
Na Mouraria: Heritage and Security in Lisbon's Historic Centre


NaMoura explores Lisbon's Mouraria as the lens through which to investigate under-researched and entangled geographies of heritage and security in the urban world. How do heritage and security align and interact to shape the imagination and construction of cities?

The project addresses this question not only by revisiting archival material and scholarly works on the neighborhood in light of the new research question mentioned above, but also by ethnographically researching the discursive and material unfolding of heritage and security, as experienced and interpreted by various individuals.

NaMoura tests and complements theoretical intuitions and analytical lenses that have arisen from Vera Lazzaretti, the Principal Investigator's work in urban India, on a distinctively different empirical terrain. Insights from Mouraria, exemplifying contemporary urban dynamics characterized by migration, touristification, gentrification, and regeneration, where both security and heritage often play overlooked roles, will contribute to a fresh theoretical understanding of heritage and security as interconnected urban processes.

CRIA - Centro em rede de Investigação em Antropologia (Centre for Research in Anthropology), a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Branch, is a dynamic network based on four universities (ISCTE, NOVA FCSH,  UCoimbra and UMinho). This network enables each institutional division to autonomously develop its own activities while sharing the fundamental resources necessary to the management, fundraising, research dissemination, teaching and knowledge transfer. Furthermore, it encourages the mobility of CRIA’s researchers between the different institutional grounds.

Research in CRIA is structured in four major research groups which compose its scientific core and bring together researchers from the different institutional divisions. They promote a transnational network of research in anthropology that maximises resources and skills formerly scattered, resulting in a thickened scientific production at theoretical, methodological and thematic levels. Its consolidation is achieved by means of CRIA’s involvement, both as a partner and a host institution, in several projects and programmes in theoretical and applied research, nationally or internationally funded by various entities, the private sector and civil society.

CRIA’s mission also comprises the tightening of the relationships between research and training programmes through the organisation of courses and activities related to teaching in the four universities. In addition, CRIA hosts students of different levels of higher education, contributing to their integration in the scientific community.


Click here for more information

Nome Eira

National Network

Travessa de São Vicente, 11
1100-575 Lisboa

351 21 353 09 31
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
EIRA is an artistic production structure that dedicates its work to the development of contemporary dance as well as to its national and international promotion. After 20 years of activity, EIRA is known today, national and internationally speaking as a reference of excellence, not only for its work as a creation structure, but also as a working crossing space of and for creators and artistic projects. Besides producing the works of Francisco Camacho, EIRA supports several other artists, both Portuguese and foreigners. The core of the structure is constituted at the present by Francisco Camacho, Rafael Alvarez, Mariana Tengner Barros e Tiago Cadete
Mission and Objectives

EIRA is a private organization based in Lisbon / Portugal who's mission is developing contemporary dance and performance in Portugal and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

EIRA is also a place for contemporary dance in Lisbon. One of the few working spaces for artists still available and open in the city.   Since 1996, EIRA has been a working space for many Portuguese and foreign artists, hosting and organising in its own facilities in Lisbon, various artistic residencies, rehearsals, workshops and international research projects. Since 2013, EIRA is running the facilities of Teatro da Voz in Lisbon, one of the oldest theaters in town where EIRA keeps providing an open workspace for many artists from Portugal and beyond.
From 2014 onwards EIRA will also organize biannually the new Lisbon's International Contemporary Dance Festival. The first edition will be held in March 2015 at Centro Cultural de Belém, Teatro Camões and other art venues in Lisbon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Machado
Head of the organisation
Francisco Camacho

O Corvo e a Raposa

National Network

Largo Tenente Borba da Silva, n.º 4
Raposeira, concelho de Vila do Bispo
8650-300 Vila do Bispo

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

O Corvo e a Raposa is a Portuguese non-profit cultural association, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Raposeira, Vila do Bispo, a rural village in the west-end of the Iberian Peninsula. The direction’s founders is made up of 3 female cultural entrepreneurs originally from different regions of Portugal, combining different professional profiles, which allows for a unique artistic symbiosis, that work on a voluntary basis. Originally from Porto, Lisbon and Catalonia, they found their residence in the Algarve in 2017, looking for the artistic enhancement of the Western Algarve, as well as national & international circulation, with a particu-lar focus on the promotion of contemporary visual arts & intangible cultural heritage in music.

O Corvo e a Raposa works regularly with several municipalities located in non-metropolitan areas, such as Vila do Bispo, Lagoa do Algarve, Portimão, Idanha-a-Nova and Ponte de Lima, and with projects supported by regional and national institutions such as Fundação GDA, Directorate Regional for Culture Algarve/North Portugal, and Directorate General for the Arts (DGARTES).

The budgetary resources vary on the annual applications to the national and regional arts support funds, as well as the municipalities involvment on specific projects.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Annual Projects

1.1. DIAS DAS VIRGENS NEGRAS (early music and visual arts).
DIVAM / Algarve Regional Culture Directorate
This artistic tribute to the Black Madonna's in the World, particularly with the Virgin of Guadalupe (Algarve).
2018: Virgin of Montserrat (Catalonia / Spain) / El Libre Vermell de Monserrat
2019: Virgin of Guadalupe & Afonso de Albuquerque (1453/1515)

1.2. Peregrinação {Pilgrimage] II (visual arts and music)
Cultural Action / Regional Culture Directorate for the Algarve and Vila do Bispo Municipality


2.1.1 Na Rota do Peregrino (In the Route of the Pilgrim)
Ponte de Lima Municipality / Cedofeita Parish (Porto) and North Culture Regional Direction

Municipalities of Ponte de Lima, Casa da Música, Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Funding Grant of the Directorate General for the Arts

intercultural dialogue in the iberian peninsula Municipality of Lagoa, Leiria,

Municipality of Ponte de Lima

co-organiser of VENTANIA Festival de Artes Performativas do Algarve, with Teatro Experimental de Lagos
promoter of historical percussion festival “Encontros Med Monsanto 2019”, based on Mediterranean framedrums, within the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Tomaz
Job Title
Cultural Manager and Musician
Head of the organisation
O Corvo e a Raposa Associacao Cultural

Ocre - Associação para a Valorização do Ambiente, Cultura, Património e Lazer

National Network

Corredoura de São Roque, 9/11, Apartado 80, 7320-999 Castelo de Vide - PORTUGAL
Castelo de Vide

00 351 245908157
Telephone (other)
00 351 245908158
00 351 245908159
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 351 969847939
Mobile Phone (other)
00 351 969847938
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
OCRE – Association pour la Valorisation de l’Environnement, la Culture, le Patrimoine et le Loisir, est une organisation civique sans but lucratif, située à Castelo de Vide, dans le nord de l’Alentejo. Elle existe depuis juin 1998 et est active dans six communes (Castelo de Vide, Nisa, Marvão, Portalegre, Crato et Arronches). La vision d’OCRE pour ce territoire est celle d’une région riche par son potentiel et sa diversité, qui puisse conjuguer tradition et modernité, à partir de ses spécificités propres.
Mission and Objectives

OCRE promeut l’implication progressive des personnes par un processus de discussion, échange et recherche de réponses, et par l’élaboration d’actions adaptées au contexte qui constitue notre espace de vie. En tant qu’espace de recherche, elle travaille sur le Territoire-Idée, qui croît avec tous ceux qui partagent la même quête, indépendamment des distances, âges, croyances, origines ou formations.
OCRE réalise des études, projets et actions, destinés à valoriser les spécificités locales et régionales, et ayant pour finalité l’inversion des effets négatifs de la croissante intégration spatiale, économique et culturelle, par la valorisation des caractéristiques locales et la promotion de l’identité régionale. L’accompagnement des jeunes dans la société, l’exercice de la citoyenneté active et la qualification de la vie collective sont les axes prioritaires de notre intervention. Nos trois grands champs d’action et objectifs sont actuellement
- Faire découvrir le monde aux jeunes, ainsi que les valeurs locales et régionales ;
- Contribuer pour une meilleure perception de la réalité locale ;
- Favoriser l’échange d’expériences et d’information, l’ouverture au changement;
- Accompagner la formation civique des jeunes, ayant pour objectifs la dotation de capacités pour le changement et l’apprentissage au long de la vie ;
- Proposer des activités et expériences originales ajustées, saines et éducatives, en valorisant la perspective du futur et du travail ;
- Développer l’esprit critique et l’amour-propre individuel et collectif.
- Ajuster l’offre de formation aux nécessités locales;
- Innover à partir des potentialités locales ;
- Intégrer les bonnes pratiques extérieures (ajustées au contexte), par le biais de partenariats de longue durée.

Main Projects / Activities

Mobilité des jeunes: organisations d’échanges et de séminaires, accueil et envoi de jeunes volontaires (EVS) dans le cadre du Programme Jeunesse de Commission Européenne.
Formation d’adultes: Cours de cuisine pour chômeuses, cours d’initiation aux technologies d’information et communication
Apprentissage non formel: participation au programme Socrates - Grundtvig 2 (avec partenaires français et italiens); ateliers créatifs et de tradition pour enfants
Environnement et Patrimoine: actions de sensibilisation (débats, visites guides, publications…)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Francisca Ribeiro Ferreira Neto
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiago Fragoso Malato

Oficina Fermento - Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento de Cidadania Ativa

National Network

Rua Fernanda Seno, 20C
7005-485 Évora

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Promover a coesão, inovação e solidariedade social com especial enfoque em grupos vulneráveis - famílias, crianças, jovens, idosos, pessoas com deficiência - incluindo a intervenção integrada na área dos comportamentos aditivos, dependências e da saúde mental, promovendo iniciativas, projetos e atividades para combater ou mitigar fragilidades atuais ou futuras. Providenciar serviços de capacitação e apoio a crianças, jovens e idosos, designadamente através da dinamização de centros comunitários, centros de ocupação de tempos livres, formações, oficinas, consultoria, artes, design, e outros serviços de apoio social para grupos vulneráveis de forma domiciliária ou comunitária.Estimular a cidadania ativa, plena e participada dos jovens na sua comunidade.Promover dinâmicas, exclusivamente, pela defesa e valorização do ambiente e do património natural e construído, bem como a conservação e proteção da biodiversidade. Promover, valorizar e divulgar o património cultural material e imaterial. Promover, apoiar, incentivar e desenvolver o turismo na região, através de projetos de carácter social e acessível, educativo, físico desportivo e de lazer, valorizando o desenvolvimento comunitário e a cultura local. Promover o voluntariado, associativismo e cooperativismo. Promover projetos de interesses comum e a intercooperação entre as entidades de economia social, o setor público e o setor privado, desenvolvendo estruturas de apoio com produção de estudos e materiais pedagógicos e educativos, multimédia e aplicações informáticas para diversas plataformas digitais, consultoria, formação e apoio a pessoas e organizações; Poderá constituir ainda objeto da cooperativa a promoção de quaisquer outras atividades consideradas necessárias à realização dos seus fins sociais ou comunitários em concordância com o disposto em Regulamento Interno, ou na sua omissão, aprovadas em Assembleia Geral. A Cooperativa poderá também, com vista à prossecução dos seus objetivos, participar ou adquirir participações em sociedades de qualquer espécie e cujo objeto seja diferente do seu, desde que sejam salvaguardados os princípios cooperativos com especial destaque à autonomia financeira.

Mission and Objectives

Promovemos a participação ativa na sociedade como
meio de desenvolvimento regional em várias áreas
de atuação (Cultura, Ambiente, Cidadania e Inovação),
a partir de dinâmicas sociais e culturais que estimulam
e provocam os diferentes públicos a que se dirigem.

Main Projects / Activities

Generation Europe: the academy
Estúdio Criativo

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Gonçalo Passinhas
Head of the organisation
Gonçalo Passinhas

On The Road - Associação Humanitária / Refugees Welcome Portugal

National Network

Rua de Alfredo Cunha 378 Galeria Sala 7
4450-021 Matosinhos

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Refugees Welcome Portugal is a project of On The Road - Humanitarian Association, aiming to create a welcoming culture for refugees in Portugal. We provide social support in housing, teaching Portuguese, employability, legal support, and organize cultural and leisure activities to integrate migrant and local communities. Our organization consists of a dedicated team of 3 staff members and 12 volunteers and collaborates with various local and international partners. Annually, we operate with a budget of €150,000, sourced from government grants, private donations, and international funds. We engage in diverse activities, including youth exchanges, seminars, and non formal education at schools. Our main partners include local municipalities, educational institutions, and international refugee support networks. Since 2018, we have expanded our efforts to European refugee camps, providing humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees in transit countries.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect, and the situations of the most vulnerable deserve special attention. We reject all types of discrimination, whether racial, national, cultural, religious, social, gender based… And we believe in building an open, informed, free from prejudice and welcoming society, especially for those suffering persecution, coming from conflict zones or simply not being able to pursue a dignified life, they are forced to leave their homes and seek asylum with us. The action of Refugees Welcome Portugal has been evolving since 2016, seeking to meet the needs and challenges faced by migrants and refugees in Portugal. We provide social support, in the area of ​​housing, teaching Portuguese, employability, legal support and we also organize cultural and leisure activities, whose objective is to bring the migrant community and the local community closer together. At the same time, we have an important focus on awareness, as we believe that information is the first step towards positive change and towards creating more welcoming and active communities. Our mission began in Portugal, but we quickly realized that it is not possible to fight for a welcoming, informed and active society in the construction of a fairer world, if we disconnect from what is happening in the world. Since 2018, Refugees Welcome Portugal has been working in several refugee camps in Europe, seeking to maintain a constant presence at the international level, acting in particular in humanitarian support for migrants and refugees in transit countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Refugees Welcome Portugal undertakes a variety of projects and activities aimed at supporting refugees and fostering a welcoming culture. We provide essential social support services, including safe and affordable housing, Portuguese language education to aid integration, employability programs that offer training and job placement services, and legal assistance to help refugees navigate the asylum process and other legal challenges. In addition to these services, we organize cultural and leisure activities designed to bring the migrant and local communities together, promoting mutual understanding and integration. Our awareness campaigns are vital in educating the public about refugee issues, aiming to create a more inclusive and welcoming society. We also implement educational programs in schools, teaching students about human rights, refugee issues, and the importance of diversity and inclusion. This helps to build a foundation of understanding and empathy in the next generation. On an international level, since 2018, we have extended our efforts to refugee camps across Europe, providing direct humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees in transit countries. Our work is strengthened through collaborations with local municipalities, educational institutions, and international organizations, enhancing the effectiveness and reach of our projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Refugees Welcome Portugal can contributes to the Network by effectively engaging communities and raising awareness about refugee issues through various channels, including social media, research and local events. Our project management skills are demonstrated through initiatives such as our mentorship program, which pairs refugees with local volunteers, enhancing their integration process. We have a strong track record in fundraising, securing essential funds to support programs like our employability initiatives, which help refugees secure stable employment. Additionally, we actively advocate for refugee rights, engaging with policymakers to promote and develop inclusive and supportive policies. We also prioritize capacity building by providing training for our volunteers and partners, enhancing their ability to support refugees effectively. Furthermore, we collaborate with local NGOs, government bodies, and other stakeholders to strengthen our collective impact, working towards a more welcoming and supportive environment for refugees in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We're excited about joining the Ana Lindh Foundation Network because it aligns perfectly with our mission at Refugees Welcome Portugal and also our goal to increase the number of international networks that we are part. We're commited about fostering understanding between cultures and creating a more inclusive society for refugees and migrants and minorities in general. Being part of this network means we can collaborate closely with a wide range of organizations across Europe and the Mediterranean and share ideas, learn from each other, and make a bigger impact in advocating for refugee rights and promoting cultural diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susana Costa
Job Title
Intercultural Mediator
Head of the organisation
Susana Costa
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousaf Zafar
Job Title (2)
Cultural Mediator and Interpreter
Name of Organisation
On The Road - Associação Humanitária / Refugees Welcome Port

Ouroboro Collective

National Network

Estrada de Eiras
3025-284 Coimbra

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Ouroboro is a creative collective that recycles and repurposes plastic waste gathered from natural and urban areas.

Mission and Objectives

The community will not only be involved in the collection of waste, but can also participate in the rest of the circular chain. By joining this project, people have access to the knowledge and tools that allow them to transform plastic and create new useful products.

Their goal is to educate others on how they can live more sustainably, in a non-formal, fun and creative way.

Main Projects / Activities

Instead of perceiving plastic as a problem with no possible solution, we chose to change our mindset and recognize its potential. We believe that creating a safe space to test people’s ideas will surely produce the change we long to see in the world.

First, together with a group of volunteers we collect plastic waste from our local area. Then, we sort it by type and clean it before shredding it in the machine. Once it’s shredded, we can transform it by melting it into any shape we want by using different types of equipment, such as 3D printers, for example. After deciding which object we will build, we get to work and focus on creating something useful and long-lasting. The most important task of the day is to share our experience and know-how with others, educating and empowering them, and giving them the chance to try it for themselves.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sousa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rita Sousa
Contact (2) Full Name
Inês Lacerda
Job Title (2)

Paramédicos de catástrofe Internacional -PCI

National Network

Rua pedro alvares cabral

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Saúde, Ajuda Humanitária, Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento, Pré Hospitalar, Apoio social
Mission and Objectives

PCI e UMA ORGANIZACAO nao governamenmtal internacional com actuação na área medica e medicamentosa los Toda uma carenciadas Parte Fazer mundo.Levando Ajuda de Emergência Como Populações Mais.

Main Projects / Activities

Ajuda humanitaria
Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento
Defeza dos Direitos, Humanos
Defeza Fazer Genero 
Apoio social,
Apoio juvenil

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Reis Ferreira
Job Title
Presidente de Direccao
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Fernandes
Job Title (2)
Vise -Presidente de direccao


National Network

Apartado 2195, 7001-901 Évora

+351 266 732 504
+351 266 732 504
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 917 638 023
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
Mission and Objectives

PedeXumbo is a cultural association that has been promoting popular dances and music in Portugal since 1998. The association was born of a small group of fellows’ longing to dance informally in a time when traditional dances were confined to productions staged by professional folk ensembles. The Association now hires five professionals, but it is backed up by a thousand volunteers to organise events all around the country, all year long. These events have the main purpose of restoring to popular balls its socialising role: we would like to see everybody enjoying dancing, witch ever style, sharing a moment together. Our events are meant to occur in tune with local people and habits, always with a care to environmental sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities can be grouped in four main areas:
4. Festivals
2. Education
3. Rebuilding popular music
4. Regular Programme

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Mira
Head of the organisation
Diana Mira

Pi- Produções Independentes

National Network

Rua antónia Andrade, nº 9 - 2 Dto.
1170-025 Lisboa


(00351) 211931193
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(00351) 964728435
Mobile Phone (other)
(00351) 969996727
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
non profitable organization: 5 employed people (direction, account,jurist) plus 8 partners. year Budget - around 80.000 to 120.000 Euros. Sources of funding- Several governmental (6) and non governmental organizations(7. Modalities of action- Shows production (see the list below- main projects) and workshops Main partners - PI network of production managers and several governmental and no governmental organizations.
Mission and Objectives

PI, Produções Independentes (Independent productions) Cultural Association- it is a network of management and cultural production, launched in 2009 by a group of several cultural managers.
PI will support projects of high artistic quality with relevant content to a broad audience.
PI was created to give management support to the artistic process, such as fundraising, production, circulation, communication/ marketing, legal stuff, account, etc.
PI aims to build up a dialogue between the art manager and the artist, in order to find the best solutions for each project we are involved.
Further down the line our aim is to promote events/seminars about new practices of cultural management.

Main Projects / Activities

Performances produced by us:
• “na terra a olhar o ceú” by Teresa Prima – contemporary dance _ 2010
• “Dentro das palavras” by Rui Catalão – Performance_ 2010
• “A vós” by Ainhoa Vidal – contemporary dance _ 2010
• Volkskunst by Henrique Neves- Instalation_ 2010
• Eye Height by. Beatriz Cantinho e Ricardo Jacinto_ 2009/2010
• “Mapa Corpo” by Amélia Bento 2009/2010
- Creative dance by Teresa Prima
- Atelier of Choreographic research by Teresa Prima

Contact (1) Full Name
Tânia Guerreiro
Contact (2) Full Name
Magda Bull