Istituto di Scienze dell'Uomo

National Network

via luigi tonini 5

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
Executive Council, (9 members): the organ of government organization; Volunteers equal to 6 members; Contract workers including teachers: 15 members.Budgetary resources available in a year: 40.000 euro.Sources of funding: Registration of associated participation fees in training courses, regional contributions and by some outside consulting contract. --- Modalities of action:   *projects, (Interazioni Exibitions - Theut Project - Sciamanismi Project - SSFOC Superior School Twenty-year project) *exchanges, (Panteion University of social and political science - Athens) *seminars, scholarships (SSFOC Superior School Twenty-year project) ------ Main partners: 1 Regione Emila Romagna -Italy 2 Panteion University of social and political science - Athens - Greece 3 Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo -Urbino - Italy 4 Museo degli Sguardi (ethno anthropological museum) - Rimini - Italy  
Mission and Objectives

ISU aims to mediate the western and eastern thinking, in philosophy and psychology. In addition to establishing the need for a confrontation, it will promote practical knowledge and application of the most suitable principles for an intercultural exchange, tending to the development of transpersonal psychology, which make extensive use of alternative categories and ways of thinking to the understanding of man.
  The goal is not specialized or archaeological: you are convinced that only by the disclosure and an accessible presentation of the various areas of research, you can stimulate the possibility of dialogue. Great attention will also be paid to all the theorists who have distinguished themselves by their work of promoting a world philosophy, away from Eurocentrism and exoticism: components that, unfortunately, for some time hinder a serious close examination of the issues in question.”
The Library.
With over 5000 volumes and more than 500 magazines including those completed and in progress, it is the result of a systematic collection of materials documenting the interests and the cultural commitment of this long experience. Schematically there are three sectors that comprise: religious sciences, humanities, international issues.
The School of Oriental Philosophy and Comparative. It is an initiative "higher education" of national level which was signed by many scholars as teachers of the most important Italian and foreign universities. And 'it sponsored by the University of Urbino
The Centre of Social Research, whose purpose is the production of qualitative knowledge of the marginal areas of our territory: knowledge of lifestyles, expectations, cultures with a particular attention to the action of volunteering. Reference point is the change of the Rimini company and the relationship with the condition of marginalization and social exclusion. Several researches have been carried out in recent years, in the field of immigration, the homeless, volunteering, etc.
Interazioni. City demonstration that winds throughout the year but with a particular concentration of initiatives in the form of "festival" in May and June. In this context, intercultural dialogue becomes practical relationship with the immigrant community involves both the knowledge of other cultures but also to confront the complex issues from the integration processes, with particular attention to the international context of the processes of globalization, the conflicts in act and causes of the lack of development of many areas of the planet.
Theut. Is the publishing activities of the Institute: essays, studies and research, periodicals, expression of his multifaceted activities.

Main Projects / Activities

A) SSFOC Scuola Superiore di Filosofia Orientale e Comparativa (include courses, seminars, scholarships),
B) Observatory of Social Research (survey of migratory phenomena in Central Italy),
C) "Interazioni" (Intercultural Festival),
D)"Theut" (editorial activities of the institute).
E) "Interazioni": a project involving the degree courses in Sociology, Social Sciences and Political Sciences of the University of Urbino; It should be a kind of "multiculturalism Festival".
F) "Sciamanismi": a project involving the Department of Social Anthropology of the Panteion University of social and political science - Athens;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A) Implement a dynamic exchange network of our teachers and students, as well as researchers;
B) Provide our catalog of over 40 years of research and study books.
C) Make our staff available for joint events with other organizations belonging to the ALF network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Allow our members to get in touch with the reality of training and knowledge in the Mediterranean cultures, enabling to implement the content acquired through the study activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Arcangelo Di Paolo
Job Title
Relations Manager
Head of the organisation
Gianluca Fabbri