Making Sense anciennement eL Seed Studio

National Network

5 rue des catalpas
94320 thiais

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
MAKING SENSE is a non-profit-making association under the 1901 law that brings together artists and a team of art enthusiasts around a programme of inter-cultural, artistic, cultural and educational inter-individual actions.  Its purpose is to offer the public the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the world of art, too often considered by the general public as reserved for an elite of insiders. The association hopes to reach a wider audience than those who usually visit museums and seeks to ensure that its action is sustainable by organising an educational structure that meets the expectations of different audiences.  The association develops 5 areas of activity in France and abroad  - Digital Axis  - Scientific axis - Inclusion and solidarity axis - Ecological axis - Educational axis I.    The purpose of the association The association aims to ensure that each child and young person has experiences, both in and out of school, that will enable them to develop skills (initiative, empathy, collaboration.) The objective is that these experiences will enable him to develop the qualities of a change agent while raising awareness among the general public about important causes. Making Sense uses art as a means and tools to transform the way our children grow up and thus sow a seed that will cultivate generations of change agents. Social innovation at the heart of our approach: a.    Method:  To this end, the association aims to ensure that each child and young person has experiences, both in and out of school, that will enable them to develop skills (initiative, empathy, collaboration.) The objective is that these experiences will enable him to develop the qualities of a change agent while raising awareness among the general public about important causes. Making Sense uses art as a means and tools to transform the way our children grow up and thus sow a seed that will cultivate generations of change agents. Our annual financial needs represent between 30,000 and 40,000 euros. Several "levels" of collaboration are being explored by the association. Our strategy is to seek additional sources of funding. Depending on the partner requested, the terms and conditions differ. sometimes the partner or institution is thought of as a disinterested donor,  sometimes as a partner, sometimes as a service provider (in the case of online participatory financing platforms in particular).  Among the opportunities for cooperation, we select as a financing solution: the concerted and joint communication campaign Art Therapy training within companies and CSR development axis related to working conditions classic sponsorship Public subsidies Participatory funding (which is similar to traditional philanthropy in that it is disinterested for donors but appeals to a wider audience than the latter) commercial partnership (where both parties have a direct interest in the cooperation)  the development of cultural derivatives products Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: European Parliament, Mayor of Thiais, Malakoff General Council private company civil society association: Math en jean, Science ouverte Drancy, fablab, We are currently working with digital travellers. We are working on a youtube channel that will be presented by an 11-year-old child who wants to teach these friends how to use their phones more responsibly ( page 45) We also collaborate with the manufacturers, a Fablab on Malakoff with whom we would like to design and create projects for our audiences using digital tools in the service of art. Miss Chabane is a member of the board of directors of this Fablab.  We would like to create an object (telescopic pole for PMR) at chest height that would allow a person in a wheelchair to use a spray paint can on the ground to participate in our project "Art in the Public Space: PMR Parking Space" ( Page39). This project consists in creating works /fresque on disabled parking spaces without altering the regulatory aspects. The funds will go to finance the project "From France to Borneo, I can act". This project. We took part in the "Tréso" coworking space project, which will open its doors at the end of 2019. We would like to request partnerships with institutes that welcome people with disabilities (Itep and ESAAT) as well as with town halls. We believe that the success of our association will depend on the quality of the partnerships it will establish with experts in their respective fields. The association will thus propose its innovative approach for the benefit of local authorities and professionals in service. Currently 15 people work continuously with me in the development of projects and the internal organization of the association. All the people who currently work in the association are volunteers. We would like to employ the President in April 2019 who is currently a full-time volunteer. In addition, her status as a disabled worker will reduce payroll taxes. We would then like to create 1 position for a person with a disability in January 2020 and 2 in 2021. 
Mission and Objectives

MAKING SENSE is a non-profit-making association under the 1901 law that brings together artists and a team of art enthusiasts around a programme of inter-cultural, artistic, cultural and educational inter-individual actions. 
Its purpose is to offer the public the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the world of art, too often considered by the general public as reserved for an elite of insiders.
The association hopes to reach a wider audience than those who usually visit museums and seeks to ensure that its action is sustainable by organising an educational structure that meets the expectations of different audiences. 
The association develops 5 areas of activity in France and abroad 
- Digital Axis 
- Scientific axis
- Inclusion and solidarity axis
- Ecological axis
- Educational axis
I.    The purpose of the association
The association aims to ensure that each child and young person has experiences, both in and out of school, that will enable them to develop skills (initiative, empathy, collaboration.)
The objective is that these experiences will enable him to develop the qualities of a change agent while raising awareness among the general public about important causes.
Making Sense uses art as a means and tools to transform the way our children grow up and thus sow a seed that will cultivate generations of change agents.
Social innovation at the heart of our approach:

a.    Method: 

To this end, the association aims to ensure that each child and young person has experiences, both in and out of school, that will enable them to develop skills (initiative, empathy, collaboration.)
The objective is that these experiences will enable him to develop the qualities of a change agent while raising awareness among the general public about important causes.
Making Sense uses art as a means and tools to transform the way our children grow up and thus sow a seed that will cultivate generations of change agents.
Social innovation at the heart of our approach:
Social innovation at the heart of our design process.
We create creative and learning environments that empower children/youth and foster the development of each child's leadership.
This approach is totally inclusive. Each project is born with the public concerned, which is then fully included in all stages of the project.
Each creative process involves the public in the design process before the project but also in its implementation in the field. Our strength is that we have brought together in a single team, professional members from different fields of action (art, animation, communication, design, etc...) but complementary, including the technical/artistic team of the international artist eL Seed.
The young person becomes the actor and organizer of each project accompanied by our professional team at every stage. 
An innovative approach both on the approach and on the organization. 
Our young people take part in every project and every stage of its implementation. Each project makes it possible to include people with disabilities or social fragility by accompanying them in the difficulties they encounter and adopting a technical solution (even if it means imagining it if it does not exist: spray gun project for people with reduced mobility) in order to give them a role allowing them to take part in the project.

Our differentiation  
➢ A totally innovative method in project design.
We use the difficulties of our audience or these behaviours to create artistic projects that fully include them and leave them an active part in each process.
The purpose of each project is an aesthetic artistic work that makes it possible to sensitize the other to finance our actions "From France to Borneo, I can act".
➢ A real strategic watch for new technical innovations in order to include them in our projects.
Example :
- Thermo chromic paint
Painting that reveals itself in the rain (Art Festival Project City of Malakoff April 2020)
- 3D printer, and creation in a FABLAB
A group of 6 young people from Making Sense have been selected to design vases printed in 3D for the third place project by Mrs. Iman Roukoussi which will open its doors in Stains in September 2019.
- Videomapping 
- Solar lamp 
We also draw on the ancient processes of photography 
- The pinhole, (creation of the PIXBOX)
- The wet collodion
- The Cyanotype or Van Dyke
A search for living together
The association designs original artistic projects based on the themes of education and expression, responding in particular to the needs of audiences with little awareness of these issues.
It is a work of valuing cultural referentials in the great traditions of humanity, in particular through the questioning of minorities and the highlighting of issues arising from migration, social diversity, the plurality of memories, identities. All these subjects allow us to understand the diversity that makes up our world.
Living together, mutual understanding and exchange are always sought in each of our projects. In order to find a first answer to these questions of knowledge, otherness, identity, acceptance and transmission of cultural singularities.
Subject and actor, observed and observer, it is a question for each of us to become aware of our vision of life and that of the other in order to discover together our similarities and differences.

Main Projects / Activities

 broader social impact through the image and dissemination of our actions
We would like to make a documentary about the project "From France to Borneo, I can act" so that it can be shown in school classes. We also wish to organize screenings of debates on this theme with municipal cinemas.
We are in close collaboration with the cultural department of the city of Champigny Sur Marne, which has already invited us as a spectator to this type of event.
July 2019: Documentary on the reforestation project. We will make a documentary on the trip of 4 young people to Borneo, planting trees financed by all the team in France in September 2018/2019. An artistic project is also planned in addition to meeting with local residents but is currently being selected by the association's team. This project will be presented to primary and secondary school classes in the city of Thiais thanks to the agreement of the Town Hall.
We want to show it in the district of Les Grand champs by creating an open-air cinema in August 2019.
The documentary will show all the actions carried out in France to finance this project as well as the work of creating the telescopic pole which will allow practical artistic workshops and will welcome a person in a wheelchair during this workshop. This workshop will be sold to a municipality and will also finance part of the project while including a person with a disability.
regular course and workshop
cultural site visit
project outside the walls
documentary film
change debate

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

being conscientious of Mediterranean countries collaboration for France, joining ALF Network gives as big opportunity to get new waves and horizons of partnership. This will allow us to take part in civil society organisations, and become an actor in the promotion of inclusive society and intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Eager to experience new meetings and new topics, we are looking forward to develop new partnerships based on thematic interests

Contact (1) Full Name
chabane zakia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mme chabane Zakia
Contact (2) Full Name
hicham semiai
Job Title (2)