Ta'awon for conflicts Resolution

National Network

رام الله - البيرة
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Taawon has main staff (head , projects coordinator, projects manager, Accounatant) Ta’awon is seeking the support of local community, international organizations, and partnerships with civil society organizations to ensure sustainability of outreach to the target group, and overall aim to achieve our vision to enable Palestinian society to deal with conflict. Our target: Areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territories where conflict and the potential for conflict are highest  Young men and women  CSOs/ CBOs/ Youth Clubs  Governmental institutions we have 24 partners form youth organizations and CBOs, 50  volunteers from several universities anuual budget is : 200,000 dollar sources of fund: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency-Sida- \Olof Palme International centre \USAID\ Canadian International Development Agency\ Euro Med the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty American consulate\  NED \Catholic relief centre\ UNDP  
Mission and Objectives

mission: taawon is an independent, national, palestinian , non profit organization was flund to raise awareness of young people on effective and peaceful ways to deal with conflict and to develope understanding and respect via the integration of concepts of mediation and civic education with CSOs, educational institutions and civic community  
objectives: 1-consequences of conflict are reduced through the promotion of peacefulconflict resolution tools 2- promotingsocial justice , civic peace, human rights , tolerance and participation 3-enhancing its technical and administrative capacity 4-improve financial sustainablity and enhanced ability to cope with financial shocks

Main Projects / Activities

the latest projects we implement during 2014-2016
Increase of Civic-engagement with local councils in cooperation with USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
form community councils and  to foster confidence and trust between citizens and local councils.  Increase in transparency between citizens and local municipal bodies ,Increase knowledge of local municipal policies among citizens ,Increase in capacity of CSO to deal with community needs
partners for change:in cooperation with USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
The objective of the project effective civic participation by the targeted communities in identifying community issues and encouraging collaborative positive initiatives to achieve desired social change. Project succeeded in forming groups of leaders in the targeted locations with high awareness, commitment and civic participation knowledge and practice. Those leaders are capable now to lead community work and mobilize resources to tackle community needs independently.
The adoption of the draft on the law of Mediation in Palestinian law:
The objective of the project was to adopt and approve the draft law on mediation for the settlement of disputes in the Palestinian law
Good Governance project funded by olof palme center :
which aims to develop the capacity of civil society organizations and governmental institutions, human rights and the values of good governance, which includes all forms of good governance, transparency, fairness, democracy Elections, accountability, civil rights, justice and equity, and other forms of values and good governance practices. It also aims to make changes in the behavior of organizations and individuals involved in the project to understand and practice the values of good governance within the institutions and try to build partnerships for effective practices for good governance. The target institutions saw a lot of behaviors conflicting with the values of good governance, especially those concerning the exercise of elections within institutions or decision-making, accountability and transparency, and had noted the Foundation's cooperation during project implementation to more missing values within these organizations is the absence of youth participation in management and decision
religious peace makers funded by USIP
Goal: The main goal of the project is to bring a positive change in the minds of the Palestinian population, especially the youth, through implementing values of respect, tolerance, coexistence and peace. To do so, it’s important to rehabilitate the clergy and workers in religious institutions –as they are one of the mainstream opinion influences for the society- through specialized courses abroad to learn from a multicultural world and training courses in religious speech management and life values based on tolerance, respect, diversity and multiculturalism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ta'awon For Conflicts Resolution  has plenty of local and international experiences in the field of dealing with democratic dialogue\ conflict\ women \rights of youth\ education and have large segments of partners from governmental and private institutions, universities and schools.
Ta'awon has many training manuals and reports and important sources that contribute to broadening partnerships and has a lot of ideas that achieve objectives of anna lindh network message

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ta'awon for Conflicts resolution seeks to join the anna lindh network to the belief that the network provide constructive ideas and programms and projects that contribute to community development and political development of the Palestinian society and deepen the Palestinian community orientations toward dialogue, democracy and human rights.
Ta'awon wants sharing her thoughts with the network because Ta'awon has experienced about 12 years in civil action especially in projects and programmes dealing with conflict
Ta'awon believes that working in partnership with international networks, these networks are an opportunity to exchange knowledge and skills with each other .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanadi nasrallah
Job Title
projects coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hani Smirat