RIWAQ Centre

National Network

7B, al sharafeh street, al Bireh
P.O.Box 212
الأراضي الفلسطينية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

RIWAQ is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development. Since its establishment in 1991, RIWAQ has restored more than 130 historic buildings into communal spaces in more than 80 different villages and towns in the West Bank and Gaza. Further, Riwaq's 50-village project has enabled the centre to broaden its scope of work towards rehabilitating entire historic centers. Since 2007, Riwaq has intervened in 20 villages and towns out of the 50. This work is carried out by very specialized team of around 16 members (restorers, planners, architects, anthropologists; engineers, artists, and support staff) with diverse academic training and expertise. Riwaq's annual budget is around 2 million USD, mainly donated by Government of Sweden, British Council Protection Fund, Arab Fund for Socio-Economic Development. To implement its projects, Riwaq partners with local communities, municipal and village councils, and civil society organizations in respective areas.

Mission and Objectives

Preserving the cultural and natural heritage in Palestine through restoration, regeneration, and documentation projects. This is done by mobilizing resources, implementing programs and projects, contributing to drafting supportive and responsive policies, and building partnerships that increase knowledge exchange and national awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

- “Life Jacket” the Rehabilitation of rural Jerusalem, including the historic centers of Jaba’, Kafr ‘Aqab, Qalandiya and Al Jib, as part of the 50 villages program.

- Rehabilitation of the historic centers of Betuniya (Ramallah) and ‘Aseera Asha Shamaliya (Nablus), as part of the 50 villages program.

- The restoration of three historic buildings to serve as community centers in Bani Naim, Es Samu’ (Hebron) and Surda (Ramallah). In addition, the renovation of the courtyard space of Al Huqqiyeh Mansion in Qalandiya (Jerusalem) and the restoration of Dalia Association in Kafr ‘Aqab (Jerusalem), as part of and contributing to the Job Creation through Restoration Program.

- Community & Cultural Program: village based activities, national drawing competition, conservation workshops, trainings, Qalandiya International biennale and kids’ activities.

- Publications and knowledge dissemination through RIWAQ’s Monograph Series on Cultural Heritage in Palestine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Riwaq is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development in Palestine. Through its three decades of persistent work and experimentation, Riwaq has established it self as an address for local community, governmental bodies working in heritage field, private sector, local and regional networks. By being part of the Network, Riwaq will further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Building on Riwaq's long and sustained relations with the Mediterranean basin through EuroMed projects since 1999. Riwaq's access to Palestinian communities and establishments is a great asset/resource that the Network can draw upon in their endeavor to establish bridges between the two banks of the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riwaq wants to further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Being part of ALF network would facilitate the access to monetary and non-mortary resources that would help Riwaq pursue its goals in relation to the local communities concerns and struggles. One of the strategic goals in Riwaq's Strategy 2020-2030 is "Riwaq Goes Regional" as a platform for capacity building and as a medium for networking and knowledge exchange with our counter partners in the region and beyond. Hence, being part of the network would strengthen this imaginary and practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaldun Bshara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Shatha Safi
Contact (2) Full Name
Shatha Safi
Job Title (2)