
ACERT – Associação Cultutal e Recreativa de Tondela

National Network

Rua Dr Ricardo Mota – Apartado 118
3461-909 Tondela

00 351 232 814 400
Telephone (other)
00 351 232 814 405
00 351 232 814 409
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 351 912 262 418
Mobile Phone (other)
00 351 917 262 480
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non profit organization for public utility , with 30 working people 10 of them in full time; 2. 600.000€; 3. Ministry of culture, Ministry of youth, Tondela Municipality; 4. professional theatre companies, and all the programming of the Vovo Ciclo cultural center, exchanges mainly with Mozembique, Cabo Verde and Brazil, in 2005 we organized a session of the European Diploma on Cultural project Managed in partnership with the Marcel Hicter Foundation ; Tondela municipality, Ministry of culture, ANIMAR, several theatre groups from all over Europe, and in Mozambique, Brazil and Cabo Verde Having been formed in 1979, ACERT has the carrier of a multidisciplinary actuation in terms of the artistic areas, and grounded its creative strength on the original core: TRIGO LIMPO teatro ACERT. This particular situation - a theatre company generating a cultural association - is the main feature of the dynamics of ACERT, and influences decisively its attitude and evolution: the growth of a transversal project, in terms of the promotion of events; artistic formation and production, based on a highly professional team of theatrical agents who have guaranteed its operationality as far as the management of a continued permanent programming project is concerned. It has perpetuated itself as a cultural structure in a region of our country that asserts itself by: - Incorporating a permanently renewed and renewing artistic practice, within a steadily efficient communitarian relationship, in order to potentiate didactical circuits of conquest of varied publics and audiences who strongly feel, above all, the lack of cultural offers. - Projecting artistic experiences within an enlarged basis of local , regional, national and international itinerancy that favours the capitalization of experiences and contacts, so as to implement and potentiate the project as far as the artistic experimentalism, the innovation of methodologies and the geographical enlargement of audiences are concerned. - Searching for actuation practices that support the development of the project, as a widening factor of different geographical areas, and thus attracting urban publics who can be added to the communitarian interconnection and allow the achievement of a consistent whole plan of local insertion, namely through the boldness of both the practices and the established targets. - Permanently innovating the means of performance and intervention (the human resources - creators, technicians, animators -, the space, the equipments, the offer of services, the artistic formation and the cultural creation) so as to guarantee an increase of quality in programming, conditions offered to the creators and therefore to the publics. - Maintaining the level of artistic and professional exigency and self-demand, which has been made real by the formative updating and exchange of experiences, essential factors to continue a process of balanced and equilibrated growth. This practice made possible for ACERT to implant itself geographically, and to project itself in the cultural life of the country, though the identity it gives to the direction of a transversal, didactic, effective and daring artistic intervention, in order to transform cultural habits. It is worth stressing out that the district of Viseu, though it has today an indisputable cultural offer and projection, was once considered as a region without cultural practices, spaces or habits. Although we definitely don’t consider ACERT as the sole protagonist of this change, it would be absurd not to point out its the important role it played in this transformation.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organization is to highlight the need of cultural work for the local sustainable development.
Education true culture
The possibilities of a cultural project outside the big centre cities in Portugal

Main Projects / Activities

Professional theatre company; Novo Ciclo – resource cultural centre managed by the association; Common cultural network with 7 municipalities of the centre region in Portugal; EQUAL project for gender questions;

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Cláudio Torres Bruno
Head of the organisation
Carlos Alberto Antunes da Silva
Contact (2) Full Name
José Rui Martins

ACV - Associação Cidadania Viva

National Network

Estrada Militar 23 A, Damaia

+351 214740230
+351 214740231
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
TEAM ACV: Board and fiscal board (7 volunteers) 1 Executive Director (staff) 1 Designer (staff) 1 IT Technical support (staff) 1 Social Assistant (staff) 1 Non-formal Education trainer (staff) 5 EVS Volunteers 5 Local Volunteers BUDGET 2010 - €300.000,00 2009 - €250.000,00 SOURCES Lifelong Learning Programme, Youth in Action Programme, PAMA-Amadora´s local support programme, Youth Institute, Lisbon City Hall, Portuguese Employment Center. 2009/10 APROVED PROJECTS Hosting: Intervideo dialogue - Youth Exchange Sons e Imagens das Nossas Vidas - Youth Iniciative East & West Take Action Next - Seminar Youth & Democracy in Europe - Seminar Dar oportunidade aos jovens - Youth Iniciative Synergic Hands and Ideas - EVS Colouring Amadora's Neighbourhoods - Youth Exchange Sending: 30 Youth exchanges 10 seminars 12 internships 1 voluntary, MAIN PARTNERS 2009/10 Local: Amadora City Hall, Lisbon City Hall, Amadora Social Network, Damaia´s Local comission, Associação Jardim Escolas João de Deus International: In Action - Lithuania Semper Avanti - Poland Institut International des droits de l’homme et de la paix - France Eil - UK Giosef - Italy
Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
To empower young people through their ingenious and art, turning them into active citizens in their community in support of a sustainable development.
1 Goal Listening
Ensuring access to information regarding all activities of the ACV and specific initiatives for young people from our network partners.
2 Goal - Participating
Fueling activities in Portugal and abroad that enable the development of intercultural skills and facilitate the social integration of young people in the global community.
3 Goal - Learning
Provide the opportunity for young people to acquire knowledge and skills to his personal, academic and /or professional development through training national and international programmes.
4 Goal - Collaborating
To encourage and involve youth in community work, enabling them to collaborate on specific actions and activities that develop a sense of responsibility and promote partnership and volunteerism based on the spirit of cooperation.
5 Goal - Entrepreneuring
To support and empower young people to become autonomous in finding the best solutions to their socio-professional life, encouraging their active participation in support of their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Activities:
A01 | Connect !
Team ACV, Globish Newsletter, Public presentations, local festivities, campaigns
A02 | + Citizenship
Democracy and Human Righst education Seminars, Networking, Partnership Building Activities
A03 | Let´s Go...
English classes, 28 WeeksParty, Human Rights and Non-formal education worshops, Local Youth Exchanges, Cultural Events, exhibitions, workcamps, outdoor activities
A04 | Europe and the World
Youth Exchanges
A05 | Educae
Local and international Internships (Lifelong Learning Programme LLP, Youth in Action Programme YAP)
A06 | Orientare
Trainnings (LLP,YAP)
A07 | BLA - Local Action Group
Hosting EVS and local volunteers, community support programs,
A08 | International Voluntary Service
Sending EVS Volunteers
A09 | Iniciative
Youth Initiatives, ACV curriculum, Youth Clubs
A10 | U Dare!
Job Shadowing, Professional trainning, Microcrédit, Entrepeneuring projects, Job opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Inês Duarte
Head of the organisation
Ana Catarina Estevão
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiago Ramalho

ADAT - Associação dos Amigos do Tocá Rufar

National Network

R. Dr. Miguel Bombarda
Nº 40
2840-514 Seixal

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ADAT is a non-profit association with more than 15.000 members all over Portugal. We are a small team of 6 people working full-time. Our anual budget is around 100.000,00€. Sources of founding: Ministry of Culture; local administration; performing revenues; schools. Music classes; adults formation; seminars, exchanges; 100 performances a year Main partners: Ministry of Culture; City of Seixal; City of Moita.
Mission and Objectives

Tocá Rufar is an artistic and cultural education project that aims to assert and promote the Bombo (traditional Portuguese bass drum) and traditional Portuguese percussion. The project excels in placing art, learning and Portuguese culture in a privileged position as a source of value, development and contemporaneity, and by making it accessible to all.
Tocá Rufar’s mission is to promote the Bombo as a symbol of modern Portuguese culture and identity and to develop its practice in an orchestral context that concentrates on a contemporary expression of traditional Portuguese percussion, alongside providing exemplary educational practices within an instructive framework.
By creating and innovating from within the heart of traditional culture and employing high quality artistic practices, we intend to develop and export the image of a modern, agile, active, creative and innovative Portugal with a strong cultural identity. This is in addition to having a preeminent organizational model that can be applied by other national and foreign bodies.
Considering the contemporary cultural scene in Portugal, projects such as Tocá Rufar are essentially initiatives of sociocultural intervention and consequently provide alternative cultural models and practices to those offered by an entertainment industry that does not require the personal and social development of individuals and groups. Therefore, we participate in sociocultural projects that work towards the development of civil society, in particular the sectors that are most at risk and in need of attention.
The contribution and creativity of Tocá Rufar as a leader of distinction in the area of social work is summed up well by Rui Júnior, founder and director of the project, when in discussion with a local representative of education: “When our members enrol in the Tocá Rufar Orchestra, they take on the responsibility of representing the culture and identity of an entire country; due to its visibility, this initiative provokes a sense of duty. As a result, we demand hours of hard work and have strict rules on conduct, appearance and posture. Our members are artists and, above all, demanding and deserving human beings and – I guarantee you – they will know how to make important decisions and take on responsibilities, today and in the future, and do everything for their country. Therefore, sir, you need to give them the respect and admiration that they deserve. Any person that joins the orchestra, whether they are a child, teenager, adult, male or female, is considered and treated by Tocá Rufar as a talented individual.”
Under the motto “Lend yourself! Express yourself! Exceed yourself!”, Tocá Rufar gives its students a new and improved self-perception while also requiring them to find a balance between their personal will and the common good thus enabling them to affirm an individual identity within the community.
Performing social work through art provides them with the refuge of traditional culture while also extending their horizons and showing them a promising future within their reach and bestowing upon them the freedom to set their own limits. Besides proving the “tools” to achieve this, Tocá Rufar also demands effort, enthusiasm and the spirit of sacrifice, teaching its students in the process to be independent and take charge of their own lives.
Defining itself as an artistic and cultural project, Tocá Rufar protects its members from any social prejudice linked to their background, age, gender, race, culture or sexual orientation. Tocá Rufar is investing in the creation of platform that gives everyone equal opportunities to access the project and grow within it and within society.
By teaching in a group, Tocá Rufar brings together individuals whose social realities normally do not coincide or interact, however, once integrated into the orchestra everyone acquires equal status. Like members of a family, one common space is shared by people of different generations, cultures, life experiences, education, social status and identities. It is a space where everyone is understood and judged only on their input, goodwill and personal merit.
Orchestra members have the opportunity to access places and contexts that the majority of people do not. These have included: playing alongside renowned artists such as Buraka Som Sistema, Fafá de Belém, Fausto, Jorge Palma, José Mário Branco, Mickael Carreira, Paulo de Carvalho, Rui Júnior & oÓquesomtem?, Tony Carreira, Xutos & Pontapés, to name just a few; representing Portugal at international events including several World Expos (Expo’98 Lisbon; Expo Hannover 2002 Germany; Expo Aichi 2006 Japan), the Signing of the Treaty of Lisbon and several Festivals in the UK and in Belgium; and travelling the world and meeting people from various backgrounds. This not only plays an integral part in personal development but also provides a greater capacity for understanding and acceptance.
As well as having a direct effect upon its students, the project also influences those that engage with the group. Tocá Rufar’s shows and the manner in which its members behave and present themselves publicly inspires thousands of spectators, not just because of the high standard of music but also due to the integrity, education, generosity and kindness that they exude. Tocá Rufar members set an example, they challenge and nourish the spirit and are an important stimulus for community solidarity and service.
More than 80% of the orchestra’s performances are made available to promoters that do not have the resources to afford the costs of hiring, provided that the principals and underlying causes are considered fair and of value. So that the sustainability of the project is not put at risk, Tocá Rufar charges a higher rate to those that can afford to pay it and, indirectly, places upon the richest in society a social, educational and cultural role that quite often they refuse to assume.
Every year Tocá Rufar teaches around 500 students for free.

Main Projects / Activities

Research; formation; performing arts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work each year with 500 children from ethnic minorities and social disadvantaged people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange through Euromed projects with Palestinian partner.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rui Romão de Melo Araújo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Fernandes Miranda Ceia
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

ADRAT - Associação de Desenvolvimento da Região do Alto Tâmega

National Network

Avenida da Cooperação, Ed. INDITRANS, Lote 2, Parque Empresarial, 5400-673 Chaves
5400-673 Chaves

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ADRAT is the Association of Regional Development of Alto Tâmega's Region, located in Chaves, North Portugal. It is a Local Action Group, managing the Rural Development Programme in Alto Tâmega. The main associates are the municipalities, cultural, agriculture and forest associations and cooperatives, SME. Besides the quotes from the associates, the funding is obtained through the programmes and projects ADRAT manages. Within the programmes we support other entities, both public and private, in their individual investments and actions. Also implements transnational cooperation projects in the several thematic of interest for regional development. ADRAT belongs to different European Networks and associations, such as: ERRIN,  ERIAFF, European Rural Network, EUROMONTANA, ENTER.
Mission and Objectives

It has as main objective the development of Alto Tâmega region, in all socio-economic-environemntal dimensions.
The cultural valorization and heritage promotion and conservation, as well as promotion of local human capital are also among the objectives of ADRAT.
For that, it works closely not only with the associates and other local and regional organizations, but also gets involved in projects and initiatives or European dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

For this purpose we refer some projects implemented in the recent years, with finantial support of European programmes:
• INTERREG IV-C (project B2N www.business2nature.eu),
• POCTEP (projects COOPERA+ http://www.cooperamais.org/index.php/pt and PROMERCADO),
• ATLANTIC (project ECO-INNOVA http://www.ecoinnova.info),
• SUDOE (project TERMARED www.termared.com).
• ERASMUS+: we are currently the lead partner of ERASMUS+ project INCUB TRAINING (www.incubtraining.org).
ADRAt also has experience for more than 10 year, on training and consulting SME.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ADRAT has a large number of contacts with national and European organizations, with whom has been implementing different projects and activities. Also, given the rural nature of our region and its bordering location, we can contribute with our experiences and cultural values as well as with our consolidated knowledge in several aspects related with regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ADRAT consider that cooperation with other entities, national and international, is a key-method to increase the human and technical capacity of the organizations.
The exchange of knowledge and experiences, the study and contacts with good practices from other entities and regions is also quite important to innovate and improve the competences and human conditions all-over Europe and Mediterranean basin.
Participating in such network it will also possible to find complementaries to actions previously implemented or needing improvements.

Contact (1) Full Name
António Montalvão Machado
Job Title
Head of the organisation
António Montalvão Machado
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco António Fachada
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

AE2O - Associação para a Educação de Segunda Oportunidade

National Network

Largo da Capela do Telheiro
4465-053 S. Mamede de Infesta

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
AE2O is a national non profit, non governamental organization. AE2O has a board of 11 members and around 20 staff members, some of them payed by partner organizations (Ministry of Education or IEFP). AE2O is a member of E2C Europe, the European Network of Second Chance Schools and MedNC, the Mediterranean Second Chance Education Network. AE2O yearly budget is around 200.000 € plus the costs payed directly by the partners Ministry of Education and IEFP. The sources of founding are the Municipality of Matosinhos, private Foundations such as Manuel António da Mota, Porticus and Sage, and National and European grants. AE2O manages Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos, dinamizes the National Network of Second Chance Schools, E2O Portugal, and promotes many activities and projects of research, mobility and training, at national and international level. AE2O works with many other organizations of the social network at local, national and international level.
Mission and Objectives

AE2O main mission is to promote second chance education, addressing vulnerable young people with low qualifications, unemployed and at risk of social exclusion.
AE2O promotes also training programs for staff working at education and social fields and capacity building activities for organizations willing to organize second chance education activities, at national and international levels.
AE2O works also for the renovation of education developing second chance education as a new chance for education.

Main Projects / Activities

AE2O main activity is Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos, a pilot project that started in 2008, the first second chance school in the country, member of the European network of second chance schools (E2C-Europe). The school targets 15 to 25-year-old who have left school without qualifications and do not have a place anywhere else, offering every year to around 70 disfavored young people a new chance of quality training suitable to their needs and interests. Many students are referred through “court support teams” for young offenders, and others come through social services, mainstream schools and in general word of mouth peer-to peer information. The student profile is extremely diverse. The majority have completed no more than four or six years of initial education. For many, their interests and talents lie in practical rather than academic skills. The school has 70 student places lasting one year, which can begin at any point in the year. Building up a portfolio of work leads to certification equivalent to the sixth or ninth year of school. The school’s follows a holistic pedagogical approach through a “dynamic connection and combination between subjects”. The students develop their own Individual Training Plans, combining vocational, artistic, school and personal and social skills. Personal and social education is developed in a cross-cutting way through different media, in response to issues that arise within a group, individual or family setting. Parental education is provided also for parents asking for help with different issues such as benefits, food and jobs.
AE2O is certified by national agency DGERT as accredited training provider.
AE2O uses arts as a powerful instrument for social inclusion. The artistic activities of AE2O integrate a performative dimension, that empowers young people as actors and authors of their own life. Public artistic presentations, held in theater rooms, play an important role in the processes of social reintegration of young people.
AE2O develops also other activities of training, exchange and spreading of experiences. The school has its own European Center for Mobility, Training and Research in the frame of the European Network of Second Chance Schools. Through this center are promoted many international projects and organized applications to several funding agencies. For the last 15 years, AE2O has been organizing and participating in many international projects (youth exchanges and events, seminars, training courses, networking activities and partnerships) offering young people, staff and other adults opportunities for personal, professional and social development.
AE2O work has been recognized and validated at national and european level and help to establish a national policy addressing vulnerable young people early leavers from education and training, national program "Segunda Oportunidade" created by Despacho 6954/2019.
AE2O dynamizes the Portuguese Network of Second Chance Education Initiatives, E2O Portugal and is an active member of E2C Europe, the European Network of Second Chance Schools and MedNC, the Mediterranean Second Chance Education Network.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe our active participation in European networks and partnerships and also our membership in MedNC network, the Mediterranean program for second chance education supported by the Union of the Mediterranean, may be an added value to ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to cooperate and integrate a movement that aims identical purposes as we do, joining our efforts to empower young people, particularly those who are more vulnerable, adding our voice and activities to others to influence political action and decision making and participating in an intercultural environment both in Europe and in the Mediterranean area.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of AE2O and Headmaster of Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos
Head of the organisation
Luis Mesquita
Contact (2) Full Name
Poliksena Hardalova
Job Title (2)
Vice-President of AE2O and Professor at Escola Superior de Educação do Porto


National Network

Rua Nova do Loureiro
1200-294 Lisboa

+351 927343179
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Association for Equality AEQUALITAS is an NGO that was born in October 2020 in Lisbon (Portugal) from the commitment of a group of people to a more just and sustainable world. Our main objective is to achieve social equity by promoting the rights and specific interests of minorities and the most disadvantaged groups through the creation and implementation of projects and initiatives that contribute to the empowerment of our target. AEQUALITAS aims to promote cultural diversity and fight for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being, as well as promoting active citizenship by encouraging citizens to carry out their personal projects, always upholding the values ​​of respect, solidarity and service. We want to guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education in order to unify efforts and promote solidarity work. Our mission is to promote a more egalitarian, fair and sustainable society, empowering people who live in the least favoured sectors and participating in the development processes of the community, the country and internationally, promoting actions that address the different problems of each territory. In short, we are an active, agile and innovative social organization that responds proactively to the challenges that arise, developing projects and initiatives that help those most in need. We stand out above all for the dedication, capacity and altruism of our members, committed to the development of society and respect for the environment.

Mission and Objectives

Achieve social equality by promoting the specific rights and interests of minorities and the most disadvantaged groupsImmigrants, Refugees, Youth, LGBT Community, Women, Seniors, Roma, People with disabilities and physical and mental illnesses, People with low income and Residents in disadvantaged or rural areas.

Promote cultural diversity and strive for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being.

Boost active citizenship by encouraging citizens to carry out their personal projects, always defending the values ​​of respect and tolerance.

Guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education in order to unify efforts and enhance solidarity work.


Main Projects / Activities

Training courses on different topics: intercultural education, human and social rights, gender, media literacy... Awareness-raising: Campaigns and awareness sessions on different topics. International projects: we implement activities funded by Erasmus, European Youth Foundation, Anna Lindh Foundation... Networking: we link people and entities with common objectives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very active in the field and we have already created strong partnerships with relevant actors of our communities, such as local authorities, specific departments of the government (High Commissariat for Migrations and Portuguese Institute for Youth and Sports...) and many other local organisations and educational centres around the country. We can strengthen connections and motivate the active participation of the members of the network. We can bring new ideas and methodologies to improve the strategies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have been involved in their activities for the last years and we really identify with its mission. We know how it works and we are currently leading a consortium of the Pilot Virtual Training on Intercultural Citizenship Education in the EuroMed Region under the reference ALF/CFT-2021/ST/108. We believe our active involvement doesn´t have any sense without being part of the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Salas Corrigan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mónica Salas Corrigan
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomás Berger
Job Title (2)

AGECTA - Agência para a Coesão Territorial, CRL

National Network

Rua Carvalho Araújo, nº39
9500-040 Açores, Ponta Delgada

Ponta Delgada

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Orgãos Sociais (Assembleia Geral, Direção e Conselho Fiscal)e Orgãos Técnicos (Conselho Consultivo, Plataforma Interinstitucional para o Desenvolvimento, Painel Técnico-Científico Interdisciplinar e Fórum Jurídico-Económico). Financiamento proveniente: associados/cooperantes, transferências públicas, parcerias privadas, fundos europeus, entre outros. Projetos de desenvolvimento local, projetos de cooperação transnacional, artigos de opinião, eventos culturais, etc. Autarquias Locais, Associações e Secretarias Regionais.
Mission and Objectives

A Agência para a Coesão tem como missão contribuir para a coesão económica, social e territorial da Região Autónoma dos Açores. A realização da missão da Agência para a Coesão assentará na facilitação de processos de aprendizagem, de produção de conhecimento e do desenvolvimento de competências; bem como da capacitação para a acção e do apoio à intervenção e no desenvolvimento de processos de auditoria, monitorização e avaliação, no que se refere à consolidação de condições institucionais nas diferentes ilhas que visem: a) a capacidade de iniciativa e organização para a mobilização integral de recursos; b) a criação de riqueza, a competitividade e o emprego; c) a erradicação da pobreza e da exclusão social e a promoção da inclusão social e da igualdade de género; d) a sustentabilidade, nas suas variadas vertentes.

Main Projects / Activities

Orçamento Participativo; Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural; Observatório da Coesão Territorial; Produtora de Cinema e Eventos Culturais; Academia para a Coesão dos Açores; Ciclo de Conferências no Colégio; Página regular no Jornal Açoriano Oriental.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

"Qu'este-ce que la Mediterranée? Mille choses à la fois. Non pas un paysage, mais d'innombrables paysages. Non pas une mer, mais une succession de mers. Non pas une civilization, mais des civilizations entassées les unes sur les autres" (F. Braudel, 1977)
Situando-se os Açores geográficamente no eixo atlântico, a nossa origem histórica, cultural e social, é, no entanto, mediterrânica e, neste sentido, fazemos parte deste "amontoado". A Região Autónoma dos Açores é um espaço propiciador da interculturalidade e, simultaneamente, de transnacionalidade. Como Região, é dotada de um conjunto de características específicas, mas também de um espírito de forte abertura ao "mundo", pelo que permitirá integrar numa abordagem de matriz mediterrânica uma perspetiva atlântica multiplicadora destas paisagens, destes mares e civilizações. Julgamos que é isto tudo que, enquanto Organização Não Governamental, poderemos trazer para a Rede Portuguesa da FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Por sentirmos que, apesar da nossa localização geográfica atlântica, a nossa matriz cultural e civilizacional está no mediterrâneo. Por acreditarmos nas virtudes de trabalhar em rede e na necessidade do diálogo inter-cultural para a construção de um mundo mais inclusivo e para a qualificação do nosso trabalho enquanto organização da sociedade civil.

Contact (1) Full Name
João da Ponte
Head of the organisation
Artur Filipe Veiga Martins
Contact (2) Full Name
Pedro Gouveia

Agencia INOVA - Assoc para a Cultura e a Criatividade

National Network

Rua Formosa, 253, 4º dto 4000-247 Porto

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
équipe: 10 persone budget annuelle: 1 000 000 euros sources de financemente: privé et auto-financemente
Mission and Objectives

To promote the development of cultural economics, politics and management, by implementing training, consulting and capacity projects targeting cultural professionals.

Main Projects / Activities

Forum Cultura e Criatividade (www.inovaforum.org)
Cultdigest (www.cultdigest.pt)
Cultural Observatory of the CPLP

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge Cerveira Pinto
Head of the organisation
Jorge Cerveira Pinto
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Silvestre Mota


National Network

Rua dos Mercadores 3
3800-000 Aveiro

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Agora Aveiro is a non-profit and non-governmental, grassroots, private NGO, founded under Portuguese law in 2010 in Aveiro, Portugal, by a group of young professionals from different areas and different cultural backgrounds. Our main goal is the promotion of active citizenship and participation among young people. Most of the activities are built around the topics of inclusion, solidarity, and environmental awareness. There are 2 full-time employees, 5 board members, around 30 local volunteers and over 3000 members in the association. Annually we earn and re-invest close to 150000 euros that comes from donations, sponsorships and grants. Our main projects are educational workshops/mobility projects, comprehensive volunteering programmes and the TEDxAveiro event happening annually in Aveiro. Also, we organise human libraries and other events tackling social inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Agora Aveiro operates under a mission "Be the Change", and with the objective of promoting active citizenship. In 2010 it arose from the urge to “make it happen”, as there was no other local association for young people that was questioning paradigms, and promoting active citizenship and participation hands-on. We are here with the will to join our efforts and skills to change the community and the world around us, to be a part of a solution and not simply complain about problems. We provide learning opportunities to youngsters and young adults, using non-formal education and mentoring. We help them conduct projects that contribute to society and have the potential to transform what surrounds us. We create spaces where youth can share ideas and opinions, and we encourage the development of a critical, proactive and constructive attitude.

Main Projects / Activities

Agora Aveiro is the most active youth association locally and regionally, and some of our signature local projects are: - TEDxAveiro - an annual conference for 700+ people in the audience where we, by bringing extraordinary speakers, promote innovation, solutions and creativity when it comes to different areas including citizenship; - I love Aveiro - a project that educates our citizens, but also tourists, about the deep culture, uniqueness, and traditions (and changes in them) of our city and how to avoid the traps of seeing culture superficially and learn something from it. We interview people with stories to tell, publish these stories and intervene with urban art pieces in our city; - Human libraries - this is an educational project when it comes to inclusion. We provide opportunities for our citizens to have 1 on 1 conversations with members of excluded groups of people, such as refugees, people with different disabilities, with cultural or social obstacles, among others. Each year we organise a couple of Human Libraries. - several environmental projects where we raise awareness of environmental issues (a very important issue in Portugal due to forest fires, but also in general), educate about the protection of the environment and put the education into practice by planting thousands of trees with the help of hundreds of volunteers, clean up the beaches, etc; Besides, we have coordinated dozens of Youth in Action and Erasmus+ mobility projects, hosting over in Aveiro for short and long-term mobilities over 600 people in the last years. We have been active in EVS/ESC programmes, and several of our projects were awarded as the best EVS/ESC practice project of the year in Portugal, by our National Agency for Erasmus+. Our several local ESC projects were awarded as the best practice / inspiring project of the Year by our NA, such as “Heroes of Aveiro” in 2021.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong presence locally, regionally and even more and more on the national level and therefore we can help build visibility of ALF in Portugal. We can always contribute with our best practices, exchanging experiences and we are happy to brainstorm about what we can do within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We completely share the values of ALF and we think that by joining the network our voices will become stronger. In the last few years, we have been concerned about raising radicalisation and just now while we write this we hear in the news that the far-right political party in Portugal reached 21% on surveys for the next elections. We believe that only together we can amplify our voices and therefore build more inclusive and resilient communities. We believe in Dialogue as a tool and Deliberation as methodology and we would like to focus more on that in the coming years. We would like to join the network because we understand that you are leading this movement. We would like to contribute to it so that we can multiply the impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Golosin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nataša Golosin - co-founder, Catia Lima - president of the board