peace and friendship organization منظمة السلام والصداقة الدولية-الأردن

National Network

Jordan-Amman-Marj-ALhamam p.o.box216
Amman 11710

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
peace and friend ship organization jordan voluntary organization it works to encorage volunteer chariaty work  to spread love and peace. we care for humanity and we work on a program( inner peace)  how to make a good friendly relations with people especially with those who live  in poverty and refugees and camps . number of our stuff is seven working in the office and we have volunteer team, and we support our selves by connecting with our friends, relatives and some food companies, our project: (think about others campaign ) started from 29th oct 2015 to help poor  people and refugees in diffrent cities in jordan, the campaign included many activeties with orphants , people in side elder houses , refugees (Christmas/Ramadan .... etc) we work for all religions to spread peace. our 2nd project ( love and peace panel ) to spread love and positive dialoge with people the project was done in cooperation with Greater Amman Municipality and it is the longest panel in the world wide.  our 3rd comming project (Ladies of love and peace).....
Mission and Objectives

our goals :
1) respect humans rights and treat everybody equaly 
2) encourage youth and children to live in peace and love each other and accept others the way they are .
3) freedom of opinion and improve the culture of positive dialoge .
4) reaching the special need people and children and support them .
5) fighting aganist poverty , helping poor people .
6) spread peace and love, specialy between students in schools .
7) stand for women and childrens rights

Main Projects / Activities

our projects :
1) peace land project 
2) love and peace panel project
3) refugees and displaced enterprise project
4) international peace program project 
read campaign to encourage reading , think of others , clothes campaign to help poor people

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to cooperate with others to bulid a new generation with positive thoughts and work to spread peace and love
starting with students in schools teaching them how to love , accept , respect and to teach them how to  be responsable to their country and to feel with others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i believe it will be very useful to join your ALF Network  to exchange experiances , to meet other organizations , working with them to spread peaceand love and caring for humanity . 
it is my pleasure to join your network .

Contact (1) Full Name
turath fayez dababneh
Job Title
head of the organization
Head of the organisation
تراث فايز دبابنه
Contact (2) Full Name
sawsan suhail haddad
Job Title (2)
activity coordonator