
BoCA Bienal - The Talking Car

The Talking Car

BoCA Bienal presented Berlin-based artist Agnieszka Polska, who premiered her first play The Talking Car on September 14 and 15 at Culturgest. In preparation for this event, the artist has been in residency at the Goethe-Institut in Lisbon.

Agnieszka Polska, winner of the National Gallery Prize (Berlin), is the author of hypnotic works that reflect on themes such as environmental and humanitarian catastrophes and offer immersive experiences, activating a critical social and individual conscience in a post-truth world. In this play Polska has a Portuguese, Polish and North American cast. On stage, a group of people try to get out of a speeding car. They are accompanied by a large-scale digital puppet, which sings and observes their struggles with tender curiosity. The characters in the car, on their way to an uncertain destination, explore a variety of roles, genders and emotional states. Repetitive music and hypnotic animations add to the melancholy of this immersive tale about the complex system of human and non-human agents.

BoCA - Biennial of Contemporary Arts is an international biennial of contemporary arts with a focus on transdisciplinarity (or extradisciplinarity). It establishes a synergy between cities (Lisbon, in dialogue with two other cities), cultural institutions (theaters, museums, galleries, material heritage), integrating actions in the public space, artistic territories (performance, performing arts, visual arts, music) and their respective audiences. At the same time, throughout each biennium, BoCA expands its activities through programming cycles presented in other Portuguese and foreign cities.

BoCA is supported by the Goethe-Institut of Portugal, which is one of the members of Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. Founded in 1962, Goethe-Institut has a 60-year history of promoting Luso-German intercultural communication. It has two institutes in Portugal, one in Lisbon and the other in Porto. The Goethe-Institut in Portugal reaches 180,500 people a year with its many events, a diverse range of training courses, a wide range of information services about Germany and guidance and training for German teachers and students of German language and culture.

The Cultural Department is a catalyst for dialogue, exchange and contact between German and Portuguese artists and researchers. Current German trends are addressed and intercultural work in the fields of film, dance, music, theater, art, literature and translation is promoted. In cooperation with Portuguese partners, the Goethe-Institut organizes readings, exhibitions, conferences, film screenings and concerts, and also supports the participation of German artists in festivals.

Click here for more information

Bombalkanica Festival

National Network

Rua das Taipas 115 /4
4050-600 Porto

00 351 913175166
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Bombalkanica was born in January 2022 as the effect of long collaboration between various musicians from Porto and Lisbon who are in love with the Balkan traditional or Balkan inspired music and would like to spread it more among the Portuguese public. In collaboration with the Porto based DJ project Balskandal, which promotes the Balkan originated music since 2016, the festival was created, using various venues around the city. Due to the pandemical restrictions, the first edition was limited to five concerts, two workshops, two nights with DJ sets, two jam sessions and the final event with the Balkan inspired dinner and a surprise concert. The festival was organized by two people (with the help of many other friends), and the first edition surprised with the amount of participants- in the public we welcomed over 100 people, coming not only from Portugal, but also from Spain and France. Since the festival worked very well, we would like to extend the second edition, offering more activities, more venues and being able to invite bands from the Balkans. We are a group of musicians and culture managers fascinated with the Balkan culture and especially its music, part of us has lived in Croatia and from there travelled the whole Balkan Peninsula, getting to know amazing bands and musicians. Our goal is to promote this culture here in Portugal, where it is still not very known and be able to invite the wonderful music projects from the Balkan region to play and give workshops at Bombalkanica. Therefore, networking with the people who live there and stay in close touch with the reality of working with music and organizing cultural events on the Balkans will be an amazing opportunity for us to learn and exchange our knowledge.

Mission and Objectives

Portugal is not a very big country, but people here really appreciate the musical heritage and variety of cultures, our experience with organizing various gigs and the Bombalkanica first edition here confirmed to us that the place is open and welcoming for this type of initiatives. Therefore, we are looking forward to be able to invite the artist and culture managers from the Balkans and prove that, starting from "homemade" ideas, the festivals can become a big thing with a huge heart beating in 7/8! Our goal is to promote the culture of the Mediterranean area, especially the music, and invite the artists from the Mediterranean countries to perform in Porto, also organizing workshops and masterclasses.

Main Projects / Activities

- festival of Balkan music - once a year - workshops and masterclasses of Mediterranean music (singing, rhythms, instruments) - organizing event presenting the culture of the Mediterranean area - movie nights, dinners, talks

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting the international dialogue, exchanging experiences, organizing meetings and exchanges of the artists, educating about the Mediterranean culture

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to meet organizations from other countries with similar objectives and start a collaboration, also promoting our activities in the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Greta Wardega
Head of the organisation
Greta Wardega

BTUIN cooperativa

National Network

Rua Enfermeiras da Grande Guerra, nº2, 3º dto
1170-119 Lisboa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

from Portugal - Lisbon. We have territorial and societal development as an objective and we work collaboratively in a network, creating, coordinating, evaluating and / or integrating projects, programs and ideas.

Mission and Objectives

We approach all activities from the facilitation paradigm for the emergence of collective intelligence, collaborative, creative and innovative territorial and societal development solutions. To fulfill these premises, we intend to create, coordinate, evaluate and integrate projects, programs and ideas.

Main Projects / Activities

"GABIP" Local network coordinated by the municipality for urban and social planning / "LETT Labs" EU intercities project to understand the gentrification process / "Lift the siege on the hills" project developed in a network, in the historic center of Lisbon, to find solutions that promote more well-being for vulnerable groups, entrepreneurs and the community as a whole / "Music is Mathematics for my ears" research and action project that combines formal education with informal education through the arts / "iN House" project designed for professional musicians and / or students at an advanced level, which takes place online and proposes the democratization of musical composition processes, sharing knowledge and creativity, generating collaborative processes to find sustainable solutions for the profession / "European Youth music week "project with 50 years of history that brings together young people around music in a week of artistic residency, we act as producers and public relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Development of projects that results from shared experiences and best practices in areas such as art, education, citizenship, community, or disciplinary crossing.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing experiences and best practices in areas such as art, education, citizenship, community, or disciplinary crossing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pedro Manuel Mateus Gonçalves
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Mourad Ghanem

BTUIN cooperativa

National Network

Rua Enfermeiras da Grande Guerra, nº2, 3º dto
1170-119 Lisboa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Abordamos todas as atividades desde o paradigma da facilitação para a emergência da inteligência coletiva, de soluções técnico-económicas colaborativas, criativas e inovadoras, para o desenvolvimento territorial e societal. Para cumprimentos destas premissas pretendemos, criar, coordenar, avaliar e integrar projetos, programas e ideias a nível nacional e/ou internacional.

Mission and Objectives

Temos como objetivo o desenvolvimento territorial e social, actuando em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes.

Main Projects / Activities

"GABIP" Local network coordinated by the municipality for urban and social planning / "LETT Labs" EU intercities project to understand the gentrification process / "Lift the siege on the hills" project developed in a network, in the historic center of Lisbon, to find solutions that promote more well-being for vulnerable groups, entrepreneurs and the community as a whole / "Music is Mathematics for my ears" research and action project that combines formal education with informal education through the arts / "iN House" project designed for professional musicians and / or students at an advanced level, which takes place online and proposes the democratization of musical composition processes, sharing knowledge and creativity, generating collaborative processes to find sustainable solutions for the profession / "European Youth music week "project with 50 years of history that brings together young people around music in a week of artistic residency, we act as producers and public relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actuar em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias, que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Actuar em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias, que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes

Contact (1) Full Name
Pedro Manuel Mateus Gonçalves
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Mourad Ghanem

Bué Fixe-Youth Organization

National Network

Rua de Macau nº 9, 3 frt, 2700-538,

351 926007149
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
BUE FIXE- is a Non-profit Youth Migrants organization, based in Portugal, initially a network of young African-migrants with origins in Portuguese speaking African Countries. THE AIMS OF THE ORGANISATION ARE TO PROMOTE: • Active participation of young people in all initiatives related with the definition of public and private policies directly or indirectly affecting them. STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANISATION The organizational structure was designed to engage the active participation of booth the target groups as well as those professional with recognized experience in working with these particular population as well as these specific groups living or surrounded by risk factors regarding the opportunities to exercise their full human and individual rights. MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANISATION The management is based in cooperation and involvement of the active member in all the project and activity. DECISION-MAKING PROCESS An active work is developed in order to get an effective participation of the target groups as well as related professionals in all stages of the development of the decision making process. Our annual budget coming from Local and internation donnor like local municpality, MTV Stayng Alive. The mean parnter are local NGO, MTV Portugal,Youth Group, Student NGO. In below there are some training we participated: • Training Course «Get in Net» for Transnational Youth Initiatives, 26th of February – 2nd of March 2008, France • Training course about use of theatre technique as tool for social change, Croacia, 02-03-08-10-03-08 • Training course for Facilitators «Face It» Belgium, 15.-23.3.2008
Mission and Objectives

The objective are:
• Partnerships that may contribute to the development of networks among other related youth organizations, either at the community, national and international level.
• Participation of young people in voluntary initiatives.
• The implementation of activities, during leisure times, that may bring together children and seniors.
• The development of non-formal educational activities.
• Social inclusion of young people approaching the public services, as available tools to defend their human, cultural, social, economic rights, as much as their specific individual rights such as sexual orientation among others.
• Gender equality among this particular population.
• The development of activities to protect the health of these particular group of young people, with priority to the prevention of risk factors , attitudes and behaviours regarding sexually transmitted infections(STI/STD), HIV/aids, drug use, teen pregnancy, dating violence among others.

Main Projects / Activities

The mean project are “YOUTH MEDIA, OUR RESPONSE TO HIV/AIDS”. This use media and communication skills to promote adequate STI/HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, addressed to Young Migrant coming from African Portuguese Speaking Countries who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Amadora City surrounding the Lisbon Area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute in this networking with our experiencie in field we are done with african migrant youth in Portugal in many areas like, migration discrimination, acess to social rigth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part because we think can be important for all of us working in the youth field to put our minds and experiences together to work towards a solution and commitment.
we want to be part also to share my experiences and learn as much as possible with other colleagues regarding migrant exchange initiatives to promote safer behaviors and citizenship among Young People.

Contact (1) Full Name
00 351 926007149
Head of the organisation
Dynka Amorim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Filgueiras

Campanh'UP - Social and Community Communication Platform

Visões Úteis

In September, the Campanh'UP project commenced, funded by the Collaborative Budget. This initiative followed the signing of a protocol with the Campanhã Parish Council in August.

Campanh'UP is a social and community communication platform located in Campanhã. Its primary goal is to activate mobilization and participation processes through young communicators. These communicators promote co-created and co-dynamized interactions involving people and institutions in Campanhã, with the aim of integrated parish development. Campanh'UP seeks to stimulate cultural activities, support training processes, initiate co-creation efforts, preserve and enhance the territory and its heritage, and contribute to the sustainability of participatory processes.

This project is an integral part of the Novos Percursos para Campanhã initiative and was conceived within the framework of the URBiNAT project. It focuses on local participation, fostering co-created and co-dynamized communication and interaction among the local taskforce partners and other involved stakeholders.

The project's executive committee has Visões Úteis as one of their partners, which is a member of Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. The remaining partners are Fios e Desafios, CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais, APPC - Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral, Sinergias.

Visões Úteis, an artistic project based in Porto and founded in 1994, originated in the theater but has since expanded into various other forms of expression, including Performance in the Landscape and Community Performance. Its primary mission revolves around artistic creation, encompassing programming, both national and international circulation, publishing, audience development, research, and training. The project places a strong emphasis on fostering innovation and promoting a dynamic dialogue between the aesthetic and the ethical, making it a continually evolving endeavor.

Established by former members of the university theater group CITAC, Visões Úteis has engaged in collaborations with various directors and presented works from a diverse array of authors. Subsequently, the project shifted its focus towards research, dramaturgical creation, and the production of original performances. Beyond these aspects of artistic creation, the project has diversified its activities, delving into the urban landscape and Community Performance, while also venturing into international markets and embracing digital creativity.

Recognized with the Gold Medal of Cultural Merit from the City of Porto in 2020, Visões Úteis relocated to Campanhã, expanding its programming in partnership with the Porto City Council. Under the leadership of Carlos Costa and a dedicated team, Visões Úteis continues to influence the arts scene with a substantial portfolio of productions, all aimed at promoting dialogue and innovation within the cultural realm.

Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

National Network

Rua da Igreja, 2 – 7750-338 Mértola
7750-338 Mértola

+351 286612443
+351 286611089
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
General Information

Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (CAM) is a cultural and scientific association without profit goals created in 1988; it was declared a collective entity of public utility in 1995. The organs of CAM are a General Council, Board of Direction, Account Commission and Scientific Board. The General Council includes all the associates of CAM and it is its chief deliberative assembly. It is presided by a board of President and two secretaries. The Board of Direction is the executive organ of CAM and includes the Director secretary, treasurer, two voters and an executive team.

Mission and Objectives

Since its foundation CAM has as its objectives the survey and research of archaeological, ethnographic and artistic values in the region of Mértola and to proceed to its safekeeping especially the Islamic heritage. Collaboration with the Universities of Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its foundation, CAM has carried out a multidisciplinary scientific investigation in the area of social sciences. Besides a particular interest the following projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT); the organisation of scientific events of international relevance: IV International Conference "Mediaeval Pottery in the Mediterranean", Lisbon, 1987 and "Mediaeval Harbours of the Mediterranean", Mértola, 2001, the coordination in Portugal of Discover Islamic Art project and the conception and creation of the Mértola's Museum: "Castle" (1991), "Paleochristian Basilica" (1993) and "Islamic Art" (2001 ), etc. The publishing programme of CAM has reached over twenty titles, of which are worth mentioning the magazine Mediaeval Archaeology (9 issues published).

Contact (1) Full Name
Cláudio Figueiredo Torres
Head of the organisation
Cláudio Figueiredo Torres
Contact (2) Full Name
Susana Gómez Martínez

Casa da Esquina - Associação Cultural

National Network

Rua Aires de Campos nº6 3000-014 Coimbra

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization: 3 directors, 1 producer. Budget: 21.000. Source of Funding: city hall, Cultural Ministry - national and regional. Modalities of action: Creations (site-specific projects in the public space)formation (arts, gender, youth education)and residencies (arts), seminaries conferences (art in public space, gender, plastic arts )
Mission and Objectives

to create high quality arts project in collaboration with different artistic areas

Main Projects / Activities

Modalities of action: Creations (site-specific projects in the public space)
ex: http://casadaesquinanobotanico.blogspot.com/
and http://chambresroomszimmers.blogspot.com
formation (arts, gender, youth education)and residencies (arts),
seminaries, conferences (art in public space, gender, plastic arts )

Contact (1) Full Name
Filipa Alves

Casa do Brasil de Lisboa

National Network

Rua Luz Soriano, 42
1200-248 Lisboa

+351 213 400 000
Telephone (other)
+351 935 141 813
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Casa do Brasil de Lisboa (CBL) is a non-profit association of immigrants, founded in January 1992 by Brazilians living in Portugal and Portuguese friends of Brazil and is open to all nationalities. Since its foundation, CBL has been active in reflecting and implementing public policies, assuming a fundamental role in activism and demanding egalitarian policies for immigrant communities in Portugal. We develop projects with actions that aim to promote equal access to rights and services for immigrants. In addition to social intervention and activism work, we promote the appreciation of multiculturalism, interculturality and integration through culture.

Mission and Objectives

Equal Opportunities Equal Rights and Social Justice Interculturality and Integration

Main Projects / Activities

Gabinete de Orientação e Encaminhamento (GOE) GOE is part of the CLAIM network (Local Support Center for the Integration of Migrants), a partner with the Lisbon City Council within the scope of the PMIML - Lisbon Municipal Migrant Plan 2018-2020, and offers guidance and referral with regard to regularization and legalization in Portugal, as well as access to public and private services, such as: health, education, justice, social security, among others. The office also provides information on labor rights and other issues related to the integration of Brazilian immigrants and other nationalities in Portugal. The GOE - Guidance and Referral Office has been financed, since January 2017, by the FAMI - Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration, managed by the ACM - High Commission for Migrations. In addition to GOE at its headquarters in Lisbon, we provide service at the Cascais Store on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm, as part of the partnership with Cascais City Council. Gabinete de Apoio ao Emprego (GAE) The Employment Support Office (GAE) at Casa do Brasil in Lisbon provides support to unemployed young people and adults on their path to professional insertion or reintegration and/or training. Among the activities carried out by GAE are the preparation of CVs and job search techniques, dissemination and referral to job and qualification offers and guidance on measures to support entrepreneurship. The office also establishes partnerships with companies and training entities that use its free recruitment support services for job and training offers. Service at GAE is in person and free, by prior appointment which can be requested by calling 213 400 000 and 935 141 813, by email at gae@casadobrasildelisboa.pt or in person at Rua Luz Soriano, 42, Lisbon. Grupo Acolhida The Acolhida Group has been held by Casa do Brasil in Lisbon since 2012 and consists of weekly meetings of the Mutual Aid Group. Acolhida Group has the concept of group work, a space for conversations, sharing information and experiences, since the shared experience reduces isolation, provides reflection and increases the chances of overcoming difficulties through the solidarity network that is formed. Meetings are held every Wednesday from 4pm to 5:30pm and no prior registration is required. The Acolhida Group is an activity of the Sinergias Project – What unites us? Participatory Methodologies and Integration of NPTs, financed by FAMI (Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration) managed by ACM (High Commission for Migration). Ciclo de Sessões Informativas With specific themes, the Cycle of Information Sessions complement the work carried out by the Mutual Aid Group, as it is a space for more specific information regarding rights and duties. There are informative sessions with topics such as: Regularization in Portugal; Rights and Duties of immigrants, Portuguese Nationality; Access to Health; Workers' Rights and Duties and Women's Migration. The Cycle of Information Sessions is an activity of the Sinergias Project – What unites us? Participatory Methodologies and Integration of the NPTs, financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration - FAMI, managed by the High Commission for Migration - ACM.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Casa Do Brasil de Lisboa, due to its history in the fight for the promotion and equality of the rights of migrant people in Portugal, has extensive experience in projects and support for reception and integration, which has generated, over the 32 years of activity, the construction of a network of associations, collectives and public and private institutions that work in the field of migration and social inclusion in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand the network of contacts and possibilities of working in partnership with associations in other territories, enhancing projects and programs already developed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cyntia de Paula
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cyntia de Paula
Contact (2) Full Name
Victor Costa Hastenreiter
Job Title (2)
Senior Project Technician