
National Network

via G.Marconi 85
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is composed by a permanent staff of 3 members plus a variable number of volunteers join for the specific events and activities, out budget is depending from the funding that we obtain after submitting our project to specific actions like Erasmus+. Our first project starting in april will be a cooperation under the Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service with various NGO in Europe that will let us to send our italian volunteers to work abroad in various cultural fields for a year, more projects like this are planned and submitted during the coming months. We are in partnership with local NGOs such as TdG - Torre dei Giovani of Torre del Greco (NA) and the Area Marina Protetta od Punta Campanella in order to promote in our area the youth involvement in the european projects. Our network of partners spreads allover europe and mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.
Mission and Objectives

Our NGO is active in the cultural field and in the promotion of european opportunities. We are the point of reference of a network of
public institutions, youth forums and NGOs with the aim of promoting the cultural initiatives in our area and trying to involve the
youngsters in the european dimension through projects, initiatives and mobility. Our staff and volunteers are involved in the
organization of events in order to communicate the opportunities offered by the European Community and promoting the
international collaboration in the field of culture and creativity, creating a network of artists, festivals and organizations and
promoting the organization of cultural exchanges and artistic events.

Main Projects / Activities

EVS program, we send our volunteers in Europe to work for volunteering projects under the Erasmus+ framework.
Erasmus+ Exchange and Training, we send and receive youth workers in the Erasmus+ framework to discuss topics such as cultural integration and expression, social and civic involvement and active citizenship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can bring our experience working with Meda partners and we can support the creation of a working network of NGOs in order to let young people from the involved countries to travel and work as volunteer in all the european and mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becuse we want to get involved in broader activities of cooperation and cultural integration with mediterranean countries, creating a bridge between our area of activity and the mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nona Simonyan
Job Title (2)