Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management

National Network

Street Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Partners Albania is a local nonprofit organization in Albania. PA is member of PDCI Network, Euclid Network, BSCDN and other platforms at regional and international level. PA is governed by an independent Board of Directors comprised of distinguished personalities from various fields of life. Partners Albania has 17 full time staff, about 28 external professionals. The main funding sources and partners are a range of donors and international organizations, including EU, USAID, US Embassy in Albania, British Embassy in Albania, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, SDC, OSFA, Olof Palme International Center, RBF, BTD, OSCE, UNDP, World Bank, etc. PA has a long collaboration history with many local organizations in Albania, in Western Balkans, SEE and EU and at the global, and other relevant actors including government institutions at central and local level, academia, media, business etc. PA annual budget various from 450.000-600.000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

Partners Albania is an independent Albanian NPO, with a mission to advance civil society and a culture of change and conflict management in Albania. Partners Albania is a member of Partners Global, a partnership of 19 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change. Partners Albania activity main purpose is to build the platforms for communities, civil society organizations, government and business to resolve conflict and advance constructive change. The five programmatic areas of work where the organization is focused are: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Enabling environment for CSOs and sustainable development; Philanthropy and Social Responsibility; Women and youth employment and increased representation in decision making. The main projects implemented by PA relates to: capacity building programs for individuals and institutions; research; facilitation of participatory processes; organization of public events i.e conferences, workshops, study visits, fairs, exchanges, related to innovative and important topics for the sector and country development; seed funding; coaching and technical assistance etc.

Main Projects / Activities

• LËVIZ Albania / MOVE Albania (funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) • RISI Albania – Making the labor market working for youth (funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) • Democracy and Governance in Albania (USAID) • Philanthropy in Support of Economic Development and Social Inclusion in Albania (funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) • Establishment of Social Enterprises: to improve the situation of unemployed in the region of Tirana, Durres and Elbasan (funded by UN Women) • Promotion and Development of Social Enterprises and Social Innovation in Albania (funded by OSFA) • IGA Project - Inter Gera Ação (funded from the EU, Europe for Citizens Programme) • Join Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen - Friendly Union (funded from the EU, Europe for Citizens Programme) • Balkan Civil Society Acquis – Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs (funded by EU) • Enhancing transparency and accountability of e-public procurement at the local level (funded by British Embassy & Netherlands Embassy in Tirana) • “Platform Web 2.0 - Albanian NPO Community” (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Increase citizen participation in policy making and implementation (funded by Olof Palme International Center • Increase Representation of Women in Rural Areas in Political and Social Life (funded by EU and OSFA) • Cities without corruption – Cities with a future (funded by British Embassy in Tirana &World Bank Institute • Urban Governance/integrity building in south east Europe (funded by World Bank Group) • Promoting and Strengthening Democracy through Citizens Participation in Electoral and Participatory Processes (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Civil society and local self-governments in enhancing social cohesion in Albania and Montenegro (funded by EU) • Towards an alternative tourism in the cross border area of Albania and Macedonia (funded by EU) • Strengthening Democratic Practices of Active Citizens Participation in Electoral Processes (funded by US Embassy in Tirana; & Balkan Trust for Democracy) • Enhancing youth employment through training and labor market orientation (funded by OSFA) • Enhancement of Women’s Role in Governance (funded by OSCE) • Revision of Fiscal Legal Framework for the Non-Profit Sector (OSFA) • Building the capacities of civil society organizations to promote participatory consultations in policy formulation processes in Albania (Balkan Trust for Democracy) • Young Entrepreneurs of Albania (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Participatory Budgeting at Central Level (funded by Olof Palme International Center and OSFA) • The research project “Challenges and Opportunities for Employment of Marginalized Groups by Social Enterprise” (funded through the Regional Research Promotion Programme for the Western Balkans, which is run by the University of Fribourg upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partners Albania is a leading organization in the civil society sector in Albania. It is serving volunteer for many years, as a resource center for the sector, contributing to the strengthening of the civil society sector capacities, their promotion, building up bridges of communication with other relevant stakeholders, including government, media, academia and business.
Considering so, Partners Albania can contribute to the Network in our country through capacity building, process facilitation, network promotion in the country and region, initiation of project ideas, implementation, etc.
Partners Albania can contribute also in the establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale. The efforts of Partners Albania have brought about numerous policy changes in Albania, fostering economic and social development. The organization is committed to improving the lives of Albanians, particularly through the creation of economic mobility for young people who have been plagued by high unemployment and a lack of opportunity. All these initiatives and the experience of Partners Albania would help a lot the network in the good governance, development of education and youth, gender initiatives, and in general in a more sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partners Albania fits and feels part of ALF Network’s mission. PA used to be member of the network since its creation. It was one of the first organizations in Albania that was part of the national network and participated in local and international events. PA can contribute to the promotion of the Network values, networking, and undertaking of various initiatives within ALF focus and mission, at the national, regional and international level, and initiation and implementation of joint projects. The fact that ALF is a large and diverse Network is an opportunity for promoting exchanges and field missions with organizations part of the network with the purpose of learning from good practices. Another reason is to increase its visibility worldwide and to cooperate and contribute with its capacities in different projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariola Agolli
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Juliana Hoxha
Contact (2) Full Name
Elona Kapexhiu
Job Title (2)
Communication Manager