objectives are women and children in conflict or humiliated situations.
With education and economy support, we try to support and help them. Our goal is to give them back their self-respect.

Main Projects / Activities

We established a women’s house in Afghanistan who was chosen by Le Figaro and Arte television, as the best humanitarian project of 2005. In this house women can have education, medical care and professional help to establish their own couture atelier.
We also support micro-credits in South-Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monique Delbeke
Head of the organisation
Jennie Vanlerberghe

Mr. Israel Thompson

National Network

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations European Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

youth volunteer

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

youth development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

youth development&international development

Contact (1) Full Name
israel izu thompson
Job Title
Head of the organisation
israel thompson