
Centro para la Cooperación en el Mediterráneo

National Network

Av. Portal de l'Angel, 7,4th floor, Office J-K, Barcelona (08002)
08001 Barcelona

+34 93 302 15 85
+34 93 302 20 75
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 620 400 203
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Spanish Red Cross created the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean, which promotes interaction among National Societies in the Mediterranean and the encounter and exchange of experiences. Since 2005 the Centre is based in Barcelona. Its partners are the 25 Mediterranean NS of RC/RC: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, San-Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Those partners are regularly involved on the actions organised by the Centre. The Governing Board is set up by Spanish RC, Egypt RC, Libya RC, Italy RC, Croatia RC and Presidents from the SRC at the Mediterranean autonomies (Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, Balears, and Ceuta and Melilla). The Centre has three permanent staff and 4 volunteers. Budget 2007_2010 is around 1,5 millions euro. The main sources are: own resources from the RC/RC Movement, public administrations and private sector.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission is to foster the interaction of the Spanish Red Cross with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Mediterranean area, by promoting the encounter and exchange of experiences that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International Movement. The objectives are: To support National Societies and the governmental bodies of the Mediterranean Conference, to follow up on the issues discussed at the conferences, and particularly those relating to: Migration and Population Movement; Environment, Youth, Partnership, IHL and Development Objectives for the Millennium (the fight against poverty, access to healthcare and water, disaster risk reduction, etc.); To facilitate and provide technical support for actions relating to Conference issues; To promote interaction and partnership among the NS of the Mediterranean region; To promote and spread word of the actions and resolutions of the Mediterranean Conferences and the Centre’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

- Towards information to the Mediterranean Conference - About priorities issues - About impact of meetings - About other International Movement Conferences - Towards strengthening National Societies capacity - On migrations and population movement - On environment and climate change - On youth - On principles and values, international humanitarian low and intercultural dialogue - On millennium development goals - Towards strengthening partnership - Trough contacts with International Federation of RC/RC and international committee of Red Cross - Through contacts with UN and EU - Through on-line tools - involving volunteers from the National Societies - Towards increasing presence of the Centre - Through a dynamic, updated and participative web site - Through contacts with universities and private sectors focused on Mediterranean issues - Through participation in forums and networks - Through general and sectorial publications - Through Movement media presence (web, newsletters, etc.) and National Societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariana Potrafki
Job Title
Acting Director
Head of the organisation
Ariana Potrafki
Contact (2) Full Name
Montse Lopez

Centro Sociocultural La Tabacalera de Lavapiés

National Network

C/ Embajadores, 53
28012 Madrid

+34 663421836
Mobile Phone
34 610464483
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
LaTabacalera borns by a commitment between the Ministry of Culture of Spain and the people who live in the downtown Madrid. LaTabacalera is a laboratory for social, cultural and artistic experimentation. LaTabacalera is an experiment in progress. LaTabacalera is a process that evolves reflecting changes in Mediterranean society and in the enviroment where it is located. In LaTabacalera, limits are not defined and set as in other types of projects. LaTabacalera moves along a very different line from official agencies. It works on a totally different dimension and is not at all incompatible with the officiality. LaTabacalera is defined as a self-organised social centre, and it’s a space for art and culture. We understand art and culture in a VERY WIDE WAY. Activities: theatre, music, dance, painting, conferences, meetings, audiovisuals, workshops, events, neighbourhood actions…
Mission and Objectives

Horizontality: LaTabacalera’s activities try to foster cooperation among equals, and use a democratic way participate, organise and make decisions.
Transparency: LaTabacalera’s groups must make their decisions and actions accesible to anyone, so they can be evaluated collectively.
Free of Charge: In LaTabacalera, access to spaces and activities must be free, so that moneyis not a selection mechanism.
All of LaTabacalera’s resources are for common, public and free use. We see Time Banking and LETS schemes as a method to exchange knowledge and expertise.
Economic Sustainability: There may be some exceptional activities, always previously approved by the General Meeting, in which there may be a payment involved, in order to promote self-employment initiatives.
Co Responsibility, cooperation, compromise and proportionality: LaTabacalera promotes a philosophy of mutual support in the management and maintenance of all activities and spaces: everybody must take part in the daily management and decision making affecting the social center. It also promotes a responsible attitude in regards to energy
consumption and the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Nowadays, there are 25 active groups undertaking activities in a variety of areas. They are very different in character from one another, but all of them are self-organised.
In quantitative terms, it is very difficult to evaluate how many people use the space regularly. BUT WE COULS SAY THAT AN AVERAGE OF 200 PEOPLE BY DAY ARE PASSING BY LATABACALERA TO DEVELOP ANY KIND OF ACTIVITY.
Agro-ecological consumer groups + Urban orchard
The various consumer groups based in LaTabacalera are just a few of a myriad of such groups that are creating new networks producers-consumers based on proximity and trust, far from mainstream trading circuits.
Performing arts:
Theatre, dance, circus, Visual arts, Urban art, Music, Concerts, rehearsal space for bands.
Language workshops:
Spanish, French & Arab classes.
Self-building, carpentry etc /self-reliance in furniture making, plumbing, etc.
Self-construction collective was fundamental for the rehabilitation of the building during the first year of contract.
Free legal assistance
Afro-european Workshops.
Bike repair shop.
External events.
The centre is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays. That is when external events take place, where groups non regularly involved with the centre can develop their activities.
TBK Sunday market: Crafts.
The 15-M Protest Movement’s Opera, performances of the Solfónica Orchestra.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LaTabacalera is a vauable human power source oriented to improve the social & cultural links between east and west. Between north and south.
Over 40 different nationalities and several religions share space and projects in our concept.
We ussually collaborate with international forums and workshops to share the experience and collaborate in the development of intercultural links.
We will be happy to offer Ann Lindh non profit resources as space in Madrid for any event and people assistance aswell.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mainly our goal is to stablish network.
Share experiences and reinforce the LaTabacalera's concept of a Mediterranean area culturally linked is also one of our aims.
Finally, learn about better ways to improve our organization in the field of NGOs and administration agencies relationship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Calderón
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Luis Calderón
Contact (2) Full Name
Clemence Arnault
Job Title (2)

CERAI – Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional

National Network

Calle del Justicia 1, entlo pta 8

0034 963 52 18 78
0034 963 52 25 01
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. CERAI compte 29 salariés entre l'Espagne et l'Etranger, 123 collaborateurs volontaires 376 adhérents. Son siège principal se trouve à mais il a aussi des sièges régionaux à Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Cuenca, Mallorca et Murcia. Ces délégations s'organisent selon un système fédéral avec un Conseil d'Administration au niveau de l'état et des Conseils régionaux, tous élus par les adhérenst. Les activités du CERAI se divisent en 6 départements: administration, coopération international, sensibilisation, communication, formation et relations internationales et institutionnelles. 2. Estmation 2008: 3.570.974,16 euros 2007: 1.913.967,41 euros 2006: 1.792.561,05 euros 3. En 2008 Apportation des adhérents: 0,15% Secteur public (agences de coopération, mairies, organisations internationales, ...): 93,16% Secteur privé: 6,66% 4. La plus grande partie de l'activité de CERAI se fait via les projets de coopérations internationale, cependant,nous organisons aussi des forums, des cycles de conférences, des séjours solidaires, des cours et des rencontres. 5. Dans la majorité des cas, les partenaires du CERAI sont des associations locales (surtout quand il s'agit d'activités à l'étranger). Dans d'autres cas, il peut s'agir d'institutions officielles telles que les ministères.
Mission and Objectives

Nous sommes, comme il a été défini lors de l'Assemblée Génerale des Adhérents, une «organisation qui fait partie et prétend être un point de référence du mouvement social qui cherche à gtransformer le monde rural et agraire depuis une perspective de développement durable, de solidarité, de respect des Droits de l'Homme et de la démocratie participative».
Nos objectifs:
o L'analyse et la réflexion sur la problématique rurale, environnementale et agroalimentaire espagnole, européenne et internationale; de même que la divulgation des grands défis que présente l'agriculture du XXIème siècle par rapportt à l'aménagement du territoire, à la biodiversité, à l'agroécologie, aux systèmes de production, à la qualité de l'alimentation et à l'éducation des consomateurs.
o La sensibilisation de la société quand aux valeurs de notre organisation: le développement durable, la solidarité, le respect des Droits de l'Homme et la démocratie participative.
o La coopération internationale et la solidarité avec les paysans des pays moins développés via des projets qui améliorent leurs conditions de vie, ainsi que leur capacité organisatrice et d'auto-gestion.

Main Projects / Activities

CERAI développe ses activités dans deux zones géographiques: le Bassin Méditerranéen (Albanie, Palestine, Tunisie, Algérie, République Saharaoui Démocratique, Maroc, France, Italie et Espagne) et Amérique Latine.
Nous réalisons des projets de coopération internationale en essayant toujours de faire une analyse globale du sous-développement afin de pouvoir avoir un impact sur ses causes structurelles et de définir des propositions d'alternatives.
Par nature même de notre organisation, mais aussi du fait que la pauvreté est en général plus accentuée dans le monde rural que dans les villes, tous nos efforts se tournent vers la réalisation de projets liés au développement rural, à l'agriculture et à l'alimentation des PED.
Dans le bassin méditerranéen, nous essayons de conserver et améliorer la biodiversité, de fomenter les séjours solidaires et responsables, de cataliser la mobilisation de collaborateurs, moyens de communication, ressources financières et alliances, de générer des alternatives qui freinent le processus d'exode rural et soutienne le développement socio-économique des femmes rurales.
En complément, nous réalisons aussi des activités de formation et insertion au travail pour immigrants, des cours et des stages de coopération intrenationale dans le monde rural, et d'autres activités d'initiaton à la diète méditerranéenne. Nous sommes aussi entrain de mettre en marche une ligne de travail tournée vers le co-développement.
Dans le département de sensibilisation, nous prétendons sensibiliser la société aux différentes problématiques que nous abordons depuis notre organisation à travers d'activités de commerce équitable, de cours d'agriculture écologique, de chantiers internationaux dans les pays du Sud et d'autres activités liées à la valoration des ressources naturelles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sergi Escribano Ruiz
Head of the organisation
Sergi Escribano ruiz
Contact (2) Full Name
Davina Ferreira

CeRCCa - Centre de Recerca i Creacio Casamarles

National Network

C Mare de Deu dels Dolors 10
LLorenç del Penedes 43712

0034 977698733
Mobile Phone
0034 667264771
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
CeRCCa a non for profit association with 1 contracted worker and a team of advisers. CeRCCa is a self funded organization and its income comes from the afordable fee artists and researchers pay in orther to be at CeRCCa as residents. CeRCCa is working hard to get funding forom local and regional authorities and facilitates to the artists and researches in residence a list of funding opportunities to fund their stay at CeRCCa. CeRCCa works as an artists in residency and organizes networking and field trips, exhibitions, public presentations as well as being part of different research projects on artists mobility and AIR programs internationally.
Mission and Objectives

CeRCCa – Centre for Research and Creativity Casamarles, is a non-profit organization that has been developing cultural and artistic projects from 2009.
CeRCCa is a centre of research and creativity located in an old house in Llorenç del Penedes. The objective of CeRCCa is to facilitate a living and working space for artists, curators and cultural researchers. With this objective CeRCCa supports interdisciplinary and collaborative strategies based on the context. Together with its residency program, CeRCCa also participates and coordinates other production and exhibition formats through the organization of workshops, public presentations and interventions that approximate artistic creation to new audiences.
The Centre functions as an interdisciplinary and collaborative AIR Program. Its main objectives are:
- To promote research, creativity and diffusion of Culture and the arts.
- To favour exchange and promotion of national and international artists and researchers.
- To organize cultural activities in order to potentiate the interaction between local cultural initiatives and international artists.
- To facilitate a web portal that will function as an archive and resource tool.
In order to achieve these objectives, our organization
- Facilitates living and working space.
- Promotes the participation of the selected artists and researchers in different local and international networks.
- Organize cultural activities such as residencies, workshops and exhibitions.
- Participate in debates, seminars and conferences in order to be part of the current debates on artistic mobility and cultural research.

Main Projects / Activities

CeRCCa’s AIR Program responds to the aim of challenging conventional formats. By conventional formats we understand the AIRs that offer a space isolated from its sociocultural context that potentiate individual artistic production of aesthetic objects. We believe that the experience of living and creating in a different context has to be facilitated through exchange and collaboration. This experience takes place both in the practices of art and research and also out side of these discourses; that is, in everyday life. With this objective CeRCCa proposes a residency format where dialogue and interaction become essential.
The characteristics of CeRCCa AIR Program are:
- Each year CeRCCa organizes 3 to 4 AIR Programs that last for approximately 2 months. For each residency 3 to 4 artists are selected. CeRCCa offers individual bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, two 40 2m shared studios, a library as well as a big living-room/kitchen area and a patio.
- In order to facilitate the mutual knowledge both from the different creative perspectives of the artists and the different realities of Llorenç del Penedes, during the first week of the residency, CeRCCa organizes work presentations by the artists and the organizers of the program.
- Depending on the necessities of each artist, the organizers bridge the gap between the artists, researchers and the different associations of the village.
- CeRCCa also facilitates a series of cultural visits to regional and national organizations as well as to different artistic production centres of Catalonia. These activities can be accompanied by guided tours and informal meetings with different cultural agents.
- The residency also promotes the participation in workshops, local festivals and events.
- At the end of each residency, CeRCCa organises a public presentation of the work that the artists and researchers have developed. These public presentations can take the format of open studios or exhibition at the local art gallery or the Cultural Centre of the village. Depending on the circumstances an exhibition can also take place in a gallery or cultural space of the region or in Barcelona.
- At the end of each residency and with the agreement of the resident artists and researchers, CeRCCa proposes a short video interview with each resident aiming to document his/her experience at CeRCCa.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In different ways.
Participating in the regional meetings,developing regional projects and developing research for fruitful collaborations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that CeRCCa responds to the aims and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pau Cata Marles
Head of the organisation
Pau Cata Marles

CEU - Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos - Universidad San Pablo

National Network

Avda. Del Valle 21

(+34) 91 514 04 22
Telephone (other)
(+34) 91 514 04 00
(+34) 91 514 04 28
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute for European Studies, part of the San Pablo-CEU University and Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, is a centre for university research, specialising in the study and analysis of European Union affairs. It holds an Extraordinary Chair of European Institutions held by Prof. Marcelino Oreja and a Jean Monnet Chair in Law and European Cultural Identity held by Prof. José María Beneyto. More than 100 professors from the San Pablo-CEU University and from other Universities and Research Centres work with the IES It has an Advisory Council and a Consultative Committee which advises the Competition Policy Centre.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for European Studies aims to be a leading centre for research, teaching and publishing in all matters pertaining to the construction of a unified Europe.
Its main objectives are:
• Research activities in relation to European subjects and International Relations
• Scientific and teaching exchange with other research centres
• Teaching of European affairs with particular emphasis on postgraduate studies
• Organisation of activities and events relating to European and international issues
• Collaboration with important public and private institutions in the development of research projects and consulting activities in the field of European studies

Main Projects / Activities

• Research, coordinating working groups and the publication of their conclusions. The areas of research are:
o Constitutional and institutional development of the EU
o International Relations
o Justice and Home Affairs,
o Competition and regulation in the single market,
o European economy
o European cultural identity.
• Education, promoting European studies in faculties and centres of the San Pablo-CEU Foundation. It offers a Degree in International Relations, a Degree in European Community Law and International Law and two Master’s Degrees: in International Relations and in International Law.
• Publishing, disseminating European studies through international symposiums, seminars, conferences and similar activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Belén Becerril Atienza
Head of the organisation
José María Beneyto Pérez
Contact (2) Full Name
Patricia Argerey Vilar

Cidalia, Diversity Consultancy

National Network

C/Lopez de Hoyos 286, bajo izquierda
28043 Madrid


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Cidalia, Diversity Consultancy, is comprised of a diverse and multidisciplinary team. The diverse national origins of our team, gender, age, and academic background allow us to offerour services to several national and international organizations and work in five languages (Spanish, French, English; Portuguese and Italian). We are five people working in Cidalia, with different Social Science academic records specialized in migration phenomena, equality, diversity and social development. Our main sources of funding are public bodies. Some of our current clients include: Ministry of labour and Immigration(Spain), Migrant National Secretary (SENAMI), Ecuador; City Councils of Madrid, Vigo, Santa Cruz de Tenerife; Social Organizations (associations,trade unions); training centers and Business School. Our budgetary resources available in a year are ,approximately,200.000€. Our different modalities of action are applied social research on migration issues, Social and intercultural mediation; and development of public policies on immigration.
Mission and Objectives

Our principles and values are social commitment, sound knowledge, evaluation, plurality, solidarity and active participation, anti-discrimination, interdisciplinary and multidimensional focus, social economy.

Main Projects / Activities

Applied Social Research for SENAMI Ecuador: http://www.senami.gov.ec/content/view/60/54/
Advice and technical Support on Public Policies of Immigration for Ministry of Labour and Immigration, Spain http://www.oberaxe.es/files/datos/4b2661275e68d/guiaesci.pdfhttp://www…
Madrid City Council:http://www.madrid.es/UnidadesDescentralizadas/CooperacionEInmigracion/In...

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuria Lores Sanchez
Head of the organisation
Helia Isabel del Rosario
Contact (2) Full Name
Fernando Barbosa Rodrigues

CIDEAL Foundation for Cooperation and Research

National Network

Calle Guzmán el Bueno 133, Edificio Germania, planta 10
28003 Madrid

(+34) 915538488
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CIDEAL is a foundation specialized in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation for over thirty years. We have experience in the execution of development programmes and projects in Southern countries. Currently counts on offices and experts in Latin America (Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Dominican Republic), Africa (Morocco, Tunisia), Asia (Vietnam). Structure of the organization: CIDEAL Foundation has 30 employees (2015) distributed in theses work areas: Projects, Economic-Financial, Research, Communication, IT, Technical Assistance, Researches and Publications. Budgetary resources available in a year: 3,335,998 EUR (2014) Sources of funding: Income from services rendered from own activities, public and private sector subsidies and private contributions. Modalities of action: development projects, development training (courses, seminaries and workshops), technical assistance, researches and publications. Main partners involved in the organization´s projects/activities: Development projects co-financiers (publics and privates), local partners; Public Administrations (tender projects and technical assistance) and educational institutions (universities and postgraduate centers).
Mission and Objectives

General objective:Improve life conditions in Southern countries, providing development options which would allow people directing their own lives and choosing their own future.
Mission:To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publications of books on international developmental cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated to CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: work of thought leads to better quality projects in the South and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training based on an empirical and realistic grounds.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects implemented in the last year:
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation has continued working with three big Conventions in:  Morocco (3,500,000 EUR), Vietnam (2,375,000 EUR) and Paraguay (3,750,000 EUR), financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID).
In Morocco, the actions aim supporting three different groups in vulnerable situation: women, unemployed young people and Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population.
Take into account the issues and needs identified, this agreement tries to achieve the socioeconomic and professional integration of women, young people and immigrant population by means of strengthening national and local capacities of self-employment and the associative work -technical and vocational training have a fundamental role in this proposal. The aim objective is beneficiary group’s access to decent and productive work to improve the quality and conditions of their life.
In connection with Sub-Saharan Africa immigrant population this account intends to promote their capabilities on human and technical levels, offering psychosocial services and legal access to professional training.
In Paraguay, CIDEAL Foundation aims to increase the economic and social development in vulnerable population groups, preferably in indigenous populations with special attention to women and youth in rural areas. The proposal aims to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the people beneficiaries from a sustainable local development perspective and respect and protection of cultural identity.
In Thanh Hoa province in Vietmam, the Convention aims to improve the economic and social integration of vulnerable groups through a sustainable and productive approach that can contribute to reduce poverty levels. The actions are aimed to support vulnerable people and communities affected by poverty in rural areas, ethnic minorities and women, mainly. Economic and social situation in the neediest sectors will be strengthened through a strategy of intervention with methodologies tailored of the productive projects.
Next to these conventions, various projects funded by European Union, World Bank, Junta de Andalucía, among others have been implemented in 2014.
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation completed the identification and formulation process for a new agreement with AECID that started at the beginning of 2015 in Dominican Republic: "Improvement of the social, economic and political conditions of thepopulation", with special attention to women too. Simultaneously, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out international cooperation projects in different countries: Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Egypt, Niger, Haiti, Tunisia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal.
In 2014, regarding capacity enhancement, CIDEAL Foundation has continued carrying out academic programs in collaboration with several university education institutions and specialized training in international development cooperation. In addition, a large number of courses, seminars, conferences and workshops specialized with special interest in the development cooperation field has been taught. These courses are conducted in Spain (Madrid, Málaga, Granada, Toledo, Sevilla, Jaén, Oviedo, etc.) and outside Spain, in countries such as Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay, Vietnam and the Maghreb countries. The trainings are geared to diplomats, political scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologists, project managers, international consultants, researchers and public administrations officials.
In relation to support to public and private entities in cooperation development tasks and social innovation, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out different activities regarding technical assistance in several countries.
CIDEAL Foundation has supported and offered technical assistance oriented to public administrations in several sectors associated with social advances and sustainable development such as:
- Institutional strengthening
- Managing for development results (GoRD)
- Gender and employment generation
- Capacity building
- Risk management
- Project management
- Strategic planning
Technical assistances in 2014 have been conducted in the following countries:
- Guatemala
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Paraguay
- Panama
- Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIDEAL Foundation will put in practice all its knowledge and experience to promote intercultural exchange and development in Spain. This Foundation has worked in various fields, whether in areas such as development cooperation, intercultural dialog, gender equality, youth, education, immigration, the environment or means of communication. The heterogeneity of the members and the interdisciplinarity of its activities constitute an added value to the network itself and an element of richness.
Examples of projects implemented in Spain: 
2005: “Design of a Program on Governance and Institutional Strengthening for the Mediterranean Region” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). The program covered a wide geographical area of intervention that includes North Africa, Middle East and Mediterranean European countries not members of the European Union. The program was derived from the Director Plan of the Spanish Cooperation and was inspired by the guidelines of the Barcelona Process, to promote the political reform and the economic and trade liberalization in the area, guidelines that were renovated from an institutional perspective with the Policy of European Neighbourhood. The program identified four strategic areas of intervention, are as follows: The promotion of social participation, representative democracy and politic pluralism (strengthening of political parties and civil society organizations, judiciary, electoral systems, human rights, etc.); the promotion of a favourable environment for juridical security, socioeconomic development and wealth distribution. (Improvement of juridical and economic security, social dialogue, labour rights, fiscal policy, public income and expenditure, adoption of normative and institutional rules of UE internal market, etc.); The reform and modernization of Public Administration, according to the parameters of good governance (management of public policies, decentralization process, transparency, public ethics and fighting against corruption). The main beneficiaries of the program were: Public administrations at the central, regional and local levels; Legislative and Judiciary powers and institutions guaranteeing democracy; Social and economic agencies; Civil Society Organizations.
2007-2008: “Research in conflicts management in the international context, diffusion campaign and peace education for secondary school students in Madrid”, co-financed by Ministry of Education and Science. The Project was developed through three working phases, are as follows: First, a research was conducted about the conflicts management practices in the international context. The research was followed by a specialised publication on the subject that was widely disseminated in Spain. Second, a pedagogic adaptation of the research contents was undertaken and some didactic materials developed for its diffusion among students of the last Secondary Education course. Third, a series of educative and dissemination actions addressed to students of the last courses in Secondary Education (around 16 years old) were developed. These students were, according the opinion of schools directors and teachers involved, in very good conditions to become beneficiaries of this project, since they still are in a permeable phase to acquire values and knowledge and, at the same time, they had greater capacities of thinking and abstraction than lower levels students.

2008-2009: “Making aware on co-development: how to do it?”, co-financed by Municipality of Madrid. The project carried out an awareness campaign bound to Madrid’s civil society organisations with interest in the execution of co-development actions, as well as to immigrant people living in Madrid. Firstly, a spreading notebook on co-development and on the main practical experiences carried out in Madrid was edited and disseminated among immigrants associations, ONGs and other inserted actors. Secondly, an awareness seminary of 3 days was organised with the participation of experts from all Spain, which was how to perform all the stages of a project (identification, design, formulation, execution and monitoring) using the logic framework approach and the right adjustments.
2008-2011: “Design and editing promotional materials to strengthen the knowledge and making aware on human rights and development” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). This project aimed to enrich the knowledge, the education and making aware among different sector of Spanish society. The objective was to raise awareness on the risks that actually threaten the human rights and the need to defend and promote them. To that end, the following actions were planned:  phase of analysis, publication of a book directed to the specialists of this field, editing a CD-ROM including a popular version of the book, diffusion of a recommendations and good practice guide on human rights and a useful agenda for communication professionals, teachers and experts. Finally, all the documents and materials were disseminated in the sectors related to the human rights.
2009-2010: Realization of: 1. Sector-based assessment of the State General Administration aid to the sector “Government and Civil Society”; 2. Sector-based assessment on other international cooperation agencies in the sector “Government and Peace building” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). The assessment was realised to analyze the State General Administration and other international cooperation agencies aid to Government and Civil Society Sector for the period 2005-2008 (previous to the Spanish Cooperation Master Plan). The sub-sectors were as follows: Economic and development Policy/planning, Financial Management of public sector, Public Administration, Strengthening of Civil Society, Electoral Processes, Freedom of Information, Legal and judiciary Development, Human Rights, and Management and Reform of Security Systems.

2010-2011: “Internet and the human rights: a challenge for the future of young people” (co-financed by Municipality of Madrid). Internet could influence Human Rights in a positive way, thronging their promotion and defence, or in a negative way, providing new frameworks of vulnerability to some fundamental rights. None protection and control system of the human right was developed in this new virtual space to tackle the behaviours that could affect in the human right field. Once that the lacks were detected, an intervention was carried out in order to enrich the knowledge and the education in Madrid society, with special attention towards young people and teenagers, in order to make them aware of the risks of human right in the Internet world, especially the rights to the development and the need to defend and to promote this rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CIDEAL is a foundation that has been working for over thirty years in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation.
In the Centre of our activities is promote the respect for diversity and dialogue among people of different cultures, backgrounds and religious beliefs. In addition, CIDEAL promotes regional initiatives and supports local activities through civil society organizations (CSOs).  The main purpose of these actions is promoted respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of human rights, the defence of peace and democracy.
The Foundation has high experience working in several Euro-Mediterranean countries, mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain. The main lines of work are as follow: Gender (equal opportunities, legal literacy, women's rights strengthening, etc.); Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; Child protection; Migrations.
Field cooperation
• Productive programs and projects that promote the economical and social tissues.
• Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), programs and projects.
• Institutional strengthening projects, capacity building projects and management civil society organizations from Southern countries.
• Peace building and conflict prevention projects.
• Actions aiming at the democratization of the societies and at the promotion of human rights.
Transversal axis:
• Promotion of productive initiatives and of the economic context.
• Institutional promotion.
• Civil society promotion and promotion of the role of citizenship.
• Human rights promotion and defense.
• Promotion of women’s capacities and reinforcement of their autonomy.
• Environmental protection.
To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publication of books on international development cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated into CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: prior reflection activities leads to better quality projects in the South, and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training with an empirical and realistic foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
María José García Cardena
Job Title
Development project manager
Head of the organisation
Manuel Gómez-Galán (Director General)


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Clasijazz - Fundación Indaliana para la Música y las Artes

National Network

Calle Maestro Serrano 9

034 678501307
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Indaliana Jazz Band Cultural Association started in 1998 and moved to its current venue in 2003, which prompted the birth of CLASIJAZZ. Its headquarters is made up of a concert hall where more than 300 concerts are held each year. It is also a School of Modern Music and Jazz that offers individual and group music workshops for all ages such as guitar, initiation to jazz, drums, bass, singing  among others as well as contemporary dance and swing workshops. Clasijazz places a strong emphasis on youth development and education and as of 2019, the school has a total of 100 registered students. The Foundation has also given birth to several big bands, ballet and symphony orchestras which have highlyenriched Almería’s cultural scene, including the Clasijazz Big Band (directed by the acclaimed director Ramón Cardo), Dixieland Clasijazz, the Clasijazz Gospel Choir and a number of quality combos and groups that have flourished within this atmosphere. The foundation relies solely on its 500 partners who contribute by paying memberships that makeup an annual budget of 100,000 €.  The voluntary nature of the musicians and artists that are involved in the foundation also make donations in the form of grants, to finance tours and concerts as well as other events and activities. In addition, Clasijazz holds seminars, conferences and master classes with artists from different parts of the world, that focus on various interdisciplinary topics extending from the arts to science. 
Mission and Objectives

The foundation’s main mission is the dissemination of Music, Dance and the Arts as well as carrying out impactful projects in order to reach large audiences on a national and international scale. 
Another key mission is using music through the organization of concerts, live performances as well as workshops as a tool of social integration with the aim of reaching all kinds of audiences and participants from all ages including individuals that suffer from physical and intellectual disabilities.
Clasijazz strives to establish ties with other cultural institutions in order to reach more audiences, with a special focus on children and young adults, to raise awareness of the arts as well as educate and shape future generations. 

Moreover, promoting intercultural exchanges around art, music and dance represents another important mission for the foundation.  Clasijazz is a space for interdisciplinary creation and experimentation that explores different cultures and music styles ranging from Jazz to Flamenco and Ethnic Music with a special focus on improvisation.
Finally, Clasijazz places high emphasis on promoting their work and cause in order to inspire individuals in creating their own self-managed cultural structures.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main initiatives of the foundation is the elaboration and diffusion of performing art concerts.
In the past seasons internationally-acclaimed artists such as Barry Harris, Lee Konitz, Gary Bartz, Eric Alexander, Ignacio Berroa, Enrico Pieranunzi, Jim Rotondi, Joe Magnarelli, Jerry Bergonzi and Joe Lovano as well as important internationally-renowned national artists such as Perico Sambeat, Ignasi Terraza, Albert Bover, Albert Sanz, Iñaki Salvador have performed at Clasijazz.
The foundation also organizes conferences, master classes, and workshops on a monthly basis such as the Velorio Poetico, or Ciencia Jazz that welcomes researchers, artists, and professional speakers from different cultural and professional sectors that present a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects extending from the arts to science in the aim of creating and promoting rich cultural exchanges. 
Finally, Clasijazz organizes didactic concerts with the big band and the orchestra as well as the dance department to reach tens of thousands of children and students. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Clasijazz can contribute to the network in various ways starting by sharing past experiences with the other members as well as participating in the elaboration of common projects put in place by the members of the network.
The headquarters can also be used as a space to hold intercultural meetings and organize new intercultural projects especially related to music and dance.
Clasijazz can also connect with other interdisciplinary entities that can help promote, develop and spread Mediterranean

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We find it crucial to be able to connect with other organizations in order to establish a fruitful dialogue where advice and experiences can be mutually shared thus helping each other grow and establishing programs to further promote Mediterranean culture. It would be a great opportunity to help the ALF by sharing our own experience and learning from the experience of other organizations and projects that are being carried out in the framework of the ALF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Pablo Mazuecos Nievas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pablo Mazuecos Nievas
Contact (2) Full Name
Violeta Sogel Andújar
Job Title (2)
Gerenal Coordination
ccand migration

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