Liberal Democracy Institute of Egypt

National Network

132 Commercial Center Street
Fourth District, Elhadaba Elwosta

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The Liberal Democracy Institute of Egypt (LDI) is a Cairo-based think tank dedicated to studying, promoting, and advising policymakers on advancing human rights and fighting violent extremism, with the purpose to realize the long-aspired liberal democratization in Egypt. The Liberal Democracy Institute of Egypt (LDI) is registered in Egypt as a human rights non-profit non-governmental organization under license no. 10159/2016.
Mission and Objectives

LDI’s work is inspired by a vision to see Egypt becoming a secure and stable liberal democratic state, where citizens enjoy civil rights, economic welfare, and freedom from fear of violent extremism.
LDI mission is channeled into two parallel and interdependent tracks:
The first track is to study, educate citizens, and advice policymakers on best practices to achieve liberal democratization through advancing human rights and civil freedoms.
The second track is to help Egypt in its ongoing fight against all forms of "Islamic" violent extremism, which represents a serious threat, not only to the lives of innocent citizens and stability of the nation, but also to the advancement of liberal democracy and protection of human rights.
How we pursue our mission:
To pursue our mission, LDI employs research and advocacy mechanisms on two main levels:
1.   Government:
a. Monitoring and evaluating the performance of government, executive authority, and parliament in terms with respecting and protecting constitutional rights;
b. Advising policymakers, based on scientific research and documentation, on how to fight the ongoing threat of Islamic violent extremism in Egypt and the Middle East; and
c. Providing policy recommendations, innovative solutions, and direct consultations to state officials and parliamentarians on issues related to fighting corruption, human rights, women’s rights, and religious freedom.

2.  Public Citizens:
a. Educating citizens and disseminating knowledge on basic civil rights guaranteed by the Egyptian constitution and international treaties on which Egypt is a signatory;
b. Empowering politically marginalized groups (e.g. religious minorities, women, and youth) through on-hands training and involvement to play a political role in the newly transforming Egypt; and
c. Channeling a dialogue between ordinary citizens and government officials on municipal and national levels to guarantee direct citizen involvement in the decision-making process.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Research on advancing human rights and fighting violent extremism in Egypt: 
* Analysis Reports: (Read our reports:
* Public Opinion Surveys: (Read our survey analyses:
* Documentation: (Review our documentation reports:
2. Advocacy: (Visit page:
* Supporting State Decision Making: Monitoring the performance of government authorities and parliament and advising policymakers on human rights, liberal democratization, and fighting terrorism.
* Monitoring elections: We monitored Egyptian parliamentary elections of 2015 and plan to monitor all the next presidential and parliamentary elections in Egypt. 
* Watch the Human Rights Watch: A campaign to monitor the performance of international NGOs for political biase and abuse of their human rights status.
* The Popular Campaign against Muslim Brotherhood: an international campaign to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization based on documenting their violent crimes in Egypt since the ouster of their regime in 2013. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are studying, promoting, and advising policymakers and grassroot citizens on advancing liberal democratic values and merits while effectively fighting violent extremism. Our positive relationship with policymakers, including presidnetial office, state authorities, and Parliament on one hand, and our influence on grassroot citizens, especially women and youth on the other hand can make us a perfect fit for Anna Lindh national network in Egypt. We can help deliver the voice of our network to policymakers and expand our campaigns to include unified missions and vision of network members for the good of Egypt.
Meanwhile, our research and public opinion surveys could be used by network members as guidelines for how to manage they daily activities and long term goals to guarantee the greatest influence they seek on grassroots citizens.
Our Founding Director, Dalia Ziada is a former laureate of Anna Lindh Journalism Award. She enjoys great relations with fellow NGOs worldwide, which she can utilize to support the work of Anna Lindh Egypt's network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking to grow our organization connections and presence in Europe. Almost all countries on the Mideterranean region are facing the same threat of fighting terrorism and carry the same burdens of promoting good governance and human rights. We need to partner with like-minded organizations in our Mideterranean region to have a bigger influence on addressing these two issues in the next years.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalia Ziada
Job Title
Founding Director
Head of the organisation
Dalia Ziada