
Asociación para la Cooperación al Desarrollo Afric' Forum

National Network

48003 BILBAO

0034 946522519
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 665 700 884
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 632 928 590
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The supreme organ of the organization is the General Assembly, composed all the active members. The GA has power to take the biggest decisions that affect the life of the organization such adopting the financial report, elect the Board, aprrove or reprove any decision taken by the board. The board take cares of the every day life of the organization. Afric' Forum has three persons working. The resources of the organization come from sources such as: the Bilbao Local Authority, The Bizcaye Regional Authority, the Basque Government and the European Youth Foundation. The projects of the organization are mainly training workshops, studies on the life and the participation of immigrant collectives and awareness and education projects in Africa. Youth orgnizations, local populations in the targeted ereas, locla and regional authorities support the acitons of Afric' Forum.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organization is to educate, train and support young people in order to make them partakers in the process of sustainable develpoment and to be able to be actors of local development. Our objectives are: -Promoting intercultural dialogue and peaceful relations - make known the african culture and contribute to the integration of the African Diaspora in the Basque Country; -Promote and defend Human Rights -Promote co developement especially with African countries - Enhace the sens of responsibility in the youth

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are: - Youth exchanges - Trainign workshops+ - Studies -Awareness activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Afric' Froum is a reference in working with youth from different backgrouds. The organization is member of and represent the African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe( ADYNE). We are promoting the No Hate Speech Campaign in the Basque Country. A part from all that the organization has built a strong netwrok of organizations locally and at the european level. Our joining the netwrok could contribute in making it stronger and presenting more its activities and what it stands for in Bilbao and in Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is well know that we learn more by participation and action. We are amazed by the experience of the ALF Network and the work its members are doing. Afric' Forum when willing to join the ALF Network want to learn more and belong to a " family" where we can be help to develop our skills and be better equipped for our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Responsible Youth and Democratic Participation

Asociación Progestión

National Network

Calle Manuel Fernández Caballero, 4, Local.
28039 Madrid Madrid

+34 914719719
Telephone (other)
+34 625506342
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Our goals are to promote, develop and manage resources aimed at people or specific groups at risk of social exclusion. We work with prevention, integration, reintegration and self-management projects through direct psycho-social intervention with individuals and groups. Our field of action is developed in the following áreas: education, immigration, employment, social inclusión and drug addiction.
We are experts in delivering trainings related to facilitation diversity, inclusion, empowerment, gender and anti-discrimination.
Progestion manages a budget of 600000 with 45 staff paid staff members and a community of volunteers and learners of 20 people.
During the last year, more than 800 people were attended reaching satisfactory results on the field of labour insertion, psychological recovery and building social network.
More than 7,000 people attended one of our awareness rising activities related to cultural diversity, gender, environment, volunteering and community projects. We provided shelter for 45 individuals.
Our funds are from the National Fund for Asylum, from the Social Services and Migration Ministry, Cooperation and Foreign Affairs Ministry and European funds such as Erasmus Plus.
Our partners nationally are Social services Bureau of different municipalities of Madrid, local associations. We are part of the board of the European Anti-Poverty Network, we have a vaste european network who act as our partners: Kista (Sweden), VIA Bayern (Germany), Eurocicle (France), EuroMed (Belgium), New Horizon (Italy), Consorzio Arcolaio, (Italy), and many others

Mission and Objectives

The Progestión Association is working towards a society of collaboration and participation, where all human beings enjoy respect and equality.

We believe in the effective inclusion of the most disadvantaged groups. To the most vulnerable and at risk of exclusion, we offer different services to help them resolve serious situations, such as: migrants’ legal situation, socio-occupational insertion for vulnerable persons, psychological care for migrant women, social and legal support for homeless persons, and supervision and management of apartments for homeless persons.

Main Projects / Activities

WARMI: Warmi means Woman, in Quechua language.

The project is aimed at non-EU migrant women, with a residence permit and/or in the process of obtaining a community membership. Awareness actions are carried out in educational centres, equality spaces, libraries, cultural centres, etc. for groups.

What do we offer?
Individual psychological support
Leadership group: breakfasts and snacks among women
Awareness actions
We offer you a space to take care of yourself, to be heard and to listen, to have fun and to promote a change in the attitude of the Spanish population towards migration.

Can Do Refugees (ErasmusPlus):The aim of the project "Can Do Refugees 2.0." is to professionalize and to empower people working with refugees on a professional and voluntary basis. Therefore the project combines the experience of practitioners in NGO (VIA Bayern (Germany), Progestión (Spain), Euro Circle (France)) and the knowledge of universities (University of Thessaly (Greece), American University of Cairo (Egypt)). This consortium also reflects the route of refugees coming to Europe, often coming from Arabic speaking countries, using Egypt as a transit country and then coming through the Balkan route (Greece) or the Mediterranean route (Spain) to the destination countries France and Germany. The project will be present itself on a website and it's actual milestones on face book.
MoveEurope: Moveurope! is a KA2 project co-funded by Erasmus Plus that aims to promote and facilitate young refugees’ access to European and national mobility programs through a strengthened youth work framework. To do so, the partner organizations shall assume strong multiplier roles and shall inform youth workers on the existence and train them in the functioning of these tools to enable them to guide young refugees in their mobilities. To that scope, appropriate material for youth workers to inform themselves and in a second step for them to inform young refugees on the existing opportunities shall be developed and spread EU-wide.

At the same time the project wants to raise awareness for refugees’ inner-European mobility desire and the need for easily accessible channels on a political level, too, to trigger structural change and facilitated access of refugees to these channels.
Direct beneficiaries are youth workers, which include educators, social workers, mediators, refugee community leaders, youth facilitators who work with the target group of young refugees or who are active in the mobility area and want to open their activities to young refugees.
Increcendo Project: Through this project we offer people with addiction problems the social and relational support necessary to promote their full social integration.
What do we want to achieve?
With this goal in mind, we intend to achieve the job training of people with addiction disorder to improve their positioning in the job market. And we do this by attending to a series of phases

1. Dissemination in the resources of the Assistance Network of the Institute of Addictions and/or other resources of the municipal network.
2. Reception of referral reports.
3. Selection of the people who will participate in the project.
4. Training workshops in transversal competences.
5. Follow-up.
6. Evaluation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Due to our experience, we would like to share our knowledge and best practices amongst the Network in order to build new bridges and ways of collaboration with other organizations that shares our philosophy and goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking forward to strengthen our network on a national and international basis. We would like to wider our network to the MENA region, specially because a huge percentage of our users are originally from this area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriela Beni Cracco
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gabriela Beni Cracco
Contact (2) Full Name
Iman Moutaouakil
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Asociación PROJUVEN

National Network

Calle Hurtado 13 (piso 1, puerta izq)
29013 Málaga

+34 633884707
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
PROJUVEN based in Malaga includes the three main founders of the NGO and at the moment 6 volunteers. The volunteers are all young people and Masters'University students coming from University of Malaga. Our resources come from the European projects for which we apply each time there is an european call for youth and social projects. In particular, we work in the framework of Erasmus plus project. At the deadline of this coming February 2nd 2016, we are going to present 2 projects KA1, 1 project KA2 and 1 project KA3. Mainly, our financial resources and all the tools that we will need to implement them will come from these european calls. In addition, we work also in our local community in Malaga, implementing various small project through the help of the local municipality and of the University of Malaga Our main partners are University of Malaga (Spain), Futuro Digitale NGO (Italy), GEYC NGO (Romania), IRSE (Poland), Green Cross Society (Ukraine) and International Peace Youth Group (South Korea). 
Mission and Objectives

Asociación PROJUVEN is a Spanish no-profit organisation born in 2015.
PROJUVEN means proyecto juvenil (youth project). It stands for something dynamic. For our staff of professionals it means being social entrepreneurs and keeping the passion for social purposes, in a modern concept of NGO.
Asociación PROJUVEN is an educational training provider at local and European level. We had a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop European and trans-continental projects.
We work for our local community in Spain and at European level in Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe and with foundations. Our main aim is to promote EU “Youth in Action” Programme in Spain in order to encourage European mobility among youngsters.
Asociación PROJUVEN promotes:
• Intercultural Dialogue
• Social inclusion through Sport Values (in particular we are very careful about people with disability)
• Environmental protection and Green Skills as new job opportunities for young European citizens.
We promote the art and all other cultural enrichments and we are active in valorize our area in Spain where we promote a lot of initiatives and cooperate with many other associations and public institutions as municipalities.
Summing up, our main goals are:
• Individual development of each member;
• Acquiring new skills and abilities;
• Promote social inclusion using Sport, Nature and Art;
• Create link with European Youth Associations;
• Develop youth movement all over Europe;
• Increase knowledge using non formal education.
The individual formation of an European civic conscience among youngsters in full respect of cultural identity, race and gender, promoting interaction and cooperation between countries.
• European Union awareness;
• Pro-active attitude towards youth people’s problems in the local community in their new reality as young European citizens;
• Active involvement in social and professional young people’s integration;
• Promotion of young mobility and youth exchanges;
• Promotion of environment protection and volunteer as a life style;
• Pro-active attitude towards youth people’s problems in the local community in their new reality as young European citizens;
• Development of civic attitude to fight against all kind of discrimination;
• Active involvement in social and professional young people’s integration.
General objectives:
• Promote young mobility, intercultural exchange, volunteer and social cooperation among youngsters;
• Stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience, mutual understanding, and equal rights and opportunities among young people in Europe and in the Euromed countries;
• Promote intercultural understanding, equal opportunities, respect, active citizenship and solidarity;
• Fight discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance;
• Promote respect for the nature (ecofriendly attitude) and develop new job opportunities;
• Involve young people with less opportunities.
• In the field of non-formal and in-formal education, informing and communication (youth exchanges, training course, study sessions);
• Activities for youth: voluntariat projects in local communities, sportive activities as an healthy lifestyle, sport as a tool for inclusion, eco projects of free expression for young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We work in the Erasmus Plus framework:
The specific objectives of the programme that we implement are in the youth field and they are the promotion or development of:
• Key competences and skills of young people including young people with fewer opportunities
• Participation in democratic life in Europe and the labour market
• Active citizenship
• Intercultural dialogue
• Social Inclusion and solidarity
• Strengthened links between the youth field and the labour market
• Quality improvements in youth work
• Complement policy reforms at local, regional and national level…and recognition of non-formal and informal learning
• The international dimension of youth activities.
In this year, we wll lunch the Discrimination Platform for Youth with Disabilities and their Families (DPYDF). It will be a platform of structured dialogue for the constitution of a Development Integrated Model (DIM) in which young people with disabilities between 18-30 years old, active in the social and political field, can share ideas and have the support of policy-makers for the definition and proposal of an hate crime legislation that include disability as form recognized discrimination in Europe. In addition, the platform will address not only the disabled young people but also their families (as in cases of mental disability the young people themselves cannot act on their own) and we will develop in it a network where people would find free legal advice as well.
In addition, in Malaga we have already started a very interesting project in our local community in Malaga, called the Modern Teacher. PROJUVEN through the "Modern Teacher" project wants to transform how the education system develops aspiring teachers. We want to provide passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. The result is a pipeline of accomplished teachers who are positioned to make a lasting difference, not only in the lives of their students, but also in the field of teaching more broadly.In our opinion, every teacher should enter the profession with the necessary skills. The Modern Teacher project is a powerful way to help communities grow the next generation of well-prepared educators.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Helping in identifying, matching and supporting expert advisers to work with NGOs throughout the developing world.  PROJUVEN emphasizes expanding and strengthening the skills of local experts and trainers to reduce dependency on external experts and further contribute to sustainability.
We can count on a network of professionals who can advise on policy issues, assist and coach in program development, fundraising, communications and evaluation and strengthen the networks of partnering NGOs in fields such as education, energy, youth and development, workforce development, humanitarian assistance, health and environmental sustainability, among others.
Partnerships with local and international NGOs to use digital media to strengthen their organizations and to offer standardized training new media and blogging to their local communities.
Expertise in designing and implement european projects. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can support the network giving our contribution and especially share with all the members of it our knowledge and expertise. In particular we would like to share and introduce the mission and vision of ALF Network in our local community in Malaga and Andalusia. Through ALF network we want to allow all the young people in Andalusia with fewer opportunities to access to more innovative projects that will allow them to enlarge their opportunities to have a better future and build in them a strong european identity. All this will be possible just  if we would be part of an important and international network such as ALF. 
We are sure that just with an International support we could really improve the life, the future and provide better services in terms of skills and knowledge to all the young people with which we work everyday.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Ruberto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Ruberto
Contact (2) Full Name
Mari Isabel Postigo
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Asociación Residui Teatro

National Network

Calle Antonio Vicent 37 - 2A
28019 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Association of social intervention through artistic expression. 8 permanent employees, 6 EU volunteers per year and more than 30 collaborators. Budget approx. 200.000€ per year. Main funders: EU programmes (Erasmus+, Europa Creativa etc...) Comunidad de Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Instituto de la Mujer and private funding. Organises performances, workshops, exchanges, international festivals, social and educational activities, in collaboration with many European and international entities, from India to Latin America. It is part of several international networks (Magdalena Project, Red para la Paz etc.).

Mission and Objectives

Residui Teatro association was born in Spain in 2011; it has more than 3000 members, who participate or attend the activities. The core is a professional group of international and multidisciplinary artists interested in art as tool of social intervention.
RT focuses its work through art as a tool for personal and community transformation. The main fields of action are: migration, gender, climate change, community theater and social inclusion.
The association realizes activities for people interested in arts (professionals and beginners)in general; the pedagogues of the group are prepared to facilitate training and activities open to: kids, young people and adults (with and without functional diversity), migrants, newcomers, victims of violence, homeless and refugees.
Residui Teatro performs dance-theatre performances all around the world for all the public. It plays with the aim of an awareness such as defense of human rights, non-violence, dissemination of children's rights, fight against gender violence and any other kind of discrimination. It’s realizing activities such as artistic formations and development of abilities, creation of an international network of
collaboration between artists and activists. 
Furthermore, it supports projects of education and practice through arts in Europe, Asia and America, creates theatrical assignments in urban spaces, realizes co-productions, sends and receives voluntaries and young people for stages. Residui Teatro is helping with the flourishing of projects and activities in the rural area of Spain.
The theater is also focused on solidarity projects for exposed groups in Europe but also in other parts of the world.
Since 2009, RESIDUI TEATRO directs the Performing Arts Handicraft Center, the operational base of the association in Madrid whose objective is to be a space open to the neighborhood offering activities and events as well as a range of recreational and cultural proposals and a library specialized in arts. We strive to propose activities that promote critical thinking and education through art, facilitating the development of the neighborhood. RT grants spaces of the CAAE for the realization of activities that participate in the development and well-being of the person

Main Projects / Activities

The association has carried out and/or participated in: projects developed by the ERASMUS+ program; more than 20 youth exchanges in the EU, partner countries and Latin America; sending 8 EVS; reception of 19 EVS and 12 young people with the European Solidarity Corps; 3 contact seminars; 8 youth initiatives in the territory; a solidarity project; 2 Ka2 (Tone and Actable), 10 MYW and GREEN Ethics (Creative Europe).
It carries out personal and community development projects through artistic tools, for people with functional diversity: The word on stage (Youth in Action, Argadini Association), Cultural Auxiliaries (La Caixa Social Work- Argadini Association), Clown Technique - Actor ( Best-Buddies Foundation), Infinite Skills (Creators who are blind and not. Youth in Action Program - Residui Teatro Association), workshops with Fundación Mas Natur, Actable (k2 Erasmus+), creates a network of associations and international educators interested in the accessibility of pedagogy with which he collaborates and exchanges praxis.
It carries out projects focused on young newcomers and migrants: Tone (k2 Erasmus+), Where is my house (k1 Erasmus+), Act for the intercultural (La Caixa), Silenced (k1 Erasmus+), Look me well in the eye (k1 Erasmus+) among others .
Residui Teatro is the founder of the international network PEACE IS A WORK OF ART that brings together more than 18 organizations that carry out community activities and rituals in support of refugees, in order to create a culture of Peace in countries that have or have not suffered conflict.
Residui Teatro is part of the Magdalena Project international network that supports and defends the work of creative women and, for 37 years, has been dedicated to equal opportunities between genders and the defense of the rights of all. Every year it holds an international meeting dedicated to the development of reflections and new practices to promote the work of women and interrupt the procrastination of attitudes toward violence and micro-gender violence.
It develops the La Casa de las Artes y del Juego project, a space for growth and development in the artistic environment for people from 0 to 6 years old; applying alternative methods of education and respectful accompaniment.
It manages the Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas (CAAE), a space open to the neighbourhood that offers activities in which different fields converge: education, art, culture, health, sports, participation, new technologies, participatory parenting, solidarity projects and information. Raise awareness on the topic of prevention of gender violence and parity of opportunities in the province of Segovia and the Autonomous Community of Madrid.
It carries out specialized artistic training cycles, aimed at actors and actresses who investigate the songs and artistic traditions of ethnic minorities and vulnerable communities, in which armed conflicts have or are destroying the oral cultural tradition.
It carries out educational programs for girls, boys and adults from conflictive contexts or with special needs, to guide processes of analysis, reflection and confrontation of the conflict with peaceful and artistic tools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that the Residui Teatro association can contribute to broaden the methodologies, pedagogies and tools for social work through the artistic expression of the partner organisations of the Spanish network, favouring the meeting of different approaches and creating synergies for the elaboration and implementation of more effective and sustainable projects. We strongly believe in networking, in horizontality and mutual and bilateral collaboration with other entities, as well as in art as a means to transform the social reality that surrounds us, and we are more than willing to contribute our professionalism and enthusiasm to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to have the possibility to increase our networking with other institutions, to learn about new realities and new approaches to work, which will be the basis for the future presentation and development of projects, exchanges, workshops between the two shores of the Mediterranean, in order to promote the meeting of different cultures and the development of intercultural dynamics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gregorio Amicuzi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gregorio Amicuzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulio Tinessa
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Asociación Sobre Los Márgenes

National Network

C/Getafe, nº14 Bajo
28021 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization was stablished in 2019 in order to continue with the activities already done by an informal in the area of youth engagement in social and political life. Our staff is composed by more than 15 volunteers. We work in teams focusing in different areas: communication, public relationships, research and trainings, with a special department that coordinates the different teams. Our main source of financial aid is the contribution of the members of our organization and of some other donors. Recently we have get european funding for a youth exchange focusing on racial justice. Due to pandemic, our main activities have been online, in the format of webinars and also of the use of some tools in social media to promote topics related to gender and inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Mission : Contribute to the personal and professional growth of the most vulnerable young people in society, from an approach that puts them at the center and driven by other young people who have experienced similar situations
-Promote the socio-educational inclusion of young people belonging to groups in social exclusion
-Favor alternative meeting spaces that represent the diversity existing in society
-Contribute to the fight against racial, ethnic, religious, sexual and functional diversity discrimination, among others.
-Educate in values ​​of equality, sustainability and respect for human rights
-Promote an active and committed citizenship through the political and social participation of young people
-Foster alliances with different organizations and institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Before stablishing as a youth organization, our work as an informal group focused on creating safe spaces for youth to talk about sexist and racist experiences. As well, we provide programs of mentorship to help students with their insecurities about educational options and we offer workshops on how to improve competences such as active listening and public speaking. Due to Covid-19 situation, we could not implement physically any projects, but we manage to offer webinars about our workshops on interpersonal skills as well as design a digital mentorship program for the new academic course. Some of our main activities can be found in our webpage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to contribute with our inclusive and creative approach to social challenges. We are young and motivated people with great capacities to mobilize other youth around important topics that affects us all. We have different ways to contribute. First, the members of our organization have a huge experience on migration field. Some members of the group have experience in the field of working with refugees, collaborating with CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado) and in volunteering programs in refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon. As well, some of them work as social educators with unaccompanied minors who migrated from Morocco to Spain. Other part of the staff, works with migrant children in the field of education and leisure, providing particular classes and activities focused on emotional literacy. As well, people with experience in the research field, especially on ethnic and racial discrimination, help us to provide solid arguments and evidences that helps us to improve our activities and projects, as well as sharing reliable knowledge about important social topics. We think that his amount of knowledge and skills can be valuable contribution of the Network. Second, other interesting thing about us is that most of the team who are organizing are also coming from historically unprivileged groups. This gives them a unique and critic perspective about how social challenges and how to approach to them. Finally, we have access to groups that are not generally represented in positions of power and decision making, and our participation in the network can be a way to include also those groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we think is an opportunity to engage in real conversations and dialogue concerning to topics that affects us as a society.Also, we believe that having the support of an important network such as the Anna Lindh foundation can help us improving our work, increasing the quality of it and grow little by little in order to achieve our objectives. We believe that the results of our efforts can be multiplied when sharing them in a large network, getting the feedback and support we need for our work contributing to social change. Moreover, we see the connection with different organizations around the world as an enriching experience, sharing best practices and collaborating in future projects together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Bourhim Mesaoudi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fatima Bourhim Mesaoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatima Ezzamouri El Arif
Job Title (2)

Asociación Socioeducativa Llere

National Network

C/ Valdehuesa nº 16, 45007

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Administrative structure: LLERE maintaining a structure of state association, with a Board and 6 workers. The highest representative body is the General Meeting of partners. The Board consists of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two Delegators and oversees the development of the decisions of the General Meeting. Within the framework of development programs, in addition to workers, the Institution has several Departments: • Department of Social Inclusion. • Department of Educational Programmes. • Department of International Cooperation and Raising Awareness. • Department of European Projects. • Department of Communication. • Department Training and Mobilization. The average annual budget is 250.000 €. The main sources of funding are Public funds from Spanish Government and European funds, and private funds from saving banks. Affiliations and networks: The organization is actively involved several regional and state networks. Mainly in the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and the Global Campaign for Education (SAME), both in the Spanish forum. Our partners are from European Countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, UK, etc) and from Mali and Morocco (Africa).
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the disappearance of attitudes of discrimination, intolerance, racism, oppression and persecution of some human groups over others, based on racial discrimination, cultural, sexual, economic, religious or ideological policies.
- Undertake actions aimed to the social development of the community and social advancement of citizenship.
- Design, plan, implement and evaluate educational and social projects.
- Develop mediation actions with institutions, associations and other public entities and private that allow the networking creation of cultural, social and educational services.
- Study and research aspects of the educational and social development of the Spanish reality.
- Carry out social and educational programs which seek to interculturalism, multiculturalism and transculturalism.
- Undertake actions to the promotion and development of groups at risk of exclusion.
- Provide the provision of social and educational services, public and private, by conducting educational, cultural and social actions and of similar nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Main Projects are located in these areas:
a.“Educación en valores”
b.“Cuentos de colores”
c.“El tabú de los derechos”.
d.“Encuentro cultural Tánger”
a.III Jornadas interculturales en Cuenca
b.II Jornadas interculturales en Toledo
a.Escuela deportiva Kelibe.
b.“Música Joven”.
c.“Actívate”, Proyecto de integración social dentro del I.E.S. Alfonso X de Toledo.
a.C.I.J. Centro de información juvenil.
b.Jornadas contra el racismo y la xenofobia
c.Animación Sociocultural
d.Colaboración con la Asociación de ayuda al pueblo Saharaui
e.Jornada de convivencia cultural en Almonacid
b.Módulos integración Social.
c.C. D Toledo.
d.Ayuntamiento de Tánger
e.Asociación Amitié y cooperación de Tánger
a.Asociación Estatal de Enseñantes con Gitanos
b.Red de Lucha contra la Pobreza. EAPN Castilla –La Mancha.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a very active organization in the fields of education, employment, youth and child. We also have expertise in the field of transnational projects and international development cooperation. We can collaborate as partner in project, as dissemination and exploitation of results level and as advicers in the fields mentioned before.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Network represents a good opportunity to open our knowledge of experiences in the field of multicultural actions in the Mediterranean area. Besides, it is a unique chance to cross the barriers of meet new partners and initiatives in which collaborate.

Contact (1) Full Name
César Arroyo López
Head of the organisation
Manuel Peces de la Rosa
Contact (2) Full Name
Roberto Moreno López


National Network

Alhóndiga 6 2b
18001 Granada Granada

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

ASAD is an NGO founded in 2005 dedicated to carrying out cooperation and education projects where communication plays a fundamental role as a key factor for empowerment and participation of the civil society.
ASAD has developed more than 40 projects: of social awareness in Spain (to promote cultural diversity, gender equality, protection of environment...), and intended to build local strengthnesses in terms of social economy, access to education and community media, among others, in developing countries.
We employ 10 employees and 20 technical professionals annually. Our projects have been financed by 9 public and private institutions, with an average yearly budget of 400.000€-600.000€. We have directly reached more than 6000 rights holders, and indirectly more than 2.5000.0000 people through social networks, events and media.
Our main partners are local NGOs from the countries where we work, and local organizations from the South of Spain.

Mission and Objectives

ASAD was created with the objective of acting against the structural causes of poverty through the promotion of Human Rights. To that end, we lead development projects that favor community empowerment and the self-driven social development of the communities our projects are aimed at. Additionally, we work to strengthen civil society through development education.
-Take action against the structural causes of poverty and foster the social development of affected communities.
-Promote awareness and education for democracy, social justice, peace, and solidarity.
-Organize, train, and support our volunteers so that they can work to achieve these objectives in impoverished countries as well as in Spain.
-Organize and carry out efforts for development cooperation and solidarity with impoverished countries, according to their needs, and keeping in mind their cultural identity, the perspective of gender, and respect for the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

International Development Cooperation
Our work in the field is characterized by the use of community empowerment processes as the foundation of our activities so that the populations we work with can accomplish for themselves an authentic social development. To that end, we work alongside organizations within our partner countries to identify and promote projects focused on securing and defending Human Rights, always making sure to generate and strengthen the skills necessary for the proposals to be sustainable over time. Since our beginning, we have cooperated with organizations in Guatemala, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Cambodia, Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
Please, find more information on: https://asad.es/category/cooperacion-internacional/

Development Education
At ASAD we believe development education carried out in Spain is key to getting the population to be conscious of the reality and causes of local and global inequality. Development education is the seed that can generate a real change in mentality, because a society that’s informed and well-versed in issues of development and social change will be inclined to engage with social justice on a local as well as international level. Since 2012 we have worked on a wide variety of development education projects in the South of Spain, mainly through secondary schools and with activists (organized or not) that have allowed us to conduct awareness and mobilization activities aimed at the general population. In all of our local initiatives, communication understood as a bidirectional right and creativity expressed through diverse forms of socially engaged art have a fundamental role, because through these tools we are able to deeply understand reality and equip ourselves with the most powerful abilities available for intervening in short, medium, and long term: the abilities to create and spread ideas.
Please, find more information on: https://asad.es/proyectos/espana/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ASAD is a NGO specialized in communication for social change. Therefore, we have strong capacities to promote the respect of diversity and the dialogue among citizens from different cultures, origins and beliefs.
Our projects use communication tools, making participatory short films, artivism in the streets, films, informative campaigns, exhibitions, comunitary multimedia centers… And especially academic training, so that people and organizations can create by themselves to exert social pressure to achieve the full respect of the Human Rights, and a peaceful and democratic society.
From our point of view, knowing about communication and being able to use it, serves for understanding our own reality and that of our environment, to meet and understand the causes of the inequality and their possible solutions, as well as to position and assume our individual and social responsibility towards the injustices between North and South.
Please, watch our video "Can communication change people’s life? Communication Rights according to ASAD" to know more about that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFww7p7sVds
Provided that background, we think that we can contribute to the Network by sharing our expertise and know-how, contributing to the main lines of the ALF in Spain: education, culture and arts, media and civil society, all of that, specially important if our location in the mediterranean border of Europe is considered.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim joining the ALF Network is to work together with the member organizations so as to achieve our common objectives; to learn from each other in the development of our activity; and to reinforce the role of the intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean community.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia García Peula
Job Title
General coordinator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ignacio Tamayo
Job Title (2)

Asociación TENTEMPIÉ

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Promote the dialogue between cultures
Promoting tolerance, cultural understanding and avoiding stereotypes,
xenophobia and racism;
To maintain linkages in cooperation with the associations and public authorities in order to act and promote
synergy with existing programmes with the same objectives.
Promote knowledge, recognition and mutual respect between the cultures, and values of the citizens wherever they came from.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects of social and professional integration of immigrants, psychosocial support for women, prevention of racism and xenophobia, personal development for handicap people, intercultural projects, audiovisual training projects and Community Video, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Vanesa Fernández Copa
Head of the organisation
Jacinta Casado Taladriz
Contact (2) Full Name
Sergio Antonio González


National Network

CARRER TRAJÀ 14 (INTERIOR) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida
08004 Barcelona Barcelona

932 68 22 22
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

A l’Associació Atlàntida som una entitat sense ànim de lucre que treballem amb la immigració des de diverses disciplines i àmbits relacionats amb benestar social, salut, educació, cultura i món associatiu. L’Associació està formada per una xarxa de professionals de Catalunya, oberta a altres països de les dues ribes de la Mediterrània.

Mission and Objectives

A l’Associació Atlàntida el nostre propòsit principal són les persones i el seu benestar. Per aquest motiu som una entitat de caràcter social i sense ànim de lucre.

Treballem en la inserció de professionals estrangers a la societat d'acollida, promovent diverses activitats. Els nostres projectes estan pensats per donar suport a l'homologació de la formació acadèmica i la facilitació de l’accés al mercat laboral.

La nostra activitat principal és:

Servei d’Acompanyament al Reconeixement Universitari (SARU)
Projecte Interprofessions
Jornades formatives, publicacions i sessions d'estudi


Promoure la formació i la preparació dels professionals per millorar la relació i comunicació intercultural en les seves intervencions.
Contribuir a la inserció de les persones estrangeres en la societat d’acollida.
Propiciar espais de debat i de reflexió entre els professionals oberts al món associatiu de la immigració.


1) La governança amb una major participació dels nostres socis/es que se sentin corresponsables dels projectes de l’associació.

2) Les relacions institucionals que han de permetre establir vincles i afinitat amb uns interessos comuns amb les organitzacions professionals i l’administració.

3) L’activació de la intel·ligència col·lectiva dels i les professionals que des de l’anàlisi de l’entorn ens permeti captar les necessitats a respondre.

4) Alimentar el futur de l’Associació amb la satisfacció de la persona sòcia en el present.

Main Projects / Activities

1) SARU: Servei d'acompanyament al reconeixement universitari. El Servei d'Acompanyament al Reconeixement Universitari (SARU) ofereix:

Assessorament per tramitar el reconeixement de les titulacions estrangeres universitàries i acompanyament durant el procés d’equiparació dels estudis.
Orientació sobre els itineraris acadèmics recomanables per completar els estudis, amb l’objectiu d’afavorir el reconeixement universitari i de millorar el currículum acadèmic.
Informació i derivació cap a organismes competents en procediments d’acreditació i legalització de titulacions universitàries que han de tenir efectes a l’estranger.
Se'n poden beneficiar:

Persones residents a Catalunya amb formació acadèmica universitària d’una universitat estrangera.
Persones residents a Catalunya amb titulació universitària que volen estudiar o treballar a l’estranger.
El SARU és un servei que està en funcionament des del gener del 2010 fruit d'una iniciativa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Ministeri d’Educació, el Ministeri d'Universitats, l’Obra Social “la Caixa” i l’Associació Atlàntida.
2) Interprofessions: Des del Projecte Interprofessions donem suport al reconeixement de la formació acadèmica no universitària i facilitem l’accés al mercat laboral a les persones amb estudis cursats a l’estranger i que viuen a Catalunya, i que volen iniciar els tràmits d’homologació o convalidació dels seus estudis, ajudant-los amb:

Informació i assessorament respecte del procés d’homologacions i convalidació a l’estat espanyol de títols estrangers no universitaris.
Informació sobre la Inserció en la xarxa formativa formal: universitats, escoles d’adults, instituts d’estudis secundaris, i centres de formació professional.
Sessions grupals per abordar diverses temàtiques referides al món formatiu i laboral.
Suport, assessorament i coordinació amb la xarxa d’entitats relacionades amb la immigració, a través d’un treball conjunt d’intercanvi d’informació.
Orientació per millorar la formació relacionada amb la llengua i la cultura de Catalunya.
La convalidació i l’homologació de títols estrangers suposa el reconeixement de la seva equivalència respecte d’un determinat títol espanyol vigent, així com dels seus efectes inherents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esther Silvestre
Job Title
Carrer de Trajà, 14 (Interior) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida 08004 Barcelona
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Teresa Crespo
Job Title (2)
Carrer de Trajà, 14 (Interior) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida 08004 Barcelona

Associació civil Jarit

National Network

Calle Buenos Aires 10b


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Asamblea General - Junta directiva 250 socios, 10 trabajadores y 120 voluntarios 2 - 250.000 Euros aprox. 3 - Generalitat Valenciana - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional 4 - 5 - Siente el Magreb (sensibilización) Sunnugal en Africa(sensibilización) Coformando Sures (Codesarrollo) Casa de Juventud Hassi Labiad - Marruecos (Cooperación) Acción Social inmigrantes; Servicio Jurídico Extranjería;Formación; Talleres de castellano...
Mission and Objectives

Sensibilizción para la promoción de una sociedad intercultural y de nuevas actitudes solidarias, a través de dinamicas ludicas culturales, formativas y sociales.

Main Projects / Activities

Siente el Magreb (sensibilización)
Sunnugal en Africa(sensibilización)
Coformando Sures (Codesarrollo)
Casa de Juventud Hassi Labiad - Marruecos (Cooperación)
Acción Social inmigrantes; Servicio Jurídico Extranjería;Formación; Talleres de castellano...
viajes de turismo responsable y campos de trabajo, conciertos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emili Sanchez Martínez
Head of the organisation
Sergi Almiñana Leconte
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Part Balerdi